This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 426 You are extorting!

Chapter 426 You are extorting!

"...What does this system announcement mean? What kind of negotiation, do you want it to be as real as it is?"

"What do you think? Full defense is really interesting."

"NPC talk about power and strategy? Damn, I just want to play a game, I don't want to waste my brain."

"That's why you're an idiot. Look at those masters, who don't figure out the system and have a good relationship with NPCs? Don't treat Canaan as an offline brainless game, use your brain, use your brain to play"

"You are smart, tell me, what does this announcement mean, can you still call it?"

"Hit it"

"But what did you say that "the retreat now is for the better advancement in the future", isn't it obvious that you want to settle accounts with others? Isn't the hostile camp stupid?"

"The hostile camp is not stupid, you are stupid."

"Depend on!"

"So, of course, it's not that I'm not afraid that the other party will find out, so this peace talk should be proposed by the other party, and it's still... urgent? Our rebel army is also beyond our strength, and it's not the time for a decisive battle, so let's go with the flow, everyone read the songbook on donkeys , wait and see."

"So, the world plot can't be played?"

"The battle of the national server just now is a big scene every day. Are you not afraid of being overwhelmed?"

"I'm still planning... Fortunately, I didn't place an order. Now those unscrupulous businessmen will cry to death, and the goods will fall into their hands, haha."

"Oh... that's not right, why did the national uniform start recruiting again?"

"What? Why haven't I been notified?"

"It's other national clothes, Beimi's, Oumeng's."


"Conscript what?"

"...The battle of the national server, the southern border."

"Damn, this is interesting now, who the hell should I listen to?"


"How do you understand?"

"Think about it, the system announcement only said that it was negotiating, which means that the negotiation has not yet been concluded. It also said that after the agreement was reached, the NPC, the head of the main thread army of the big boss of the rebel army, became the Grand Duke of Norman, and all the territory of the rebel army was Norman. The duchy, that is to say, the territory is undecided and negotiations have not been reached."

"That is to say, talking while fighting?"

"Well, as much as you lay down now, the Grand Duchy of Norman will be as big in the future. Beimi and Omen's national uniforms are just taking advantage of this opportunity to build their own national uniforms first."

"Just by them?"

"And us."

"Let's help him, why?"

"Then what are you doing now?"

"...Hey, it's amazing, playing a game with so many minds, are you tired?"

"The best thing about this is that we take advantage of the situation. Look at us, aren't we free coolies?"

"It's a good idea, I'll go home now..."

"Go back, where do you go? Do you still want the gang resident!?"

"……Depend on!"

What Bei Gaoyang said was right, the players easily guessed his mind, and he didn't lie to Xiao Ai, there was no plan, his mind was on the bright side.

This kind of "domineering" that wants to talk with you at the same time is a gesture he wants to show to the enemy. If the other party still wants to give him the title of Grand Duke of Norman for free... then he will admit it, No matter what conspiracies and tricks the other party has, give them some time to develop and let the 6-test Mengxin grow up, even 7-layer magic net, 8-layer magic net, preferably 9-layer magic net, the best.

Time is on your side, the more prepared you are, the more confident you are in dealing with the enemy.

If we can continue to talk like this, it means that the gods have been plotting against the earth and another crystal wall system for a long time. They may have noticed the magic net and themselves very early. With an explanation.

It is their deliberate connivance that allowed them to 'develop insignificantly' so far, so it is necessary to re-evaluate the determination of the gods to win the earth.

Ha ha……

Every time I think about it, the ruling elites on the earth are plotting against Canaan, and the natives of Canaan are dreaming of colonizing another world. The two are separated by the magic net and him, and they "admire" each other. I really want them to meet each other. , to see what 'love sparks' can be wiped out.

It must be shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, right?
Guard gang resident.

Li Xiao moved the heavy wooden box out of the warehouse, and when he looked up, he saw a trainee member of the Guard Gang staring at him with anti-thief eyes. He grinned and spread his hands to indicate that he didn't take anything. He let it go but didn't let it go, let him turn around, and let him go when he saw that there were no backpacks, reserve space rings and other things equipped on him.

Li Xiao wanted to say, if he had a high-end product like a reserve space ring, would he still need to steal such rags from your house?
Just as you were cursing in the stomach, you heard a loud shout from behind: "Thief boy, let's catch you!"

Looking back, I saw a player was caught by the guards. Between the top and bottom, a hidden belt with two units of storage space was exposed.

This player still wanted to quibble, the guards didn't talk nonsense with him, they submitted it to the hired system NPC guards, and immediately spit out the stolen goods.

