This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 429 It's National Service Again

Chapter 429 It's National Service Again
Klein fought and retreated. The Knight of Lord Derry was no longer visible in front of him. He quickly looked back and saw the tall figure of the Lord already submerged in the living corpses.

Roaring in grief and anger, he mobilized his horse to rescue him, but the horse let out a mournful cry, its front hooves gave way, and it fell to its knees in the blood-stained mud.

Klein, who was extremely exhausted, fell off his horse and was immediately trampled by the feet and hooves of the fleeing horse. He raised his head, dying, and saw a meteor-like flame bombarding more than ten meters in front of him. Screaming... The fearless jihadist army, whose bones were broken like this, discarded the glory that was regarded as life, and fled like a group of goblins with their heads in their arms.


With trembling fingers, he took out the unsent family letter from his pocket. In a trance, he saw a large number of living corpses running past him. Those low-level living corpses were like vultures on the battlefield, and every corpse had to be touched. , Klein was not spared either.

"This is still alive!!"

For a moment, an unknown number of blades pierced Klein's body. The young, powerful, and resolute knight attendant felt no pain, only the cold that penetrated into the bone marrow.


When he was dying, he saw his mother leaning on the door, his younger brother who was stubborn and full of admiration and jealousy for him, his younger sister whose father died when he was born, and his farm, which was green and full of pain. The fields of wheat, and the serfs working hard in the fields...

I really want, I really want to be buried under the bitter wheat so that I can go home.

With the last trace of nostalgia for his hometown and relatives, Klein died.

This once promising knight squire has outstanding talent and unyielding temperament. Almost every big man who has seen him said that he was born to become a knight, but now he has fallen ahead of schedule, just like countless geniuses. Fallen on this meaningless battlefield.

Originally, the two warring parties have already started negotiations for cooperation for the purpose of declaring their strength. Is it worthwhile to sacrifice their lives for the game of the big shots at the top?

Players don't have such considerations. It is best to show the remaining bravery chasing the poor bandits to the fullest. Skip this battlefield and look at the overall situation. In the tens of kilometers around the extreme south city, you have received the national service mission and entered the national war mode. Players are like crucian carp crossing the river, in an endless stream.

In all directions and in all regions, they formed a tide like a flood, and hit the hard rocks head-on.

At the beginning, I only saw splashes of water and water vapor all over the sky, but the reefs stood still, but the water dripped through the rocks, and the hard reefs could not withstand the washing of the waves. Slowly, some reefs cracked, collapsed, and disintegrated , And then like this battlefield, those who are swept by the flood, don't erase the traces of their existence soon.

Klein's soul left his body, following a beam of light descending from the sky, slowly ascending.

Some traits and imprints in his soul, such as memory and emotion, dissipate during the ascent, just like dandelions in the wind, and in the end only the core wrapped in faith remains, and he is about to enter the kingdom of God.

But an external force interrupted this extremely 'natural' process, and the light beam was distorted, just as light is changed in water and there is a gap.

Klein's soul stopped ascending, and instead was attracted by a huge, boundless net, sticking to this net like a piece of weightless seaweed.

On the Internet, besides him, there are countless seaweeds.

Klein still had some memories, he still remembered how he died, and he saw his lord, Grand Knight and Earl Derry again.

The Great Knight of Delhi is also a piece of 'seaweed', but he is stronger and more complete than Klein. He struggled on the net and roared silently, yelling at Klein who seemed a bit 'stupid'.

But Klein couldn't hear it.

The net is closed...

A net full of seaweed is 'glued' together on the net, moving in a certain direction along the 'path' on the net.

——Where is this going?

Klein no longer has any emotional fluctuations, and only retains the highest quality soul core. Following the net, it is like a little water vapor carried by the veins, flowing to the body of the big tree.

The web is too vast.

In comparison, Klein is so small that it can be ignored.

