This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 425 'Missing' Across the Magic Net

Chapter 425 'Missing' Across the Magic Net

The southern front is tense and war is imminent. What is Bei Gaoyang doing?

The mage tower in punk city.

Like the mage towers in the main cities of other systems, this 9-story magic creation, which looks like ivory carving, has become an important part of the magic network infrastructure. It is a fixed location on the Internet, and its coordinates in space change with a set of complex mechanisms. The nodes of change are the mage towers in the main cities of several systems.

With such an upgrade, Bei Gaoyang doesn't have to worry about being rushed straight to his lair for a beheading operation. At least in the main material world, it doesn't involve legendary and above power levels, so he is safe and secure.

There is no need to worry about the old nest being destroyed, the last trace of hidden worry is eliminated, and the rest is nothing more than a knife-to-sword fight, let the enemy meet and bleed, let them pay a price that they can't afford for the time being, and they will naturally meet Come to peace and precious developmental time and space.

The original plan was like this, and there was an accident.

Inside the mage's tower, Lich Nicholas stood respectfully in front of Bei Gaoyang's desk, like a courtier waiting for an order from the king.

Bei Gaoyang's fingers knocked on the armrest subconsciously, thinking in the rattling, rhythmic micro-sound.

The work of Nicholas and Xiaomoyuan is still very successful, dragging out the time for the upgrade and construction of the magic net. Although the 6 test players have not yet grown up, but with only hundreds of thousands of old players, they are no longer afraid of pressing the southern front. The human nations have joined forces.

Let's count the time, from the centaur invasion to the outbreak of the demon tide to the bloody battle in the abyss, it took more than two years to maintain such a level of mobilization, even the modern governments of the earth can't stand it?
There are so many troops, civilians conscripted, and the huge consumption of materials and wealth, I am afraid that the king and the nobles are tormented enough. Even if the church has accumulated thousands of years of bone-sucking marrow, it can't continue to supply it indefinitely, right?

Bei Gaoyang also has his own news channel, it doesn't matter what Nicholas says, but according to the news that has passed, some coalition forces have already withdrawn from the front line, and most of them are packing.

Judging from all signs, the long-term fighting has made the soldiers on the front line seriously homesick, and their morale is very problematic.

"Make me Grand Duke of Norman?"

It took Bei Gaoyang a long time to speak, his voice was very low, with a hint of irony and an indescribably complex flavor.

"Yes, my lord, the Grand Duke of Norman, the territory you rule now will be recognized by the churches and the royal family, and become the Norman duchy, or the Norman duchy."

"Become a king?" Bei Gaoyang said with a smile, "I never thought that I would become a king one day."

Nicholas bowed his head.

"That's all their terms?"

"Yes, as long as you convert in name, no matter which church it is, you will take the church status similar to the high priest."

"What about the price?"

"You don't need to pay anything. On the contrary, the church will also give you great support in various aspects, including trade and the legal status of your... people under your command."

"Legal status? status... how did I hear it was 'the evil archmage and the legion of living corpses he summoned from another world'?"

"...that's not a problem my lord, you know that."

"There are two official words, black and white are up to him." Naturally, the Lich couldn't understand these words: "I have learned it a long time ago...Nicholas, what's your opinion?"

"I am at your command, my lord."

"In your opinion, why did the Church of the Gods do this? You must know that I still carry a wanted list with the highest sequence."

"Wanted is not a problem...even that thing."

"Can you even let go of the Book of Canaan? Didn't the church ask for its return?"

"No, my lord, the Book of Canaan will be your family inheritance and become your legal private property."

"Legal, legal again...Nicholas, your tendencies have been fully exposed."

The lich bowed.

"Legal, hehe, legal!"

Bei Gaoyang muttered again, and the study returned to silence.

After a while, Xiao Ai's projection appeared and said, "Scattered fighting has begun on the southern border. Can't the system's mobilization order be issued?"

Bei Gaoyang didn't answer, looked at the Lich and said, "What is this? Deterrence?"

Nicholas said: "I am on your side, my lord. I just suggest that if you are not fully sure, it is the most sensible way to temporarily compromise with the enemy and wait for a better time."

