This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 423 Good sister, wonderful sister

"...Dear mother, when you read this letter, we have already left the border city of the Earl of Komorne, advanced into the territory of the former Kingdom of Kane, wiped out the remnants of the centaur tribe, and are about to conquer the lost land... Bright By God, I wanted so badly to make my way home, but a new enemy has prolonged my service. So, sorry Mom, it might be a while before I get home.

I don't know how this boy Arthur is doing. Is his study in the seminary going well?Greeting him for me, he said that when I go back, I will give him a good test, so that he can not let go of his own training while learning theological knowledge to draw closer to the Lord.

And Yali, was she three or four when I left home?

Time flies so fast, it's been two years in a blink of an eye.

Here, I would like to proudly announce, Mom, I have become Lord Derry's squire, a glorious knight squire, and a great knight squire of the Temple of Light. Maybe at the end of the war, I will also be honored to be appointed, To earn a fief for myself, for you, and for the family, to fulfill my father's dream... It's not impossible, Lord Derry is very optimistic about me.

Well, I know you care about the battlefield. There is nothing to say about our enemy. It is a servant army of an evil archmage, a legion of zombies summoned from another world. I believe you have heard about it in the rear their rumors.

Dear mother, don't worry, living corpses are not unkillable monsters. The bishops have formulated a restraint method based on their characteristics.

The leader of the legion is full of confidence. I think this brave and pious commander who has proven himself on the battlefield will not joke about the honor that is regarded as life... Therefore, we have entered the territory of the living corpses and are ready to fight them head-on. It's..."

"Master Klein, Lord Klein?"

Klein put away his pen, covered the half-written home letter with a magic book captured on the battlefield, and then asked calmly outside the tent, "What's the matter?"

"There is action, my lord, Lord Derry is summoning all his attendants."

"I see."

The military order did not dare to delay, Klein pushed the case, recruited two strong servants, and with their help, put on the heavy knight armor.

The whole body is tightly covered with black metal armor. The surface is drawn with mithril and fine gold, engraved with a cumbersome pattern of magic patterns, which can maintain as many as 6 magic effects. Once connected neatly, the magic patterns on the connecting parts are neat Once it was lit, the connected parts became like a whole, and the heavy armor became as light as nothing, as if a second layer of skin was attached to the body.

The servant backed away a few steps in reverence and awe, letting the tower-like Klein put on the last robe and cloak by himself, and then opened the tent with dull steps stomping on the dry and hard ground.

Outside, the [-]-man elite army under the leadership and command of Klein has already lined up under the scolding of various low-level commanders.

Seeing this strong man like an iron tower come out, everyone stood in awe and awe, not daring to make a sound.

Klein's war horse is also fully clothed. It looks like an iron horse. This mount with a head and shoulders of [-] meters is said to have the blood of a monster. Since Lord Derry gifted it to him, he has loved it like a treasure. Usually, Klein follows it. Eat and sleep together, in order to match the intimacy and tacit understanding between the knight and the mount.

Putting on the armor weighing hundreds of catties and getting on his horse, Klein whispered a few words to his old buddy as if no one else was there, stroked its brown mane, and then looked up at his army majestically.

"The evil archmage tried to use the army of living corpses summoned from other worlds to stop the coalition forces from regaining and liberating their homeland. God of light, this land has been bathed in the glory of the gods for generations. We must Under the leadership of the leader of the legion, we will recover it for the gods, even if we fight to the death.”

The soldiers stood and listened silently, and Klein didn't need their response. After finishing this brief mobilization for the war, he kicked his horse lightly and rode forward with a dozen of his attendants.

Stern and short orders sounded from all over the elite [-]-man army. These elite soldiers who survived [-] battles began to step neatly, their iron boots stomping on the ground, followed in the footsteps of their commanders, and left the barracks.

There were more militiamen and servants behind them, and they were in a mess. By the time they packed up everything in the camp and loaded them into the car, and arrived at the Daxiaochang in front of the mountain, the sun had already risen overhead.

The attendant belongs to the knight, the knight belongs to the knight commander, and the knight commander belongs to the legion leader, level by level.

