This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 421 The Newbies Are Too Enthusiastic

The newly listed Maple Leaf Town signboard was shining golden in the sun, and a large number of new and old players were pointing their fingers at the signboard. It was a pity that two firecrackers could not be set off to have fun, which made this listing ceremony a bit of a fly in the ointment.

Fortunately, the player who accepted the only task proudly jumped down from the city gate, and made a scissors hand in front of the camera of his friend, leaving behind this very commemorative picture for him.

After that, the old and new players who accepted the task of 'witnessing the completion of Maple Leaf Town' dispersed in droves, no longer interested in this signboard.

With 25 experience points and 5 national service points, Li Xiao has also been upgraded.

After accumulating 400 points in the national service, he immediately ran to the points merchant.

Points merchants are equivalent to meritorious merchants, and they can exchange points for cloaks. He has enough combat power, and he is only short of a cloak to have the title of [Extraordinary].

Without a title cloak, it’s like not having a job. When others form a team and see your bald head, it’s useless for you to say that you are level 10.

There are a lot of people at the point merchants, and they are all queuing up, all of them are exchanging titles and cloaks. In order to make up a [Superman], most of the newbies really give up everything. Looking at what they are wearing, none of them are decent. , Many of them are not durable and are still worn on the body.

"...Ah, the young rebel 'Dawn of Dawn' is very happy to see you grow into a qualified professional. Remember, extraordinary is just the beginning, your journey is the sea of ​​stars..."

The NPC tried his best to say the same thing, but Li Xiao's blood boiled when he heard it. Who doesn't have a heart to be a high-end player, and who can guarantee that he won't go on smoothly all the way like extraordinary, supernatural, lingering, and shocking?

It is also troublesome to exchange a cloak. There are several tasks to be done. The cloak of the national server is more difficult to obtain than the system cloak, and there are several more links in the task.

Li Xiao has been online for 24 hours (reality), the system reminded him several times to go offline but was ignored, he must persist until he got the cloak.

Running around and running tasks, I went to this national server NPC for a while to understand the relevant policies and gameplay of the national server, and then went to that national server NPC to use actions to prove the value, responsibility and obligation of the national server. The realistic taste, the whole article is full of preaching... Fuck, if other operating agents dare to do this, do you think their players will run away?
That is to say, the national server, and now there is no competitor, so it is so arrogant.

Finally finished the national service, and the system.

The system requires several 'licenses'

The elf ranger's license is to reach the intermediate level of archery specialization.

This is a hard target. Li Xiao only passed the primary specialization assessment, thinking that the intermediate level should not be difficult, so he entered the training camp.

Unexpectedly, during this period of time, he was only busy with the national service missions, and the number of times of killing monsters and fighting was very small, and his archery skills were not advanced but retreated. He still failed the assessment of this intermediate specialization.

It took more than two hours before I found a feeling. At this time, the system had already reminded me for the fifth time, and I would be forcibly kicked offline if I tried again.

Li Xiao felt that he was still alive, but unfortunately, the system didn't listen to him, so he had to go offline with regret.

In reality, as soon as he woke up, he was pulled into a dark and sweet sleep by sincere sleepiness.

Every time he sleeps like this, his 'liver degree' will rise slightly. It used to be less than 24 hours, but now it has already exceeded it.

Long online time is a huge advantage. Diligence can make up for clumsiness. Stupid birds fly first. What makes people speechless is that old players also have an overwhelming advantage in this area. I often hear news that so-and-so has exploded for several days and nights, which makes the newcomers Can't give birth to the desire to chase.

However, just as the chip manufacturing process reaches 5 nanometers, there will be a limit that cannot be broken by physics, and there is also a limit to the online time. One of the goals Li Xiao set for himself is to reach this limit as soon as possible, so as to narrow the gap with the old players.

When he woke up, it was already 3 days in the morning of the next day, and Li Xiao got up from the game room in high spirits, feeling as relaxed and comfortable after just a few hours of sleep as if he had slept soundly for a day and a night.

Take the time to take a bath. Li Xiao's mother has long adapted to her son's day and night, day and night upside down life. She is still sleeping soundly, but there are warm meals in the kitchen. After taking a bath, Li Xiao hastily pulled After a few mouthfuls, I couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer.

