This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 411 Create Your Own Plot

Chapter 411 Create Your Own Plot
Brother Ruoran has his own understanding of what business gameplay is.

Most people subconsciously think that it is nothing more than territory construction and simulated management, but what if there is no territory for you to build at the beginning?

As soon as every demon player goes online, it is impossible for the system to give you a piece of land, and then let you develop from scratch on this land.

This requires every demon player to rely on his own strength and grow up in the way of a demon in the abyss battlefield.

How does the demon grow?

Naturally, when doing what the devil should do, follow the growth trajectory of the devil.

In these aspects, players' exploration is still very shallow, and there are different opinions on the Internet. Combining his own experience and understanding, Ruoran thinks that the "plot"-oriented gameplay is the correct answer.


Newcomers will think that the plot is the one that arranges the script, only needs to follow the prompts to talk and make corresponding steps, and watch the whole process of the play.

Veteran players have a deeper understanding.

In Canaan, players can create their own plots, go deep into the plots created by themselves, and deeply relate and interact with the plot characters.The plots created by yourself can also be upgraded to general plots, regional plots, and even world plots.

This has long been introduced on the official website, but no player has ever achieved it.

Growing up in a demonic way is a kind of plot.

Demon players need to discover opportunities and take the initiative to find opportunities, instead of simply and mindlessly running to the refresh area to farm monsters and upgrade, or to receive some rigid tasks, and complete the tasks to gain experience.

In the past, it was okay to use a demon disguise to pretend to be another race profession when hanging out in the game area, but now it is not possible. All newborn demon players have to go through the test of how to grow up in the abyss.

It's hard to pass this test.

Almost 80% of the newcomers are stuck on this level, like headless flies, unable to find the direction to get started, and they are still spinning in the safe zone until now.As a veteran of 'Rebirth', Brother Ruoran naturally wouldn't make the same mistakes as them.

Just like this task.

A new player found a lair of 'wild' demons. The system gave him two mission modes to choose from, one is to exterminate and the other is to sneak in. The new player is not stupid, just look at the monsters defending outside. Knowing the degree of difficulty of the first one, I chose to sneak in.

How to sneak in?
His understanding is like being a thief, sneaking into the owner's house to steal things, and the end is to become the corpse outside.

After his mission failed, the opportunity was left to the latecomers, but the latter players were not as good as him, so they chose the first one, forming a team of little devils to come here to spawn monsters, and the fate can be imagined. The stature, the despicable data, just like a group of goblins, a monster can wipe them out.

Brother Ruoran is different.

He first spent two days observing, patiently and carefully observing this camp of wild demons.

It was discovered that this place is not just a demon, but a team composed of many little demons and big demons.

After the order of the abyss on the 97th floor collapsed, many scattered demons became wild demons, just like after the order of a kingdom collapsed, grassroots teams dreaming of "chasing the Central Plains" sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Since it is an 'entrepreneurial group', it is naturally 'thirsty for talents'. Brother Ruoran determined the action steps after long-term observation.

The stone door opened, and a little devil appeared behind the door. Looking carefully, he was almost the same as Ruoran's image, except for some inconspicuous details, such as the angle and color of the horns protruding from the forehead, and the shape of the little devil's wings. There is a slight difference in the frequency of opening and vibrating.

"I won't die if you die!" Brother Ruoran replied in a vicious voice, and walked into the door swaggeringly.

"How's the situation outside? Are those undead who claim to be players gone?" the little devil asked after him.

"It's gone long ago, those things are cowardly like goblins"

"Goblin?", the little devil screamed nervously: "Can the goblin conquer the entire plane?"

"That's the senior professionals among them, these are just worm-like existences, don't worry."

"My lord was just thinking about whether to move, and those things are like cockroaches, so many popped up all at once"


While the little devil was chattering, Brother Ruoran passed a long corridor and came to a crypt like the main tomb.

What caught the eye was the flickering fire, and the small underground cave was filled with all kinds of dirty and suspicious goods, such as farm materials packed in broken wooden crates, and equipment left by demon players on the battlefield. The food, cloth, water, ore, etc. of the material world are piled up everywhere.