"Compromise!?" Xiao Ai shouted sharply, the projection became blurred, and she seemed very excited, "Their goal must be the magic net, my lord, you must not be fooled by them."

"You mean to fight to the end?" Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai's attitude again.

"We have no room for compromise with the enemy, and the magic net cannot be used as a deal."

"But they didn't make any demands on the magic net." Nicholas retorted, "It's just a nominal conversion from the adults."

"Take refuge?" Xiao Ai was shocked.

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, "It's just a greeting."

"Is there really no mention of the magic net?", Xiao Ai's pain points can be seen at a glance.

"No!", the Lich reassured with an accentuated tone.

Xiao Ai's tension eased visibly with the naked eye, "If this is the case..."

"Haha..." Bei Gaoyang laughed and stood up, "It's really interesting, the Grand Duke of Norman, Norman... I still remember this title, the Holy Grand Duke of the Ottoman Empire, the Saint of Light, also The last strong man in the legendary field is still a rare sword master, who claims to break all spells with one sword. It is said that even the Pope of the Holy See of Light cannot use the big prophecy to take him down. Exiled to the star realm...Nicholas, you should have heard of the Holy Grand Duke of Norman, right?"

Nicholas nodded, "It is this kind of implication that can show the sincerity of the other party. I think this is a hint. Maybe it is your pass to be promoted to the legendary realm?"

"Here comes the problem!" Bei Gaoyang walked out around the desk and said while pacing, "It's another soldier coming to the city, another Norman Duke, and another legendary pass, just to make me, a wicked guy, get lost? Is it just in name? How can there be such a good thing in the world? When did the church become so magnanimous?"

This time the lich couldn't answer.

"Is it still the magic net, isn't the magic net, my lord?"

When it comes to the magic net, Xiao Ai's performance is really... She can tell how 'panic' the false gods of the system are.

The players only saw the enemy Chen Bing's southern line, gearing up for a possible grand world plot. Xiao Ai and the false gods of the system saw that it was indeed the power behind the obvious enemy.

The power of the gods!
False gods are naturally guilty of facing true gods, and they have no confidence, even if they are backed by the magic net and tens of millions of players.

Bei Gaoyang doesn't have time to do psychological work for them. Fear, let them be afraid. Fear is the best catalyst and driving force, and also the most effective whip.

"It's not the magic net, but what's behind the magic net." Bei Gaoyang said.

"What is it?" Xiao Ai asked.


"Ah!?", Xiao Ai exclaimed, and suddenly realized, "They have taken a fancy to the player's origin, the hometown of another world?"

"I really know things like gods very well." Bei Gaoyang said with strong sarcasm: "Their greed for believers, beliefs and souls is endless, and they may have long been eyeing the earth behind the player , The bloody battle in the abyss has been exposed, so I exchanged a world for the pardon of my 'sin', as soon as the Norman Duke came out, I knew what the hell they were up to."

The lich was silent.

"Then... refuse?"

As long as the magic net is not involved, Xiao Ai's attitude and position will be greatly softened. This sentence is full of uncertainty, and it seems to be a little emotional.

That's right, as long as it doesn't involve your own fundamental interests, nothing is non-negotiable. Facing such an unprecedented enemy, with no hope of victory, what's the point of sacrificing an entire planet?
"No, promise them."

Even Nicholas couldn't figure out what Bei Gaoyang was thinking this time.

Before, there was sarcasm, disdain, and the sinister intentions behind the recruitment. The Lich was ready to turn against the enemy and prepare for a big battle.

Of course, if the situation really develops to the point where it is out of control, he will not be buried with Bei Gaoyang. Everything depends on the changes in the situation and what the magic net and tens of millions of players can do.


What it is?
"Then I will reply to the other party like this?"

"Go ahead, just say that I am very satisfied with this Norman Grand Duke... Also, let them withdraw from my fief first."

"...Do you have anything else to say?"


The Lich teleported away with deep doubts, and when he left, Xiao Ai asked, "Do you have any plans, sir?"

"Plan? What plan? No plan..."

"But the narrative of the system has always been... what about the rebel camp? This is the basic game setting..."

