This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 433 Canaan's 'Warring States Period'

The players of the Hardness National Server and the Little Iron National Server fought together. The operating agents of both sides publicly released the task of hunting and killing the opponent’s players. They were judged as hostile camps (both sides) by the system. For a while, there was a huge online and offline battle. sensation.

Afterwards, it got out of hand, and it was inevitable that the staking was inevitable. For the sake of their respective online territories, offline interest entanglements and historical origins were also entangled online. For a while, the national service battle of various operating agents It's like entering the Warring States period. Except for the Big Three who have already opened the national server, the players of all the national servers have played their heads.

The liveliness and quarrels online will inevitably spread to offline. The development of each national server is a major event in the country. Think about it, watching the hard work of the players in the country to open up the online country, suddenly jumped Another player who came out of the national server also saw the land that was being fought for online, what kind of mood did he feel.

Naturally, all kinds of abuse, quarrels, and even extremist remarks are not uncommon. Under the surging public opinion, the officials of various countries cannot control this turbulent public opinion.

Therefore, hostilities, threats, sanctions, and even that... After Beimi launched a series of offline support for a series of operations online, the online also began to affect the offline public opinion, situation, relationship, economics and politics.

In the midst of the turmoil, the territory of the Grand Duchy of Norman has been filled and filled a little bit. If an operating agent has one color, you can see that on the vast game map of millions of square kilometers, colorful small blocks of colors are mixed together. It's like a kaleidoscope, there are many enclaves where you are in me and you are in me.

Before the end of this feast, these color patches are constantly changing. Maybe a certain operator's players go offline, and a piece of online land changes color.

For some reason, the system does not prohibit this kind of chaos, but adopts the default and wait and see.

Because of this, many national servers are judged to be hostile camps. Players who are hostile camps can pk at will, rob the other party's resources, destroy the other party's infrastructure, attack the other party's safe zone, and even occupy the other party's territory.

Civil war!

At this point, most players suddenly realized that the original intention of the system was here.

Yes, the national war.

But this is not in the system, nor is it in Bei Gaoyang's original design.

The initial national war mode considered that players would go from building a gang to building a city to building a country, and then unfold step by step. Operating agents was a contingency move in the 6th test, which was naturally impossible to predict in the first few tests.

However, this mode of national warfare is better, more realistic, grander, and more thorough.

It is conceivable that under such fierce competition, some weak operating agents naturally cannot even drink soup.

Because of this, they protested, made noise, and even "scattered and rolled" on some international occasions regardless of posture and decency, which made Canaan's parent company quite embarrassed, and repeatedly explained that "major online processes and gameplay are not interfered with offline", Nan is a high degree of simulation deduced and perfected by the central intellectual brain, the purpose is to create a completely real second world' and so on, and it all works.

These agents are small countries with few people, so they don’t care about the grand significance, they only care about the real benefits. The biggest benefit now is the national service. Having the national service is equivalent to having everything. With the online national service, the online It can also be very comfortable.


Without the national uniform, everything is in vain.

When it is related to the interests and well-being of all the people, "Spoil and Roll" is still light. If it is not for the lack of strength, it is themselves who are worried about falling out and suffering losses. You can see what they can do.

But this kind of trouble did not win much support, and I wished that the more people who were out of the game, the better.

Seeing that although the system did not clearly state that the maps within the red line are becoming less and less, many officials behind the small and medium-sized operation agents have jumped out, saying that sacredness cannot be violated, and that violating online is equivalent to offline or something... This is urgent. Angry, I started to lose my dignity, and tried every means to deal with the complicated situation now.

As soon as Singer was offline, the fat official came.

The family had just moved out of their slum home and settled in this relatively affluent neighborhood, and it wasn't tidy inside and out.

The official led the people to stand in the messy living room, smiling apologetically the whole time, not even daring to accept the bribe offered by Singer's mother, changing his previous haughty countenance.

"Singer, there are only 14 players in the full hardness, and you are one of them. We have a population of [-] billion, and there are only so few players. Each one is extremely precious. If you change to Huaguo Clothes……"

"Hmm." Singer sat on the sofa and nodded perfunctorily.