On a throne piled up with more than a dozen wooden boxes, a devil with an octopus head, a human body, and a goat's hooves sits cross-legged. With his chin resting on one hand, he looks in the direction of Brother Ruoran, with unknown meaning in his eyes. of light.

"Lord Foluoge, Erte is back."

Report from fellow little devils.

In the cave, the big devil is acting as a guard, guarding the entrances leading to all directions, and the little devil is packing up the goods on the ground. The scene reminds Ruoran brother of the Journey to the West that he watched when he was a child. The little monster transformed by Monkey King walks into the group of monsters The cave in the cave is probably the same as it is now.

"Ert? Fili, you idiot!"

The middle demon didn't move at all, but his voice sounded like a giant dragon roaring. The whole cave was trembling, and all the demons, big and small, stopped their movements and looked over together.

"Aren't you Erte!?" The little devil Feili took a step away and stared at Brother Ruoran resentfully.

"Shut up!", the middle demon yelled at Feili, then looked at Brother Ruoran: "Tell me why you came!"

If brother takes off his disguise, he is still a little devil, "I am here to rely on you, my lord."

"Take refuge in me?" The middle demon's eyes changed a little, "You have so many demons, why do you take refuge in me?"

"Master Demon King issued a decree, all the demons under his command have to fend for themselves!" Brother Ruoran thumped and knelt down, "I really can't do anything, please take care of me, Lord."

"Hey~", the middle demon sat up straight, "Why does your Lord Demon King...ah, you have too many of them?"

"Yes, my lord, there are too many newborn demons, and the Lord Demon King can't afford to keep them." Brother Ruoran took a few steps on his knees and went deep into the self-created plot with his Oscar-winning acting skills.

"What's going on, tell me in detail!", the median demon shouted loudly.

"It's like this..." Then it was a fool.

For demons, an intelligent race with 'group memory', visitors from outside the domain are not uncommon. The famous mind flayers, beholders, and giant dragons are all visitors from outside the domain, coming from another crystal wall system.

The original mind flayers and giant dragons were not what they are now. After a long period of 'localization', they stabilized and formed the current intelligent race.

Generally speaking, the intelligent races that can reach Canaan from the crystal wall system are naturally not mediocre. After 'localization', their extraordinary characteristics will be preserved, but for the sake of balance, these creatures The number of them is limited, so is the mind flayer, and so is the dragon.

Come to think of it... the same goes for this weird alien species?

Although they look like demons, they also look like demons, and they still regard themselves as demons - the middle demon Diarte thinks so.

If you can't support such a large number of subordinates, it seems that you have to limit their number-localization?

The median demon has far more group memory than the big and small demons. If you think about it, the result of self-imagining is that you think you have found the answer, so you relax.

"That's it, my lord, we were inexplicably brought into this world and became players. In fact, in fact..."

"Needless to say, I know!" Diarte interrupted Ruoran's flickering, "Are there, er... are there many players like you?"

"...What do you mean?"

"I need more players to join me, yes, that's it, more, do you have a solution?"

Brother Ruoran was stunned for a moment, more, how much do you want, let the wind out, you can submerge your place today, believe it or not?
But there was a look of embarrassment on his face.

"What's the use of a little devil, I have plenty of work here, as many as you recruit, I will... I will grant you the corresponding title and title."

If Brother Ruoran almost failed, the title and title touched his sensitivity, and the system notification also came, reminding him that the mission has entered the second stage of free development.


He almost nodded in agreement.

"...Happy to serve you, my lord, you know that there are mostly idiots everywhere. Although your request is difficult, I will do my best to fulfill it."

"Very good!", the color of the ID on Diarte's head changed, from the monster's bright red to dark blue, the system prompts, the first stage of the mission - the latent completion, the reward experience and promotion points (for promotion to the Great Demon) also pays off quickly.

