This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 418 Common Ideal

Chapter 418 Common Ideal

If there is a protagonist aura, Philip thinks he is one of them.

Simultaneously upgrade online and offline, how can I ask who has such "treatment", nothing more than offline upgrades seem to be useless, the data and supernatural abilities brought back from the line are sometimes ineffective, as if in a signal very In a bad network, sometimes I can connect, sometimes not.

Philip also felt that there is a 'net' in reality. It is not the Internet, but an extension of the online network and offline. It is said, but it is said that the strongest signal of this 'net' is in Huaguo. I have never heard of such news in Huaguo.

Even if there is news from that country, Philip can't reveal it. Sometimes Philip really wants to go to Huaguo to see the place where miracles should be a kind of pilgrimage.

When I woke up in reality, I used to sense the existence of the network. Fortunately, the signal has 'two bars'.

One of his supernatural abilities is the sense of 'network', a small indicator that is always in the upper right corner of the viewing angle, no matter 'disconnected' or 'connected', just like the battery indicator, only he can See.

Others did not have this ability, including the inmates who ran out from that base together.

Now the old players of Beimi have transformed from prisoners to become guests of major consortiums, research institutions, intelligence agencies and even famous think tanks, enjoying super high treatment. Even after the 6th test, the number of Beimi players has expanded It's still the same when it reaches the million level.

Philip was 'hired' by a scientific research institution engaged in human life engineering. The funders behind this institution all have a lot of background, including a permanent contact group, and the leader Robert is also a black man.

This guy is very talkative and familiar. It is said that he has a Ph.D. in psychology. This kind of highly educated black man and his low-born black man should not have much in common, but this guy is very familiar with the street routine. Speaking of the gangs active on the streets of Chicago, it didn't take much effort to get to know Philip very well.

So familiar that she could break into his room without his permission.

"Hey, hey, what do I see, white light, did the Virgin and Child descend? On a black man?"

Philip sighed and sat up in the joy of 'the network signal is not interrupted'.

"Oh~~, you really look like someone who just fell asleep for a thousand years, like a mummy returning..."

"What's the matter with you, Doctor?"

"Don't call me doctor, this will shorten the distance between us, we are friends, compatriots, come, let's touch!"

Robert, a [-] meter doctor of psychology, wanted to bump fists with Philip on the street with a fancy black man. Philip rolled his eyes and ignored him, and got up to wash himself.

"Let me tell you, how was your day today? The battle of Hua Guo's national uniform, it's very hot right now..."

Philip washed up and was ready to pray, but this annoying guy followed him all the way to the bathroom, with a mouth like a machine gun, chattering, rattling non-stop, regardless of whether others ignored him.

Philip really wanted to raise his hand to seal his mouth, but after holding back, he pushed him away and walked to the small prayer room inside.

The one-to-one reproduction of the Kelemvor altar, statues, room style and layout are all exactly the same as the online prayer room dedicated to him. When he gets here, Robert doesn't dare to be presumptuous anymore. He just shut up and waits. outside the door.

Philip put on a black burqa and knelt in front of the statue of Kelenvor and prayed devoutly. The two signals were not enough to make contact, and he could only sense it vaguely, as if sensing the surge outside through an extremely thick wall. It is like wearing thick protective clothing to sunbathe.

But this level of induction was enough, Philip's heart became more at ease, and some restless emotions were also soothed.

After finishing the homework that must be done every time you log off, that annoying guy Robert hasn't left yet.

"Why, your psychological evaluation has not been completed yet?"

Philip sat relaxed on the sofa and asked while turning on the TV.

"No offense, buddy, really think the gods in the game are real..."

"What do you want to say?"

"Sorry, no offense, no offense, just curious... If the god you believe in really exists, can you ask him to contact us, really, many people are very curious."

"If God exists, why not ask Him to contact me?"

"I don't believe in God...that's not the point, man, can you imagine what would happen if you could get this Kelemvor to get in touch? Haha... Mars hits the earth, those old guys will go crazy, all They'll all go crazy."

"I see why you seem to be afraid that it's not messy enough? A prank?"

"Don't you think it's very interesting? With a bang, the building collapsed like this. The repeated brainwashing lies for more than two thousand years have caused so many wars, famines, and plagues, almost throughout the history of human civilization... It's going to extend offline, like you're doing now, what happens? It's going to turn everything upside down man, it's the end of the world for some people...”

"I let them die."

"Yes, let them die, it's better to realize it tomorrow! To be honest, I am tired of this world. I mean order. I don't have anti-human tendencies. At least there is a relatively fair online world." Mechanism, a mechanism that is not influenced or controlled by anyone, there are real gods on the line..."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"How about we do it together?"

Why does this guy look like a psycho?
Philip tilted his head back to avoid the guy's spit, "What do you mean?"

"Let's build this together!"

Philip's eyes widened unconsciously, "You... how do you know?"

"Com Ang, you're not the only one who has a sense buddy, you underestimate how many smart guys there are in the only superpower... I'm telling you quietly, most of your secrets are not secrets, for this base... ..."

"I don't have any secrets, I'm just here to serve and I'll be free when the time comes, that's what they promised"

"Yes, yes, we are discussing another matter now, damn it, why do you keep changing the subject... What do you think of us building this network together?"

"How to build?"

"It's simple, really simple..."

This guy's smile made Philip a little horrified, why did he feel like a lunatic?

"Tell me about your plan!", he said calmly.

