This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 415 Where is our national uniform?

Chapter 415 Where is our national uniform?

On the front line, the Wyverns covered the sky and the sun, and the Griffin Rider in the system was not enough to see at all. They had already landed on the ground, avoiding the ubiquitous acid breath.

The giant dryad guards were endless, and the raging fire killed one batch after another, and the air was filled with the strange smell of barbecued meat and burnt wood.

Players have never seen so many monsters. Before encountering one in the game area, it was like winning a jackpot. They didn't think about killing them, but how to catch them, whether there were cubs or not.This will have to be "destroying flowers with hot hands". Whenever a monster falls down, I tremble with distress. If it is caught, how much it will be worth.

The underground does not stop. The wilderness pythons, giant lizards, insect dragons, etc. drilled out of the ground will cause player attrition, especially the insect dragons above level 45. This kind of monster is like Godzilla in the movie. Each of them is more than ten meters long, lives underground, has a huge ferocious mouth, and knows a kind of magic called [Spearing the Jungle].

Whenever they saw the ground undulate like the surface of water, the players dodged in a hurry, and had to wait for this giant beast to emerge from the ground before attacking and dealing effective damage.

The trinity of the sky, the ground, and the underground... The acid sprayed by the wyvern was like rain.

Even so, the players dealt with it very easily.

Now it’s not the same as before. There are 35 to [-] players above level [-], and their strength is far stronger than when the Abyss Battlefield first opened. Even the mid-level demons and monster tides can be dealt with. This kind of scene is actually nothing.

"Well, how is the situation?"

"It's getting better and we're gaining the upper hand."

"Great, I can go to announce the good news."

"It's best to wait, this is the first wave, and there may be changes later."

"Okay then, the first battle of the opening server has attracted attention from all over the world, so don't expect any accidents."

"Mr. Yu, Shonan Satellite TV is urging you again. When will the broadcast signal come in?"

"Tell them to wait...Call me and I'll talk to him myself."

This first battle of server opening is not just an online matter.

In the computer room of Shanghai, Yu Qingdong, who had stayed up all night, got through to Shonan Satellite TV and explained to their director why they still couldn't access the live broadcast signal.

"Mr. Yu, how many viewers across the country are waiting in front of the TV. We have signed a contract."

"At most 10 minutes, 10 minutes, Mr. Wang understands a lot, this is to avoid accidents."

"Ten minutes, you said."

"I said, I will give you the signal in 10 minutes."

After hanging up the phone, before taking a breath, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

The wild elves appeared, and their priests appeared together, which represented that the forest goddess Metheus began to intervene in the war.

The wild elf ranger's arrows inflicted great damage on the players, and the dryad guards and monsters who had been blessed by the sacrifice became extremely violent and ferocious. Afterwards, a large number of forest goblins also appeared on the battlefield, acting as bards and doctors The role of nurses, with them, the strength and morale of the forest army have greatly increased.

The situation on the battlefield, which was gradually overturned by the players, became precarious again. Yu Qingdong was sweating at the offline headquarters, and a GM who just went offline reported that the resource consumption was severe, and if this intensity continued, it would touch the The cordon is off.

Yu Qingdong hurriedly checked the 'guarantee deposit' handed over to the system, hurriedly asked people to make up for it, and reprimanded the person in charge of this aspect, just watching the excitement, such an important job actually deserted, if something went wrong and the players couldn't be resurrected, then Isn't the battle line about to collapse?
What a mess!

Then he looked at the synchronous screen sent back online with trepidation.

He is concerned about chaos, as far as the situation and intensity of the battlefield is concerned, it is still not as good as the abyss battlefield. At that time, the players have survived, and there is actually not much suspense at this time.

It’s nothing more than that, at that time, it was the system’s sales order, and now he pays for every player’s death and resurrection. , to support such a scale of consumption before and after the war, that is really an astronomical figure.

In the past, I was always worried about the huge profit figures on the account, but now I am fine, a war is still over, and I will never have such happy troubles again.

