This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 422 Cannon Fodder

Shao Bing got up early to make breakfast for his daughter, and cleaned up the house before the nanny came. Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar home, he couldn't remember the last time he had to eat with his daughter.

This made him a little guilty, but also a little dark.

Entering the daughter's room, the pink princess room is well cleaned up. The nanny is not full-time, and the daughter doesn't like her entering her own small room. It must be cleaned up by the daughter herself.

It is not easy for a child who has just entered the first class of kindergarten. The kindergarten teacher always thought that the nanny aunt who sent her to school was her mother. Last time, she asked why the child's father had never been here.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her sleeping face, the guilt in my heart became more obvious. I thought, after this busy period, I must take time to accompany her and make up for the debts I owed during this period.
Just at 6 o'clock, the small alarm clock next to the bed rang. When the daughter opened her eyes, she saw the father sitting on the bedside. She jumped over happily and hugged Shao Bing's neck like a baby.

Shao Bing stayed with her for a while, urging her to get up and wash up.

Such a big child doesn't have to wake up so early, it's because the daughter went to bed early in order to catch up with him in the morning.

The father and daughter who live under the same roof have to make an appointment to sit and have breakfast together, that is, players.

No one's success comes without a price.

"Father, you are going to help fight today, right?"

"Well... hurry up and eat."

"Time is tight, right? You promised me that I will watch your live broadcast at home."


"You promised last time, yes, yes, I want to see your help."

Shao Bing couldn't remember the last time he agreed to his daughter's request, but he promised her too many things, maybe he made the promise casually that day.

At the repeated request of his daughter, Shao Bing also opened the permission to live broadcast online, but he has never used it for outsiders. Looking at her big eyes full of hope, his heart softened and he nodded.

"Long live, watch the live broadcast, watch dad help you fight!"

"Don't make trouble, eat quickly."

"Dad, isn't the time coming soon, you go online quickly."

"I'll go when Aunt Liu comes."

"I'm OK, you go, I will have a good meal."


"You still don't believe me? You forgot the last time you came to collect debt..."

"Okay, okay, you can do it, you're amazing...then I'm online?"

"Wait a moment!"

The daughter ran to the living room and opened the online receiving terminal. A special silver box-shaped instrument, the latest model launched by Canaan Company, can watch online live broadcasts almost simultaneously with the smallest delay. Once launched, it became popular all over the world. , Hang out similar products launched by other operating agents.

The instrument is connected to a large smart TV, Shao Bing enters his live broadcast code and authorization key, and the TV screen goes black, showing that it is waiting for the live broadcast signal to be connected...

When he goes online and turns on the first-person camera, my daughter can experience the world of Canaan with him from his perspective.

Cloud play, cloud play, this way Canaan's influence has been expanded invisibly by countless times, and it has really penetrated into every aspect of the world.Many high-end players have activated the live broadcast permission to provide the public with a wonderful and high-end gaming experience from the first perspective. Even some players will watch regularly, as if they have become high-end players in the perspective.

The major TV stations have specially opened up a channel for this kind of first-person view programs, and all of them are in a big fire. Until recently, a red-headed document was released to cool down this emerging "cloud entertainment industry". convergence.

It's not the first time for my daughter to see him from the first perspective, and I can't see many people's first perspective. The little guy saw that his father entered the computer room, and was bored waiting, so he secretly switched to another 'channel' and input various commands skillfully. , and the screen lights up after a while.

A picture of the player operating the refining interface appeared on the screen. My daughter became interested when she saw it, but there were too many bullet screens. Too bad, I would definitely not wash it this way if I were to do it myself, I don’t know how to wash the equipment, and there are jealous people who say strange things...

Naturally, the online player couldn't see the barrage, and was nervously putting a green quality shoe on it. The mouse pointer representing his idea moved back and forth on the [OK] button, showing his nervousness at the moment. .

"You press it, you press it!"

As soon as the daughter changed her act of being a good baby in front of Shao Bing, she dug out the snacks she kept and yelled anxiously while sitting on the sofa.

The doorbell rang, but she ignored it. Auntie Liu, the nanny, opened the door with the key and came in. Seeing her watching TV again, she went to clean up the father and daughter's leftover breakfast without saying anything.

