Chapter 428

Orb is a freeman, and he has never left the territory of Lord Wayne before. This time, he went to Wanpur (the unit of distance in Canaan, a pool is equivalent to about 700 meters), passing through the territories of countless noble lords, Defeated the vicious and brutal centaur hordes, and now battles an army of zombies summoned by the evil archmage.

Orb was still a hunter, that's why he was selected as the captain of the militia. Now he has experienced many battles, and he has seen even the most ferocious centaur warriors. It seems that the zombie army under the archmage is not as good as the opponent he has already defeated?

— But these guys can't be killed?

Many of the living corpses killed by him returned to the battlefield not long after.

That's how the old man explained it.

The masters said that it is not that the living corpses cannot be killed, but that they want to destroy their base, which is the few earthen houses protected by the low wall behind the hillside.

Also, the resurrection of the living corpse is not unlimited, it needs to consume the mana of the evil archmage, and killing a living corpse is equivalent to slashing the archmage.

Goddess of the Earth, that's an Archmage.

So Orb wasn't afraid or surprised, just full of hatred for these ghosts that desecrated death.

It was these things that made me unable to go home.

The lords also said that after defeating the living corpses, they can go home with honor and feats, plus privately hidden booty and so on, and maybe they can become small landlords.

If he accumulates two pu (about two hectares) of land, his son can go off to study in a seminary or become a businessman or something. If all goes well, when his grandson is born and grows up, he may be able to send him to Lord Wien Do you want to be a servant in the castle?

The transition of the family and the good expectations made this elite militiaman in his twenties extremely tough, and the cute new players killed by the militia team led by his [-]-year-old militiamen cried for their fathers and mothers.


This living corpse is really beautiful, with big breasts and big buttocks, it looks good enough to give birth to, if you snatch it home... Forget it, what do you think?

Orb cut down a female player with a knife, and the female player crawled forward while crying with her butt pouted, and kept shouting something, which Orb and the militiamen couldn't understand.They could have killed her in a few strokes, but the militiamen didn't do anything, but watched the huge, round buttocks dangling in front of their eyes. Many people's eyes were straightened, and their throats were dry. On the battlefield, the belt of the trousers can no longer be tied.

If this kind of beauty is dedicated to Lord Wayne, his grandson will definitely be a servant——Aub, who has not yet had a son, thinks so.

Why are living corpses so beautiful?

Forget about elves, as long as they look like a person, even a man, they are more 'beautiful' than the most beautiful woman in the town. If it weren't for the living corpse, it would be great, and I will grab one back...

After admiring it enough, Orb caught up with the 'destroying flowers with hot hands', and ended up this 'very fertile' female living corpse.

The living corpses did not leave corpses on the scene. The masters said that it was the evil mark left by the archmage on them. This mark would send the dead living corpses back for repair, just like repairing farm tools.

The Archmage is really evil and powerful, and the Mother Earth Goddess is on top, so I must never meet him.

Everyone dispersed, and the regular army, under the leadership of the masters, fought against those powerful zombies. That kind of battle group Orb wisely hid far away, and only picked those weak-looking living corpses to attack.

I don't know how many were killed, the battlefield has become quite empty, Orb looked around, there are not many 'weak chickens' left, and they are being chased and hacked by other militia squads, a strong 'living corpse' broke through In sight, it was a high-level living corpse that had just been 'repaired' from the rear. Looking at the clothes this guy was wearing, he looked like a nobleman, and he must be very strong.

But he was alone, and Orb, who wanted to try, led the team to lean up.

There are also people who want to take advantage of it. It is Gelb, another militia captain, a [-]-meter-tall adventurer who was born as a vulgar man who was born as a fugitive slave. Lord Knight, look down on the farmer himself.

Aub stopped, not wanting to confront this barbarian, and wanted him to try whether it was a soft persimmon or a hard rock...

The result made him break out in a cold sweat.

I don’t know what’s wrong, Orb only saw a lot of smoke and dust, and Gelb who rushed to the front was torn apart, and the remaining militiamen scattered in fear and screaming, including Orb and his men militia.