Yu Qingdong thought about it bitterly, but within a few minutes, he was relieved. The players gradually stabilized the battle line, but the enemy had reached the stage of "three exhausted", and the offensive was far less ferocious than it was at the beginning.

In the sky, the wyverns are already 'dumb', and when they run out of breath, it's impossible to spray endlessly like a faucet.

No matter how many giant tree demon guards, there are not as many players, and they can be resurrected infinitely. After the last batch of giant tree demons were lost in the fire, the back row was already a lot smaller.

Warcraft are intelligent, knowing that they can't do anything, even if driven by forest goblins, they will resist. A large number of storm bears, forest wolfs, and red flame birds fell on the battlefield, and the rare insect dragons were also seized by players. No matter how many remaining beasts there are, they are no longer a threat.

Without these shields on the battlefield, the wild elves are unable to directly face the players. The thieves and players took the initiative to attack and began to go deep into the place to hunt and kill these annoying humanoid monsters. Under their key care, the wild elves sacrificed huge losses. A blow to their arrogance.

The battlefield has once again entered the stage of turning defense into offense.

It is natural to report to the leader when you make achievements, otherwise how will the superior leader know your hard work and credit?

"...The chief already knows, congratulations, you don't need to report separately, we're all waiting to watch the live broadcast... Mr. Yu, when will the live broadcast start!"

Yu Qingdong didn't dare to be negligent, and he didn't care about any live broadcast accidents at this time, so he ordered the TV station's broadcast signal to be connected.

"CCTV, CCTV, dear viewers, this is the Canaan special on Channel 109, and now I'm broadcasting live the first battle of the Canaan game's national server opening area, operated and represented by Canaan Company, in Yuan The first piece of land in the virtual world of the universe is in fierce competition. Now what everyone sees is the fierce battle happening online. One side is the native camp of the Fairy Forest in the virtual world, the armed force mainly composed of wild elves under the command of the forest goddess Metheus..."

"It's started, it's started, Aunt Xue, it's started."

"I'm coming!"

"Mom, look at that is my sister-in-law!"

"Why are so many people looking for your sister-in-law? Don't block me, sit down and take a good look."


Aunt Xue's home has never been so lively as it is now. Canaan is like a bond, reconnecting the family relationship that has been neglected for a long time.

In this test, although Aunt Xue didn't win the lottery, there are several relatives in the country who won the lottery. They are also family members of players, and they are also relatives. Xie Xiaomeng is an old player, so they are naturally connected.

Although Xie Xiaomeng has a few more oil bottles online, Aunt Xue has relatives who share the same topic offline, and the deserted home also has the nagging of the elders and the laughter of the children. Every day is like a festival, full of joy. There was smoke and fire.

In front of the big TV, several families have been waiting for several hours. The battle for opening the server has already started. The experts and guests on the TV are all doing foreign work there. Aunt Xue is tired from watching, so she goes to sleep for a while.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

"Mom, mom, what kind of monster is this? It's so big, it's like a tree!"

"He, Aunt Xue, come and sit down quickly, and see if you can find Xiao Meng."

"I saw my sister-in-law, I saw my sister-in-law."

On the screen, it was like a magical epic blockbuster. The reason for the signal compression was not as realistic as Aunt Xue had imagined, but it was more in line with people's understanding of CG blockbusters.

The camera flashed over the swooping wyvern, a burly figure descended from the sky, an axe fell to the ground, and then an orc in full armor, a scarlet cloak, and a helmet with monster head and horns fell down. Roaring at the camera, he turned around and used an ax to block the wyvern's body-fitting impact. With a bang, the huge impact knocked the orc into the air, and the wyvern took his place, opening his mouth to the camera and spitting out.


Adults and children in front of the TV are all leaning back.

The camera cuts, a griffin carrying a female mage player soars into the sky, followed by several wyverns, and the two sides chase each other on the vast battlefield.

The griffin flew at high speed, and flew sideways, avoiding the breath of the wyvern from the top and side of the back. The female mage player grasped the reins, and struggled to maintain the momentum in the up and down, left and right chase. Balanced, the sound of the mysterious mantra chanting was transmitted to thousands of households offline, and the camera then switched to her first perspective. In the extremely turbulent field of view, a pair of slender and pale hands condensed the dazzling light ball, and then threw it behind her .


