This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 430 Celebrating the whole world

Chapter 430 Celebrating the whole world
In the coalition headquarters camp, the legion commanders, knights, and nobles sitting outside glared at Nicholas' entourage, gnashing their teeth in hatred, and almost devoured these guys who had fallen to the Lich's side with their eyes.

The high priests, archbishops, and cardinals sitting inside were happy and happy. They treated the famous evil creatures and the sleepless people who blasphemed death—the lich, with a friendly face, as if they were treating their relatives.

A cardinal of the Holy See of Light was gesturing on a huge map, and he stroked the sheepskin map lightly with a pen, emphasizing his tone: "Mr. Nicholas, tell your master, you can go here at most, and you can only go here at most. If you go any further, the church will have no way to explain it.”

Nicholas also seemed very calm and low-key. He first bowed his body to show his respect to the cardinal archbishop, and then came to the map and looked at the arc-shaped red line drawn on it and fell silent.

This is much larger than the territory laid down by the players now.

It has almost won over dozens of nobles and lords of all sizes, including the original Kingdom of Kane, the Earl of Morocco, and the Duchy of Hilterst. The combined area is over one million square kilometers.

Of course, on the huge map, on the vast continent, in front of the civilized world that ruled all the essence of the entire continent, this territory is nothing.

They are also famous deserted places.

It's close to the abandoned wasteland. It turned out that the nobles entrusted here are country bumpkins. They are despised by the nobles in the colorful world. One is the base camp of adventurers, slave catchers and slave traders. The most developed trade is the slave trade.

If this piece of territory comes true, it will almost combine the style of the abandoned wasteland and the civilized world. The future Norman Grand Duchy will become the connection between the abandoned wasteland and the civilized world. If it is managed properly, it is not without potential.

Nicholas has no doubts about the management ability of the person behind him. It is precisely because of his strength that these guys with eyes above the top are so amiable.

——It’s just that the price is too high.

The two parties just wanted to test and declare force. Countless people sacrificed their lives for it. Countless steadfast knights and believers lost their lives. It is said that even their souls were...

That man is so bold, how dare he, how dare.

However, what shocked Nicholas was that the church endured it, and the gods did not express anything about this blatant detainment of believers' souls. There was neither divine punishment nor punishment for the next angel, so they just acquiesced?
"I need to report back, Your Majesty," the lich replied.

"He will be satisfied!" said the Cardinal of the Bright Holy See firmly.

"I hope so!", Lich also agreed with this plan.

The visitor from Xiaomoyuan who acted as a middleman took the opportunity to toast and said with a smile: "Then can we celebrate in advance... for the hard-won peace?"

The senior clergymen raised their glasses to the reserved response, "What else have you forgotten, Your Excellency the Archmage of Mount?"

"Oh?", from Xiaomoyuan, the director of the Mage United Conference, the great mage Mo turned his head in surprise and looked at the lich.

"And our Norman Grand Duke!" said a cardinal from the Church of the Mother Earth.

"Yes, and our Grand Duke of Norman... Let's drink to this lost Lord Duke!"


The Lich was a little embarrassed, but he still poured the precious wine from another continent into his mouth, and smacked his mouth in a dull way.

The atmosphere is even more harmonious.

"Then I will notify the frontline troops to retreat?"

"Back back, the children have shed too much blood."

"After this line?"


"All right!"

The resolution here is the highest instruction other than the oracle, and even the general royal family cannot defy it. The Pope of each church is a 'mascot', a symbolic existence, and most of the authority is held by these almost hereditary senior clerics. .

They also have a prestigious organization called the Cardinal 12 Roundtable, which is elected by the senior clergy of 12 major churches that occupy a mainstream position. It rotates every three years and holds the highest authority under the so-called gods.

Theocracy is supreme, but how to use it, how to explain it, how to strengthen it, how to deepen it... But these people interpret it!

And their positions are almost hereditary.

