On the desolate Gobi Desert, countless construction vehicles are gathering. Standing on a huge tower, Philip watched the entire construction site being built from scratch and put in place at an extremely slow pace. He smiled and said to the people beside him, "I Bet they'll be able to fix the road in 10 years."

The Gobi Desert is located 150 kilometers south of Seattle. The United States is sparsely populated. Such Gobi Desert and no-man’s land can be said to be everywhere. Unlike Huaguo, if you want to find such a place, you can only go to XZ and XJ. elected.

10 years?
Robert knew that what he said was not an exaggeration. With such an efficiency, a city composed entirely of players might not be built until the end of this century.

The efficiency of American workers is too low, and the cost is exaggeratedly high. Not to mention guaranteeing 8 hours of working time every day, even during working hours...it is impossible to say.

Just like the workers who are operating the tower, while drinking coffee, chatting with the buddies under the tower through video calls. He maintained a tacit understanding with him, and the two of them worked like this. When the 4 hours of work in the morning came, they immediately shut down and left. They didn’t care about half of the project and continued to work in the afternoon. A lot of work was wasted and had to be pushed back. .

This kind of efficiency, this kind of waste... can't guarantee full-load operation. If you complain a little bit or be strict, the trade union will come to your door... Sigh!

In the past, Philip naturally stood on the side of the workers, thinking that this was a matter of course, but now, his buttocks have been crooked, not because of the blueprint drawn by Robert, let alone for the offline net, but because of the death of Kelanwo. Require.

Philip felt that this god on the line of faith was even more urgent than Robert beside him.

What the gods want is naturally what the believers pursue. How about pleasing the gods and getting close to the gods?
End of the century?

It's an international joke.

"There must be a way, damn it, there must be a way."

Robert put on his helmet with an ugly face, turned and walked into the elevator.

The two went down from the tower, took a tattered off-road vehicle, and came to the command post on the edge of the construction site.

Robert went in to negotiate with the person in charge of the project team, and Philip wandered around idly.

A worker sitting under a pergola watching his fellow workers dig a water pipeline saw him raise his coffee cup and beckoned him to go over and chat for a while.

"Hey buddy, you're a gamer right?"


"Ha, what did I say, you players have a special temperament, and you are particularly obvious."

"How to say?"

"It's that kind of...that kind of...", the rough white man gestured for a long time and couldn't find a suitable word to describe it, "It's just very different, it's a compliment to the buddy, I don't mean anything else."

"Thanks buddy!"

Philip smiled and shook hands with him.

"Confidence, ah, yes, it's just like you, self-confidence, a kind of thing that can only be seen in big people, as if, as if we are all Muggles..."

Caucasian rough guy doesn't know the description of 'everyone is drunk but I'm sober', so happy that he finally expressed his meaning accurately, he cracked his mouth with a smile.

"Tell me about our online land? New Millikin, how long will it take me to go up and build my farm? Do you have a timetable?"

Philip shrugged, "God knows, it may take a long time."

"How long?", the rough white man gestured the entire construction site, "Do you want to wait until this is built?"


"Then we'll have to wait, maybe I'll have to wait until I retire...Damn, this is a big pie, right? The capitalists took it out to fool us?"

"No, this city should be an important prerequisite for everyone to set foot on the land of New America."

"Did you hear that, Poulter? Damn it, cheer up and hurry up and work. If you work like this, I won't be able to own my new farm until I retire."

Not far away, he threw away the tools in his hand, and the black buddy who was arguing with someone on the phone gestured him with the middle finger.

"To be honest, I know it's wrong to say this, but you really should think about it. Maybe it's the ideal choice to ask people from Hua to help...I mean, build this city."

"This... I'm afraid it won't work."

"I understand, I understand. Competitors... really can't, workers from other countries are also fine, Dongying? Southern Dynasty? Or Africa... Sorry, no offense meant."

"I will respond to your suggestion."

"That's a deal?"

"That's a deal."

"Come for a drink, man, for my new farm."