Although I want to go online as soon as possible, I have to lower my head to look at the road while pulling the car. As a player, it is essential to understand the information on the Internet and grasp the latest game developments.

First, I went to the official website, quickly browsed a few new hot spots, and spent half an hour posting some strategies full of dry goods, and finally went to the supply and demand section.

There are quite a lot of new posts here, and there are a lot of posts every few seconds. Eliminating the meaningless irrigation, Li Xiao quickly found what he wanted.

A fixed team recruitment initiated by a player in the same city.

Li Xiao sent his edited information to the player's mailbox, but he didn't have much hope for reporting. He found many similar posts, cast a wide net, and each of them submitted a 'resume'.

It's not that he has never thought about starting a "company as the boss" by himself. The problem is, "to be the boss" you have the boss's news, contacts, qualifications and strength. Take the adventurer guild that is most popular with new players, level 10 It's a door frame, the title cloak is another door frame, and the adventurer level is the last one.

It is not easy to upgrade the adventurer level. You need to complete relatively difficult tasks. For players with corresponding adventure levels, the first two conditions can be relatively ignored. It's all very easy.

Experience and qualifications are common both offline and online.

Moreover, adventure missions of the corresponding level can only be accepted with the corresponding adventure level. Many newcomers who are not enough in level especially hope that the captain's adventure level will be higher, so that they can receive tasks with better rewards. A mercenary who is not even F-level newcomer, to be the 'boss', who will care about you!

After submitting your resume, go online immediately.

It was still the resurrection point of Maple Leaf Town, and Li Xiao ran to the newly completed Adventurer's Guild as soon as he went online.

Another advantage of adventurer missions is that you can contact NPC forces of neutral or even hostile camps, and discover some game clues outside the system. Maybe you will be lucky that day and encounter the only mission that has not been triggered, or an undiscovered resource point , Treasure boxes and the like are developed.

The gate of the guild is still crowded with people, who are setting up stalls, forming teams, chatting, arguing... all kinds of people, second only to the online auction house which is a system service function.

Regardless of the limited space at the gate, the inside doesn't really look like much. As soon as Li Xiao squeezed in, the space inside suddenly expanded countless times, and he was suddenly in a building that was bigger than Yanjing Railway Station, with 3 people up and down. In the three-dimensional compressed space of layers.

The first floor is densely packed with counter windows, and there is a dynamically updated message screen in the center. Someone found something in a certain place, a certain mercenary team sent a message for help, the coordinates, a certain resource point was attacked by a monster and urgently needed support. But the relevant tasks can only be accepted by mercenary groups with a series of qualifications...

The small screens on both sides gather the most players, and each player refreshes the screen. Only the mercenaries of one team can see the refresh of various tasks, and the high-level or low-level tasks that are swiped out can be judged by color grade. In addition to the representation, there are rarities ranging from one star to five stars.

F-level mercenary regiments can also spawn five-star rare adventure missions.

This mode is very popular with newcomers including Li Xiao. It is said that a certain junior mercenary group created a mission to clean up the sewers in the city. This mission itself is not unusual. There was a secret lair in the sewer pipe that no one had discovered, and a tribe of bear goblins was hiding in the lair. After cleaning up these monsters, the system generously gave a bronze treasure chest.

It was what happened in Maple Leaf Town not long ago. Li Xiao happened to be offline. When he was online, the treasure chest had already been robbed. He regretted it for a long time.

Therefore, one-star to five-star missions can’t be seen from the mission description. The star rating is just the probability of rare rewards. Come on, no mercenary team will give up.

But these have nothing to do with Li Xiao for the time being, the most important thing for him now is to register his mercenary information and join a mercenary group, even if it is temporary.

So he went to the second floor.

There are relatively few players on the second floor. They look like bank counters, and the salespersons played by real people are all girls. These people are not considered players, they are only official employees of the national server. Just switched to online.

Strictly speaking, they are not even online, but interact with players through an online interface. They are awake in reality, wearing something like a VR headset.

The reason for this setting is also to save costs. The cost of hiring a player is too high. If the salary is low, no one will do it. If it is high, one can beat dozens or hundreds of cute girls like this, and they still don’t accept discipline. How can the offline 996 social animals be used smoothly?
"Hello, operator 119 is here to serve you wholeheartedly. The player ID is Liming Lixiao, and the national server number is Shan-F51N13... Dear, what kind of business do you need to handle?"