Klein was inconspicuous in this huge army consisting of tens of thousands of people. His lord Derry was a great knight and belonged to the rank of knight commander. Because he came from the Knights Templar of Light, he was invisible and taller than ordinary knights. level, so the position of the platoon is particularly high, and there are thirteen noble knights and church knights under his command, leading the elite army of more than 2000 people.

Such an armed force is enough to support a small kingdom. Ordinary nobles can't afford such private armed forces, and there are very few elite legions of this size gathered. It is also important for the survival of all human kingdoms. There is an environment for birth.

The church is the key to it. As long as the major churches are coordinated, even world feuds can only fight under one banner at this time.

Klein and the two noble knights under the lord's command did not like each other. Klein came from the inland Paenst Kingdom, and these two noble knights were in a hostile relationship. They had fought against each other on the battlefield, and one of them looked like a brown bear. The scar on the face of the same noble knight was left by him.

Such situations abound in the coalition forces, and only the church can let go of all grievances and entanglements and unite under one banner.

Perhaps aware of Klein's appraising gaze, the brown bear-like knight looked back in this direction on his war horse, snorted coldly, and didn't know if he saw Klein.

Klein indifferently withdrew his gaze, pretending to concentrate on listening to the preaching of the Legion Commander, and no longer made unnecessary movements.

When the servants and militiamen arrived, the silence on the campus was broken, and the head of the legion, who was preaching in the alley, clicked his lips with some insatiable desire, and gave up his seat to a well-dressed high priest.

This is a high priest from the Holy See of Light.

The high priest went on to preach, and Klein could memorize the same old sayings, but he didn't dare to show any impatience or neglect, like a lifeless statue, blending with the sitting horse One body...until the order of "open dial".

This [-]-strong army in the coalition army was dispatched in four directions and rushed to the scheduled front line. Klein's lord, Derry Van Galcott, the Knight Commander of the Bright Templar and the hereditary Earl of the Kingdom of Pannst, happened to be assigned to Shao Bing and others. The direction guarded by several gangs.

"The one over there, the one over there... What about you! Who are you looking at, who are you looking at, you don't have any vision, didn't you hear the call to assemble?"

"...Excuse me, where is Xuewu Feiyu, I'll look for her."

"You are looking for her. Everyone here is looking for her. Is she busy? Come and line up and take the task together."

"Excuse me...does the whole city belong to the Guards gang?"

"How fresh, how can the station be shared? Stop talking nonsense, come here and queue up to pick up the mission."

"Wow, a city is a gang."

"It doesn't count, it still doesn't meet the standards for building a city, and it's just a farmer's market offline."

"I heard that several indicators are required to build a city, at least a level 5 gang is required. Is there a level 5 gang now?"

"Stop talking, line up, line up..."

"My name is Singer, I'm level 13, how about you brother?"

"Dawn breaks, level 11."

"Add a friend?"

"Uh... you transferred from the international server?"

"Well, I was tricked by our captain..."

Bustling and bustling, hundreds of cute newcomers who were teleported came out of the teleportation point in a panic, and rushed to the square outside the main hall under the leadership of the old players of the Guards.

Thousands of cannon fodder have already gathered here... Ah, no, they are new players, and they crowded the small square to the brim.

For the sake of cost saving, functional NPCs were not invited to send and receive tasks, but distributed to ordinary members of the gang in the form of gang tasks for them to play, and by the way, they can also earn money and gang contribution points.

Xia Miaomiao wasn't short of money, but it was her first time playing an NPC, and it was quite new, so she accepted the task with great interest, and acted as a job to welcome 'new students' in the square.

She was sitting behind a log table, and there was a long queue in front of the table. A good friend from the game was her assistant, and piles of "tack" recovered from the system blacksmith were beside her. level, one will be assigned.

"Wow, the best white short bow!"

After a newbie registered and received a weapon, the exclamation caused commotion among the newbies in the back row.

Li Xiao was in the middle of the queue. When he saw the people behind him trying to jump in line, he was in a hurry, so he yelled regardless.

"Everyone who jumps in the queue is kicked out, he has no part in the tasks here..."

It was only in this way that Li Xiao received a lot of hostile looks from the riots of the newbies.

Li Xiao stared at the pile of 'trash' eagerly, and even took a look at a longbow in advance, but unfortunately, when he was in the third position from him, he was taken away in advance.

