This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 419 Canaan's Visiting Mission

The public game area bounded by the four system main cities of the extreme east, the extreme south, the extreme west, and the extreme north is called the public service, and other game areas established, constructed, governed, organized and operated by the operating agent belong to the operating agent Self-management, called XX national service.

After the world-renowned Huaguo national service opened the first battle, the de facto public service and national service have been established. The national service area of ​​14 square kilometers is equivalent to a small and medium-sized country in reality, which is completely enough use.

Huaguo National Service starts from the outpost (6) of Jidong City which is closest to the Fairy Forest. It reaches Red Stone Canyon in the east, Hengduan Mountains in the north, and the hut of the Banshee in the south. The overall terrain presents a trend of high in the east and low in the west. is an irregular circle.

Within the scope of the national server, there are canyons, mountains, swamps, and lakes. There are 14 large-scale resource points of various types, 109 proven resource points of medium-sized resources, and countless small-scale resource points.

The Fairy Forest was already known for its abundance of products. After reasonable development and utilization, it must be even better than before, and it is not difficult to even surpass the barren public server game area.

What is there to say?

The foundation of kings and hegemons?

That's it.

The large-scale battle ended with the temporary retreat of the forest army driven by wild elves. Millions of Huaguo national server players won the battle unsurprisingly. This 4-day (realistic) server opening battle, After exhausting the accumulation of Canaan's parent company in the previous tests, and owed a huge debt to the system, in the end, it was a surprise and got this coveted online land in its pocket.

The land of the line is gone.

How many years has it been, and when was the last time you expanded your territory?
It is a pity that such a thing of great significance and benefit cannot be publicized, and most people will only think that it is an online virtual thing, and cannot equate it with the real country.

When the system announced the victory of the national service battle and the end of the regional plot, a small group of people in the headquarters of Canaan's parent company cheered, and Yu Qingdong even had tears in his eyes. He was worried for several days, fearing that something might happen.

This ripening moment is so intoxicating, even if most people don't understand it, it doesn't matter, as long as someone understands it, especially those who can decide their own destiny can understand it.

The commendation order was issued immediately, and the persons in charge of various links such as initiation, organization, command, and logistics support were awarded.Everyone in the command center played the crown to celebrate. Some young people opened the champagne on the spot. The usually stable and majestic elders couldn't help laughing and singing and dancing with the young people regardless of their image.

Offline celebrations can only be carried out in this way, and there is no such "subtlety" online.

The national service is established!

The area of ​​the national server of 14 square kilometers is only slightly smaller than that of the public server. On the newly generated map of each player, a large area newly included is crowned with the four characters of Huaguo National Service.

Almost side by side with the public service.

The impact and excitement brought to all players is unprecedented. National server, national server, national server, the name that has been called for so long finally highlights its presence in such a shocking way. From now on, no player can Overlook such a huge piece of play area.

Compared with the "mature" public server, the national server is a virgin land. God knows how many opportunities are hidden, how many treasures are waiting to be explored and discovered, how many hidden tasks, how many experienced monsters, bosses, equipment, meritorious service, etc.

"Mr. Yu, when are we going online!?"

"Yes, Mr. Yu, I can't wait to set foot on our own online land."

"Why are you so blind? At such an important moment, you must be cautious. What are we going up? We are overstepping!"

"Haha, am I just happy!"

"We can make a stop first."

"Yeah, yeah, the site selection of the first city needs us professionals."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, tell me!"


The hospitality was hard to come by, Yu Qingdong smiled and pressed his hand, wanting to be more cautious, but seeing the exhausted and excited faces, his brain became hot, and he waved his hand, "Go, go, go and have a fight." stand."

"Long live!"

"President Yu is mighty!"

"Are we going to log in as a player?"

"What players, administrators, administrators understand?"

Yu Qingdong smiled and said, "Yes, administrator, Xiao Liu opened a batch of accounts, let's go online and have a look."

It is convenient to have a national uniform.

In the past, I had to apply to the system, but now on my own one-acre three-point land, this kind of small operation can be decided by myself.

