This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 413 The Battle of the National Clothes

Chapter 413 The Battle of the National Clothes
Beforehand, no one knew what the opening of the national service area would look like.

They are all online, they are all in the same game area, and they are all on the same 'server'. Isn't the so-called national server just a staking enclosure? After that, if you go from one national server to another, do you need to apply for a visa, which is equivalent to going abroad? up?
There are different opinions about the so-called national server offline, and the detailed agency agreement wiki has revealed, but a lot of technical terms make people drowsy.

Some professionals have analyzed that the so-called national service is actually to "carve up" players and distribute online benefits to various agents and the national organizations represented behind them.

When it comes to sharing the cake, everyone is naturally trying to be the first, lest they fall behind.

Doing so will actually damage the interests of the players. Think about it, everyone used to have only one "mother-in-law" on top of their heads, but now there is an extra one out of thin air, and they have to pay an extra tax, and what did the agent bring to Canaan ?Need server resources urgently?Offline promotion ability?Higher game experience and service?

NO, NO, none of these Canaan is needed.

But without the agent, Canaan's internationalization situation would not be possible, and the vast majority of players in the international server would not be able to participate in this test, and the interests of being a player would not matter.

The first stop of the Huaguo national server development area is based on the extreme east city, and all Huaguo national server players can participate. Here, the concept of "game membership" is extended.

There is a very important item in the operating agency agreement, which was once a difficult point in the negotiation, that is, "players have the right to freely choose and change the game area server", which was written into the general terms of the operating agency. In this test got implemented.

Each player has a default 'native place', which is the initial 'game membership', which belongs to the agents of each country, and the agents have their management and service authority.

In the national server of the agent "Happy Horse Enclosure", the players under the banner must abide by the various game rules introduced by the agent, on the premise that they cannot conflict with the highest level of authority of the central intelligence brain, and players can get all games within the scope of the national server Agents have the right to supervise behaviors and business activities, and can therefore specify various rules and gameplay.It can develop, launch, create and develop gameplay and content that meet the characteristics of regional agents, and has the right to interpret and own these gameplay and content, and has the right to tax the value it generates.

When it comes to taxation, in the "Central Intellectual Brain", each operating agent can be regarded as an entity, and the taxes and fees generated by all players under this entity will be returned to the agent operator in the name of "tax refund", and then Coupled with the system authority mastered by the operating agent and its own operating income, it is very, very objective.

Some small and poor countries just count on this vote to get rich.

It can be seen from these contents that "game membership" is very important. For each agent, the number of players under its banner is related to their core interests. Some small and medium-sized agents who do not have enough game qualifications can rely on some Preferential policies attract players from other national servers to join, so the concept of changing the game membership without changing the actual nationality is derived.

But most of the agents are not vegetarian. On the one hand, they are also doing various small tricks to poach people. On the one hand, they are also trying to attract players to bring their own dry food in terms of gameplay, content, and rules. One of the most powerful moves is to bind the game membership with the real nationality, and use offline laws and regulations and various door frames to restrict the flow of players from their own national server to other national servers.

"You are a hardness person, how can you join the Huaguo national server? Do you know how many players are there in the full hardness? It is the hardness that gives you the game qualification, how can you..."

"No, who are you?"

"I am...the observer representative sent by the hardness operation agent to the Huaguo National Service Development Zone."

"Sir, don't talk nonsense with him. He has no right to stop you from changing your server. If you talk too much, it's like complaining to the system."


"Have you guys discussed it?"

"Third brother, hurry up and go through the formalities."

"I protest, I protest that the Huaguo national server uses asymmetric advantages to lure players from other national servers, protest!"

"Don't pay attention to him... welcome to join the Huaguo national server, dear player, after changing the server, you have a chance to change your ID for free, which will be provided by the Huaguo operating agent for free. Do you need this service?"

"……team leader?"

"You can do it yourself."

"Let's call it Wolf Way."

"Is the way of the wolf sure?"


"Congratulations on your successful naturalization, and welcome to join the big family of Huaguo National Service. This is your new game number, a very auspicious number, so many 8."

"Captain, what does 8 represent?"

"The Meaning of Getting Rich"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai, bring the red envelope!"

"Don't make trouble... have the procedures been completed?"

"It's over."

"Slipped, slipped, the mission to start the server went."

