The mechanism is located in the mouth of a stone animal head, and the tongue can be moved.

Touch the mechanism, and with a rattling sound, the stone slab under your feet suddenly became empty, and the five people in the team fell down.

Singer had been prepared for a long time, and poured a bottle of continuous blood recovery primary red potion in mid-air, and fell on a hard, dusty stone platform three or four seconds later.

The system prompts that he was injured by a fall, and his blood volume has been reduced by one-third.

None of the five dared to act rashly. In the darkness, they could faintly hear the rustling sound of a large number of nail leaves rubbing against each other.

In a completely dim environment, the system provided the player with very weak support of 'no-light vision'. After waiting for half a minute, the 'no-light vision' stabilized, and Singer could vaguely see the environment he was in.

There is a huge cave indistinctly. To the west, there is a flat stone wall. There seems to be a statue of some kind of god carved on the wall.

Under the statue is a huge altar, a large number of swaying black shadows are densely packed, walking around the altar unconsciously.

If you look carefully, it is actually a high-level unit among the undead - the Black Warrior.

There are a lot of black warriors, and the bright red logos emerge densely from the top of these monsters, with a little purple and orange mixed in, and the golden logos can be vaguely seen hidden in the large red and bright colors.

Five people have never heard of such a scene, let alone seen it.

The teammate who fell last time was hung back to the city before he figured out what happened. This time, he was lucky. The stone platform he fell was four or five meters high, and there happened to be no monsters.

Singer's heart was pounding. Seeing so many high-level monsters, his scalp was numb, but he was also excited-how much experience, how much copper coins, how much equipment.

Maybe the treasure chest will be brushed out.

No, the treasure chest will definitely be spawned, if they clean up all these monsters.

The surprise or scare didn't stop there. The teammates found the entrance to the second floor. Just under the statue and behind the altar, there was an open portal with a faint light of space distortion.

"This must be a large leveling point, but it hasn't been discovered yet!

"Yes, we made a fortune.

"We can't eat it.

"Eat slowly if you can't eat, I'd rather eat to death than make it cheaper for others."

"Yes, yes, let's eat slowly, little by little, and there will always be a day when we eat clean."

"Add friends, add friends.

"We will be brothers from now on, everyone, we must unite and keep secrets!"


It wasn't until this time that the teammates of a team exchanged IDs and became friends. Their common interests brought them closer together. Everyone was so excited that they were even more nervous than winning the lottery.

Singer was dazed and added friends to them.

The friend of the gang is an elf ranger, and the id is Cupid's fucking arrow, a very fucking name, the gang called him at first, fucking arrow, mom's arrow, or aunt's arrow, and it became an aunt's towel after talking Therefore, it is referred to as Hushubao.

Fucking Arrow - Aunt's Arrow - Aunt's Towel - Hushu Bao, a perfect logic chain.

Speaking of his id evolution process, Hu Shubao snotted and burst into tears, but he shouted at him, the protest was ineffective, so he had to acquiesce with tears in his eyes.


Singer was an exception, and he was always called Cupid, so he gained the first wave of favor from Hu Shubao, and this kind of kindness bears good fruits. Otherwise, how could there be any good things today?
The id of the second teammate is unbelievably handsome, a human mage, he talks a lot and loves to show off, and he especially likes to show off his superiority in front of Singer. No one knows whether the real person is handsome or not, but Singer is sure that this guy must be very handsome in reality. