This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 431 Governor of Canaan

Chapter 431 Governor of Canaan
On the steps of the building, Cond Lewis, the CEO of the Metaverse Affairs Group, talked eloquently in front of the cameras.

"...Yes, the requirements of other operating agents are unacceptable. We, we are the ones who opened up the situation, and we were the ones who repelled the enemy, severely damaged the enemy, and achieved a brilliant victory. They cannot jump out at this time to snatch The fruits of victory, it's not fair."

"... 10 square kilometers? Not enough, I think it is far from enough. I believe you have all seen the map of Canaan. 10 square kilometers is just a small corner, which cannot satisfy the more than 3 million people in the United States... Yes, We must continue to move forward and open up more online land to accommodate every citizen in the future."

"...I don't think that the questioning this time is someone deliberately setting up obstacles. We are a democratic country, and we must allow different voices. This is a kind of supervision, but also a kind of spur... Hehe, I can't call it a hero yet. , the real heroes are the countless behind-the-scenes staff, and it is their hard work that ensures the smooth progress of the national service battle."

"... In the future? In the future, our national server will become the de facto spiritual home, and even the hometown of the soul. Here I might as well reveal to you a plan that is still kept secret—the plan for rebirth."

"...Come one by one, let me answer what is the afterlife plan first."

"...It will subvert the definition of death in biology and physiology. Yes, the cessation of work of the body is not the end of life, but the extinction of the mind and even the soul is... The significance of the death plan is that it will redefine the meaning of death. meaning of words."

"...I do not deny that this will have a great impact on the ethics, morality, law, and belief of reality. I believe that any major progress in human society is an 'evolution' of the old order and understanding. In the end, People will adapt to this technological advance of great historical importance, because it will greatly extend the life of everyone, even to immortality."

"...I'm not crazy, everyone calm down, think about it seriously, use your brains to think about its great significance, in life sciences, in medicine, in... hell, any aspect you can think of, it is It is extraordinary, irreplaceable, great, and even sacred. I don’t deny that only a small group of people in the early days can enjoy such... er, service, which is the price of technological progress, and it also follows the Simple rules."

"... Whenever a disease that has plagued mankind for a long time is overcome, the treatment plan is always expensive, but with the advancement of technology, the cost will be reduced until ordinary people can enjoy the great convenience it brings. The same is true for Nan, and even more so for the plan to die, all of which will follow this law."

"...For the detailed plan of the death plan, please pay attention to our official website, and more detailed instructions will be released to the public later."

"...Huaguo people? They have already started to do it, quietly, and we have fallen behind in this regard."

The reporters at the scene could only use the word crazy to describe it. Kant who threw a nuclear bomb was retaliation for the criticism and difficulties he received during the questioning, leaving a mess all over the floor. The bulletproof car in the sea, 'fleeing' in a hurry.

"Damn it, this damn hard man, he dared, how dare he..."

"It's you who are going to replace him."

"How can such an important position be put at the helm by an outsider?"

"Come on, he's just a puppet."

"Speaking of puppet, is his big mouth also at the behest of someone?"

"The death plan cannot be concealed. We can set the rules of the game in advance. Don't worry, we are professionals in this area."

"Aha, open and transparent?"

"Open and transparent!"

"Then let's be open and transparent, so that we can fight against the Chinese army."

Kant naturally didn't know that after he left, those people on the board of directors were standing in front of the French windows on the top floor, watching his back, and criticizing something.

Now he is in a state of desperation. Not only do other operating agents jump out to share the fruits of victory, but his position has also become a favorite. I don't know how many people are operating to replace him.

From the very beginning, this Beimi Metaverse Affairs Group Company can be said to be the product of various compromises, including those from the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, and upstarts from Internet media... It can be said that the capital is gathered, covering the political and business interests of the United States. Most of the essence of the territory.

There are many stakeholders here, and he, a person with no foundation or background, can sit in the most glamorous position on the table. However, when the situation is really opened, this position will change from a hot potato overnight to "Governor of Canaan". The actual control of the 10 square kilometers of land online has changed.

