Chapter 412

Kobold Mine, Singh and his teammates are hitting the gold medal for the seventh time.

The kobold chief raised his hand and there was a flash of lightning. Singer couldn't dodge it. The second time limit was also offset by a magic resistance novice magic outfit.

He rolled a lazy donkey in time, ran away from the boss, jumped up and poured a bottle of red medicine into his mouth, another Chinese savage teammate from the new team stepped on top, took over the hatred with one blow, and let the other three Chinese Teammates output to their heart's content.

The bows and arrows equipped by all three are also custom-made novice costumes. The arrows shot have a probability of appearing control effects. After several rounds of shooting, the eternal alliance of the Elf Captain Alliance finally triggered the arrow's "flame deflagration" As a result, with a bang, the arrow exploded on the BOSS's body, blasting out pieces of damage value.

The boss roared, thrust the scepter in front of him, and began to pray.

"Attention, it's time to zoom in!"

The Alliance of the Alliance forever screamed on the team channel with a tune-changed voice. Singer, who had just recovered, bit the bullet and slashed at the BOSS's protective aura—it didn't work, and was bounced away.

"Output, full output!!"

The output is not enough, and the aura of protection cannot be broken within a limited time. The big move is about to be released, and the teammates don't care about the front row and the back row. They rush forward and slash at the standing boss.

The damage values ​​went up one after another. Fortunately, all five of them had custom-made novice costumes, and they managed to shatter the boss's protective aura before the ultimate move was released.

The big move was interrupted, and only five or six mobs were summoned. The alliance, the eternal alliance, was overjoyed, and quickly asked another barbarian teammate to entangle these mobs, Singla held the hatred, and the others output as much as they could.

The battle group fought from the left side of the altar to the right, and then from the right to the left. Red medicine, stamina medicine, status medicine... as long as it was available to novices, they all poured it into their mouths as if they didn't need money. Unable to stand it anymore, the blood tank bottomed out a few times, but was pulled back a little by the red medicine with difficulty, but there was one barbarian teammate missing, and if he was responsible for the injury alone, if there was a slight accident, he would have to die.

I'm really worried about what's coming!
A BOSS resisting the ring of fire, his movements were a little slower, and he didn't move away from the most powerful front. He was hit by the skill, and the barbarian who was more than two meters away was pushed out without weight, and a big man appeared in midair. critical strike damage, the blood bar is instantly emptied.

Singer was desperate, but when he landed, he found that he was not killed, and there was less than 10 points of blood left. It turned out that the captain used the vital healing effect of a novice costume to save him from free. He was dragged off the plane back to the city.

"damn it……"

A Chinese teammate wanted to scold, but the BOSS turned around and gave him a kick. A ground spear pierced through his buttocks and pierced the top of his head. He dealt full damage. If he returned to the city in a white light, he would not be able to scold him later. up.

Killing a teammate, Singer fell from joy to despair. The captain of the alliance, the eternal alliance, could still fight and hold on. He was blown three meters away by the fireball of the boss. With embers all over his body, he jumped up and went The potion was poured into the mouth.

Singer's HP has recovered to less than half, and he had to go on top, screaming, and slashed at the right hand of the boss. Unexpectedly, there will be a 'destroyed' effect that does not have a 1% probability, and he will kill it with a single blow. The hand holding the staff was cut off.


The scepter falls to the ground, indicating that it can be picked up.

This kind of shit luck made the eyes of the remaining 3 teammates turn red, and the barbarian teammates didn't care about the mobs. They rushed back and couldn't get the hatred of the boss, so they chased after the boss who chased Singer, and followed behind. A string of mobs.

The formation, configuration, and division of labor are all fucking messed up, and the eternal alliance of the alliance is no longer in command. It just keeps calling output, output, output, damn it!

Everyone tried their best, as if they were killing their own father and enemy. Singer still couldn't find a gap to replenish blood, and escaped several counterattacks from the boss in a thrilling manner. .

Another white light sent him back to the city for free.

There were a lot of people outside the dungeon, and Singer's unwilling cry continued from inside the dungeon to outside the dungeon, dodging left and right at the resurrection point like a madman... This scene is so common, the nearby players are not surprised, just dodge a little.

"Are you fucking stupid!?"