The game registration change office in Extreme East City is crowded with people. Not only is Singer a player who was attracted by the tasks and bonuses of opening the server and opening the door, but the permanent representative went to pester another hard player who came to go through the formalities, Singer Take the opportunity to slip away, lest he be remembered.

As soon as you walk out the door, it feels a little different.

Huaguo national uniform!
A large courtyard filled with mission NPCs played by real people. Players lined up in a long line. When Singer and the others arrived, the first battle of the opening zone had entered the countdown. A large number of old players from Huaguo had been organized. The noisy legion has taken shape.

That's really all kinds of titles, all kinds of capes, and all kinds of equipment.

Those who show off set the equipment attributes to the exhibition state, and the purple, blue, and green aura really blinded the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the newbies.

Enhanced ones, complete suits, top-quality purple ones... and all kinds of cool mounts.

Ordinary tall horses are inconspicuous, and they are embarrassed to show off without a full set of armor, but a horse with a full set of armor stands there, just like the heavy armored cavalry in a blockbuster fantasy action movie. Imagine the momentum of their charge. Terrifying.

This kind of occasion naturally cannot do without the undead flame skeleton horse.

There are relatively few of these mounts, but there are not a few of them. The four hooves of the undead flame skeleton horse are suspended, and there is a long bone spur on the forehead. Although there is no flesh on the body, it is tall and mighty, especially From the nasal bone, the steam-like soul flame is like a fire-breathing beast, envious of dead people.

And the griffin knight.

Griffon mounts were launched a long time ago, but the harsh conditions and tasks, extremely high riding door frames, and extremely low stock numbers have kept this mount from becoming popular. This time the test is different, and the system is not bad. , poured a lot of resources, solved the problem of griffins in one fell swoop, and also reduced the difficulty of riding and the door frame, so that this kind of mount quickly became popular.

The Griffin Rider is naturally flying, hovering at low altitude, playing with the cuteness below.

These three are the most common mounts, and there are also extremely special ones.

An orc player riding the mount of 'Storm Bear' looks bright, strong and eye-catching, as if under a spotlight.

That 'Storm Bear' was a circle larger than the surrounding mounts, with an earthy yellow halo that followed like a shadow, and the heavy armor all over its body was like a heavily armored tank. Strange Mengxin's ears tingled.

The bear stood at least three meters tall, which was a perfect match for the orc player. The lazy movement of licking its paws showed a sense of tearing between the movements... It was really dazzling.

The storm bear is a monster, and so is the swamp monitor.

This mount is ridden by an elf player, and is also surrounded by a group of undead flame skeleton horses. Although the giant lizard does not have the halo of the storm bear, it has a light black mist surrounding it, which is also an armor. Qiqi is also imposing, but it doesn't have the bursting feeling of the storm bear, and it gives people another kind of gloomy calm.

Just like a giant python that might pounce out at any time, those amber iridescent holes without emotion reflected the surrounding noise coldly, watching Mengxin pointing at him from a distance, it was like watching Like a bunch of bugs.

There is also a fiery red 'fox' mount, which is ridden by a female mage player. Although there are not many people around, she stands out from the crowd. This female mage has the title of [Shocking World], and she feels very lonely and cold. The mount of 'Fox' is hot and cold to her, but it suits her 'elegance and luxury'.


Singer was stunned, feeling that his eyes were not enough. It was only then that he deeply realized how huge the advantages Huaguo Guofu had accumulated in the early stage. I am afraid that his small body cannot withstand being poked with a little finger. ?
"Let's go, don't look at it, you will be like them in the future." The Alliance Forever patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Boss, stop talking nonsense. We will never be able to catch up with them in this life. You didn't see who they were. They are all the leaders of big gangs and big families. There are thousands of younger brothers under their hands. Why? Chase? Chase with your life?"

The alliance's eternal alliance reprimanded: "He didn't train from a low level. He doesn't have any ambition at all. How can he be an ass?"

"Sister, your cousin is not very capable, but his tone is not small."

Two old players riding armored horses came from the bustling crowd, a man and a woman, the male player is an orc paladin, the female player is an elf ranger, a typical combination of beauty and beast, ID is also very different, The poor monk loves his master and his master loves baldness.

These two are the thighs of the alliance forever, and the two Lingjue players are extremely conspicuous among the newbies who have nothing.

"Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here?"

"Given you so many things, you haven't taken office yet, and you're still bragging about it, so you're not afraid of being laughed out of your teeth!?"