Anyway, there was nothing wrong, so Philip sat down beside this man, poured a cup from his thermos, and leisurely enjoyed the 'leisure' time near noon.

It's very laid back.

After a while, all the nearby workers came.

"...Is it a conspiracy by the Chinese people? I mean, the war of national uniforms was suddenly ended? The Chinese people did not allow the country of America to exceed their territory? Everyone said so."

"...Probably not, Canaan is an alien... Ah, it's a game made by God... Yes, that's it, otherwise there's no way to explain it...Hua people can't control it either."

"That is, God does not allow us to have a larger online territory than the Huaguo people?"


"Whatever, Philip, Philip, talk about the online thing, when will the next draw be?"

"I don't know, maybe we have to wait until the end of this test?"

"Is that a month or two? Seriously, I used to think it was a scam, and now I've changed my mind, the stock market is going crazy, God, how many dollars I missed, I can't count .”

"Dude, if you don't mind, can you tell me how much... er... copper coins you earn a day?"

"I heard that gold is everywhere in Canaan, right? Anyway, every player has made a fortune. A kid who lives near my house is going to move in a few days. The whole family has moved to a wealthy area in the suburbs. Damn, How long is this, how long is this?"

"I heard that Canaan is not a game at all, it's..."

"Canaan is a game, a game of God, a gift from God."

"Then why is God the first morning to the Huaguo people, and the Huaguo people don't believe in anything."

"There are also many people in Huaguo who believe in God. I have read the information, and there are hundreds of millions of them."

"Whoa, doesn't that mean they don't believe in anything but money? They also eat cats and dogs."

"Man, how about the Chinese people you met online?"

The atmosphere of the chat is very cheerful. Blue-collar workers have always been the base of the conservatives. Normally, they would not be so friendly to an outsider, especially a black man. This is the special period when the online national server is opened. Another time, Try another black guy who is not a player?

No, as soon as Robert came out, these people changed their faces, each of them pursed their mouths, turned their heads, and winked... They don't like this kind of high-skilled black people.

"Philip come here!"

Philip greeted his fellow workers and came to his compatriots.

"What is there to talk about with these guys?"

"They are very curious about the players...how is it going?"

"Seriously, Philip, we have to find another way. Anyway, this is a project funded by the foundation, and no taxpayer money has been used. I think we should find some people to replace these..." Old Porter pointed to the already in twos and threes The worker who walked away didn't know how to describe it. He finally waved his hand irritably, as if driving away some annoying fly, "Anyway, I'll find a way. Your task is to contact players, especially old players, and get them to volunteer …Attention, it is voluntary, and now is a sensitive stage, we cannot force them to move to this city voluntarily.”

"It depends on how long ago your city was built."

"Damn, no time, I'm going to Washington, what about you?"

"I'm going home!" Philip shrugged. "It's better to contact players online."

"Okay...then let's call."


Canaan and North America national costumes.

Players from Extreme South City came and went, and now players from Huaguo no longer occupy the mainstream, and players from the international server account for the majority.

The national service of the United States starts from an unnamed canyon 25 kilometers south of Jinan City, extends southward to Red Castle, a famous commercial city famous for handicrafts in the original Kingdom of Kane, and extends eastward to the Earl of Odyssey. The junction - Baron Kate Bost, extending westward, the famous approaching road to the Hengduan Mountains - the Hunter Trail, as a whole is a long and narrow irregular terrain, nearly 500 kilometers long from north to south, and the narrowest point from east to west It is only 21 kilometers away, and the national service is nearly 10 square kilometers, which is roughly similar to the national service of more than [-] countries in Europe and Mongolia.

In the game map of the national server, there are fewer resource points than the national server of Huaguo, but most of them are well-developed places that have been developed for a long time. Although after the ravages of the centaur tribal coalition forces, it is not difficult to recover.

It also has an advantage over Huaguo's national uniform, that is, the aboriginal population.

They were scattered in refuges and settlements one by one. When the centaur invaded, it was too late to retreat to the rear. The initial estimate was no less than [-].