How can an outsider of hard descent master it, that is the 'Governor of Canaan'!

Yes, through the power propaganda of the media and the all-round guidance of interest groups, most Americans understand the online national server as a new "Hawaii". Some people have already started clamoring for legislation to make it the [-]th a state.

On the way to meet with other operating agents, he received a report from the board of directors that some people were very dissatisfied with him, but the "nuclear bomb" he threw was accepted by these people unexpectedly. It seemed impulsive and reckless. But it became a wonderful move, which helped him temporarily defuse a lot of attacks, and also gave the supporters behind him an excuse to protect themselves.

Kant breathed a sigh of relief, but the nukes had only just begun to cause trouble.

Soon, criticisms and questions from all sides came.

Turn on the car TV, and various TV stations are constantly rebroadcasting his speech just now. The focus is on the death plan, various speculations, various interpretations, a church channel, and a black pastor has begun to preach that he and his death plan are the devil’s. Temptation, human greed has touched the authority of God, what will happen... In short, it is very provocative.

The last time the religious circles had a quarrel, and it is expected to make another quarrel this time, but they can’t make any big troubles. This is not the Middle Ages, and capital will teach them how to behave every minute.

Now, the interests of American capital are unprecedented, Canaan, Canaan, Canaan, thus forcing the rudder of America, the only superpower, to start turning.Many operating agents who are more cheerful, such as Dongying, have just received a warning, and even the garrison who came to Dongying made a little noise.

Other operating agents have been warned both publicly and secretly, asking them to admit the 'established facts' and not to jump out and grab the fruit at this time.

I don't know how effective it will be, but I think the operating agents will not give in easily.

This is the first time that the offline game rules serve the online game rules, and it is an obvious standard for the shift of the focus of the superpowers and the world's police. I don't know how many people have noticed it.

Regardless of Ou Meng's colleagues, it's just a mess. That dead fat man has become a hot star, but it's useless. His capital has also begun to infiltrate Oumeng's metaverse affairs group company, and it is expected that his side will also make some symbolic concessions.

Allies, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine.

This meeting of operating agents is informal, with a total of more than a dozen countries and regions participating, but they are all traditional allies. For what, this is a lice on the bald head, it is obvious.

When they were about to arrive at the meeting place, there was a blockage in the road ahead. Some opponents heard the news of the conference and came to protest. They clashed with supporters. The two sides fought in the street, and the smoke and dust could be seen two blocks away.

Outside the blockade of the explosion-proof police, Kant asked the convoy Dior to push, ready to take a helicopter to go.

Will there always be protesters in the sky?

The in-vehicle TV is still switching between various TV stations. Almost all the programs talk about online things, and the voices of support and opposition are all hoarse. The guests of some programs can fight in front of the live camera and perform full martial arts.

Opponents accuse supporters of being "seduced by the devil", supporters satirize opponents saying that they are "recalcitrant", opponents try to discuss from various aspects, the impact of online on the long-standing morality, family, law, and ethics of the United States, supporters It is believed that the new era should keep pace with the times, and some old things that cannot keep up with the tide of the times should be discarded.

Opponents also believe that Canaan will inevitably let everyone lie in a coffin, and reality will enter a completely dead world, where everyone will lie in a factory capsule and be maintained by others like a machine.The task of supporting supporters is completely unfounded. If you believe in the wisdom of human society, you must find a balance between offline and online. You can't give up eating because of choking, and don't breathe because of the imaginary 'doomsday'...

The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right. No one can convince anyone, but in general, most people still support the association. This is inseparable from the full-scale propaganda of interest groups. Come to think of it, the 'nuclear bomb' he released with his own hands 'If it spreads out, the voice of support will be louder. After all, who would not want to live forever? The great fear between life and death is calmly accepted because there is no way to escape it. Once there is a hole, everyone will go crazy for it.

