Chapter 414
The main cities of several major systems have undergone multiple expansions, and they are no longer what they used to be. When the city was first built, it was just a small enclosure. With the increasing system resources, a large number of players are pouring in. The functions of the city have been expanded again and again, and now only the area inside the city wall is counted, which is not much different from the small county town in reality.

Even such a large area cannot accommodate the influx of hundreds of thousands of players. Therefore, a large number of game ancillary facilities outside the city wall, such as low-level monster spawning areas, illegal buildings, etc., were all requisitioned, except for the first game of the national server. The headquarters was placed in the city, and all other functional parts were moved outside the city.

Veteran players take gangs and families as organizational units, and under the assignment of regional plot NPCs played by real people, they scatter and camp in various places, but the unorganized newbies are still here and there, chaotic, and the city There was a blockage inside and outside, which made it impossible for the players in the national server behind to teleport.

There was a traffic jam in the transmission, and the GMs of Huaguo's operating agents were too busy. These people were specially trained and certified to work. From administrator 001 to administrator 999, system prompts, system bans, and system warnings followed one after another. , not to hesitate to use the A1-level authority to forcibly change the player's position, which barely made room for the teleportation array to resume operation.

A large number of national server players are still settled in, and a large collection of millions and millions of levels has formed in the game for the first time. You must know that even in the abyss battlefield, the highest online number has never exceeded 40. What is the concept of people being crowded in a narrow range?
That's really looking at the whole back of the head. Everywhere you go is the scene of the Spring Festival travel. If you add the sound and light effects of the players' mounts, pets, title cloaks and equipment, it will put a huge burden on the system. Ability to withstand extreme emergencies.

Under such circumstances, the pseudo-gods of the system will not be idle. Xiao Ai supervises the operation of the first battle of the national service opening area, and the major system temples are also deeply involved in it, using various resources, manpower and material resources. On the one hand Sharing the pressure of the system and Xiao Ai, on the one hand, also participating in this kind of pioneering action, laying the foundation for gaining a firm foothold in the Huaguo national server.

Of course, one must also guard against the possible overreaction of the Fairy Forest.

Most of the old players receive missions at the legion level, occupying a certain area, clearing a certain area, and guarding a certain direction. This task mode is at the lowest level of the family, and the family is used as a unit to receive generous national service points (similar to meritorious service), national server prestige, the most important function of national server points and national server prestige is to exchange fiefs in the national server.

Of course, popular equipment, materials, various treasured props, experience, etc. are all essential.

For this reason, Huaguo Canaan's parent company consumed all the system resources accumulated in the early stage. Even if this was not enough, it had to take part of the huge amount of remaining funds in the account and secretly traded them on the two official exchanges of Yanjing and Shanghai. shopping.

Copper coins, equipment, materials, props...everything the player needs is within the scope of purchase.

Although this kind of action is extremely professional and concealed, it still pushes the exchange rate back to the high line of 1:155, and most players are not aware of this, thinking that it is a normal market fluctuation.

Is there going to be a war after all?

As the saying goes, one shot of a cannon is worth ten thousand taels of gold. If they know that Tangtang Canaan Production Company still needs to scavenge goods from the secondary market, the price will drop somewhat, which makes people doubt their ability to control the game, even though it is already a The lice on the bald man's head are obvious, but ordinary players don't know it.

Use a huge amount of platinum coins to exchange various resources from the system, the most important of which are mission resources, and the largest "goods" in mission resources are experience points.

Others, such as national service points and national service prestige, can be issued by operating agents independently. The change is a number, and there is almost no need to pay. I don't care.

Of course, the operating agent is not a fool, and such a stupid thing will not be done.

But it's not [-]%. Some small agencies can't compete in all dimensions, so they have to do something that breaks through the limit to attract players to join them. Relatively speaking, their national server points and reputation are much easier to get.

Well, let's get down to business.

When the bronze bell on the clock tower of the Far Eastern City rang for the sixth time, the sky was already bright, and the most intuitive effect of the gathering of millions of players was that the surrounding dark area was pushed back more than ten kilometers. The wild areas, dark areas, monster spawning areas, and resource points that have been mastered are lit up on the map. The first wave of land has already entered the account before the battle of the national server begins.

