This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 427 Liberating 'Productivity'

Chapter 427 Liberating 'Productivity'

"What should I do, I'm so nervous!"

"It's not true that you are sent to the battlefield, are you nervous?"

"But I'm so nervous, what should I do!?"

"Cold salad!"

"I'm also very nervous, big scene, big scene!"

"This is a fart. When the national server was launched, the sky, the ground, and the ground, the monsters are like tides, and they can't be killed...Now there are only a few people, and it's a big scene?"

"There are tens of thousands of people on the opposite side!"

"Shit, there are at most a thousand people, and we only need more. Tens of thousands of people won't drown us? Tens of thousands of people are the entire battlefield."

"No, I heard..."

"You heard that fart, there are dozens of battlefields, some are important, some are not important, the side of Jinan City is the right guess, we can only count as flanks, flanks."

"Oh... Boss, are we working for Europeans and Americans?"

"They all participated in the battle of other people's national uniforms, that's for sure."

"It is said that as long as everyone participates, everyone will get 10 silver, is it true?"

"What do you say?"

"I hope it will be."

"Then you continue to hope, 10 silver? Repay everyone?"

"It's the opening fee that the gang bosses fought for, not everyone who came to participate."

"You said that it was an appropriation fee. What's the matter with you mercenaries? Some of them are also official members of other gangs."

"Ah, I can't be reconciled, it's obvious that we are at the front."

"The monster is charging, everyone go home and get dressed!"

"Haha... who is this, how funny!"

"Come on, come on, hold on to the first round, don't use up the number of resurrections all at once, don't say I didn't warn you!"

Li Xiao's nervous heart almost jumped into his throat. The sound of rumbling horseshoes was like an earthquake. On the hillside, the stitches made up of a large number of newcomers and a few old players looked like paper. tear up.

He is a knight of the Allied Forces of Human Nations who is in black armor and even a horse in full suit. In the system prompt in the field of vision, the ID is bright red, and a series of question marks show that his level and strength are far beyond his.

Such a humanoid monster, one can beat them to death, but the old players in the Guards gang let them stand in front, isn't this letting them die?
There was no time to think about it. After a black front was close enough, the humanoid monsters and horses lit up magical auras of various colors. The knights in the first row, like the tip of a sharp spear, easily pierced through the formation formed by the newcomers, tore it apart, and came out through the formation accompanied by a large amount of white light that was sent back to the city.

The skills of the remote players don’t need to spend money, massive -1-1-1-1... miss, miss, miss...

A huge black shadow descended from the sky, getting bigger and bigger in Li Xiao's field of vision. A bright red blade arrived first. Wherever it went, even the old player standing in front of him was split into two, and the mosaic scattered. On the ground, in the sound of countless "I rely on" and "ah", the white light of returning to the city lit up. In the blink of an eye, there was no one in front of him. Harvesting, like plowing ahead, tore an ugly crack on the battered front.

Li Xiao's brain was stunned, and he shot an arrow subconsciously, like a mosquito bite, in exchange for only a reminder of a miss, mixed with densely packed same reminders, there was no difference except for the different colors.

In the next second, Li Xiao was thrown into the air by a huge force. He felt hit by an elephant. Amidst the stewing pain, he heard the sound of cracking inside his body, and then his eyes went black. , returning to the city in a flash of white light in mid-air.

At the nearest resurrection point in the safe zone, the resurrected players pushed out the resurrected players one by one at the same time. Li Xiaogang stood firm and was pushed out of the resurrection point before he understood what was going on. middle.

"What the hell are you doing in a daze, go back, go back and do it with the monster!"

Li Xiaoru just woke up from a dream, and realized that he had died. The experience just now was too real and shocking. It was different from bullying and gang fights with monsters. It was just like a real battlefield. Driven by the old players in a daze, the bee chrysalis went out of the city, not even being given a teleportation, and rushed to the battlefield on the No. 11 bus.

run, why run?
Li Xiao's mind was spinning faster than usual, but there were not many distracting thoughts, and the feeling was blunt, and he couldn't even hear his own heavy breathing.

"Stop, everyone stop to rest and recover their strength, so why don't you run over and give the head away?"

Only then did he discover that there was an old player from the Guards leading the team, and he understood what was going on. His legs were still moving forward mechanically. An old player grabbed him, violently poured him on the ground, and fell to the ground. Among a bunch of newbies who only know how to breathe.