The ball of light radiates a crackle-like electric light in mid-air, and after hitting the wyvern, it entangles with these powerful monsters like an electric snake. Among the dryads.


A giant dryad guard tens of meters high rumbled down, and several wild elf professionals fled in all directions. A shadow appeared behind a wild elf paladin, clinging to him and moving with him.

The wild elf paladin didn't notice it at all, and a few seconds later, a stunning black light took his life away.

The camera was still switching around on the battlefield, and the people in front of the TV gradually became speechless.

At the same time, there is another group of people who are watching the first battle of the national server opening zone offline.

Several heads in charge of intelligence in the CIA's Asia Division sat together and watched the live broadcast of Huaguo through satellite signals.

Amid the smog, Pang De from the Asia Department looked at the documents and glanced at the TV screen from time to time. Suddenly, his eagle-like eyes became sharp.

He left without explaining anything. The others glanced at his back, turned their heads and continued to watch the live broadcast tacitly.

The boss left, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed. An intelligence officer said, "How often can the Beimi Yuan Universe Affairs Group organize such a big scene?"

A bearded intelligence director shook his head, "Not very optimistic, we don't have the accumulation of Chinese people."

"Damn it, I feel that the Hua people have drawn a pie for us, and this pie may not be eaten in our mouths." said the third intelligence director.

"Even if it's a picture, the domestic politicians and the old and dying capitalists will hold on tightly." The last intelligence chief said in a cool tone.

"Ever since we had Canaan, our right to speak has been taken away a lot. Now it's all Canaan, Canaan, Canaan...even we are Canaan, Canaan, Canaan. It seems that there is only one left in the whole world. Thing, Canaan, more Canaan, damn it!"

"Dude, this..." The person clicked on the live broadcast screen, "It's the trend, it's the 'oil' of the new era, unfortunately, there is no more oil dollars."

"Something should be done!"

"What to do, how to do it?"

"Everything that should be done has been done, but it is not Syria, nor Han Country, or Japan."

"Is it just watching like this?"

"Aren't we doing it?"

"Cough cough..."

The topic ends here, and when it comes to the work everyone is responsible for, everyone shuts up wisely.

Pound, the director of the Asia Department, who left early, was on a fishing boat floating on the sea. The fishing boat was hidden behind a reef to avoid radar detection.

The lights on the boat were not turned on, and strict radio silence was implemented. Just as the whole country of Huaguo was concerned about the successful capture of the first piece of land on the line, another fishing boat quietly appeared on the dark sea. Reef, the captain confirmed that the signal was correct, started the boat, and sailed out amidst the slight sound of the motor.

The two small boats turned around like ghosts on the deserted sea. One person jumped over the boat, entered the cabin and talked with Pound for a few minutes, and then threw the cigarette butt into the sea after coming out.

In an instant, beams of light from several searchlights suddenly illuminated the two ships, blocking the escape route. Pound reacted quickly, pressing a button on the safe, and the documents inside were destroyed, and then he opened the window of the ship, and quickly Climb out of the hull and jump into the choppy sea.

Ten minutes later, both ships were captured by the coast guard, and a large amount of infinite material was found from one of them. At the same time, Pound, who jumped into the sea and escaped, was also caught by the frogmen.

"What? I see"

Pound hung up the phone, straightened his collar, and pushed open the door of the meeting room.

In the conference room, the helmsmen of the only superpower are drinking coffee while watching the first battle of Huaguo's national service.

"...This is much cooler than any blockbuster movie", someone said jokingly.

"It is real. Canaan is a real world." Someone emphasized.

"It's not [-]% sure, is it? Even the people of Huaguo are like this." Some people disagree.

Pound walked lightly behind the chief of staff and reported the setback he had just received.

"So, the source of infinite mass has been cut off again?" The chief of staff pushed his glasses and asked.

Pound nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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