The lizardman has a lizard head and a human body. The general level is below level 15, and the elite level is between 15-20. The boss has never seen it, at least Singer has not.

Ordinary lizardmen's skin is smooth, and they secrete a disgusting mucus, which is corrosive to a certain extent and has a pungent smell, like stinky socks that haven't been washed for ten and a half months, and there is also a particularly touching smell of fermentation.

Elite lizardmen can grow to a height of more than two meters. They are tall and strong. They are covered with a layer of silver scales. Their defense is very high. Normal basic attacks cannot break the defense. They are afraid of fire. The stuff works wonders.

Like the kobolds, the lizardmen are also a subhuman race, but their intelligence is low, which is equivalent to the gorillas on earth. Among monsters, such an IQ seems to be relatively high.

Whether it's kobolds or lizardmen, they are actually not good targets for spawning monsters. Demonized monsters in groups are, but this kind of subhuman monsters has an advantage, that is, they can explode copper coins. Cover up all their flaws.

In the dark and damp cave, the short part could barely stand upright, and the high part could barely accommodate a savage like Singer to walk upright.

Lizard people's leftover bones, feces, and large and small sewage pits are everywhere. The environment is really not friendly. If you stay in this environment for a long time, you must be depressed.

But the players really forgot to sleep and eat, their noses could no longer smell the smell, and they all guarded the monster spawn points like black loaches.

The alliance's permanent alliance occupies a good position, close to the newly spawned supply merchants, the front and left are the cave walls, and only the right and rear are two monster spawn points.

The time interval for spawning monsters happens to be on one side and refreshed on the other side, so there is no delay in the two, and the efficiency is the highest.

As soon as a Gundam lizardman elite was refreshed, it was attracted by the arrow and rushed towards Singer's team.

As a barbarian, Singer was the first to go up, took over the hatred attracted by the ranger, and calmly blocked the elite's first few three-axes with a sense of skill attack with his shield. After that, through skillful positioning, the priest added HP , Flying a kite and other series of operations, keep your blood tank at a relatively safe level, and wear out the elite's blood tank.

Under the tacit cooperation of the team, the lizardman elite broke up some materials and mission supplies plus 5 copper money.

The eternal alliance of the captain's alliance puts all the loot in the backpack, and distributes them uniformly when the monster spawning is over.

Only such a fixed team that can trust each other can come like this. The temporary team is not so efficient. They often have conflicts over the distribution of spoils. After a long time, the team that got acquainted with each other will break up if one mistake is made.

This is also the reason why Singer's efficiency is very high. Even he is almost level 15 now, and he will soon consider the issue of level 2 professional gold medals, dust titles and cloaks.

Singer is now changing from shotgun to cannon, dressed in a barbarian's professional attire, and has a small amount of assets in the backpack warehouse. He has hidden a lot of good things. The warehouse is almost full of rags and needs to be cleaned up urgently.

One teammate complained that after brushing for so long, I haven't exploded a piece of equipment or anything. Another teammate said, how long has it been? The last time I exploded equipment was 5 days ago.

This buddy almost never takes offline. Once he goes online, he just swipe, swipe, swipe, like a robot, and never do other distracting things. No one knows how many good things he has swiped.

As for what he said, you can’t take it seriously. If it explodes, you will say that it didn’t explode, so as not to make others jealous. This kind of low-key Singer from the Hua Kingdom has just learned, unlike his compatriots, all of them are kings of talkers and green clothes. It can be called a blue outfit, and a blue outfit can be called an artifact...

There are a lot of hard friends in his friend list, and he can see them surfing friend channels every day, all of them are eloquent, and their tone is louder than anyone else. Ask him if he has switched to Huaguo national service, it is best to join a big family, mix with a gang or something.

It is worth mentioning that, in the face of strong protests from agents in various countries, the Huaguo national server no longer recruits players from the international server.

Install the latest version. 】

Everyone in the gang knows him as the "third brother", and he is surprisingly friendly to him. He is often ridiculed by words, and after getting used to it, he gets mixed up. Now, even the eternal alliance of the Captain League does not have as many friends as him. There are more than 200 members in the gang. No. [-] person, most people have dealt with him, and they can gain a little friendship.