Let's pinch soft persimmons.

The frightened militia team soon discovered the hunting target.

They were a group of low-level living corpses who had just rushed back, and they were easy to distinguish from their clothes and timid behavior.

Aub roared and led his people to rush up, ten against ten, but he was full of confidence.

It was also in the first place. The living corpse facing him looked very strong, with a size no less than that of Gelb. Although the clothes were 'simple', the muscles on his body were still full of strength. Bu will never be right with this kind of person who knows at a glance that he has undergone strict training and is well-nourished. You know, he didn’t have enough to eat before the holy war. With the gift of the Mother Earth, he is now much stronger, but It's also an order of magnitude worse than such a big guy.

Aub remained silent, but the living corpse on the opposite side screamed and bluffed. Aub saw his timidity, and laughed cruelly, his eyes were as fierce as they could be.

Experience tells him that doing this is useful, but the opponent will soon panic and reveal his flaws.

as predicted.

The big living corpse actually stopped and turned around, maybe it was calling for support from its companions?

Aub took the opportunity to rush over and slashed at the back of his neck with a knife.


The sharp blade saw something sticky and slippery, it was a white light shot from behind, saving the corpse's life!

Soft persimmon knows how to cooperate?

Aub retreated decisively, but his opponent reacted and put on a strange posture. Aub yelled with experience, and the militiamen under him immediately separated.

Sure enough, leaving behind a series of afterimages, the big man rushed into the gap left, and Orb and his elite militia took advantage of his stiffness to hack him to death.

Can't support now?

Aub turned around, looked at the group of limp persimmons, and deliberately licked the blood-stained blade to intimidate his opponent.

Li Xiao couldn't bear to look directly!
This dish is enough.

The guy who just made bold words.

Radu can't come back.

"The paladin died, what should I do!?"

"Don't panic, don't panic, Ranger goes up."

"What? My body?"

"What else should I do, let the mage go up? Go up and walk around, don't resist!"

"Where is the bard, add status, do it!"

"And the pastor, they are all stupid!"

"The mage begins to chant, Voj!"

"Come up, the monster is coming up."

Eight or nine were in a mess, not to mention any cooperation, but they were still obedient. Li Xiao and the two rangers went up to the top. He quickly dodged away, his figure was not yet stable, and he could feel the soft sound of the blade cutting the air in front, back, left, and right.

With a strange cry, he jumped up, dodged several blades dangerously, and looked at the other rangers in mid-air... Fortunately, no one died on the spot, and they all dodged in embarrassment.

After landing, a lazy donkey rolled over, stretched a little distance, bent its bow and shot.

This time I didn't aim, it was all based on my feeling. Facts have proved that there is no time for you to aim on this kind of battlefield, and humanoid monsters are not targets.

This arrow was so accurate that the militia leader who got out of the way passed through his shield and shot at the eye of a humanoid monster behind him, causing a fatal critical blow.

The shrill screams of the humanoid monsters did not need to be translated by the system, but the morale of the newcomers was greatly boosted. A few rangers seemed to hold back the 'hatred', and used their higher agility to tremble with the monsters to make room and time for their teammates.

But the human-shaped monster quickly reacted, and the team leader let out a yell, then abandoned Li Xiao, who couldn't get it right, and went straight to priests, mages, and bards, who had low melee abilities.

"Ah, I'm fighting with you!!"

Orb saw that living corpse with raised buttocks, big breasts, and good fertility again. Is it possible to 'repair' it so soon?Tsk tsk, you've improved, and you know how to resist?

The militiaman who was right with this 'good birth' had a lewd smile on his face, and didn't take it seriously, he slashed at him with a knife, thinking that the other party would be as scared as before and only knew to back away, but who knew that the other party raised his magic staff and sent a slap Skill - Coil.

The crazily growing vines entangled the militiaman, Li Xiao took the opportunity to hit the back of the heart with a [Explosive Arrow], taking all the damage, and after the flames of the explosion dissipated, the militiaman was left with only a layer of blood.

"Let you laugh, laugh, laugh again!"