Hereditary religious power and theocracy are the hotbed and source of corruption, and the gods will naturally not let it go, but... in the end, they all end up anticlimactic and die without a problem.

The supreme theocracy is facing an invisible opponent this time. This opponent is human nature, the secular world, the unspoken rules under the general rules, the sophistication of the world, the pursuit of advantages and avoiding disadvantages, yes, yes... this list can be listed It's very long, and in the final analysis, the gods sum it up as the inferiority of human beings, which is inherently brought about by the race, and there is no solution.

The predecessor of the 12 Round Table Conference has been replaced several times, and the list has been changed again and again, but this situation and system are still tenaciously preserved, becoming a powerful pusher for the advocacy of religious and divine power, and a lubricant for the relationship with the secular world. Mastered the great power of invisibility.

Many cardinals and cardinals of different churches are still in a competitive relationship. Within each church, there are still some who are regarded as opponents and enemies. However, once they sit here, the interests of their own churches take a backseat, so the atmosphere That's how harmonious it is.

When the Lich walked out of the huge luxury tent, the legion commanders and nobles outside had already dispersed. It seemed that they were going to organize the retreat of the frontline troops to avoid more meaningless casualties.

With the agreement reached, or the final sincerity and bottom line of the 12 round table meeting, the Lich returned to the coverage area of ​​the magic net and was immediately teleported to Bei Gaoyang.

Bei Gaoyang looked at the map with the red line on it, pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "It seems that they are very determined?"

"My lord, accept it as soon as you see it!", the Lich rarely took the initiative to persuade.

"What do they think of my zombie army?"

"Evaluated very high, but also saw our weaknesses."

"The magic net is only 6 floors after all." Bei Gaoyang said in his heart, "What kind of weakness."

"Safe Zone!", the lich hinted.

Yes, the fourth natural disaster is extremely dependent on the safe zone. Each safe zone can be said to be an "arterial node" of the magic net. Destroying a safe zone can push the raging fourth natural disaster to the range supported by the next safe zone. Looking at the magic net through the safe area, although the central hub of the magic net is no longer physically and spatially located, archmages, top professionals and high-level clergy still have ways to find it.

Once the central hub of the magic net is... Impossible, no one in the main material world has such abilities, and he is not dead.

"It's okay!" Bei Gaoyang threw down the map indifferently, and asked Xiao Ai: "How is the progress of the national server?"

"all the best!"

Xiao Ai is in another mood.

Before the fight started, I was worried. After the fight, it seemed that the opponent was not that strong. It was not as intense as the bloody battle in the abyss. The false gods of the system, including Xiao Ai, started to think carefully.

How terrified I was before, how 'radical' I am now.

"My lord, should we let more operating agents participate?" Xiao Ai suggested, "The offline response is very strong, maybe you should take a look."

"What request did that Yu Qingdong make again?" Bei Gaoyang was a little dissatisfied.

"He can't help it, he's just a mouthpiece!" Xiao Ai rarely puts a good word for the offline, "If you don't worry about the few, you will worry about the unevenness. The European and American servers will be established soon. With such a vast area, even the Huaguo national server... "

"A group of greedy guys!" Bei Gaoyang said helplessly, and then looked at the Lich.

The Lich hurriedly said: "My lord, we can't provoke the church any more. The victory is only temporary. Our enemy is not the army on the surface, but... you should know."

Yes, what the Lich said was true.

What Bei Gaoyang cared about was never the huge number of knights and crusades, but the high-level combat power accumulated by the church for thousands of years, which no one can figure out.

Even the Book of Canaan was stolen from their forbidden treasury, and the list of taboos in the evening meeting was only ranked 004. One can imagine how terrible this background is.

"Don't cross this red line!" Xiao Ai quickly persuaded, "It's not a good thing to concentrate such a vast game map in the hands of one or two operating agents, my lord."

Seeing this, the Lich stopped talking.

"Alright then!", Bei Gaoyang didn't expect to stop in the future, if so many operating agents contacted one by one, wouldn't he be bored to death?