It was still dark at this time.

"Don't look at Niuniu, it's time to get ready for kindergarten."

"I told Dad, won't you go today?"


"Why am I lying to you, I want to watch Dad's online live broadcast."

Aunt Liu glanced at the computer room with the door closed, sighed, and said nothing.

The dangling mouse on the screen was still pressed down, a light flashed on the refining interface, and the shoes in the small window shattered, indicating that the refining failed and the equipment and props were broken.

The player yelled, and the daughter on the sofa was overjoyed, and the popcorn in her hand was spilled everywhere.

Looking at the upper right corner, it's broken, Dad has already started, and quickly switched to Shao Bing's first perspective.

After Shao Bing started the live broadcast, because he was worried about his daughter watching offline, he paid special attention to what he said. When receiving and sending messages on the family gang channel, he absolutely did not use words that could be converted into text, so as not to spoil those who are not vigilant about meat and vegetables. own daughter.

The public servers around Jinan City are already covered in dark clouds, and all the remnants of centaurs who used to be active in the vast wilderness have disappeared without a trace. The lost ground has been regained, and several of the most forward safe areas have been lost. The war is about to break out, and the first to suffer are the unlucky ones who chose the gang station here.

Not too bad luck.

At least when the expansion is released, it will be near the water first, but the premise is that it must survive the most difficult and dangerous period now.

near guard city.

The NPC liaison officer who came from the extreme south city just entered the city, waiting for him, the gang leader and city lord, to come online.

The players who are still online in the gang are either hunting monsters outside or busy with their own affairs in the city. Several managers accompanied the liaison officer, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him come in.

Dealing with intelligent NPCs is becoming more and more complicated nowadays, and it is more and more like greeting and sending in reality. The middle and low-level players are fine. They don't care about this, and there is no need to care about it, but Shao Bing is not a problem. .

A task is a task, and a system is a system. In addition to tasks and systems, intelligent NPCs also have their own likes, dislikes, desires, interests, and pursuits. Pay special attention when dealing with them in daily life. Don't treat each other as a tool, otherwise... …has been proven the hard way.

"Ah, Mr. Cuomo, why did you come here in person..."

Shao Bing put on a smiling face and began to socialize skillfully.

Offline, Shao Bing's daughter yawned boredly. Dad's first perspective is so boring. He is either talking with this person or negotiating with that person. Sometimes he doesn't feel like a majestic gang leader, but like a nanny Liu Aunt.

Help fight, help fight, I want to see the big scene, I want to see my father's majesty!
The liaison officer NPC brought the latest developments of the surrounding situation, and asked Shao Bing to make preparations for "guarding the border", and issued a gang mission of "rescue the extreme south city in an emergency", and hurried to the next station of the unlucky guy up.

Before the 6th test, dozens of gangs and families of all sizes around Jinan City were completed. At this time, they all became brothers and sisters, and they all faced unprecedented pressure from the hostile camp.

Because Shao Bing had expected today's predicament a long time ago, he wasn't too flustered. He first contacted the members sent out to recruit cannon fodder, and after learning that everything was going well, he was slightly relieved, and plunged headlong into the tense and busy gang affairs.

Jinwei City is now a little larger.

There is no way for the area, the gang level is limited, there is only one square city wall with a length and width of 2000 meters, the city wall is only three meters high, wholesale system style, wholesale defense facilities, not even a few magic cannons, Not to mention high-end goods such as magic ban, air ban, teleportation ban, and energy repelling force field.

The defense ability is average, mainly relying on the combat power of more than [-] veteran players from the gang.

The city is divided into four areas: functional area, living area, entertainment area and production area.

The gang functional units are all in the functional area, which is also the cheapest and most popular architectural style exchanged from the system. They are all small square houses, using space compression technology inside, and dozens of buildings are also neatly arranged. Hand it over to the functional NPC hired from the system to manage it.