This militiaman was beaten to death with a scepter by 'Haoshengyang'.


What exploded out?
The other humanoid monsters could not be rescued in time, and they began to feel the soft persimmon harden.

Before the experienced Orb could adjust his battle strategy, the mages who had been hiding behind them finally chanted, and three fist-sized fireballs flew out, and Orb's pupils shrank, and he piled into the crowd hide in.

The skills of the mage cannot be avoided. The three fireballs disrupted the formation of the humanoid monsters. The players took the opportunity to regroup and attack the scattered humanoid monsters.

Boom boom boom!
The three consecutive explosions were inconspicuous on the rumbling battlefield all the time, but they heralded the transition of the offensive and defensive situation.

Orb dodged the explosion range of the fireball in embarrassment, but the two militiamen he used as meat pads struggled with screams and screams covered in flames, and the arrows that followed ended their pain. ,

The soft persimmons cheered and screamed, picking up something messy on the ground?
Orb gasped, shouting for his militia to rally.

There are still 6 people left, still in shock. Almost all the living corpses have extraordinary abilities, but they were easy to deal with before. I didn't expect that once they cooperated, my own fighters who only relied on physical strength and experience skills would not be enough.

Too underestimated?

definitely is!

Orb yelled and encouraged, cheered up his teammates, and carefully formed a skilled battle formation.

"Do it like this, come like this, hold on, hold on!"

"The monsters can't come, they shot arrows, so insidious!"

"Are we going?"

"No tanks."

"You can even fight without a tank. The green name monster is already experience. As long as you don't panic and show your due strength, it will be easy to fight."

"Go on!"

"The ranger is at the front... where is the thief? I remember there was a thief?"

"That guy ran away as soon as the battle started and quit the regiment."


Aub found out that he was wrong, very wrong, the soft persimmon was not soft at all, and the previous ones were all illusions.

He was leaning against a shield in front of him, but he couldn't defend against the arrows shot by the zombie elves at all, and when the arrows from his side shot past, the zombies would be alive after drinking a few sips of 'water'.

This time, both sides are in a majestic formation, without any fancy fights. The living corpses use the extraordinary abilities that only gentlemen can use, and half of the militiamen under them are killed in one handover. Although the opponent's skills and experience are unfamiliar, once Raising his temper, he is also brave and not afraid of death. He is completely different from before.

Another militia fell, and the living corpses pounced on his corpse, as greedy as a group of ghouls. No army could bear such casualties. Orb fled shamefully, taking two or three wounded The militia fled to other militia formations that were still organized.

"Haha, Aub, isn't this Aub, haha..."

The ridicule of the other militiamen made Orb unable to lift his head up. He wanted to remind them to be careful of the soft persimmons who hugged each other. Those guys had already caught up.


After half an hour.

There are no 'green monsters' on the battlefield, only the blue, purple and red monsters are still fighting with the old players, and the newbies divide and surround each group, ready to move and give it a try.

Li Xiao found 2 copper coins on the corpse of a humanoid monster named Orb, and secretly scolded the system for being stingy. He was delighted to find that he had already reached level 13, which he hadn't noticed before.

"Dice rolled, dice rolled."

Another humanoid monster exploded its equipment, and the group leader urged everyone to come over. Li Xiao threw out 11 points, thinking that he would win, but some people threw out full points, laughing at the helmet that needed to be identified.

What the hell!

Scanning the entire battlefield with red eyes, he found that there were only some high-level monsters listed as forbidden by old players.

"What are you doing, back up, back up!"

"We're just trying to help, boss"

"Mother, get out!"

"Oh, why are you still scolding people?"

"Calling you? I still want to PK you! Get lost!"

There is no way, the deterrence of the old players is too great, and they have to return to the follow-up feast of the national server, so the newbies have to retreat angrily.

Having seen 'Blood' and fought against the most cunning and special 'Humanoid', Li Xiao felt that everyone was different, but there was a difference, and it was hard to put it into words.


Not at all.

It should be the shark's first taste of blood, all of which are 'bloodthirsty' excitement and desire.

(End of this chapter)

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