"Look, look, these people have a fart? They can't even use their skills."

"At least it slows down the speed of the monster, doesn't it?"

"They figured out how to cook again, and then they got a job. They already have level 10, and it's time to learn general skills. As long as they calm down and show their due strength, they will never be so bad."

"It's the first time, it's normal, you forgot your first time? You almost peed your pants when you were scared by the monster, haha..."


"Get up, get up!"

Li Xiao stood up again under the driving force, and now he felt much better, he could hear his thunderous heartbeat, and felt tired, the original image of being knocked into the air gradually faded away, and he could See the surrounding environment clearly.

The old player Balabala was still talking about something, another old player interrupted impatiently, and with an order, all the newbies moved forward mechanically.

Ahead is the high ground where the battlefield is located.

Climbing up the hillside, the player's unique shouting sound came from the nearby channel. There was no smell of blood, only mosaics everywhere.

The old players have already joined, and the enemy and the enemy are mixed together. Thousands of people are fighting in a narrow range. It's not like spawning monsters, but more like a large-scale PK between players.

"...Remember, don't look for the famous red monsters, fight the purple monsters in groups, fight the blue monsters, single-handedly fight the green monsters... this time, hold on longer."

"...Kill it, you've exploded your divine costume!"

"...Humanoid monsters are what you see is what you get, and they will explode!"

"...Come on!"

Li Xiao followed the crowd, rushing into the battle group with a roar, and his face was full of red. He subconsciously ate shit, and he didn't know what rushed over from the top of his head, followed by the "acquaintance" of the Guards gang, The boss whose ID is Xuewu Feiyu, she is floating in the air, chasing the red shadow in the sky, throwing skills like a bomber.

It was like a cannonball exploding nearby. Amid the deafening sound, Li Xiao bounced back on the spot. Fortunately, he was in team battle mode and was not injured.

very handsome!
Players can be so handsome! ?

I'm so envious!

Whenever I can do this myself.

"What the hell are you doing in a daze!!?"

An old player passing by tugged at him, roared, and turned around to chase away the other sleepwalking newcomers.

"Ah, I don't play anymore!"

A cute new female player broke down and screamed, and was hacked to death by a green-named humanoid monster in an instant.

Wait, Green Name! ?

Li Xiao finally came to his senses, the persimmon was still about to jump softly, he spotted the 'green monster' and shot it with an arrow.

Thankfully, Mi finally missed this time, a -17 damage value seemed to flip a switch in his brain, and the experience on the training ground came back.

The green monster rushed towards him, and he retreated while walking, moving in a slightly flustered position, keeping a distance, and barely guaranteed the hit rate.

But a few arrows only used up one-third of the blood bar of the green famous humanoid monster, and this guy ran away, and stopped fighting him. Once he burrowed into the monster pile, he disappeared.

Li Xiao is a little silly, this is different from ordinary monsters, and no one will grab hatred?
The so-called green-named monsters are militiamen with a level of seven or eight, and the highest level is no more than 12. Such 'monsters' are the most common on the battlefield, but they are too chaotic. Many players are not clear-headed, either like blind people, or Like a deaf person, even the old players yelled hoarsely in the team channel, they still rushed forward in suspense, looking for the most conspicuous blue name, purple name or even red name.

Isn't this looking for death?

It's been a long time, and the old players don't care anymore. Can you believe that groups of 'Green Name Monsters' form groups to swipe players?
No, a green name monster ran away, and after a while, he brought a large group of green name monsters to trouble Li Xiao.

"Help, help!"

Li Xiao had no choice but to run away, calling for help as he ran, and ran among several teammates who had just returned from the dead, thinking that they could kill the carbine, but these people shouted again, and were attracted by the eye-catching battle group in a blink of an eye They broke in like headless chickens, and many people died and were sent back within a minute after returning.

Li Xiao was in a hurry. Five green monsters were chasing after him, determined to take him down. He had no choice but to lure the monsters to an old player. Come.

"go away!"

The old player drank a bottle of sun water, rushed forward, and returned to his position in the team.

Almost every veteran player fights in groups. The battlefield is divided into dozens or hundreds of battle groups. They are all in the same team, being besieged by groups of famous red monsters.

