Chapter 424

The battle of the national server has just ended, and the sudden change in the southern border of the game has made many people see opportunities.

"How did you reply over there? Who does the territory laid down by the public server belong to? Or the public server?"

"The reply from the Hua people is that they are communicating with the Central Intellectual Brain."

"Tell them not to play tricks. The agreement signed is that the public service border will go to the extreme south city. Once the public service expands, it will violate the operation agency agreement. The consequences... We must reserve countermeasures and rights."

"Okay, I'll report those bastards right now."

"Be civilized Ball, respect your competitor is yourself."

"...Sorry, there have been know."

"Everyone is under a lot of pressure, don't make it too difficult for your buddy, you have done well enough."

"Thank you, boss"

The Beimiyuan Universe Affairs Group company building is as busy as the parent company of Shanghai Metropolis. Compared with the thriving working atmosphere of the parent company, it is a bit 'crazy' here. On the apron on the roof of the building, the CEO of the group company , Conde Lewis, the hard man, finished his conversation with his number one boy, hurriedly boarded the helicopter that had been launched, left the headquarters building with a roar, and rushed to the airport to go to Europe, where he had a meeting with his counterparts there.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, I got on the luxurious Boeing 747 wide-body airliner, and the report from the number one horse boy came.

The company's private plane naturally does not allow the use of electronic equipment. Kant put down the documents he was reviewing, together with the video call, and rubbed the center of his brows tiredly, "Let's talk, good news or bad news."

"Good news BOSS, the Hua people can't get around Article 37 of the agreement, admitting that the area of ​​the public server will not be expanded, and the newly expanded game map in the southern game border will take the form of a public auction, and all operating agents are eligible to participate in the competition."

Kant was overjoyed, but he was not overwhelmed by the joy, "Auction? How to auction?"

"The people of Huaguo promise to come up with a feasible auction plan and submit it to the central intelligence brain for review."

"Damn it, this plan cannot be drafted by Huaguo people, it should be us... well, it should be more open and transparent, and invite qualified operating agents to discuss and draft together... Tell Huaguo people what you mean, we can't compromise on this point .”

"Okay, boss!"

"Let me know as soon as there is news."

After finishing the communication with the number one boy, Kant was in a better mood, and when he looked at the overwhelming documents in hand, he had a plan in his mind.

This time, it may be able to open up the situation and let the Beimi national server come earlier.

If it can be done, the greatest pressure will be gone, and the overwhelming doubts from the outside world will be strongly countered, and this position will be firmly established.

After finishing the work at hand, Kant took a nap for a while, and when he woke up, he had already reached the sky above Europe.

This trip is to meet with the high-level executives of the Oumengyuan Universe Business Group to discuss a number of "sensitive issues" of common concern online and offline, such as the lagging progress of the national server construction, the serious loss of players, and the offline support. Their strong attack of 'inaction', as well as advance communication on the joint development of online 'value-added services' and 'game content' and so on.

When the special plane arrived at the airport, in addition to the pick-up team sent by colleagues, there were also a large number of protesters gathered.

These protesters held various inner plaques and banners, burned Canaan's LOGO, tore up Pound's color photos together with those of other European counterparts, and trampled them in front of the camera, as well as ultra-conservatives holding church banners And extremists, etc... The security situation is not optimistic, so Kant did not stop at the airport, but hurriedly got into a special car, and hurried away in the crowd of policemen.

The street scene in Paris was terrible. He was thinking about it all the way, and suddenly he was attracted by a huge movie poster, so he asked a group of reception staff.

The receptionist said that this is a recently released movie, which describes what might happen in the 'Post-Canaan Era'... The movie is very popular, and it is hard to get a ticket. It has swept across the countries of Omon in less than a week after its release, breaking the record. Records for top-grossing home-grown films and more.

Kant looked at the post-nuclear wasteland-like scene on the poster. The densely packed game warehouses were arranged to the end at a glance, just like an assembly line factory, which made people's scalp tingle.

A middle-aged woman who may be the protagonist is wearing a white coat and is injecting something into a game chamber...

