This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 416 NPC Cultivation Method

Chapter 416 NPC Cultivation Method

Philip, the game ID Black Pharaoh, is not much different from a system-intelligent NPC nowadays.

His residence is specially approved by the church. It is located in an alley behind the Temple of the God of Death in Punk City. He has the same work and rest time as NPCs. He is far away from the mainstream game process of the system. He only does the daily tasks of the church every day, and his level also increases unconsciously. Level 35.

For Ling Jue at level 35, the gold medal test that others have to pass with great difficulty is as simple as eating and drinking. In the promotion ceremony, he has a title but has never worn it, and has a cloak but is lying in the warehouse to eat ashes. He doesn't care about rank, equipment, or money. Like a true believer, he has gained the unanimous trust of the church.

Such players cannot be said to exist, they are indeed extremely rare, even rarer than giant pandas.

The black pharaoh also agreed with Kelenvor's relatively simple and rough teachings from the bottom of his heart, and restrained his words and deeds according to the requirements of the teachings. What he often did every day was to kneel in front of the statue of Kelenvor and pray.

The battle of the Huaguo national server is in full swing, and the old players in Beimi are all ready to move, only he is as immovable as a mountain, and the "pure heart and ascetic" is like an ascetic.

Such hard work and dedication will naturally pay off.

Just the day before yesterday, Kelenvor, the god of death, finally answered his prayers. It was a shadow, a huge shadow, like a shadow covering the entire world.

It was a vast body of consciousness, as wide as the sea, as deep as the starry sky, like... the black pharaoh was excited and moved, and wept bitterly because of it.

Becoming an orthodox believer, Philip can make the god of death Kelenvor descend on his body, so he also obtained a "god descending" skill.

This skill is comparable to a big move, beyond the scope of the third-level professional skill, and it increases the combat power by nearly 2000 in one fell swoop... But Philip doesn't care about these.

Being able to communicate with the Lord at any time is an extremely happy and lucky thing for believers. There are so many bishops and archbishops who are more devout than him in the church, and there is no such honor, just because he is a player, this rare status .

The first oracle that Kelenvor sent down for him alone was not to continue this ascetic life, but to return to the player's identity and the mainstream process of the game.

Although Kelenvor did not explain the intention of the oracle, the black pharaoh understood the intention behind it, so he took out the long-sealed cloak out of the box, equipped it with the title of Lingjue, and put on the full set of Templar equipment in the temple (the church system, missions and belief degrees), dressed in a gorgeous and dazzling death priest robe and scepter, riding a black flame horse equipped only for high-level church staff, appeared on the endless streets of Punk City, just like a high-end image .

Before the 6th test, he began to live a life of conversion like a Puritan, out of touch with the mainstream game process. At this time, he was in the main city of the system that had been expanded several times, and was among international players with various accents and grammar. For a while I didn't know what to do.

The influence of the battle of the national server can be seen everywhere. Although Huaguo players are rare, most of the international server players in the main city are talking about this matter.

This is a feast, and I only regret that I don't have a Huaguo game membership, so I can't go in and get a share of the pie.

No matter the player from that country, the most important thing is always the level, experience, equipment, and combat power... and these, all the cute newcomers who participated in the 6-test battle of the national server are all soaring like rockets, while players from other games can only do it. Look, no amount of preferential policies and regulatory freedom can compare.

The busiest place in Punk City seems to be the Huaguo national server office where the game membership is changed. The qualified players lined up in a long queue, scrambling to join the Huaguo national server.

The black pharaoh was in a daze on the street for a while before he remembered to click on the friend list that he hadn't opened for a long time.

The above players have been classified according to the origin of the game. Most of the more than ten Chinese friends are online, but the black pharaoh doesn't want to contact them. After hesitating for a while, he clicked on the avatar of a Swedish friend.

"...Black Pharaoh?"

"Well, it's me, how's the Ripper doing?"

"God, you weird guy is finally willing to come out of the church?"


"I'm not called the Ripper now, how long has it been since your list was updated?"

The black pharaoh saw that the other party's ID was updated to - Angel's Kiss.

"You are also Lingjue? You guy, how did you get promoted? I have just been Lingjue..."

"It was arranged by the church," the black pharaoh said vaguely.

"Church? Do you believe in the church in the game? Is there anything more ridiculous than this? Brother, everything in the game is fictional."