No, less than an hour after brushing the Lizardman, something good came to him.

"Whether the third brother is here, please reply quickly."


"Coordinates: ***-*** Take a carriage and teleport here, speed."

"What's the matter?"

"Don't ask, it's a good thing."

"Come on, come on."

"Buy good supplies, wear the best equipment, don't let me lose the chain, brother."

"Understood, thanks brother."

After closing the private chat interface, Singer was worrying about how to tell the alliance forever. A teammate saw it and said sarcasticly, "The third brother is here for business again?"

Singer smiled shyly, "Someone in the gang asked me to help."

The alliance is the eternal alliance, "Let's talk after killing this monster."

After finishing this batch of refreshed monsters, the Alliance Forever Alliance distributed the things that exploded before, "Leave if you have something to do, it will be good for you to hang out with the people in the gang."

"There's a shortage of people again!", Di Gu, who was dissatisfied with his teammates.

Singer was touched and embarrassed at the same time. The captain is really Nice. He used to think he was arrogant and not easy to talk to. After getting to know him well, he knew that he was cold-faced and warm-hearted. He was very considerate of others. Thanks to him for taking it all the way.

He doesn't regard himself as a 'benefactor' either. This kind of thing has happened many times, and there has never been a second word.

"team leader……"

"Go, I'll call someone again."


After mixing the national server for a long time, Singer discovered that one of the characteristics of Huaguo players is sincerity. Of course, there are fuckers everywhere, but Huaguo players generally have this trait, the premise is that they are familiar with each other.

There are many people in the gang, outside the gang, and many people who have helped him. Singer found that he could get a lot of care by lowering his stance, being more humble, being more self-deprecating, and thicker-skinned, and no one else would What is there to be dissatisfied with.

Most of the benefits of transferring from the international server are reflected here. Foreign monks are good at chanting sutras, and they are more tolerant of him than they are for domestic players.

——It’s only fools who go back to hardness suits.

Singer thought so when he left the lizardman cave.

The other party didn't say anything, only good things. On the way to rush, Singer was still thinking, could it be that he got to the boss by spawning monsters?

After thinking about it again, it’s impossible. The boss has been refreshed. Why don’t you hurry up and wait for someone to grab it? I guess that it might be because of a hidden plot during the mission, and there are special levels that need to be recruited for support.

Usually this kind of special level has a chance to spawn a treasure chest. Not long ago, when someone was doing a mission, he was suddenly teleported to an inexplicable place. After brushing the monsters inside, the treasure chest appeared.

Once the treasure chest appears, no matter what level the treasure chest is, it will go to the world, and there will often be a big or small melee. Old players will come here after hearing the news, and newcomers basically have no chance.

Singer prayed for a treasure chest for a while, but didn't want to do so for a while. In this repeated entanglement, he took several teleportation, and finally took the system carriage, and finally arrived near the coordinates given by his friend.

The national server is a safe area close to the obsidian mine. There are all miners in it. Most of them are newcomers. Most of the old players are leisure and professional, that is, they are doing business.

The good ones have appearances, the bad ones are not easy to set up street stalls, and now the newcomers don't bother them much. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It doesn't work.

Take a horse-drawn carriage through the congested city gate, and there is a large construction site outside the gate. This is almost the most common scene in the national service. Infrastructure is being built everywhere. As long as there is a suitable place, no matter whether there are resources or not, the drawings can accommodate it. So many cities.

The background of the national service has made other operating agents envy their eyes red. When they were still brainstorming for a village or a town-sized site, the national service had already rushed towards the "four modernizations".

As a result, Huaguo has gained huge benefits, not only the benefits that can be seen and felt online, but also offline.

The first benefit is the internationalization of Ruanmeibi.

As the national server with the most virtual currency, it affects the exchange rate between virtual currency and real currency to a certain extent. The two major exchanges of Yanjing and Modu are the barometers of the exchange rate market, gradually occupying the highest authority.