With the order of the online decision-making team sent by Canaan's parent company, countless gangs and families who have received legion-level missions, led by various real-life NPCs, rushed to the predetermined battlefield.

For a moment, the array of players covering the sky and the sun, and the effect of spiritual light, flowed over the various camps like a flood, rushing towards all directions of the Fairy Forest with great momentum.

One hundred thousand, or two hundred thousand?

There are also the same number or even more scattered soldiers, small groups and other stragglers, either because they want a higher degree of freedom, or they are unwilling to be 'exploited' by the family and gangs because of their own strength, or they are life and leisure players who are not strong enough. ...Following behind these large troops, talking and laughing, playing and playing, and unorganized and disciplined behavior made many newcomers follow suit.

For games, many people think that they have a "protagonist aura", and they hope that luck will descend, take advantage of loopholes, find loopholes, and dream of such things as grabbing the boss's last hit to explode the god's costume, falling from a cliff to find a peerless treasure chest, Don't do the task of making soy sauce, follow the buttocks of the main force, and use the novice protection mechanism. The old players have nothing to do with them, and they have become the hyenas behind the lions and the carrion vultures.

Not to mention, there are still many such, and the number is hundreds of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands of people have exceeded one million before and after, and there is really no grass growing in the place where the border crosses, and nothing of value is spared. The most intuitive thing is the progress of the dark area following this torrent, and the orderly Stepping back, a large number of wild area maps are easily lit.

The massive parade lasted until the afternoon, before the millions of locusts passed through the border and arrived at the predetermined location one after another.

At this time, the first piece of territory of the national service has already come to fruition, no matter in terms of law or fact, it has fallen into the arms of Huaguo and Huaguo's parent company.

It stands to reason that the first piece of territory in the game is endorsed by the highest authority and the central intelligence brain, and it belongs to Huaguo permanently. Its significance is no less than landing on the moon and establishing a scientific research station on the moon. Unfortunately, , It is regrettable that we cannot publicize it, let alone celebrate it, let alone popularize the significance of science to the public.

Up to this time, sporadic battles have occurred from time to time, but large-scale conflicts have not yet arrived.

The vast plains and hilly areas outside the Fairy Forest were originally the territory of monsters and large ferocious beasts. At this time, the larger monsters disappeared. Only wild beasts with low intelligence and rare monsters became the players' pre-dinner food. Dim Sum, not counting how many territories it has occupied, how many resource points it has won over, but in terms of the server launch battle alone, it was like hitting the air with a fist, making the parent company of Canaan, which is facing a big enemy, almost dodge.

But the next target area to be explored touches the outskirts of the Fairy Forest. It's hard to say whether the monsters and tribes of intelligent races inside can maintain restraint.

As the front line moved forward, the command headquarters and related logistical support functional units also moved forward. A city in Nuoda seemed much empty, but there were still millions of newcomers running around under the baton.

Singer put a bag full of [Goldthorn Grass] on the back of the pack beast. Just as he was about to turn around and go down, he saw a ferocious national uniform guard NPC rushing into the crowd and dragging out a dwarf player.

Player XX was sentenced to 24 hours of systematic imprisonment for stealing front-line supplies, and was deducted 100 national service points and 500 national service reputation...

He curled his lips and scolded the thief in a low voice, but in the blink of an eye, he saw another elf player sneaking his hand into the pocket he had just put down, took out a handful of [Goldthorn Grass] from it, and threw it into the pack. under the beast.

Someone below caught it, and then threw it to another person in the crowd. It changed hands a few times, and successfully escaped the 'tracking' of the backstage of the national server.

Can you do this?

Singer's heart moved when he saw it, and he privately chatted about the alliance's eternal alliance.

The eternal alliance of the alliance is doing tasks in the city, and it is also a coolie, transporting out the warehouse full of materials, many of which are high-end goods that make people blush and envy.

Among them are the first-level cloak enhancement stones, the lucky charms that increase the success rate of refining and strengthening, and the mass-produced forging blueprints.

It's a pity that Singer, Wang Chaoyi, and Mountain Crow are all scattered and doing tasks, so they can only find new acquaintances to partner with.