Who will believe it?
Ten minutes later, Ruoran walked out of the entrepreneurial group's activity base with the 'activity funds' allocated by Diarte and the ID prefix—the chief liaison officer appointed by Lord Diarte. The identity camp has quietly changed. Without the organization, he is no longer a grassroots little devil with no roots.

"Wahhaha, I told you that it's time to turn around!" Ruoran laughed and sent a message to two friends, and posted the task of recruiting players on the regional channel.

Regional channel on the 97th floor of the abyss:
"La la la, la la la, I think back then, when my team just opened, there were only four or five people, seven or eight guns..."

"Liar, brothers, don't fall for it."

"I've never heard of people who can rely on NPCs."

"He's not seeking refuge with an NPC, he's seeking refuge with a monster, brother"

"Is it the hostile camp?"

"Isn't it the same thing?"

"Hua people can't be trusted. Hua people eat dogs, just like devils."

"Why don't you say that people in the cold country eat more fiercely?"

"You don't care what I eat..."


A lot of messy news.

Regional channels do not require expensive world speakers, nor do they need 20 physical points, nor do they have a cooling time. They have become the hardest hit areas for daily watering, bragging, quarreling, scolding, cheating, begging, team formation, and CP. , I usually can’t watch it, old players are generally blocked, and only go back and shout when needed.

The enthusiasm of Mengxin to speak is high, especially the demon players.

The incomprehensible racial occupation gameplay, the super-difficult introduction to business strategies, the boredom and suffering of being trapped in the abyss and unable to enter the game area... The excitement and reserve of the hidden professional race have long been wiped out, and many suicides have relapsed. Come (hidden races have a free re-start).

Of course, news from regional channels cannot be taken seriously.

Brother Ruoran's private chat window was quickly flooded, and many players who told others not to be deceived sent application messages out of honesty.

"Since you can still rely on monsters?"

Hu Xinmin smiled and turned off the private chat channel of his friends, and told Zhang Miao who was busy on the road.

The sun is shining brightly in the game area, and it is a rare good weather. Starting from Punk City, the Papa York caravan in the Far East City is composed of more than a dozen pack animals. There are hundreds of guards above the player's dust, plus NPCs, a small two hundred People are mighty, walking on the path with dense forests on both sides.

Zhang Miao is not a guard, but has already entered the N caravan with honor, and became one of the small merchants who partnered with him. He sat on the horse, built an awning with his hands, looked at the distant hills, and said, "Old Nie seems to be We don’t have to worry about him now that we’ve gotten started, and we hope this time we can open up a business route that no one else has discovered.”

"Difficult!", Hu Xinmin is a guard. He doesn't have a horse to ride. His own mount is fine for a short time, but traveling for a long time is too expensive. He can save as much as he can. Now, how can there be any chance left for you?"

"It's not the same. They can't go to some places." Zhang Miao said, "The level and strength depend on it. The cost of hiring NPC guards is too high, and it's not something ordinary people can handle."

"Good luck then."

"When I arrive at the Extreme East City, I will go to the Hengduan Mountains. The hostile camp has a gap there. I heard that there are many NPCs from the neutral camp in the mountain..."

"Now the system encourages players to do business, which is a way to make a fortune, but if you have a good relationship, the silence of game behavior will end soon, and you don't want to upgrade?"

"Sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. If you don't have money, you are nothing. We ordinary players have to see the situation clearly... I guess, it will become more and more difficult to upgrade in the future, and the post-game era is coming soon."

"Post-game era?"

"It means that the public beta is about to come."

"Fart, this is only 6 tests, who knows if there are seven, eight, ninety, eleven or twelve, I can't see it based on the urine nature of the system."

"No, at most the 9th test will be the public beta, maybe the 9th test will be the public beta."

"How did you know?"

"Look at the tens of millions of people online this time, the last time it was a million people, even though it didn't reach this number in the end, how many people will be in the next test?"

"...There won't be [-] million people online, right?", I don't think it's anything, but Hu Xinmin is frightened when I say it

"It's very then everyone will be players, and everyone will be free to play up and down the game. What do you mean if it's not a public beta?"

(End of this chapter)

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