The second-level gang has more than a dozen functional units. The gang manager has an overview of the main hall of the gang. The main hall is in charge of the upgrade of the gang. The larger and more exquisite the main hall, the higher the level of the gang.Only when the main hall is upgraded, can the relevant auxiliary facilities and functional units be upgraded... These are the settings of the bad street, which were adopted by Canaan games and applied here, so people can get used to them quickly.

The main hall is like a ancestral hall. Others such as gang warehouses, gang shops, gang training, gang strengthening, gang farms, gang alchemy, gang enchanting, gang forging and sewing, gang potions, and... dozens of functional units, large and small, all These are small houses scattered around that are not accessible to non-gang members.

The meeting hall of the main hall is the place where the online and offline members are unified, and it is also the place where the war is launched and the defense is mobilized. When the agreed time comes, the members who have not been online will go online one after another.

Everyone in the conference hall was sitting in a mess, talking about the game gains during this period, exchanging their own game experience, there were good friends who were very close, there were dirty ones who ignored each other, some were pushy talkers, and some were pragmatic and low-key. Busy with his own business, sitting quietly in the corner...

There are thousands of people and faces, and it is really a laborious thing to bring these people together.

Shao Bing is also different from those Dashuihou gang leaders. Dashuihous don't do these thankless things. Dashuihou is only responsible for pretending and suppressing the situation. Naturally, troublesome things and offending people have their subordinates Mazai will do it for you.

It is also nicknamed: Deputy Gang Leader.

The system doesn't have this position at all, okay?

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet..."

The head of the White Tiger Hall, Hua Feihua Wu Feiwu yelled several times before quieting the venue, "Chunshui?"

Shao Bing coughed, seeing that almost everyone had arrived, he talked about the recent tense situation, and then asked a few backbones sent out to recruit cannon fodder.

A small sapling was still chatting privately with someone, and the person on the side hugged her, and then said, "I have run to more than a dozen safe areas of the national server, and everything is OK, as many newbies as you want."

"Anyone can do it." Shao Bing said.

"Of course I've selected them, otherwise the city wouldn't be able to accommodate them."

Shao Bing nodded and looked at the others.

Du Shiyu went on to say, "I have also recruited here, 200 people, 5 regiments, and they can be sent over at any time."

Shao Bing smiled and said, "Didn't you lie to me?"

"Do you still need to lie?" Another old player who went to the national server to recruit people laughed and said, "I just hugged my thigh and cried to my father and mother, saying that it is coming."

Everyone laughed, and Shao Bing said relaxedly: "Although the newcomers are not very useful, they are still enough to bluff people. This point has been proved by the gangs in the front. Besides, the miscellaneous soldiers of the opposing camp may be as good as they are." Not as good as them."

"But what about the cost, the cost of recruitment, the settlement of tasks, resurrection, etc., does the system pay for it? The national server is not obliged to pay for us..."

"Yeah, one or two thousand people, each resurrection is based on the wholesale price of 10 coppers... I'll do the math later, how much is it?"

"It's possible, there must be restrictions, and you can make an agreement with the newbies, but you can't rush to die."

"The system should pay for it? After all, it's a world story mode?"

"It should be, the abyss battlefield has never heard of letting players pay at their own expense"

"Everyone in the abyss battlefield is in the public server, and the newcomers are in the national server, which is different."

"Damn it, what public service and national service, what was originally a simple thing has become so complicated."

"If the system doesn't pay, will the gang have enough funds?"

Shao Bing is also troubled by this matter. It is good if the war does not break out. Once it breaks out, death is not something that can be expected in advance. The gang has rich funds. After all, it is considered a big gang in the public server. There are so many old players , and there are a few high-ranking players on the leaderboard...but no matter how rich the family is, they have to plan carefully.

That's how the people discussed it.

Shao Bing's daughter had secretly changed the channel a long time ago. This kind of gang fight is not fun at all, it's a grind, how can it watch people refine and strengthen the excitement?

Shao Bing didn't know that his daughter, who was in the top class of the kindergarten, knew all about these things, and might even surpass the average 6-test players.

Before leaving, Auntie Liu, the cleaning lady, sighed when she saw this house. She served several players, all of which were like this. A single house was like a grave, deserted, and it was a bit intrusive to be alone.

——How can it go on like this?

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