It goes deep into almost everything, even the composition of the air, the composition of the soil, the fluctuation of light, the dispersion and gathering of element spirits...all in its 'root system', it is like a giant parasite, parasitic on all things.

Naturally, living corpses are also indispensable.

There are many more living corpses.

Klein's soul core was floating in the game area. He saw countless players and found that each player was the root system of this towering giant tree. Only then did he suddenly realize that if this giant tree is not destroyed, there will be an endless stream of living corpses , They got the wrong target at the beginning.

This was a huge mistake that ruined countless Klein's lives.

Without knowing it, he left the front line, stayed away from the surrounding area of ​​Rock Fortress (Extreme South City), and went deep into the hinterland ravaged by living corpses.

Klein didn't see the blind desolation. Most of the territory of the original human kingdom has been restored. The simple castles (gang residences) are distributed at various points with development value, like sesame seeds spilled.

Most of the farmland has been restored, and green bitter wheat has been planted. There are a large number of soulless servants (NPC) working hard on it, and there are also a few intelligent races abandoned on the wasteland, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, abandoned people, and subhumans. Kind of wait.

They are actually very easy to distinguish, especially for Klein who is already in a soul state-soul fluctuations.

Those without soul fluctuations are just empty shells, just the hairs extending from this giant tree, they are one with the big tree, no matter how much they behave like a person, in essence, they are just a shell.

A person with soul fluctuations is an independent individual, although he is parasitized by the root system of a big tree.

The sun came out, the wind blew, and the seaweeds were transported to a vortex in pieces.

Klein saw a magnificent city again, saw a large number of temple-sized spiers, and the huge shadow that had already shrouded these spiers.

He struggled, like all seaweed.

"My lord, will this offend the gods?"

"Of course, I just want to see where their tolerance limit is."

"You are provoking."

"I never hide it."

"I'm really afraid that I will be punished by God in the next moment."

"Haha, then let's destroy together."

"The magic net should be able to withstand it..."

"How do you know, the mighty power of the true god you have seen?"

"But there's an upper limit to the physical world, isn't there?"

"You say yes, haha..."

"What are these souls used for?"

"I'm the famous 'Thousand Hands', what do you think I will use them for?"

"...Soul gems? Demons will be very interested."

"Keep secret, I will give you a surprise then."


Klein seemed to hear two people talking. It was like the background sound of the world, like the sound of wind, rain, and thunder, sometimes loud and sometimes ethereal.

Klein was terrified, and this emotion returned to him. He seemed to see that behind the shadows of these temples, there was another shadow that covered the sky and the earth, and this shadow was sitting high on the throne. , Destruction, disasters, plagues, diseases... All imaginable sufferings are concentrated on him. He is the demon king who destroys the world, and he came to destroy the world.

Numerous 'seaweeds' were dragged into a pitch-black vortex by a huge net, and fell into a warm pool after a period of free fall in consciousness mode.

The moment Klein fell into the water, he seemed to see 'eggs' all over the bottom of the sea. Inside each of the white, oval eggs lay a comatose person?

what is this?
Who can tell me.

Immediately, all of Klein's emotions 'melted' into the sea water. He was still able to think, but he lost the temperature of his emotions and became as cold as a fish.

Countless algae became the nutrients of the sea water, and countless eggs absorbed these nutrients. After an unknown amount of time, Klein forgot the past, everything, and even his 'self'. The eggs are 'attracted' and then 'nested' in them.

He is not him anymore, but pure soul power, soul power measured by different systems, he is complete, stripped of all impurities except the core of the soul, and entered a brand new body, with a man named 'Li Xiao 'The soul-subject fusion.

——I am Li Xiao now.

"What the hell, why did I have such an inexplicable idea?"

Li Xiao, who had run out of three resurrections, walked out of the resurrection point mutteringly, forgetting the bubble that popped out of his consciousness just now in a blink of an eye.

There was no need to die, it was all due to a fool.