Singer's sister fawned over him and made expensive black tea for him. Singer patted her head like a pet dog or cat, and pulled her to stand beside her to block the saliva sprayed by the officials.

"You should change it back, Singer, and change it back to the hard national server. The national server needs you... The minister has personally intervened. You can't handle it, Singer."

Singer said slowly at this time, "Recently, I'm thinking about emigrating..."

"No, never!", the official panicked.

"I didn't think about it. Huaguo's green card is too difficult to get. My teammates are helping me find a way... Maybe not, it depends on the situation."

The official opened his mouth with an ugly face, unable to say the threatening words behind him, stayed for a while resentfully, took his leave and left.

"Hurry up and hire someone to clean up the house!"

With no outsiders around, Singer looked at the messy home with distaste. He let his mother and grandma throw away a lot of rags, but they still brought these things that were incompatible with the whole community to their new home, and made the luxuriously decorated living room messy. They are neither fish nor fowl, and there is not even a place to step down.

"Servants, are we Singer going to hire servants!?"

The grandma upstairs screamed happily, screaming and coughing, and staggered down the stairs, stretching out trembling hands covered with age spots, wanting to touch his face.

Singer avoided it, and then told his mother, "Find a better hospital and send grandma in for a detailed examination. If it can be cured, then send it to the United States. The medical technology over there is advanced. Maybe there is still a chance.”

"I'm not sick, I'm not sick, I don't go anywhere, my grandson has developed, lived in a luxurious castle-like house, and moved to a community of high-class people, I will help him keep his dignity, no one will think about it Steal his wealth, don't even think about it!", he said, still staring at Singh's mother and sister with vigilant old eyes.

——What are these things called!

Singer grew impatient with being offline.

Online, Huaguo national service Xinjing City.

It is hard to imagine that an unsystematic city could be built in such a short period of time.

Xinjing City is located in the hinterland of the national server. It was originally a stone forest with hard geological conditions. A large number of goblins and bear goblins, as well as a small number of sub-human races such as kobolds and lizards thrive here. They have already penetrated into the periphery of the fairy forest. The difference is , the geology here is special, there is a crack leading to the underground world, the forest goddess Metheus hates the breath of the spider queen-Pelis coming out of it, so not a single blade of grass grows here, forming a large open land.

Xinjing City was built here without considering the problem of 'forest resources' being destroyed.

Yes, some people have proposed to protect the various natural resources of the online land. In the eyes of the native Canaanites, it is a waste of time. A special supervision office has also been set up. Research on how to maximize the development of resources on the national server without destroying the forest ecology, to 'coexist in harmony with nature', and not to 'repeat the painful lessons offline' online.

Considering the locust-like numbers and manners of Huaguo players, it seems reasonable to plan ahead. After hearing this, Bei Gaoyang laughed and told Xiao Ai to ignore it.

Xinjing City was expanded from the original safe zone. It was designed to accommodate up to 100 million players online at the same time. After several revisions, 100 million became 1000 million, almost catching up with the design standards of a second-tier large city offline.

Fortunately, there is no need to consider offline modern infrastructure online. It would be simple to design after the ancient Huaguo city.Offline experts worked hard to produce exquisite design blueprints to recreate some ancient Chinese cities that had disappeared in the flames of war online.

The majestic city, the towering city gate, and the tung oil rivets all have a strong Chinese style. The streets, alleys, street corner pavilions, garden landscapes, water pavilions and corridors... the beautiful drawings are being implemented one by one.

The national server has already started to make a profit, and the shortfall during the opening period is quickly making up for it. Nearly 400 million new and old players can provide astronomical tax revenue every day, as well as various bright and dark business income. On the national service, the economic volume has surpassed the wealthiest province offline, and it has become the leader of the Huaguo economy.

No one knows how much the total income of the Huaguo national server is in a day, but just look at this city of Xinjing, which has grown from scratch. Every day, a large number of players accept tasks, and a huge amount of system resources are exchanged every day. Active, hired system NPCs can be imagined.

In contrast, the poor hardness of the national uniform does not match its real size and population at all.

It is said that only a small village has been occupied so far?


