This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 417 Neon Valley

Chapter 417 Neon Valley

No matter how wide the battlefield is, it cannot accommodate millions of people fighting each other.

Those on the front line of the battlefield are always a small group of backbone forces, which must be subject to the "allocation" of the operating agents, and it is also the difference between eating meat and drinking soup.

Not only are the newcomers playing soy sauce, but most of the old players are also playing soy sauce.

With so many people crowded on the battlefield in one direction, there are naturally fronts and rears. Some are in charge of attacking tough battles, some are in charge of dispatching support in the middle, some are in charge of logistics support, and some are in charge of consolidating and cleaning up the occupied territories... The Battle of the National Service It's like a production chain, laying down, capturing, clearing, moving in, and developing. It can be described as a one-stop operation... Only in this way can a huge number of national server players be accommodated, so that everyone can participate as long as they are qualified, and everyone has a task , everyone gets a share of the event.

Other national servers have a headache because they don't have enough players, and Hua Guo is troubled by this problem.

The original plan was to select only a small group of players with sufficient strength to participate, but in doing so, one must consider the issue of online belonging. In the case of major operators vying to poach the wall, the first battle of the server is not easy. Let the players under the banner participate, where is the sense of belonging?

In the future, other national servers will develop, and they will be short of manpower, so they must recruit players from other national servers. The national servers are all built by themselves from scratch. Did you just get a naturalization or something?
I will definitely face the problem of player loss. Instead of this, it is better to make a pot of porridge, dry, thick, and thin, and strive to benefit the most people as much as possible, so that everyone has a sense of participation in the establishment of the national server .

Sorry for those who haven't reached level 5, this is your own problem, you can't complain that you can't even drink the mouth water.

This also leads to the problem that some people are so thick that they can't eat enough, so they just look for food outside.

In Neon Valley, after the sun comes out, the abundant water vapor presents rainbows under the sunlight, just like arch bridges connecting the mountains above the canyon.Under the rainbow, the waterfall that flows straight down from the main peak is rumbling. The deep pool below it is unknown how deep it is. Most of the area of ​​the canyon is covered by the pool. The water plants on the shore are as tall as a person, and there are a lot of small animals and insects. Thrive here.

Camouflage butterfly is also one of them.

Whenever the sun is rising, it is the time when the camouflage butterfly is most active. This low-level monster likes to eat morning dew, especially the crystal dew formed on the flower stamens after the temperature difference of one night under the first ray of sunlight.

At this time, a large number of young butterflies will fly out from the beehive-like nests on the four sides of the three bodies, and the adult camouflage butterflies will patrol the entrance of the canyon or such places where natural enemies appear, in groups, Once danger is found, talent spells will be used to make humans and natural enemies go 'blind' to protect the cubs and habitat.

Warcraft all act alone and have a strong sense of territory. Warcraft that live in groups like this are the most difficult to deal with. No matter how high your mental resistance is, you can't stand up to the [Psychedelic Art] bombing in turn. If there are one or two mutated It's even more tragic, the group is destroyed with a high probability, whether you are Ling Jue or shocking the world, it will not help.

In the grass, the game ID Huanshi Lingtian poked his head out quietly, looked around cautiously, then turned around and waved to his companion hidden in the 'dog hole'.

One, two, three... Players like mud monkeys got out of the 'dog hole' where they had been hiding overnight, each of them was afraid of making any noise, crawling like a loach among the dense vegetation.

This is a four-person team, all of them are players from the Hua Kingdom, two men and two women, all races are elves, Huanshi Lingtian climbed at the front, suddenly felt a little cold in the back, and the elf female player Huanshi Lingxiao who was crawling behind eyeballs The child was about to stare out, and he was about to scream when he opened his mouth, but was covered by Ling Yun, who was behind him.

"What's on my back?"

"Xiaotian, don't look back, keep climbing?"


"Don't look, keep climbing."

Huanshi Lingtian's heart was trembling, the cold and greasy thing was still moving, he suppressed the panic in his heart, and continued to crawl forward, feeling the greasy and cold thing crawling off his body, following the trousers, crawling behind him went.

"I can't take it anymore, it's so disgusting!" Huanshi Lingxiao stopped, and suddenly there was a ghost thing like a slug and a snake in front of him. Slime, with compound eyes and a snail-shaped tentacle on its head.

"Xiao Xiao don't shout and don't move, I beg you."