The confidential secretary knew that he couldn't persuade him at this time, so he had to smile and go out to inform the technical department to make arrangements.

The technical department occupies an entire floor.

The infrastructure at the level of the information highway received from the 'gate' is almost insufficient. Thousands of people are buzzing inside like bees. They have to process the real-time data of millions of players, monitor There are millions of scheduled events and emergencies every minute and every second, to deal with the endless bugs, exploit loopholes, and loophole-finding actions, as well as the initial search and summary of 14 square kilometers of online land data...

At this time, when I heard the demands of the executives, the technicians were all scolding their mothers in their hearts. I am too busy to finish the work.
However, the official senior level crushed the individual, and the technical backbone who seriously suspected that he would die from overwork received the task, so he had to take time out of his busy schedule to set up identities and permissions for these old men to go online for inspection.

This is the first time to log in?
Yu Qingdong himself didn't even remember.

I remember that when Canaan Company was first established, as the CEO of Fireline, he had logged into Canaan as the No. 001 administrator, but it was temporary and was subsequently revoked.

A level 0 character, who is just looking at the flowers on horseback, can't see anything.

This time is different.

A2-level authority, except for the highest authority A1 of the parent company, the system and the central brain are bigger than him.

As soon as the level comes up, adjust it to the full level that A2 can touch - 45.
Other titles, cloaks, equipment... Well, these belong to the public game service content, and the operating agent cannot copy and supply them in unlimited quantities, but with the resources of the national server, what is the difficulty in getting them to show off?
The moment a group of fourteen people appeared at the resurrection point, the spiritual light soared into the sky, and the strong light almost blinded the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of nearby players.

But when they saw the IDs of these people, they were not interested.

Huaguo National Service Test Tool Person 001-014.

Yu Qingdong's first movement was to touch his body. It felt good to have previous experience, but it was different for the next few people who logged in for the first time. The impact of reincarnation and rebirth is not something ordinary self-control can resist.

Looking at the colleagues in various situations, the others were in a good mood, joking, pranking, and laughing, as if returning to their youth.

When everyone got used to it, an S1-level executive said that even if he said a thousand words and ten thousand words, he didn't experience it personally for a while, so it's no wonder, no wonder.

No wonder, if he didn't say anything, everyone else would understand.

This is our Canaan.

This is our national uniform!

Looking at the slightly dark and gloomy sky, looking at the messy safety zone, looking at the players who are in a hurry... Every weed, every simple shack is so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people feel so beautiful. People choked up and moved people.

"What everyone sees is the future No. [-] city in the national server."

said an executive in charge of the matter.

In reality, he is a greasy middle-aged man, but now he is an elf ranger who is flamboyant and coquettish, who has set all the auras of equipment that cannot be used normally to the exhibition state, and who knows that the ID has betrayed him.

I saw him flicking his bangs on his forehead, and introduced in high spirits, "In the future, a magnificent city will rise from the ground here. The call for comments on the naming of fame has been reviewed and approved. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Why don't you call it Xinjingcheng?"

"Too vulgar, nothing new, how about calling it Huaxia City?"

"The meaning of reality is too strong, and the name is too heavy. What if there is a better one in the future? I think it's better to call it Starting Point City. What do you think?"

"Starting point? Seems good?"

"It's useless for us to say, we need players to vote... Sigh, I said you can't leave, what is it like to be stuck here?"

"Go, go, don't disturb others playing games."

The fourteen people chatted and laughed, and the men and women whose temperaments and demeanors were very different from those of the players walked around the largest safe zone in the national server.

This safe zone has gone deep into the fairy forest. Outside the simple city walls, the continuous military camps are more lively than the city. Countless open-air markets have escaped the supervision of the system. Free bazaars have sprung up one after another, trading and circulating huge harvests in the battle of the national server.

The city is actually very depressed, and there is nothing to see, no one pays attention to them, not to mention NPCs, but those who are played by real people want to come and flatter the leaders, but unfortunately they are fixed by the rules of the national server, so they can't leave easily open.