Fortunately, the firewall of Huaguo Canaan's parent company can filter it, but more and more operating agents are uneasy, and Bei Gaoyang knows it.

Xiao Ai once reported that the small actions of Beimi and European operating agents tried to bypass Huaguo and contact the system, or themselves.

Out of the consideration of avoiding trouble, Bei Gaoyang has been ignoring him, just in order not to get involved in the complicated offline interest disputes, but he cannot ignore what Beimi's operating agent is going to do.

That's what he's been busy with lately.

If the offline players gather too much, will a "projection" of the magic net be created on the earth, and the mysterious gathering brought back to the offline by Beimi players will inevitably grow stronger, and the impact will be brought, can the offline bear it? ?
The false gods of the system are still fueling the flames, pretending that they don't know, what a joke, thinking that they don't know if they are not within the magic net?

The Americans have already sent the plan to their offline mailboxes.

——Still not giving up!
Everyone, including the pseudo-gods of the system, is driven by profit, so why not him?
"Maybe you should pay attention to the offline, my lord. It's very lively. It should be said that it has never been so lively."

"It's nothing more than a live broadcast of the national server..."

"It's different this time, my lord. It's not Huaguo, but the other side of the earth."

"Europe and America?"

"Yes, it was unprecedented."

"Oh, aren't they not as accepting as Hua Guo?"

"We were all wrong before, my lord, you should really understand."

"Then I'll take a look."

——We must understand the sincerity of the Americans and their determination to do this.

What a contradiction.

Bei Gaoyang thought to himself.

"Dad, Dad, we've taken Hill 103, we've taken Hill 103."

Offline, in a family of ordinary people in the United States, the 7-year-old son jumped up from the sofa happily and yelled.


His father, a competent plumber, dropped his tools annoyed, wiped his hands on a dirty towel, and stepped up the stairs.

Leaving the workshop in the basement, the wife, son, daughter, and parents-in-law are still watching the "World War III" in the virtual world just like yesterday in front of the TV.

The professional narrator was broadcasting at a speed that rappers would be ashamed of. The TV screen flickered on the screen of cheering, opening champagne, hugging and kissing one by one, and finally stopped on the disgusting fat face of a politician. .

"This is an epoch-making victory. We are about to win about 11 square kilometers of land. Yes, that's right. In my opinion, online land is more valuable and meaningful than offline."

"Damn it!"

The father muttered and sat down on the single sofa. The family had already changed the channel impatiently, so they didn't have to look at that fat face that only sprayed manure anymore.

Almost every TV station is showing this.

"Highland No. 103, the name of the game is Crimson Highlands. It is famous for being rich in a kind of deep red ore. Some experts speculate that it may be caused by the rich iron element in the soil... In short, this highland has been taken, and the rear supply line of the indigenous army They were cut off, and if they don't want to be annihilated, they can only retreat."

"This marks the formation of an irregular oval-shaped online America with an area of ​​10.14 square kilometers bounded by Crimson High Hill, Blade Canyon, Extreme South City, and Misty Swamp... This is a major event of incomparable significance , the online land is sacred and inviolable, belongs to more than 3 million American citizens, and belongs to each of us..."

"Father, it belongs to me too, me!", the 7-year-old son proudly puffed up his chest.

"Hmm..." My father responded perfunctorily.

Isn't it just a virtual map?

Is it necessary to make such a big fanfare, as if it really opened up the territory?
I didn't see such joy when I won the state of Mexico.

What's wrong with people?
Crazy is this?

The 70-year-old father-in-law and mother-in-law danced old-fashioned dance steps in the living room to celebrate. The wife yelled to open a bottle of champagne. The son was excitedly calling his classmates, dancing and gesticulating, imagining the day when he won the lottery and set foot on the online country. .

Have Chinese people celebrated like this before?
Doesn't seem to be there?
Father was a little unsure.

It feels abnormal for everyone to be excited, is there no one who is as suspicious as him?

(End of this chapter)

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