Seeing that he was about to drink red medicine again, the Hua Guoren teammate who hung out first quickly stopped him, grabbed his collar, blushed and yelled thickly.

Singer just woke up, desperate for a moment, and felt that he would definitely miss the gold medal.

God knows how difficult it is for him.

In order to stay in the team, he praises the stinky feet of the Chinese people every day, and is ordered by them, ridiculed, ridiculed, and teased... "I mean, you don't care about it!" Singer, who felt that he was definitely going to be kicked out of the team, also Exploding, he pushed away the Hua Guoren teammate and poured down the red medicine.

As the saying goes, if you don't die in silence, you will explode in silence. The surprised appearance of Hua Guoren's teammates made him extremely painful, and he was about to vent all the grievances he had suffered during this period of time on the team channel.

"...Hold on, it's the last tube of blood."

Is there still a chance?

The three teammates remaining in the dungeon can still fight. There is a barbarian who is resistant to damage, and both of them are output. As long as the barbarian is strong, there is still hope that the last blood of the boss will be worn away.

"Well... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I just... I was too excited just now, woo..."

In order to redeem, he shamefully shed 'tears'.

The Chinese teammates didn't have any doubts, "Fuck, why didn't you stop the hatred just now, so that I died?"

You fucking suck at me for operating it yourself?

The boss is raised by my family, whoever I ask him to fight can fight?

"Sorry, my fault, I won't do it next time."

"Next time, next time, hell, if the captain didn't save face, he would have kicked you out a long time ago, what the hell is next time, go back and form your teammate Ah San."

Too much, too much!
Even the players on the side looked sideways, waiting for Singer to explode, and turned back.

Singer blushed and babbled for a long time, but he didn't dare to scold.

"This man has such a good temper!"

"I think it's too ugly?"

"It doesn't look like a national uniform?"

"I'm sure, whoever is used to your stink in the national service, if you want me, whoever it is, I'll chop it off with one knife."

"The national service is about to open, what time is it?"

"It's 5 o'clock, slip away, and prepare for the national uniform."

"...I'm not going to be the main force in the national uniform, shit!"

Singer really wanted to hit this nasty face fiercely, his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles skills are amazing, he held back his life, and accompanied him with a smiling face, as if he couldn't fight back when he was beaten or scolded, Be sure to wait until the end of the dungeon to see the result before deciding whether to turn your face.

If he is lucky enough to pass the level, he will definitely retreat in seconds, and he will be full of hatred for the players in Huaguo all his life. He swears that he will be incompatible with these few. In the future, when his level of combat power rises, he must, must... still be obsessed with it, team channel With a scream, three white lights flashed around him continuously, and at the same time, he received a system notification that the customs clearance failed.

"It's all my fault, you've done more than fail!"

If it weren't for the novice protection that couldn't PK, Singer's fist would have been raised, and the captain's alliance and the eternal alliance came out with two teammates dejected. It's melted, and the output is almost a little bit, I rely on it!"

"Captain, let's kick this Ah San, he's the one who slows down every time!"

Singer was about to say, I don't need you to kick, I will retreat by myself, but I didn't expect that the eternal alliance of the alliance raised its hand and kicked this annoying Huaguo teammate.

"No...captain, you kicked the wrong ball!"

The League Forever Alliance ignored him and patted Singer on the shoulder, "You performed well, just a little bit, and you will succeed next time."

"Captain, kicked me, did you make a mistake?", the annoying Huaguo player was still yelling.

"Who knows who is responsible, we are not blind," Barbarian's teammate said in a cool tone, "It depends on the timing of bullying, and it would be bad to delay everyone's employment."


Singer was very moved, "Captain..."

"It's okay, keep the current level, the gold medal will definitely be won!", the alliance's eternal alliance said apologetically, "It was all a joke before, there is no malice, don't take it to heart."

Singer: Captain...

"I'm going to cry, I'm going to cry, the third brother is so touched, haha..." The third teammate, who is also Singer's most hated Chinese teammate, laughed cheaply.

Singer secretly hated himself for being worthless, just now he hated him to death, he was being a little fairer to him, just knelt and licked like this... But there was still the excitement of finally getting the approval of his teammates, and in a blink of an eye, the grievances he had suffered before became unimportant up.

Of course, this is also related to the thigh hug behind the captain's alliance forever.