"I am afraid"

"Zombie skeletons are coming through, hang in there."

"Ah, it's crawling on me."

The team made by a harmless bug was almost exposed, and they finally climbed to the predetermined location. Everyone was covered in cold sweat, and everyone seemed to be dripping out of muddy water, as embarrassing as they wanted.

Huanshi Lingtian is a veteran player of the 5th test. Although he is not doing well, he is still an extraordinary, but he is also well-informed.He comforted his teammates on the team channel, especially the two girls, for fear that they would lose the chain at a critical moment and drag their feet.

Not far from the hiding place, there were a few rocks washed down by the waterfall, everyone climbed in, Huanshi Lingtian carefully squatted up, hid behind the rocks and looked in the direction of 7 o'clock.

A cub of a camouflage butterfly is dancing with the wind carefree.

He swallowed nervously, as if seeing a golden mountain, he froze for a moment, and continued to look into the distance.

Two adult camouflage butterflies are surrounding a huge leaf shaped like a banana leaf, feeding on the morning dew on it, stopping every so often. This cub is clearly within their protection range.

It's a little tricky!

The pups in other directions are all too far away, it's just the best chance.

He retracted cautiously and told his companions about the situation.

"Let's do it!" said the second boy and the last teammate Huanshi Lingcheng.

If it was outside, he would have been screaming excitedly.

As a veteran player, Huanshi Lingtian has rich experience, so he quickly came up with a plan.

"Why me again!" Huanshi Lingcheng shouted in the team channel dissatisfied.

"It's not you, is it me, or Ling Xiao?" The female man, Ling Yun, suppressed him.

Five minutes later, taking advantage of Huanshi Lingcheng's active exposure and briefly attracting two adult camouflage butterflies, Huanshi Lingtian completed the arrangement.

A strange flower fragrance began to fill the air. The cub of the camouflage butterfly smelled it, stopped in doubt, and looked hesitantly at the place where the fragrance came from.

The two adult camouflage butterflies hadn't come back yet, and the cub couldn't resist the temptation of the fragrance of flowers after all, and flew here.

On the team channel, the two girls yelled excitedly. Unexpectedly, their joy turned into grief. The cub hadn't come over yet, and Huanshi Lingcheng died, and there wasn't enough time.

Seeing that the two guards were about to return, Huanshi Lingyun scolded his teammates for being useless and unworthy.

"...Xiaoyun, you go"

"You go"

"I'm not as agile as you"

"...The second one in the lottery is obviously you"

"I, I'm scared"

"How about we go together?"


"Let's run separately and watch it chase that one, and the other one might survive."

"Grandma, hurry up and attract monsters, do you want to waste all your previous efforts?"

After the two girls left, Chuangshi Lingtian was the only one left in the lurking spot, and the cubs of the camouflage butterfly were getting closer and closer, and gradually entered the capture distance.

What exudes a strange floral fragrance is a kind of 'compound essence' specially designed to catch this kind of pet. It is produced by an alchemist. A powder as big as a fingernail costs 50 silver, and the price cannot be countered, and the supply exceeds demand.

The powder was sprinkled on a wild flower, and the cub was a little puzzled, and stopped at the edge of the capture distance, refusing to go any further.

Demonic beasts have intelligence, so they must not be regarded as mindless monsters, no matter how low-level demonic beasts are, they are also demonic beasts, Huanshi Lingtian is very anxious when he sees this.

The time limit of the pollen is limited, and his teammates can't delay it for too long, so he can only venture away from the pile of rocks and approach the cub actively.

Unexpectedly, an adult camouflage butterfly suddenly appeared from the direction of 3 o'clock, as if smelling the fragrance of flowers, rushed over to check what happened.


Huanshi Lingtian was not reconciled to failure, nor did he care about hiding, squatted up and trotted among the dense vegetation, the distance was shortened to 50 meters, and a [Advanced Capture Rope] was just by raising his hand.

The power of the system intervened, time seemed to press the pause button, [Advanced Capture Rope] accurately hit the cub, and in the player's field of vision, a small square animation representing the cub's struggle appeared.

The progress bar moved extremely slowly, and the cub struggled extremely violently, eventually breaking the capture rope.

Returning to normal vision, the adult camouflage butterfly found that the cub was in danger, and made a high-frequency screaming sound. The cub flapped its wings and fled to the rear. On the team list, the heads of the three teammates all went dark.