"Death is my belief..."

"OK, OK, I apologize, no offense intended."

Westerners are always very sensitive in this regard, Angel Kiss apologized wisely, and then asked him if he wanted to meet?

Arriving at the agreed meeting place, a group of old players from the 5test international server were already waiting.

In Papa York's tavern, as soon as Black Pharaoh walked in, Angel Kiss, who was wearing high-end orc paladin equipment, shouted strangely: "Ladies and gentlemen, Black Pharaoh, a guy who has cultivated the belief in death to the point of being a pious believer, everyone welcome!"

Sparse applause sounded, and a group of old players from the international server looked curiously at the black pharaoh who walked in, who looked like an intelligent NPC. A blond female human mage player shouted: "Are you sure this guy is a player? I see him How do you look like an NPC?"

"This guy has created an original NPC cultivation method!" Angel Kiss enthusiastically pulled the black pharaoh into the group of friends, "I guarantee that this guy is a genuine player, not an undercover agent pretending to be an NPC."

"NPC cultivation method?" A New Zealand elf ranger player asked curiously.

"Simply put, it's a life like an intelligent NPC." Angel Kiss sat down on the uncomfortable black pharaoh, put a glass of bitter wheat beer in front of him heavily, and patted him on the shoulder, excited He said, "You all don't know that he is the first player in the whole server to reach the level of devout believer, and the system even issued an announcement for him."

"Pious believers?" Another female elf player exclaimed.

"How much reputation do you have with the Church of Death?" A dwarf player asked.


"Com Ang, man, there are no outsiders here", Angel Kiss is also curious.

"Let me take a look..." The black pharaoh was very embarrassed, because he had never cared about these things. At this time, he clicked on the panel to check, and his face hesitated.

"How many?"

"how much?"

"...sublime?", the black pharaoh said uncertainly.

There was silence in the tavern. After a while, someone said in disbelief, "Exalted? You're not mistaken, brother?"

"Sublime!", the Black Pharaoh emphasized as he turned off the panel.

"Wouldn't it be possible to buy the merits and prestige of the church?"

The black pharaoh was at a loss, "Can't everyone buy it?"

"This guy really makes people...want to PK him!"

"Haha, does anyone read Huaguo people's fantasy novels? This guy looks like a sweeping monk in the novels."

"The cleaning monk? Does that mean his piety?"

"No, it means pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"How do pigs eat tigers...Hua people are so strange."


"Come on, let's drink to our devout believers!"


The black pharaoh wanted to say that he was already an orthodox believer, but seeing everyone's interest, he didn't say anything. He drank a glass of ale calmly, and felt that the unique bitter fragrance didn't seem so unacceptable.

All kinds of things in the game are innovating, including eating, which he doesn’t usually care about. Huaguo is extremely persistent and stubborn in these aspects. Chinese food has penetrated into every aspect of the game. Various DIY tools, and seasonings After a large-scale trial and error, I successfully copied all kinds of delicious food in reality into the game, which has a special taste.

Green-grade food is not uncommon anymore, and the price has also dropped again and again. Recipes can be found on the Internet, and there are people who specialize in the recipe business. Even churches are not immune. If the food is good, who wants to eat poor food?

After a glass of wine, the black pharaoh's thinking diverged. This is a kind of game disease that is increasingly 'perplexing' him. He thinks too much, always in a daze, and can be in a daze anytime, anywhere.

Generally, this symptom often manifests among players with severe soul mutations, especially players like him who are fully integrated into the game narrative and devote themselves to it as a real life experience. The signs are particularly obvious.

Apparently, there is no one with him in the room, and the most popular topic of the moment has been discussed during the chat.

"...Our national server won't allow you to switch servers. Do you believe that I actually received some kind of threat in reality."


"Yes, it's nothing more than the fact that the game membership is tied to the real nationality, and will be deported abroad, losing due civil rights and benefits, etc."

"You can complain to the system."

"I have complained, but the other party has left no evidence. Those damn bureaucrats and politicians... don't know when they will launch our own national service battle."

"It's hard, brother. There are too many old players in Huaguo. After 5 tests, we have accumulated a huge amount. We can count all the old players in New Zealand. We used to live a life of hiding XZ."

"If I had participated in the third test, I would definitely be able to compete with the Chinese people now, what a pity..."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Follow the church and act together. The church has missions in Huaguo. If they eat meat, let's drink some soup."