"Green clothes, you actually gave people green clothes for free?"

A young sapling yawned and asked forcefully, "So?"

The lucky Mengxin shrank his neck, picked up his long bow and broke away.

"Run around and follow the system prompts... These newcomers don't understand anything, and they are so surprised, it's so funny!"

The game best friend fanned the cool wind with her hands, and said with a little disgust.

"Sister, please choose a good one, please."

The orc players in front of Li Xiao obviously heard her words but acted as if they hadn't heard her. They bowed their faces and bowed their waists, begging for the truth with an apologetic smile on their faces.

"Barbarian class, weapon or shield?"

"shield, shield"

"It's another personal meat sandbag...this one!"

"Sister, that metal shield..."

"You're only 10, you can't hold it, it's level 15."


"do you want?"

"Yes, yes, yes, thank you sister, thank you sister."

The orc Mengxin took the shield and walked away happily. It was Li Xiao's turn, but he couldn't bear to show his face to the two female players. He completed the registration a little stiffly, and was assigned to the 4th team of Group C. At the same time, he completed the employment of the "Guards" 'Adventure mission, got adventure experience and basic rewards, and also accepted follow-up missions.

Unexpectedly, this slightly 'childish' approach won Xia Miaomiao's favor. Xia Miaomiao asked a few more questions than the others, and even urged him to come on.

The best friend of the game understands it in seconds. When distributing the equipment, I deliberately rebuilt it in the 'garbage dump' a few times, and pulled out a tattered ring from the innermost part.

Seeing that it was not the most needed weapon, Li Xiao was very disappointed, and wanted to say a few soft words to re-election, but the people behind urged him impatiently.

"Idiot, quickly take it and repair it, don't make a fuss."

The best friend of the game finished speaking in a low voice and pushed him.

Li Xiao's heart tightened, and he hurried out of the crowd to look at the ring in his hand.

[Silver Eagle Eye Ring, Quality Blue...]

With a buzz, Li Xiao's head went numb, and he couldn't read the introductory text behind, and he didn't know how to get to the blacksmith's shop for repairs, so he paid a repair fee of up to 10 silver in a daze.

"It's a pity, a good thing."

The smart NPC blacksmith returned the repaired brand new ring to him.

After repairing, the durability is only 5 points.

These 5 points brought Li Xiao back to reality from disbelief.

That's reasonable.

Otherwise, it's not a relative, a blue outfit, or a ring... Li Xiao will doubt the other party's intentions.

5 points of durability... 5 points of durability is good, it's not about to be scrapped, and it's not my turn yet.

Look at the attributes of the ring.

Exclusive for rangers, level 15 equipment, triple plus of agility, strength, and constitution, a "pervert" with high attack, range 2, field of vision 5, worthy of the name of eagle eye.

It also has full magic resistance and a critical strike probability of about 2%. It can no longer be perfect. As for the fact that it cannot be strengthened, it is not a top-grade blue outfit. Li Xiao doesn't feel it at all, and I believe most of the newbies don't feel anything .

use it yourself?
Only fools use it themselves.

Without further ado, I hung up on the regional channel, and the inquiry came immediately.

"What do you give him that thing for? It's not practical."

After Xia Miaomiao waited for Li Xiao to leave, she complained about her gaming girlfriend.

"Hee hee, I'm not doing it for your sake."

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"It's rare to find someone who is pleasing to the eye, and it's not my own."

"You are floating"

"Of course it's not as good as you, a master at 109 on the combat power list."

That's right, how unwilling Ren Xia Miaomiao is, how lucky she is to be suspected of having a halo of pig's feet, she is still falling behind, being caught by the endless stream of big water pipes, by the mighty power that combines reality, national uniform, and banknote ability.

However, she is still the number one expert in the gang, with a detached status, and can be called the face of the Guards gang. Recently, she has also begun to enjoy special care in terms of the gang's resources.

In Shao Bing's words, it means that her facade must be established, and if she is established, the gang will be established, and everyone in the gang will benefit.

As for her, she can't enjoy it with peace of mind. To contribute to the gang, she loses a lot of freedom and bears a lot of pressure and responsibility. It's hard to say whether she has made a profit or a loss.

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