This guy was naturally thrown into prison, and the adventure mission was also canceled.

"Be smart, don't play tricks!"

The rest of Mengxin was not warned at all, and they were smiling, but many guys were eager to try.

The things in the warehouse are all accumulated by the Guards gang. In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. As long as you pay the 'electricity fee', the system will naturally help deliver the materials stored in it to the person who should deliver them according to the set conditions. Isn't it to save costs? The electricity bill is not as cheap as the cheap labor of the newcomers. Anyway, these people are hired on a time basis, so they naturally have to be livestock. Otherwise, what are you going to do when you come back?

Letting newcomers work as coolies means enduring dirty hands and feet. I don’t know how many times this has happened.

Hundreds of players are doing transport tasks. Outside the warehouse, the convoy hired by the system is gradually full. A dozen huge and heavy carriages are dragged by pack animals, pulling heavy war supplies, and rushing to the front line.

The small gang garrison has been quite deserted, and most of the main force and cannon fodder have left the city, confronting the powerful hostile camp at a distance of 34 kilometers northwest of Jinan City.

The tense atmosphere on the front line has spread to the rear. The gang garrison has entered a state of battle. All NPC guards are patrolling the city. The law and order in the garrison is in accordance with the regulations of the office uniform town, and system security officers and NPC guards are hired to strictly enforce it.

After one trip, most of the physical strength was exhausted, and it was too late to take a breath, and another convoy drove into the warehouse gate.

The newcomers complained and asked for more 'wages'.

"Don't do this with me, let me tell you, I was walked as a dog by old players in Novice Village, and you and the others were not farts at that time... Get up and work, or you will lose task points!"

"Boss, Holy Monarch Covering the Sun, have you ever been a beggar?"

"How fresh, who didn't come from that time, after the 7th test, you will be the same as me, now work hard for me, don't feel uncomfortable!"

"Get up, get up, finish this ticket and change to another mission, Gan, move bricks in the national server, and move bricks in adventure missions, dare I have to be a coolie?"

"The people on the front line are eager to come back to move bricks? You can only die three times, and you will lose experience...Boss, your gang is too tight, three times is enough."

"I don't know you yet. If you don't limit the number of resurrections, you dare to slaughter the gods... Of course you will be happy, but I will be miserable. No matter how rich your family is, you can't help it."

"Ha ha……"

"Boss, are you in CP? I'll give you a monkey..."

"Don't, there's an owner for the next name grass, there's a tigress in the house, don't hurt me!"

"Cut, wife is strictly controlled."

"Work, work fast!"


Hee hee ha ha is not in a proper shape, the brick moving is also fun, but it does not prevent the newbies from doing their best.

After a while, another one was found.

The master is not surprised, and the coolies don't feel ashamed. If you find out, you are considered unlucky, and if you don't find out, you are considered capable... This is the atmosphere of the game.

The warehouse is an important place, the official member Hori Shengjun and a few apprentice Mengxins transferred from the international server are strictly guarded, and many newbies still succeed, so it is better to pay the 'electricity bill', I don't know who is the idiot The idea, isn't this a chance for newbies?
Damn, why didn't I come across such a good thing back then?

The Holy Monarch Covering the Sun sneered in his stomach, his eyes scanned like radar, when Li Xiao passed by him, his heart was in his throat...



If it was real, Li Xiao's face would definitely be red. Now that he is an elf ranger, he can't see too many flaws.

"Are you the one with the blue ring?"

The Holy Monarch Cover Ri said something else.

"Yes, it's me!"

"Tsk tsk~", Sage Monarch Hoori looked him up and down several times, wondering how this guy made the eldest sister look up to him, isn't there anything unusual, elf ranger, he doesn't look too smart yet.

"If the boss is okay..."

"Go, go, lucky fellow."

Li Xiao was overjoyed, forced to walk out of the warehouse door calmly, put down the goods on his back, and a 'merchant' came up immediately.

He took out the hidden belt without saying a word, and shook out the contents, and the merchant immediately took the money and accepted it, smiling at each other, and in front of the sun-covering sage.

"Depend on!"

Another annoyed cursing from the blind Sun Shengjun, a cute new coolie who wanted to take the opportunity to get away with it was caught by him.

"Boss, spare me!"

"MLGB, guard, guard!!"

"No, boss, I'll give you a monkey!"

"It's not easy to give birth to Tang Seng, haha..."


Li Xiao went back as if nothing had happened, and continued to move bricks.

"Look at your honest face. I was deceived by you. There will be no next time. Keep an eye on him."

"Yeah, boss, don't worry!" The trainee member of the orc nodded vigorously and gave Li Xiao a hard look.