Such a large number of aborigines is a huge wealth, and the system will naturally not let it go.

Of course, nominally, they are all owned by Huaguo Guofu, but in Canaan, they have automatically belonged to the subjects of the Norman Duke.

It's not the system function NPPC, the false gods of the system are salivating, but they can't pass Bei Gaoyang's test if they want to connect them all to the magic net.

How could Bei Gaoyang access such aboriginal population, let them enter the magic net, let their ideas and definitions conflict with the players, and then let the magic net be mixed with non-earth genetic impurities, thus increasing the magic net beyond its own control? Son?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

However, it is impossible to leave such ample manpower and not use it. Besides, smashing an old world to build a new world can't be said to kill all the people in the old world, right?

We must transform them all from the brainwashing and depression of the rule of the gods, from the backward and decadent culture and historical traditions, from the numbness and resignation of the high-handed rule... Otherwise, how can we reflect the goodness of the new world?

After careful consideration and balancing all aspects, the system made the following adjustments for these aboriginal populations.

First: retain the settlements of the aborigines and give them the status of neutral camp NPCs, but not all of them are connected to the magic net.

Second: The next generation, the next generation is the key. Adults have too much dross in their minds. It is difficult to reform, and the results are not so good. Control their next generation, unified management, unified education, and cut them from the root. Break their connection with the old world and fill their heads with the ideas and order of the new world.

Third, the adult aborigines should not be wasted, let them open up wasteland, build, restore, contribute to the production of the system, and ease the manpower tension of the system.

Tens of millions of players consume an astronomical amount of supplies every day. Could it be that they all rely on magic nets to use resources to spawn them?
Such a waste.

In other words, 80% of the daily rations are provided by Canaan's parent company. After the "gate" is stabilized, the most important supplies are these necessities for survival.

This has already exposed a part of the truth about Canaan, which is nothing more than everyone's tacit understanding.

Only food is given, basic living supplies are only given, and daily necessities other than players and system props are self-sufficient... With the population of [-] aborigines, soldiers can relieve their hunger and thirst.

Fourth: It can enrich the gameplay and content of the game, as well as the breadth and depth of random events, accidental events, and adventure events.

Even the system didn’t know it beforehand, it’s accidental enough, it satisfies the exploration and puzzle-solving needs of some players, can have a deeper understanding of Canaan’s world background, and better integrate into Canaan’s narrative.


Forget it, that's all for now.

Therefore, when the Black Pharaoh went online, he saw groups of aboriginal children being driven into the 'sheepfold' by the system guards and guard NPCs as if they were herding sheep. There were also many national server players accompanying them to do tasks, and the system randomly selected some of them. Children, identify their requests as tasks.

Concentration... Ah, no, a collective full-time boarding school has been built in this safe zone identified as 'New New York'. It is completely funded by the system, and of course it is owned by the system. The national server has no involvement.

The office of the national server has requisitioned an abandoned temple of the Goddess of the Night, and it is also very busy. The offline staff have obtained special visas to provide services for players on their own national server. When they walk in, all of them speak offline accents. , like being in a busy government agency.

The black pharaoh is not only a player of the national server, but also the representative of Kelanvor, the god of death, in the national server. He has the teaching position and status of a high priest equivalent to a bishop, receives "warm" hospitality, and enjoys the exclusive VIP channel.

The gods of the system are part of the public service of the system, and their status is transcendent. They are the same in every national server, and the staff do not dare to make things difficult. They decisively stamp the documents. The resource points and territories are managed by the church.

The ownership is still in the national service. In name, it also needs to pay taxes to the national service, and the general affairs are also managed by the national service.

But today, the Black Pharaoh is not here for these things.

The national servers of the United States and Oumeng were established, and other operating agents swarmed up. The staking within the red line was in full swing, especially when the hostile camps within the red line were retreating sharply. Same.

It seems that all the national costumes have been settled, completely exceeding the most optimistic expectations.

——The entire Canaan game has developed by leaps and bounds.

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