After listening to the main plot of the movie introduced by the reception staff, Kant's face turned black, "Why did you let this kind of movie be released?"

The receptionist smiled wryly, "We are not an umbrella company, and even our own players don't support us, saying that we are bureaucratic, waste taxpayers' money, do nothing online and only know how to collect taxes, which is not as efficient as Huaguo...

Kant is silent, the situation of the Oumeng colleagues is not as good as his own to be honest, there are too many people who can speak out in them, and the interest disputes are more complicated than Beimi. It's a big pot of rice.

In the end, I was still dissatisfied with the online progress, and the harvest did not meet expectations, which made many people dissatisfied.

This can be seen from the popularity of this movie.

Such an alarmist plot that caters to conspiracy theories and eschatology is extremely incorrect, at least not in line with the interests and consensus of the high-level and ruling elites.

But this movie is also an extremely dangerous signal. If such views are allowed to take over the mainstream, many people may turn around and cater to populism.

Aware of the danger, he couldn't sit still. What made him dissatisfied was that the European counterparts' insensitivity could not see such an obvious signal.

When I rushed to the headquarters of the Oumengyuan Universe Business Group, I was even more dissatisfied when I saw that they were still working in an office building mixed with others.

"...mainly out of cost-saving considerations, but also because of some doubts from the outside world."

Kant was speechless after hearing the explanation. What is the nature of Canaan?What kind of work do they do?Still need to save costs?It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the highest black technology, and it involves so many hidden secrets, they actually...

There have always been doubts, and they will not disappear in the future. Only by showing courage and achievements can we rest easy.

They can't see this?

Walking into the office building, I can't feel the atmosphere and rhythm that should be there at all. The freedom and looseness of the European counterparts are undoubtedly evident. What time is it? I'm still hanging out, drinking coffee, playing billiards, and even bringing pets here of.

Forget it, forget it, I am an outsider...

The results of the talks did not satisfy him either. His colleagues were too procrastinated, and he didn’t feel like helmsmen of a group of emerging special industries, but rather the conservative and old-fashioned style of traditional industries. Kant was very disappointed, just like this kind of people and atmosphere , how to compete with the Chinese people?

The meeting ended in a hurry. Although a series of results were achieved and the offensive and defensive alliance between traditional allies was confirmed, Kant was not at ease. When he returned to the hotel, he immediately contacted his number one horseman and asked about Huaguo answer.

"Boss, it was almost a success, but..."

"What happened?"

"Omon Yuan Universe Group Company sent a letter, making a request similar to ours."


Kant was inexplicably astonished. During the day, he was chatting happily with those gentlemen, but he was stabbed in the back in a blink of an eye?

Just slandering others' inefficiency and bureaucratic style, and immediately give yourself a tiger's mouth?
"Now the Chinese people have an excuse, saying that they want to discuss it at the plenary meeting. Boss, what's going on in Europe? Aren't you talking to them?"

Kant was furious, but he couldn't show it in front of his subordinates, and he couldn't let people know that he had been bullied by his peers. He could only say vaguely, "I just received their report, and I didn't expect their actions to be so fast."

"Boss, we need to be coordinated among ourselves, otherwise we won't be able to talk to the people of Huaguo. If it spreads, there will be an excuse for others to attack."

"I know, you wait for me for half an hour."

Putting down the phone, Kant seemed to be questioning that nasty fat man (the chairman of the board of directors of Omen Universe Business Group), but after a second thought, he put down the phone he picked up again.

Forget it, they are all creatures of interest. Asking this way in the past seemed unprofessional and lacking in demeanor.

So let the secretary go to 'communicate' first, and then talk about the situation.

"Boss, they also have the same plan as us, using the possible large-scale conflict on the southern border to establish their own national server in advance."


"what should we do?"

"Don't they know we're already running this thing?"

"Of course they know, they came to their senses after being inspired by us, but this kind of thing... everyone is an adult, BOSS!"

"Pick up that fat man's call for me."