Half an hour later, Philip couldn't hide his shock. Why, why didn't he and those inmates think of such a simple matter?
When I was a guinea pig in the base, they let the whole base fall into some special rules and phenomena that science can’t explain. It’s super good, after jailbreaking and everyone scattered, I can no longer copy the previous things, the network is disconnected and connected, and the things I brought back from the line are sometimes useful and sometimes useless...

It turned out to be the crowd effect.

In other words, if many, many players gather together, they can strengthen the 'network connectivity signal', blur the boundaries between online and offline, and map the online network to reality?
"...a city where players gather, or a country, each player is a node of this network, because of you, the 'net' exists!"

Yes, yes, the truth is right in front of you, why can't you see it?
Later, after the "network signal" became bad, I thought that I had abandoned Kelenvor's teachings and chose to compromise with these guys, so I reflected on it for a long time.

"But... a city where players gather, can we do it?"

Robert laughed mysteriously, "It's impossible for you and me alone, but we have companions and a large number of sponsors."

"But where to build this city where players gather? In Beimi?"

"This is one of the plans. There are currently several plans, some of which tend to be placed in China, while others insist on putting them outside."

"So the player will leave the United States, right?"

"Yes, this is one of the difficulties of this kind of plan. After all, not everyone needs to know the truth, and not everyone agrees with our... er, ideal."

"Ideal? Is your ideal this 'net' in reality? Let reality become like a game, what good is it for you and the people behind you?"

"I've said it before. I'm so disappointed in this world. It's greedy, ugly, hypocritical, stale. It needs to be changed man. Before we could only hope for war. Now there is a better than war, A more subversive, why?", the guy shrugged his shoulders and said, his eyes were surprisingly bright, not like a black man, but like that kind of idealistic, paranoid old white man.

Well, this guy should be a pawn, and he is just a small part of this plan... The question is, accept or reject?
"I need to be quiet."

"I understand, I understand!" Robert looked at his prayer room and laughed tacitly.

When he got up to leave, he said meaningfully, "You know, maybe we can meet your Lord soon."

Feeling complicated, Philip, who was still in great shock and excitement, had no time to care about the disrespect in his words, dismissed him hastily, and went into the prayer room, praying to Kelemvor.

"The network signal is still two grids", Kelan Wo can't feed back any useful information to him. He senses the ebb and flow of the river through the thick wall, and faintly feels the changing sound of the waves conveying some kind of approval to him. …even urges and delights.

For some reason, Philip can't 'say' offline things online, Kelemvor will not give any response, and the same is true for the intelligent NPC staff in the church. The system's prohibition is so powerful, as strong as a god cannot be violated.

Philip has also heard of the name of the Central Intellectual Brain, and he has thought about it more than once, if even the gods are under the supervision of the Central Intellectual Brain, what is the Central Intellectual Brain?
What is the rumored 'ET' who made the Canaan game?
I can't think about it anymore.

You can't talk about offline things online, and you can only vaguely get some inclinations offline. Feeling that Kelenvor agrees with this matter, Philip has made a decision.

That nasty guy hasn't left yet.

Seeing Philip come out of the prayer room, Robert was still sitting on the sofa in his living room, drinking Martell one after another, feeling drunk.

"Aha, I got permission, right?"

"I decided to join!"

"Smart decision, so... shall we have a drink?"

Philip sat down opposite him, raised his glass, and asked intentionally, "For what?"

"For our common ideal!"

"Great idea... Cheers!"


The two gulped down their own plans, and then laughed because they had a common 'ideal'.

"Get ready, you are no longer needed here."

"I still have three months..."

"Don't worry about procedural issues, someone will take care of it naturally."

"Okay then, where are you going?"

"A new land full of promise and fertile for change."

That afternoon, Philip did not go online. Sure enough, when the transfer order to replace the service unit was received, the research institution did not object, and the handover of procedures was completed almost calmly. After more than half a month, Philip saw the sun outside again.

—I thought I would never get out.

Compromise was unavoidable at the beginning. After the inmates dispersed, he was alone and weak, and it was reasonable to be defeated by everyone. We can only hope that the situation will change after the 6th test, and his use value will decrease. Make plans after attracting attention.

From this point of view, what Robert said is good. If his so-called ideal can really be realized, Philip will definitely agree with it with both hands and feet.

A player's city?

What he didn't know was that Huaguo had already had a similar plan, but due to various reasons, it couldn't be implemented in the end.

Someone discovered its existence, but regarded it as a scourge, tried every means to cover it up, and tried every means to avoid its arrival.

Some people discover its existence because they are ecstatic to see the opportunity. Under various high-sounding reasons, it is an ambition that is unwilling to be lonely.

Philip is neither, he is acting in accordance with the preferences of Kelemvor, the god of death, and he is "acting" online and offline. The so-called NPC gameplay is no longer a game, but reshaping his character and way of thinking and behavior. The black youths in the former ghetto are drifting away.

A familiar caravan was heard outside the gate of the research institution. A short and fat black boy was wearing punk-like headphones with big earmuffs. The rhythm of the music could be heard outside.

Philip laughed, and went over and tapped on the windowpane.

The black boy took off his earmuffs and smiled with all his white teeth. He didn't speak, but tilted his head and pointed to the back.

In the carriage, Philip's family greeted him with tears in his eyes when he was released from prison.

Fifteen minutes later, the swear words of the explosive Chicago gangster rap song were scattered all over Route [-], and the family ran towards the low sunset until they disappeared on the red line between heaven and earth.

At this time, the first battle of Huaguo's national service development area is coming to an end. Except for one or two important places that go deep into the fairy forest, the first area of ​​the national service has basically realized the territory on paper, and has won over 14 square kilometers of land in one fell swoop. .

(End of this chapter)

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