No one can refuse the rebirth of the soul online, and the charm of Canaan is unstoppable.

Even if all religions are tied together, they will be smashed to pieces in this fundamental interest of everyone... Kant never doubted.

Ever since he knew the plan of the Hua people, Kant knew that the United States could not refuse, and the world could not refuse. He turned from cautious doubts to full support for Canaan, regardless of whether it was invented by the Hua people or whether it was the aliens ET ruling the earth and Human conspiracy.

Even if it is a poison, people can't wait to swallow it, delaying life even for a day.

Ordinary people only see the various benefits, innovations, and black technologies of Canaan... but they do not realize that the extension of life span is its greatest charm.

The helicopter landed at the meeting place, Kant jumped out of the cabin, and warmly embraced the allies and agents who came to greet him. Without the camera lens, there was no need to do some official articles, and the negotiations began soon.

At the meeting, Kant asked the allies to obey the pace of the United States, reach a consensus on facts and actions, and unite to compete with the Chinese.

The slogan was shouted loudly, but once it came to his own interests, he changed his face.

He rejected their request for 'national service' without hesitation, pointing out that the current national service battle is the core interest of the United States, and no one should be allowed to get involved. Ou Meng also has the same face, and has drawn the red line of the system And all national land, regarded as sacred and inviolable territory, is part of online sovereignty, and anyone who makes demands on this is a violation of online sovereignty.

At this time, no matter how close the younger brother is, it won't work.

In fact, it is not the figures on the stage like them who really decide this matter, and Kant's trip is not to discuss this matter.

"...a little bit, even a little bit, even in a symbolic sense, please!"

The operating agent of Dongying arrived here with the determination to succeed or succeed. He bowed 90% and almost begged, in exchange for Kant's indifference.

Seeing this, I felt that the weight of Nanchao was not as important as that of Japan, so I didn't mention it at all.

You can't just be tough, you still have to give a dog bone.

Online sovereignty is not negotiable, but allied players are a coveted resource. Only then did Kant get to the point, put forward the idea of ​​"sharing game membership", bared his fangs, and formally extended his hand to the allies' dinner plates.

"...Acknowledging that dual and multiple game titles is an inevitable trend!" Kant stared at the livid-faced Dongying operation agent and said: "Letting players freely choose game titles is in line with our common values. I think that although there are online The rules of the game, but offline can still provide good supplements. This is also a good thing for you, using the Omi national server to cultivate your own players will help your national server to be established in advance..."

The little brothers who didn't have much strength and didn't dare to expect to be able to grab meat from the boss's dinner plate hurriedly stood up and expressed their support for the "recognition of dual or multiple game origins". He and Nan Chao were cornered.

Just as they were about to succumb step by step, a bad news came at this time.

"What, the battle of the national server is over? Who decided, who has the right!?"

Shocked by the bad news, Kant lost his composure and yelled at the other end of the phone, and the other operating agents received the news almost at the same time.

"It's the system!"

"Is it... the ghost of the people of Huaguo?"

"No, it's the system, the central brain, that person!"

"Damn it, it must be the ghost of the Chinese people."

"Our national service battle has been forcibly ended, and the system has opened up the application of other operating agents for the national service... BOSS, what should we do, what should we do about the online American plan, and how should we explain it to the board of directors?"

What Kant has to consider now is not how to explain to the board of directors, but how to explain to everyone.

It is only 10 square kilometers, not as big as the national service of the people of Huaguo, nor as rich in resources as the national service of Huaguo, and the geographical location is incomparable...

"Boss, the representatives of Dongying and Nanchao have left."

"Let's go...they...OK, I see."

Hanging up the phone, returning to the empty conference room, thinking back to the strength a quarter of an hour ago really seemed like a joke.

The rules of the online game are not controlled by him or anyone else, and there is a powerful competitor behind the scenes. Such a severe situation must force some people to change their positions and support their own plan.

——We must put aside the Huaguo people and contact the system with that person as soon as possible.

at all costs!
(End of this chapter)

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