The fat man in Kant's mouth, the chairman of the board of directors of Omengyuan Universe Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. has just concluded a private consultation and issued a military order. He must seize this opportunity to implement the online territory of Omeng Nation.

The pressure on him was enormous, and his situation was worse than Kant's. As a member of the Western civilized world, he understood the root cause of this pressure too well.


Still lagging behind China.

Have you heard of the yellow peril...

Since Canaan is so important, it has become popular all over the world, and it has become "a subversive revolution" and " It will surely reshape the ecology of human society", and also "determines the future and destiny of each nation"... How can it be left behind, how can it be so far behind, how can, how can...

No, absolutely not!
This is unacceptable and intolerable.

The importance of Canaan, its huge and immeasurable benefits and the "black technology" it represents prevent them from turning the tables and playing within this set of rules of the game.

Distress, depression, aggrieved, anger... Naturally, they all went to the obvious target.

Not only are the ruling elite dissatisfied, but the general public is also dissatisfied, and even the basic players are dissatisfied...

No matter how you think of a way to change it, you don’t even need to find a scapegoat, it’s ready-made.

Under this kind of pressure, not to mention Beimi's ally, God Jesus, did not hesitate when he was Judas.

"Mr. Kant's phone call."

"Tell him I'm off."

"Mr. Kant is sorry, Mr. Chairman has already rested."

"Tell that fat man not to play tricks with me. With me here, he doesn't want to make any secret deals with the Hua people."

"No, Mr. Kant, Mr. Chairman really..."

"Give him the phone, immediately, immediately!"

The 'fatty man' sighed, picked up the water glass, took the medicine first, and then took the secretary's cell phone.

The two talked for ten minutes, all kinds of foul language, lost all demeanor, like cursing like a shrew... The secretary couldn't bear to watch and listen, and went out and closed the door.

At the hotel, Kant hung up the phone angrily, and said, "I can't get rid of them now, damn it, a big piece of the cake is about to be distributed before it's in my mouth."

The secretary advised him, "Bring the cake first, then we can talk, Boss."

"You're right!" Kant rubbed his face fiercely, contacted the number one boy in Huaguo, and told him that he had reached an agreement with the people in Aumeng, and that there might be an outbreak at the southern border on the 'line'. In important battles', the "new game map ownership issue" involved should 'advance and retreat' and hold the same position.

Let Mazi and the personnel stationed in Oumeng work together to put pressure on Canaan's parent company, and must win the right to draft the draft.

In the early hours of the morning, the best news so far, Canaan’s parent company did not make too much resistance, and agreed in principle to the North American operation agent’s plan, so that Kant took the time to come to China, while most of the operation agents have not yet Awareness, finalize this matter.

Kant was overjoyed, and immediately joined the "dead fat man" in his mouth, took a special plane, and flew to Huaguo.

The undercurrents and games offline have not affected the online ones. At least for now, the world drama that may break out in Extreme South City is still dominated by Huaguo players.

It's very simple, all the nearby gangs of Huaguo old players are stationed.

Speaking of these gang locations, Canaan's parent company also has ideas.

what is this?
This is 'outlaw land' ah.

You said that your game membership is here, but the people are not here, the gangs are not here, and the taxes are not paid here. What good things are there (war of the national server, national server missions, points, etc.) you On the contrary, you can run faster than anyone else, and you are quite smart, isn't this a typical way of eating inside and outside?

Not for not doing the work of these veteran players, get the idea.

Canaan's parent company is not easy to persecute them too much. If they are forced to change their game registration, they will lose themselves.

The reason why they are so happy with Bei Mi and Ou Meng is also to restrict these people. The expansion of the public service is not good for anyone. In this regard, the interests of Canaan's parent company and various operating agents are the same.

In the bustling array, Li Xiao was in the middle of the excited newcomers, and he couldn't see the head and the tail in front, back, left, and right.

Under the gloomy sky, the flags of the Guards gang were waving in the wind, and a dozen kilometers away from them, a dark needle thread slowly approached with great pressure.

Tens of thousands of people on both sides began a stalemate in the hilly area in front of the woodland.

(End of this chapter)

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