Gold medals are expected, only fools want to be kicked out.

"No, you guys are just doing it for a San...Okay, okay, we'll see!"

"Go away, you've been around for so long, you can't be blamed, your operation is as bad as shit, you throw the pot away every day, and you don't even look at what time it is, you don't have any vision at all.", the most hated Huaguo teammate He raised his middle finger at this person, and then patted Singer's shoulder with rare seriousness, "Good job, keep it up, or you will be next."

"Maybe it's you?"

As soon as the words came out, Singer regretted it. Unexpectedly, the teammate who hated Huaguo the most was stunned for a moment. He was surprised and said happily, "That's right, if I can't keep up with the captain, I'm fine with kicking me. The third one is good." Ha, that's it, if you have anything to say, just say it, and you will only make people think that you are pretending to be like a little daughter-in-law, and doubt your intentions, just like this, fixed team, logging tired!"

"Well, I'm tired of logging!"

Singer suddenly finds this guy much more pleasing to the eye now.

He was in a complicated mood when he watched the alliance's eternal alliance turn its face and drive away that person. He felt that the people of Huaguo were not all bad people, at least they were enough... fart, I won't be bought just like this, look at their performance, um, yes, Look at the performance.

The battle to open the server in the first district of the Huaguo National Server is about to start. At 6:[-] p.m., the eternal alliance of the alliance originally wanted to get the gold medal and go through the job transfer task, so that they can be marked as the "main force". To make soy sauce.

"Third, are you going?"

"Ah I?"

Singer was a bit caught off guard by the proposal of an alliance forever.

"Yes, it's very easy to change your game membership. If you come to our national server, it will be convenient for you to join families and gangs in the future."

"Yes, can you?"

"Would you like to?"

Original intention, too original intention.

I don’t know how long it will take to start the hardcore server. Up to now, there is not even a player who has taken office with a gold medal, but there are a few American Americans of Hardiness, and they are still among the top 100 players who have won a gold medal.

Just like this, on the offline network, a group of hardcore cloud players also "climaxed", as if their national server had won a gold medal and took office, and a few asked them to change back to the hardcore game membership. It's not about changing their real status. As proud tough people, they definitely agree, who knows...

"I am from the United States, from the United States. I love my national server. I am willing to contribute to the national service of the United States and change my game membership? NO, NO"

Singer felt hot when he thought of the interview clips of the stupid reporters. The Chinese people are too imaginative and wishful thinking. The pride of the country caused a hard player like him to lose face.

I won't change... Ah, I won't change my game membership for the time being, I also want to contribute to the establishment of the hard national server - he thought at that time.

"It's easy to say what you want. I know someone here. I'll help you ask."

"...Thank you Captain."

There is no way, the people of Huaguo are too enthusiastic, and Singer feels a little 'hard to give up'. Joining the Huaguo national service is naturally a great thing, at least for now, the national service task, the bonus distributed by the establishment of the first district can be eaten When it arrives, the advantages established by Huaguo players in the early stage can also be enjoyed.

"Let's go, go to Extreme East City and wait."


The advantage of opening the national service zone is that if you don’t get a job, Mengxin can go to the extreme east city and take a teleportation. It’s still free, and the national service is sold. In the main city on the edge of the east.

Walking out of the teleportation array, the first feeling is that it is big.

What a big city.

The most eye-catching building is a towering and majestic temple spire, even more spectacular than real skyscrapers, because they are all inlaid with extravagant magic materials, flowing magic power and shrouded 'holy light' , making each temple look like a crystal palace.

Dazzling, people can't take their eyes off.

The second feeling is that there are many people, many people, but not chaotic, bustling, all kinds of Chinese players, various titles, various capes, various mounts, all kinds of amazing pets...

Singer was like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, shocked by the coming grand atmosphere, and timidly followed behind the captain and other Huaguo players.

There are also many Mengxins who have nothing. Like Singer and the others, groups of teleporters poured out, yelling and excitedly pouring into all parts of the city.

"Clang clang!!"

The giant bronze bell on the bell tower rang, and the headquarters rented by the national server had been listed, and the regional story missions in the first area of ​​the server were opened to all players of the national server.

Veteran players are more reserved, while newcomers cheer and flock to the registration point.

"Third brother, it's done!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to the formalities."

(End of this chapter)

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