"Hello, I want to register as a mercenary."

"It's a pleasure to serve you. The national service mercenaries are employed by the national service official and do not accept any third-party dispatch or employment. Have you made it clear?"


"Please carefully read the terms and conditions of the national service mercenaries and the employment agreement. If there is no problem, please sign on the third, fifth, and seventh pages. You may also be required to sign some documents offline. Do you understand these procedures?"



The cute girl provided services for him with the warmth of spring and a tone like greeting relatives. After ten minutes, the registration was finally completed. Li Xiao ignored the expectant eyes of the cute girl, without any tip, got up and left cheekily.

The rewards given by players to such personnel are also a major feature of the national server. It's very fucked up, and it's not because of the bad ethos that it just increases the burden on players like him.

It is said that player's money is easy to earn, as if a strong wind blows, everyone wants to squeeze money out of players, making this kind of work a fat job.

It is true that there are a lot of extra money. It is not uncommon for those old players who are not short of money to reward them with dozens of coppers or one silver and two silvers. This is much higher than their salary, so it is no wonder that their tone is sweet齁人.

After becoming an honorable F-rank mercenary, Li Xiao got his own mercenary number and task acceptance sequence. Wearing an extraordinary title and cloak, Li Xiao returned to the lobby on the first floor and stood among the crowd, unremarkable at all.

After submitting so many resumes offline, no one has contacted him until now. Li Xiao was worried about forming a team, so he joined the mercenary group that was openly recruiting players.

"The F-level mercenary regiment is recruiting, no requirements, no requirements, only small tasks around Maple Leaf Town, if you are willing to chat with me privately."

"The E-level mercenary group recruits veterans, above level 10, with a cloak of extraordinary title, with a combat power of about 500, rangers and mages are given priority, do missions in the Sequoia and Maple Leaf Forest Land, take into account collection and escort, accept mission entrustments along the way, original intention private Talk to me, I need an interview."

"The C-level mercenary group recruits old players above level 25, above dust, with a combat power of about 1500, unlimited occupations, unlimited races, no fixed task routes, but mainly exploring and opening up new maps, part-time treasure hunting , a part-time job to lead the boss, interested veterans chat with me privately, don’t come for newcomers, don’t waste my time.”


There are many adventure teams, and this kind of occasion will not let them yell indiscriminately. Basically, each person will send a message in seconds, and it will be fine if they yell.

A large number of players like Li Xiao who are looking for a team are crowded in various positions. When choosing a mercenary group, they also accept other people's choices. The so-called two-way choice is nothing more than that.

F-level mercenary groups are almost all newcomers, with low requirements and low door frames, but the upper limit of the starting point is not so satisfactory. Li Xiao, who is a mercenary for the first time, wants to mix in some high-level mercenary groups. A few times, I got nothing but a few cynicism and impatient scolding.

Alas, what a dog's eyes look down on people!

Indignantly, he squeezed out from the recruitment site of an E-level mercenary regiment. Looking around, there were a lot of mercenary regiments, but there were only so many mercenary regiments suitable for him. Just doing tasks that were not too different from the national uniform, or Keep trying your luck.

Maybe there are high-level groups who don't care and just want to find a head?

Such a good thing is not without, many people have encountered.

After thinking about it, Li Xiao decided to wait.

I wanted to go to clear the task and try my luck, but I was worried that I would miss such a good opportunity after I walked away, so I had to wait here patiently.

Many people with the same plan as him squatted in the outer corners, just like those squatting on the street waiting for someone to hire a short-term laborer in reality... Not to mention, they all look alike.

After guarding for half an hour, a female human mage player in high-end equipment appeared, making a buddy squatting next to Li Xiao jump up like a spring, and rushed there without saying a word.

Li Xiao was half a beat too late, and when he approached, the female human mage player was already surrounded by people.

"...Let's talk about it first, the peripheral tasks of the large-scale wasteland reclamation group, but also to go to the public server... Do not hesitate to chat with me privately to sign up... Ah, come one by one!"


"And I!"

The newbies were so enthusiastic, Du Shiyu, who was doing this kind of thing for the first time, was sweating profusely.

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