"Black Pharaoh, Kelanvor, the God of Death, also has a lot of tasks in the battle of the national server, why don't you do it?"

The black pharaoh has just left the customs, and he doesn't know that the world is already the "Year of the Monkey". Naturally, he needs to understand it first. After listening to the prompts, he feels that he has finally found something to do, so he wants to say goodbye and leave.

The oracle said to let him return to the mainstream process of the game. Naturally, he had a deep intention. He bid farewell to his Swedish friend Angel Kiss, and returned to the church to find the NPC deacon who was in charge of the battle of Huaguo. He chooses.

The high-level missions that ordinary players can't take are no problem for him. Orthodox believers are treated like bishops and have a high status in the church. NPC deacons respect him respectfully, so they naturally give him the highest priority and degrees of freedom.

Participating in the battle of Hua Guo's national uniform in this way made the black pharaoh a little excited.

Teleport to Extreme East City, at this time the front line has penetrated more than 50 kilometers in the direction of the Fairy Forest, and a large number of functional units and buildings in the city have been withdrawn by the Huaguo National Service, to save costs, the city is still a large barracks, a large number of people from the front line The returning cute new players and the international server players who came to look for opportunities are everywhere.

Everywhere is crowded and there is a queue for everything.

The black pharaoh first completed the task of recruiting reports, and was entrusted with the important task by the head NPC of the Pioneering Church Pioneering Group. He led an army of idle players to the newly captured Neon Valley to guard the new resource points captured by the church.

Neon Valley produces a kind of camouflage butterfly that can be regarded as never before. The adult camouflage butterfly can barely be classified as a monster. It can confuse people's mind with a kind of magic: psychedelic. As a pet, it can provide the owner with mental resistance, perception With the addition of agility, the mutated camouflage butterfly may also comprehend: the powerful skill of group illusion is a powerful skill for team battles and melee PK.

Some players have already successfully captured it, and sold it at an auction for a sky-high price, and many players have harassed this resource point. The task of the Black Pharaoh and the others is not the enemies of the Fairy Forest, but all kinds of players who come to poach.

The players in the group are basically believers of Kelanvor, and most of them are pan believers. There are old players and newcomers.

Getting along with ordinary players again is a little inappropriate for Black Pharaoh, and he seems a bit taciturn. At first, the players regarded him as an NPC, and later they were even more shocked.

"How did this buddy practice!" A few veteran players were all amazed, "Orthodox believers? Orthodox believers?"

"One level higher than devout believers, equivalent to the level of a bishop."

"...Are you kidding me!?", the old players were startled.

The newcomers didn't feel it at all, they were chattering like headless chickens, and they came to gather just before the deadline set by the task.

The pocket army of 76 people, led by the black pharaoh, teleported to a safe area closest to the front line.

This newly built safe zone is built on a large area of ​​burned giant trees. The cruelty and destructiveness of war is undoubtedly reflected here. Countless towering giant trees have been burned to charcoal, and countless animal corpses have not had time to clean up. Interlaced ditches, some as deep as ten meters.

Looking around, the mountains in the distance are still in fierce competition. The system of Griffin Knights and the two-legged flying dragon cavalry (wild elves) of the Fairy Forest are like aerial combat during World War II. The battle is extremely fierce. From time to time, there is a lion The eagle rider fell, or a wyvern was beaten down by the firepower from the air and the ground, circling around, and the roar and mourning were clearly audible.

The legion is full of international server players who are not qualified to participate in the battle, so they can only look in that direction enviously.

It would be nice to join the church's 'reclamation group'.

Because of a waterfall originating from an underground river, Neon Valley has been in a special environment with abundant water vapor for a long time. Neon is like a rainbow. The special environment allows some large vegetation to withdraw from this small canyon, so it can welcome the sun from the sky and also camouflage Butterfly, a small monster that needs a special climate and environment, survives here.

On the mountains on all sides of the canyon, there are nests dug by camouflage butterflies everywhere, densely packed like beehives, camouflage butterflies as big as discs are guarding the entrance of the canyon to protect their habitat.

Under the leadership of the NPC, the legion did not disturb them, but set up camp outside the entrance. A simple and movable altar has been established. Kelenvor's divine power has spread here, and the safe zone will be established soon.

(End of this chapter)

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