"Captain, coordinates!"

"It's all messed up, you should teleport it here, coordinates: Beimi National Service Advance Base 11"

"Ah, no assembly?"

"Gather a fart, come and see for yourself... let's not talk about it!"

Li Xiao endured the heartache and teleported to the front line at the guard's gang garrison. The advance base of the Beimi national service has been ranked at serial number 11, a huge bulge, and the battle on both sides is not over yet.

There are huge crowds of people, and there are extremely excited players everywhere. No matter how many NPCs there are, the real people from the Beimi national server have started acting. It is said that even some government and enterprise celebrities are making guest appearances.

Huaguo doesn't think that Beimi is already dominated by the national server. All the media and self-media are broadcasting live, and the whole people are carnival. I don't know if I thought the third world broke out.

"Dawn breaks dawn, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the national service of the United States, now I have a task for you, look at this map, do you see anything?"

"... Well, it's not important, I ask you to join a team, hold this bridgehead on the flank, wait for the main army to end the battle, tie this pocket, and completely annihilate the remnants of the enemy in this area."

"Dawn breaks dawn, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the national service of the United States. I have a letter that I need you to deliver to Mr. Truss, the commander of the main army on the front line..."

"Dawn breaks dawn, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the national service of the United States, this is your task settlement reward, do a good job boy... exchange all? Are you sure? Do you not consider keeping some? Well, this is 31 silver 21 copper……"

"Hi, I'm the special correspondent of Fox Canaan Online, are you a player of Huaguo National Server?"

"...Think about it, there are a lot of benefits for joining the national server of the United States. Players who are new to naturalization have a lot of tax relief..."

"...Hey, have you considered immigrating to the United States? This is a green channel, and the offline channels are also smooth!"


Handing in quests, receiving quests, going naked with NPCs in the national server, NPCs played by real people, or simply employees of the operator of the national server... Too busy, no one cares about it.

After handing in the task, the task list was empty, and he, who was slightly obsessive-compulsive, felt relieved.

The experience bar soared to half, and the system money amount on the backpack also changed to a number in gold coins. This was a real gain.

The national service points are also converted into money, and it is not easy to fool around. The sugar-coated cannonballs of the Americans, the sugar-coated cannonballs are eaten, and the cannonballs are resolutely resisted. Even the hints of the beautiful employees are indifferent.

After enduring and rejecting all kinds of temptations in this way, I took over all the tasks to be taken, and the next step was to form a team.

"Why is this mission only available to players on your national server, but not us?"

"94, 94, leave the fat ones to your own people, and let us do the troublesome, troublesome, and poor ones. The abacus is really good."

"The players of the Huaguo national server don't do it for them, let them play the national server by themselves."

At the task manager of the NPC played by a real person, there was another quarrel, and Li Xiaocai didn't care. In his opinion, of course the good things should be kept for himself, should they be returned to outsiders?This is human nature.

These people make no sense.

As for their appeal...the only one who believes is a fool, who is smart now who is not racing against time to get rich, who has the time in the United States to compete with the official of the national server here.

In the battle of the national server of the United States, all players from the United States are naturally present, and the square where the team is formed has really become a "United Nations".

However, none of the players from the United States have grown up. They are all similar to Li Xiao, and they are not the main force. Therefore, most of the players who initiate missions and teams are from the Chinese country.

Li Xiao showed off his title cloak and new professional equipment, and assembled the team without much effort.

Everyone received the same mission, starting from the first mission—recruit report.

Out of the city, such teams of players are like streams, countless streams converging into a surging torrent, and the mission assembly point is the hot spot where the battle line is stalemate, or the location where the next strategic goal is launched.

Once a front is won and a goal is achieved, new hotspots and campaign goals will be formed in the national server.

The map of the national server expands little by little like this, as if the muddy river has been washed away, and the players are an endless stream of floods.

(End of this chapter)

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