As the first real currency linked to copper coins, Ruanmei Coin has become a foreign exchange reserve that some small and medium-sized operating agents must absorb, especially at the end of the 'Warring States Era', when the national war was in full swing, and in reality, they were almost armed What's the matter with the conflict? Ruanmeibi became so popular that it directly overthrew Dongying and Great Britain, and its proportion in the basket of currencies rose to third place, becoming the third strongest currency after the rice dollar and the euro.

If this situation continues, it is not impossible to surpass the euro, and then threaten the hegemony of the rice dollar, forming a dual-power struggle for hegemony between the oil rice dollar and the Canaan soft sister currency.

The second benefit is geopolitical influence.

Needless to say about this (river crab beast), blind people can see it, as stubborn as hardness, and the recent figure has softened...

Well, let's get down to business.

Singer rushed to the coordinates and found that it was a town where aboriginal NPCs from the neutral camp gathered. They had just moved from other national servers. There were many tasks and random events here. Many players would come here to try their luck if they had nothing to do. .

The aborigine npc of the neutral camp may attack the player, may suddenly change from green or blue name to red name, may have a conspiracy, may cheat, deceive the player... There are various ways to play, and it is very exciting.

Under the vigilance, vigilance and even hatred eyes of the aborigine npc, Singer walked into the soil enclosure swaggeringly, and saw an npc priest head-on, with a big exclamation mark on his head.

Listening to his friend's instructions, Singer went up to talk to him and accepted the task of investigating the 'secret incident of worshiping evil gods in the camp'. He skipped the investigation step and joined the team of friends. He was pulled directly to the last checkpoint at the end of the task.

An underground gloomy and bloody sacrificial scene, the system npcs used as sacrifices, the aborigine npcs of the neutral camp, and even the corpses of the players were all beheaded, and the blood in the whole body was emptied, forming a small hall in front of the altar. pool of blood.

"how is it going?"

"Here we come, a barbarian of level 15, transferred from the international server, he is very reliable."

"As you said, if something goes wrong, you are the only one to ask."

"The transfer from the international server has the least involvement with domestic ones, and is the most suitable candidate."


Of the four members in the team, Singer only knew one, and the other three belonged to other gang families. It was obvious at first glance that they were a temporary team.

Singer chatted with friends in private, and figured out the cause and effect, and his heart was full of enthusiasm.

It turned out that their mission had already been completed, but they found a hidden space under the altar. There seemed to be many monsters inside. A person in the team accidentally fell down, and there seemed to be purple names and golden names.

As we all know, monsters and hostile factions are usually marked with red names, and special monsters such as elites, lords, regional lords, and world lords are marked with purple, orange, and gold. The purple name may be an elite with a level above 5, or a small Boss, the lowest gold name is also a lord level, that is a proper boss.

"Is the five of us enough?"

Under Singer's flattery, the other three Huaguo teammates reluctantly accepted him. Everyone sat down to discuss, and they were all worried about whether their own strength could get a wave of bonuses before others found out.

"How do you know if you don't try? Are you ready?"

In addition to him being a savage (barbarian), there are rangers, mages, priests, and thieves in the team, and the configuration is complete, but the pressure is all on Singer.

Singer reckoned that his small body was enough for a few purple monsters, and he felt uneasy.

Seeing this, the pastor MM patted his blue scepter, indicating that there was enough milk, and as long as his operational awareness passed, he was guaranteed to be fine.

"Go down?"

"Damn it, I'll die once."

"Hang it back and hurry up and come back again. Don't tell anyone else."

"I know, I still need you to remind me of this."

"Even my own parents can't tell."


Hearing this, Singer sincerely thanked the friends who pulled him in.

What a good man, he can think of himself for such a good thing.

There is a very hidden mechanism under the altar. After being triggered, it will be teleported into another space. I don’t know how to get out. According to the teammates who fell into it, the space inside is very large, and it seems to be more than one floor.

"It should be a copy that has not been discovered yet!"

The friend said excitedly.

"In other words, we are a group of pioneers?"

"Pioneering Group!"

With that said, everyone's breathing was heavy.

Open up wasteland.

If word got out, veteran players would have to fight for their brains, gangs would clear the field, and large-scale gang battles would happen... No matter what the result was, it didn't matter to them.

Be sure to keep it a secret!

82 Chinese Network

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