Huanshi Lingtian chased the cub and ran for more than ten meters. After the cooldown of the catching skill passed, he raised his hand to catch it again.

The time is paused again, and the small grid animation of the heart jumping out of the chest appears, the cub is struggling, the rope is fighting with it, the progress bar is crawling forward in a thrilling way, Lingtian, the fantasy world, is praying to the god of death who doesn't believe in much, Swear to this system god, if the capture is successful, the believer will definitely be raised to piety when he returns.

If it weren't for the great wish system such as reshaping the golden body, the difficulty of realizing it might be lower than that of "piousness". Will not take it seriously.

Maybe prayer helped, he didn't even hear the system prompt, and he forgot to breathe nervously.

The progress bar finally reached 100%, the cub did not break free, a white light flashed, and the system indicated that the capture was successful!


He didn't know what his teammates were yelling in the team channel, and he was beaten up by the adult camouflage butterfly who rushed to him afterward.

Death, the white light returning to the city is so amiable, but he did not appear at the resurrection point in the nearest safe zone, but in a temple.

Uh... what's going on?

"The church has reached an agreement with Hoddles, the leader of the camouflage butterfly. The church will provide the safety of the camouflage butterfly's habitat, and Neon Valley will provide regular and quantitative cubs to the church!"

The black pharaoh in a sacrificial attire came out of the darkness, and watched the old Huaguo player's expression change with pleasure, "Actually, if you read the system prompt carefully, you will understand that you have entered the story mode. "

"So?" Huanshi Lingtian jumped up on the spot, he didn't care about any agreement, the pet was caught by him with great luck, and he wanted to take it away from him, but there was no door, "Never mind my business, I don't The next task."

"You accepted it!", the black pharaoh said with a leisurely smile, "while you were praying to the god of death."


Looking at the system prompt, it is indeed in the story mode, and then scrolling forward, when I prayed, the system did ask, so I got lucky +10, and the BUFF with a 100% capture success rate. Finally, look at the pet column, the team four For several days before and after, I just hid in the dog hole for two days before finally catching the magic pet. It showed [task items], could not be unlocked, could not...

what! !

How much is a camouflage butterfly worth now?

Huanshi Lingtian said that it is really hard to accept the ups and downs in life, but, but, what can we do if we don't accept it?
"Is it okay if you don't turn in the mission?" He asked with hope in case.

The black pharaoh was very pleased to see the old Huaguo player deflated, "Do you want 500 church reputation?"

"500 prestige in exchange for my magic pet... Ah, you are not an NPC!" Only then did Huan Shiling realize that this person is a player.

"Complete the task and get 500 reputation. If you don't submit it, you will have neither reputation nor magic pet. You choose!"

"Gah, don't tell me that your mission is to cut the beard?"

"I am the guardian of the Neon Valley resource point of the Death Church, appointed by the bishops!", the black pharaoh showed the prefix ID given in the plot.

"Brother is awesome... I hand in the task, can I make a friend?"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Huanshi Lingtian had no choice but to accept his fate, made a magic pet, and became friends with the black pharaoh.

Half an hour later, the two had become brothers.

Sending off this newly acquainted 'old iron', the black pharaoh entered the Neon Valley for the seventh time today, and returned the cub captured by Lingtian Lingtian to the 55-level golden psychedelic butterfly lord.

A giant golden butterfly whose torso is already close to the shape of a human being. A pair of radiant compound eyes stared at the strange human being, the black pharaoh. It used special sound waves to vibrate and communicated through systematic translation.

"...Thank you!", the psychedelic butterfly area lord finally said.

The system reminds him that the reputation of Neon Valley is +500, reaching friendship, and after entering the valley, he will not be guarded by adult psychedelic butterflies enemies.

If the reputation is raised to [Intimacy], you can become a member of Neon Valley, gain the trust of this kind of monster group, and you can also accept the so-called hidden special missions, which has huge benefits.

——This is the original NPC gameplay of Black Pharaoh.

To put it simply, it is to abandon the mainstream process of the game, conduct in-depth role-playing, fully integrate into the system narrative, and downplay the player's identity, so as to obtain another more real and vivid experience.

After returning, there is still a reward waiting.

This is already the seventh time today.

He was rewarded by the church for his excellent completion of the tasks assigned by the church, protecting the Neon Valley resource point from being disturbed, and perfectly fulfilling the contract reached between the church and the psychedelic butterfly lord.

The upgraded white light rises from both the online and offline bodies at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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