"Oh, the blacksmith shop, or this primitive way? Can't improve the workmanship?"

"This is Canaan, you still want to make steel with local methods? There is no coal, even if there is fuel, the environment with magic is not the same as the environment without magic. The knowledge in the middle has grown."

"Well, how did I hear that DIY is very popular?"

"It's simple things that can be DIY, such as clothes, jewelry, gadgets, small decorations, etc., but not complicated ones."

"Well, it makes sense, makes sense."

The blacksmith shop NPC looked at such a group of people blocking the door of his shop inexplicably, and was about to drive them away, but he hesitated when he saw their IDs. Functional NPCs didn't have such eyesight. Some players blocked behind were impatiently shouting...

"Go away!"

The [-]-member inspection group was driven away.

Tailor shop, pharmacy shop, leather shop, grocery shop, meritorious service shop, training camp, city lord's mansion, public security office, tax office, tavern, restaurant, inn, adventurer's guild, pet shop, alchemist's guild, enchanter's guild... …With all kinds of missions and functional NPCs, the small safe area is not as big as a small town in reality, but it has all the internal organs. After walking around, the inspection group is still full of interest, so someone suggested to go outside the city to have a look .

"Go, look, look!"

Yu Qingdong never refuses anyone who comes, he's happy, it's reasonable to play around the edges.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked outside the city, I was shocked by the endless tents, military camps and free markets.

The small safe zone is like an isolated island, in the ocean of hundreds of thousands of players, it is still the most shabby and remote island.

"What's going on, why don't the players enter the city?"

"tax evasion."

"This...isn't it good?"

"The city can't accommodate it... Besides, it's all in the initial stage, so I can't be too busy."

"No, no, how much tax is this? The company's accounts are all in the red... Sigh, how can I see players on the international server..."

"How much tax is this, Lao Yu!"

Yu Qingdong's face also darkened, and he used his authority to attract the online administrators.

GM001-100 are similar to summoned land gods, all of them popped up, and in the state of ghosts, they can be separated.

"Mr. Yu, we can't help it. The players don't listen."

"Where's your authority? Eat dry food?" A senior executive reprimanded.

"...the law does not blame the public, I..."

"What law does not blame the public, this is... this is dereliction of duty!"

The GMs were silent, wanting to say that there is still a system on the top, so they can’t do whatever they want. You let the players pay taxes, yes, but you have the rules and regulations and the ability to collect taxes. It’s just such a small place. , all squeezed in can't become a can of sardines, the national service can't bear it.

"Old Yu, there is no need to delay the construction of the city. If it is delayed for a day, it will be a huge loss."

"Yeah yeah"

"The company is hollowed out, cheap players, and outsiders, this is a crime."

"Build the city, build the city immediately."

"Easy to say, what about the money?"

"No money?"

"The flowers are already clean."


Yu Qingdong listened cheerfully, even seeing so many "tax evasion and tax evasion" behaviors, he still looked at them with intoxicated and appreciative eyes.

In fact, his colleagues are not like this, they don't really care about the chaos when the national server was first established, what is this little loss, the nest is built, it just shows that the huge profit of the national server Prospects and a bright future.

It's nothing more than that when you first come to the noble place, you feel agitated, which is what the players say, the age becomes younger as soon as you go online, and you are a different person online and offline.

He took a deep breath of Canaan's air, and an intoxicating smell made him unable to calm down for a long time.

Land online!
Although it is impossible to publicize its great significance, his name will not be missing on the medal of merit. This moment of great historical significance must be very thick with his pen and ink.

The visiting delegation stayed online for several hours. Many executives who had never logged in to Canaan were addicted for a while. Afterwards, they were all full of praise for this experience. Online is online. No wonder so many people are fascinated. , the experience is truly indescribable by imagination alone.

Since then, the construction of the national service has been in full swing. As expected, there was no celebration offline. Ordinary people don't know the meaning of this national service at all, and other operating agents are envious.

The Huaguo national uniform is available, but what about theirs?

where is it?

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