"Haha, you heard me, I'm talking nonsense... I'll introduce my friend to you. This is a mountain crow. He's very nice. He messed with me when he opened the server. This is the third child, a hard descendant, who was just tricked into my naturalization by me. I'm ready to hand it over to you, this is the hammer master Wang Chaoyi, he has a good sense of operation, he just joined the team, you haven't heard of it yet."

Singer was thinking about the meaning of 'hand it over to you', when he received a system prompt.

[Ding, the patriarch of the 'Canaan Shaolin Branch Temple' family monk Aishi Tai invited you to join the family, do you agree? 】

Singer froze, not knowing whether to agree or refuse.

"Your friend, your brain is a bit out of order!" said the poor monk Aishi Taiyu with dissatisfaction.

"Why are you standing still, agree!", the alliance's eternal alliance hurriedly urged.

"Ah, oh!"

[Ding, congratulations on joining the 'Canaan Shaolin Branch Temple' family, becoming a trainee member of the family, and obtaining the title of [Junior Shami of the Canaan Shaolin Branch Temple]. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on achieving the achievement of 'Joining a Family']

[System prompt: Congratulations on getting your first title, you can set it on the property panel. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on opening the gang family channel. 】

"It's not fair, why can't the third child enter us?"

The Chinese teammate Singer once hated the most, the crow, immediately yelled.

"He transferred to the server, and you too?" The alliance's eternal alliance reprimanded: "This is a family mission, my cousin and the others will be mixed in the national server in the future."

"The national uniform still has the target of attracting people?" Wang Chao, the hammer master, asked with a smile.

"Don't talk about this," the poor monk's love teacher interrupted impatiently, and Gasinger ignored him after he joined the family, "Little brother, what did you do, you were given so many novice costumes, even a gold medal is not worth it." Can't take it?"

"Isn't this an accident? I don't want to either, brother-in-law," the alliance raised its head and groaned.

"Shouting those two words again will make you a beggar!", the cousin teacher Taiai baldly threatened.

"Hehe, my brother is right..." The poor monk Ai Shitai was very happy, she turned her head and said to her brother-in-law with a pleasant face: "You can only be soy sauce if you haven't taken office, and you can't join the family."

"The third one has entered, can he?" the crow yelled again.

"He's not good even if he's a talk a lot!?" The poor monk Ai Shitai glared at Mengxin who had no eyesight.

The crow shrank its neck, and then fell silent.

"That's the only way to go," the Alliance decided in a dejected manner, "It's only a little bit close, if it wasn't for someone holding back..."

"Okay, come here, little brother!", the cousin Shi Taiai baldly grabbed the alliance's ear, pointed to the person on the side of the Storm Bear Knight and said, "Teach you to be good, there are people from the military, understand What do you mean?"


"Did you see the one riding the marsh monitor lizard? It's from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, do you understand?"

"Understood, I understand, take it easy, I'm starting to bleed."

"Look at that coquettish fox again. She is the granddaughter of so-and-so. You can't even say it. Do you understand that you will encounter a harmonious beast?"

"I understand, I understand..."

"Don't say that kind of thing in the future. People will laugh at you and me."

"I know, I know."

The poor monk loves the teacher to protect his brother-in-law, separates the two, and said with a smile: "Everyone is from Mengxin... Brother, you see, there are all national teams over there, invisible national teams, never before the 6th test." For those who showed up, even the names of the leaderboards were hidden. Before the 6th test, they didn’t even know whether they were male or female, what occupation they were, and they never interacted with ordinary players, so just treat them as air in the future. Now you Look to the left you see any difference?"

"...This is the normal player?"

"Wrong, this is not an ordinary player, it's what you call a big gang leader, a big family patriarch, commonly known as a big water hose, who doesn't need money, doesn't need people, and doesn't need anything. One person provides for thousands of people... They are the targets of your efforts!"

The alliance of the alliance forever is embarrassed to say.

"Don't tell me there are no ordinary players?" the mountain crow couldn't help interjecting.

"Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of them all over the city. Do you still want to see them all at a glance?" The poor monk Ai Shitai thought that the crows were not pleasing to the eye, and said bluntly, "What occasion is this? The place where the mission of the national war is, except for you soy saucers who are running around madly, is it necessary for ordinary players to come? Think before you speak, and you will be surprised all day long."

(End of this chapter)

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