It is almost impossible to see how the battle is going on from the outside, but so far, no white light has risen in the core of the battle group, but a lot of red famous monsters have fallen, and auras burst all over the ground.

Wait, Emmanuel! ?

Ah, aura! ?
The round, square, suspended, rotating...

Li Xiao's eyes were straightened, and he couldn't control his legs to approach that side. As soon as he reached the periphery of the battle group, he was affected by a battle group. Before he understood what was going on, he returned to the city in the white light.

Second time!

Die up to three times a day.

last chance!
In the safe area, many newcomers have already used up the number of death and resurrection, and they are chatting in the safe area in the state of ghosts. At this time, they finally woke up. Many regretted it, and many people paid for their own resurrection.

"Group, group..."

People like this are slowed down, and paying the resurrection fee by themselves will surely not send them to death in vain, right?
The old players don't care anymore, the front line is tight, and many old players have already hung up, and they have unlimited resurrections.

Li Xiao joined a regiment, with more than a dozen people, except him, who was already "self-responsible for profit and loss", hurried back, and did not join any battle regiment, just being a "scavenger".

So much inspiration!
Money, it's all money!

[System prompt: The drop authority of this item belongs to the Guards gang collectively, and the remaining time is 38 minutes. 】

A "crazy" Mengxin in the team frantically fished for a floating one-handed axe, but it was like a monkey fishing for the moon, and couldn't pick up anything.


During the team battle, an old player found them and was about to tell them to do something when they were entangled by a humanoid thief.

Can't pick up the aura all over the floor, it's really torture, it makes people 'crazy'.

"We own the authority to kill ourselves?"

"No, we are mercenaries."

"Then let's quit!"

"I don't want mission rewards anymore? National server experience, points, equipment..."

"European and American servers, fart points, useless."

"What about the others, it's money to mess around!"

"Let's choose, do you want to take a gamble!?"

Another bet!
The battlefield is still in stalemate, it is hard to see who wins and who loses, there are few old players, but they can be resurrected infinitely, there are many humanoid monsters, and new players can hardly help, but every death is one less, and the will to fight is a problem , when the casualties are large enough, they must retreat.

Don't think about the red name, the purple name is enough, and it is possible for the blue name to form a group, and the green name can be dealt with as long as the newbies don't panic.

On the battlefield, such "humanoid monsters" are everywhere, and the green monsters are arrogantly forming groups and picking up the cute new ones...

"Gamble, please!"

"Gamble, gamble!"

"Who will retreat first?"

"Who's coming?"

"Brothers and sisters, don't come again when you can't miss this opportunity!"

"What if someone from the Imperial Guard gang kills us!?"


"Wait a minute, let me ask."

"Boss Xuewu Feiyu said yes, as long as it can help, we own the drop, and we can be hired again after it's over, and the national server will not be delayed."

"True, false, a little sapling told me to go."

"The boss didn't reply."

"Nobody else responded."

"I replied with a bunch of ellipses."

"Who should I listen to?"

At this time, the top combat power of the core battle group finally died, and the truth was successfully attacked by a thief humanoid monster within the range of magic, and was instantly killed on the spot.

"The leader of the gang replied, yes, you can do this!"

"Hooray, I quit!"

"I quit too!"

"Everyone is retiring, this is temporary, and the bosses have all agreed."


Li Xiao also quit the adventurer employment mode, and appeared on the battlefield as a 'free body', and the feeling was different immediately.

The monsters are still those monsters, the people are still a bunch of people, but the infinite courage is surging on the body, the brain turns like lightning, the eyes are like radar, and the ears seem to be able to hear the heartbeat of teammates.

"Resurrection will lose experience, and you have to pay for it yourself, everyone be careful!"

"Battle formation, battle formation!"

"Ranger, come back quickly, Ranger!"

"Where are the barbarians, how can we do without barbarians?"

"I am a paladin."

"Top up!"

"Scout, thieves attract monsters..."

"What a fart, it's useless against humanoid monsters, it's too cunning, everyone will take it as a real person PK."

"There are 6 green famous monsters over there!"

"Touch and detour!"


How else can we say that we can't afford to eat from the same big pot. Once the "joint production contract responsibility system" is launched, the "productivity" will be liberated.

Facts have proved that the newcomers are still very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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