"You underestimate the players. Send an announcement and let them figure it out on their own. Do you believe they can make a good guess?"

"Can the player guess your plan?"

Bei Gaoyang didn't answer, "Don't guess, wait until Nicholas comes back."

"The southern border..."

"Let's just treat it as a drill, and let others see the strength of our Norman Grand Duchy, right?"

"Okay... Also, the offline operating agents seem to have objections to the new game map."

"What objection?"

"They seem to think that the game map of the public server can no longer be expanded."

Bei Gaoyang raised his head in surprise, "It cannot be enlarged...Did I say that?"

"...they seem to understand it this way"

"Has Yu Qingdong contacted you?"

"Huaguo Canaan's parent company is dissatisfied with the national server players of the public server, especially the gangs of the national server players, who refuse to relocate to the national server map...This time they are united with other operating agents, this may be the situation countermeasures?"

"You just need to pay attention to such small things!" As soon as he said this, he turned around and asked again, "There is only one principle, stability, not in-game stability, but offline stability, do you understand, Xiao Love?"

The gods are about to stretch out their hands, how can they be stable?

Xiao Ai wanted to say something, but she didn't say it out. He could no longer understand Bei Gaoyang's intentions.

This creator of hers is no longer the same as before, explaining everything to her clearly, it seems that there are some newly discovered places in the magic net that even she cannot touch.

Adults no longer fully trust themselves.

This discovery made Xiao Ai very sad and extremely wronged, but Xiao Ai would not say it out loud, and defaulted to turning the distance between the two parties backwards, backing off by three feet, and giving up a space where both of them felt comfortable again.

"The new game map..."

"I didn't say that the public server can't be expanded, right?"

" may have given them such a signal and let them understand it this way."

"Extremely South City... bring me the map and let me have a look."

Xiao Ai called up the complete magic network coverage map, and Bei Gaoyang walked over and looked at it seriously.

The coverage of the magic net is far beyond the current game map, and can even extend to the hinterland of the civilized world. The "infrastructure scale" of the 6-layer magic net and the total soul power and faith value of tens of millions of players are barely, completely Covering the entire continent is also possible.

However, only when the palm is clenched into a fist can it possess solid strength and powerful attack power. The magic net that is completely covered is very thin, so it is still limited to a scale slightly larger than the game map.

This clenched fist is a defensive posture, and the national server of the operating agent is a finger that is slowly spreading. Considering the new situation and new changes, maybe it would be better for them to go out and touch each other?

"Tell Yu Qingdong that it is impossible for the public server not to be expanded, but this time, the newly obtained game map can be used for them to build the national server.

"Let the operating agent just promised..."

"The contract hasn't been signed yet!" Bei Gaoyang said with a big wave of his hand, "All the territory that has been conquered is the territory of the Grand Duchy of Normandy, let the operating agents do their best, and how much they conquer will be theirs."

"You are not afraid of angering the coalition of gods..."

"No, little love, believe me, I am patient now."


When Xiao Ai also left, Bei Gaoyang closed the entrance and exit of the study, and sat alone behind the dark desk, for a long time, he gave an inexplicable smile.

"Haha, sure enough, it's as expected!"

How could the gods turn a blind eye to this group of players?

In fact, the player has already entered the sight of the gods.

Another world!

Another crystal wall system.

Just as the ruling elites of the earth have infinite reverie for Canaan, the gods should also be salivating at another possible 'grazing land'.

Canaan is already like this, and there is no suspense that the human pantheon will win in the end, and the next step should be their own involution.

There is no way, there are only so many pastures and lambs, and the opponents are already too dry, or they are already out of control.

But there is another 'ranch' which is different. When the internal contradictions cannot be reconciled, they will be led to the outside, and the internal contradictions will be eliminated and the crisis will be passed on by means of war, colonial development, and religious jihad.

Moreover, a new 'pasture', a desert of faith, can bring much more than that to the gods.

It's no wonder that they just watched and even condoned the growth of the game area and the magic net. In comparison, what are Bei Gaoyang's sins and the Book of Canaan?

—if he really converts.

In the shadow, Bei Gaoyang laughed again, like a cunning fox.

(End of this chapter)

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