Maybe it's not as big as the territory of Xinjing City?

The fool just went back.

Having said that, Singer is still going to take a look at the hard national server, but he doesn't know if he can take the teleportation. If he is on the road, forget it.

The teleportation array is always the busiest place. When the flow of people follows the Spring Festival travel site, Singer left the busiest station with the new flow of people. As soon as he arrived outside the station, he saw a large number of pullers.


[In other words, reading aloud and listening to books is currently the best, Yeguo Reading, install the latest version of .yeguoyuedu. 】

"Brother, do you want to go to Argentina's national server? Charter a car, send it with an extraordinary gold medal or higher, and pick up the highest-level missions when you arrive at the place. The treatment is good. If you are naturalized, you will be given a one-time settlement fee of 20 silver. Think about it?"

"Brother, New Zealand's national server has no bottom line to recruit new people, the package is sent back and forth, and the highest task level is included, the beautiful lady of gm provides full service, the treatment is generous, the game membership is bundled with the real one, I want to immigrate to the beautiful New Zealand, and I want to experience the New Zealand prairie. Pastoral poetry? Come on, sign up with me, you will never regret it."

"Onisang, Onisang, Dongying National Service is recruiting new recruits, and all benefits and benefits are favorable..."

"Ouba, Oppa, think about it again, please..."


These people are actually 'second-hand traffickers', Huaguo players hired by various national servers. They stay at the entrance and exit of the 'station' to pull people's heads when they have nothing to do. If they pull one, they will be given a commission.

They won't go to any national clothes, at least the general treatment can't attract them to rush to contribute to those three melons and two dates.

There is no way, compared to the Huaguo national server, other national servers are too poor. Beimi and Oumeng disappointed the Huaguo players when they opened the server. After all, it is better to stay in their own national server and do tasks. Swish daily or something.

Therefore, in the post-national server period, after the "Spring and Autumn and Warring States" situation took shape, Huaguo players, especially veteran players, will not be sensitive.It was the turn of the 6 test buddies to sing the main force.

Fortunately, the human coalition forces of the hostile camps have retreated, and the territory within the red line has been given up. The opponents of these national uniforms have changed from the 'Humanoid' indigenous army to each other.

The battle of the national server has thus evolved into a national war. In the past, it was pk, hacking people, grabbing territory, and being a bandit. Many players who like this kind of thing are willing to go, but the income is still too little. Look down on.

"Hardness, hardness national service, hardness national service..."

Among the two dealers, a Chinese player dressed like a beggar was yelling feebly. Singer couldn't bear to look at him. This is really embarrassing.

It's all to blame... Forget it, don't care about your own business.

"Boss, where to brush?"

"The lizard man cave, there is another location."

"right away."

Fuck the national server, you still have a future with the boss.

Singer is familiar with Xinjing City, which is under construction everywhere, buying supplies, repairing equipment, and picking up tasks on the way, and he sat on the teleporter within half an hour after sitting down.

There are also a large number of low-level demihuman monsters such as lizardmen, kobolds, goblins, and goblin bears in the Fairy Forest, but after being included in the system resource points, they all become dungeons for various purposes (monster art), and the reward for the first kill is the most generous. From then on, it became a daily routine for players to kill time and hone their skills. According to the richness of the rewards and drops, the players called Huang Jian's monster spawning points, silver leveling points, bronze money pits, etc., this lizardman The cave is a copy of the bronze level.

I don't have much experience, but the drop probability of copper coins is not bad. After a trip, if I'm lucky, I can earn 1 silver and 2 silver.

This is much better than some shabby national server battles. Those operating agents do their best to draw big cakes for players. When it's their turn to cash in, there are all kinds of excuses and various deductions. It's too out of line.

The lizardman cave is located in wetland No. 4. The giant dryad guards around it have been cleaned up, and the large pits left on the ground have become ponds due to the accumulation of water. Someone saw the rare silver scale murloc here. Haunted, silverscale murloc cubs can be babies, so along the way, I saw a lot of new and old players trying their luck here.

The entrance to the cave is in the middle of two large ponds, and the League of Captains Forever League happens to send a girl out.

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