Li Xiao was delighted to get the 20 silver, but Li Xiao didn't care. After working for more than half an hour, he finally finished the task.

"The fourth team in Group C, the fourth team in Group C, follow me."

As soon as I was free, someone called.

"What's the task again, don't come to move bricks, call to stimulate."

"Satisfy you, go to the front line!"

"Ah, sir, I was joking."

"I'm serious, let's go, stop talking nonsense, the fight has already started, let's deal with it with disobedience!"

This is going to the front line?
The world plot is not on yet?
Li Xiao was nervous, excited, and confused, and the people next to him were the same.

"Boss, it's all fighting, why is there no world plot?"

"Don't dream. I didn't read the announcement in the morning. Now it's the National Service Action. The national service is not our national service, it's from Europe and the United States."

"European and American servers are also available, do you want to join?"

"Why do you have so many ideas? Listen to you or mine?"

"Hee hee, it doesn't count if I say it, and it doesn't count if you say it."

"Be honest, do what you are asked to do, and you will be a bastard if you participate."

Hearing that there is a national uniform, Li Xiaocai was relieved, the front line only has this benefit, and the advantage of being close to the water is first. If the Guards gang decides to participate in the battle of national uniforms in Europe and America, it is just right for me to be a mercenary, and I don’t even need to go back to sign up.

Sit on the extravagant teleportation array and rush to the nearest supply point on the front line. The safety zone has been established, and there are people everywhere, all of them are newbies.

Under the scolding of the old players in charge, more than a hundred people from the fourth team of Group C barely stood out of the queue, loose and loose, wearing all kinds of equipment, a typical mob and stragglers.

"Join the regiment, you're fucking deaf, who else didn't join the regiment?"

"I, I, just traded with someone, sorry, sorry!"

"I... hurry up and join the group, ancestor, when you come back from death, there is plenty of time."

"Boss, is it true that you can only die three times?"


"Damn, you're so stingy? Hurry up and join the national server battle, and everyone will die as soon as you put on the national server."

"You think I don't want to, people ask for naturalization."


"Damn, it's a good idea...then the national costume is useless?"

"Wait, the higher-ups are negotiating."

They were indeed negotiating. In the barracks at the front line of the Guards, Shao Bing, Xia Miaomiao, Du Shiyu and other core members were receiving representatives from Beimi and Omeng national uniforms.

"Naturalization is not allowed anyway, why? What does your national uniform have?"

"Yes, there is nothing, white wolf with empty gloves?"

"Everyone, everyone!", the representative is Chinese, fluent in Mandarin, and doesn't need a system translation, "This is a preferential policy for our national server, everyone, take a look, everyone."

Shao Bing didn't even pick it up, "It's nothing more than tax relief. We are a public service gang, so it's not bad."

"More, more!", the representative smiled apologetically, with a very low posture.

"...Green card?" Xia Miaomiao looked up in surprise, "It's too much for you to poach someone online with real conditions!"

"It's not an ordinary green card, it's a special talent introduction channel green card, referred to as the C card, which enjoys a total of 18 preferential incentives and welfare policies. According to your online strength and status, the corresponding ones will be given in reality..."

"Wait, tax-free?"

"This one……"

"Damn, isn't it just exchanging real policies for online benefits? Thinking others are fools? In a word, it's not necessary to talk about changing nationality, it's the same online and offline."

"The national uniform is..."

"Let's go on the notice, give up the position, and let the people from their national servers come in. Let's retreat home. I want to see the strength of the players in the European and American servers." Shao Bing said with a sneer without threat.

The Chinese were a little panicked, and quickly stood up to be careful, "Misunderstood, misunderstood, everyone, what I said above is just an invitation, not a non-essential condition. If you want to participate in the battle of European and American servers, there is no requirement, and the treatment is the same as ours. national server players."

"Excuse me!" Du Shiyu had been discussing on the gang channel for a long time, she said with a smile, "We can participate in your national server battle, what about the allocation fee?"

"...What is the call fee?" The Chinese looked puzzled.

Shao Bing coughed and said, "This...we have just received the notification. All the gangs in Jinan City have discussed it. This...any gang that participates in your national server must first get a "startup fee." ', should also understand...this, when the cannon fires, the gold is ten thousand taels, and the soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are moved..."

"How much, how much, how much is the call fee?", the Chinese said with gritted teeth.

"10 platinum coins!", a small sapling lion opened its mouth wide, startling the Chinese as soon as it spoke.

"Extortion, you are extortion!", the roar of the Chinese representatives could be heard outside the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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