The gang committed crimes and caught the loopholes in the national server. Naturally, they had to race against time. The five people first started on the first-level cloak strengthening stone. This thing is large in quantity and high in price. It is expected to appreciate in value soon. But because he didn't grasp the "severity" of the attack, the guy who took out the sack was too greedy, and took out several pieces at once, which touched the security mechanism of the background data. prison.

Be more careful when you do it in the future. You only take out one piece of sack, and you have to change hands in the shortest possible time. You have to change hands more than 5 times to escape the tracking of the background data.

A few people had a great time stealing, but the good times didn't last long. After several successes, the backstage system of the national server finally found that the number and quantity of lost materials were increasing in an abnormal curve, and found this loophole, which was plugged.

Three people from the alliance gang were arrested. He was more of a chicken thief. He didn't keep the 'stolen goods' in his hands. He exchanged them all for copper coins. The money was not kept on him, but was transferred to Singer and was caught. The guy confessed him, and the national service administrator can't do anything about it. There are too many things to deal with at the same time. I don't know how many people are taking advantage of their loopholes. Gently let go.

Just like that, I earned 2 gold coins.

"This, this, this money is too much money!?"

2 How much is the gold coin? Singer was a little dizzy after converting how many rupees he could exchange. The key point is that although he discovered this method, he didn't do it because of his timidity and unfamiliarity with the national server. This would block the loophole I regretted it, scratching my heart and lungs.

A lot of money!
Fortunately, the alliance gave him 50 silver for hard work as a comfort.

At this time, he also found that Huaguo players are not enough to describe it as bold and reckless, and the game atmosphere is much rougher and more straightforward than hard. I don’t know how many people are doing this kind of thing, and they don’t take it seriously when they are caught. The national service officials have no good way to deal with them, which is not in line with the established understanding.

The degree of freedom enjoyed by Huaguo players far exceeds the hardness of 'freedom'.

Later, he also learned to behave and was not so honest. Unfortunately, he never found a similar good opportunity again.

At this time, the first battle of the opening of the national service area finally started.

The sudden fierce battle caused chaos in the rear. Huaguo's powerful organizational ability seemed to be unable to move to the line, and mistakes were inevitable in the chaos. When Singer handed over the task once, he found that the task seemed a bit wrong, but he didn't think much about it. After he fulfilled all the conditions of the task with great luck, he found the functional NPC hired by the national server to hand over (the real person was too busy for a long time), and found that many players gathered at the NPC who handed in the task. Stand there in a daze.

what happened?
As soon as the doubts arose, I saw the upgraded white light flashing across the crowd, and the white light flashed across the crowd in patches.

He grabbed a player and asked what was going on, but the person ignored him and was operating his game interface through gritted teeth.

Singer couldn't see what he was doing, so he quickly activated the option to talk to the NPC. After careful observation, he found that this task could be turned in repeatedly.

There is a bug.

A heartfelt shudder made his scalp tingle, he immediately handed in the task, took it out again, and found that the task progress bar was full.

Ah, this, this...

Don't say anything else, then hand in, the system prompts that the line is busy, hand in again, or... more and more players gather around, and the loophole may be discovered in a second, which makes him anxious.

I finally connected with the NPC, and the connection was instant and then instant. This time the line was not interrupted, and the system notified that the task was completed, how much experience was gained, how many national server points, and how much national server reputation.

You can imagine how excited he was, at this moment he was just comparing his hands... Ah, no, compared to the speed of the brain, if the brain turns slower, the line will be occupied, no wonder everyone is constipated, blushing and thick neck.

Swipe, I'm swiping, I'm swiping!

Looking at the experience progress bar to move forward visible to the naked eye, watching the national server points and national server reputation jump up every few seconds, this feeling is more enjoyable than robbing a bank.

Singer didn't know how many times he had swiped, the level 5 experience was about to be full, and the system suddenly prompted, please come back after completing the task...

The loophole is plugged.

Singer didn't ask whether it was a pity or a blessing, and hurried away, optimistic about the three-digit national server points and reputation during the mission, smiling like a fool.

Huaguo national uniform has a bright future.

He silently gave a thumbs up in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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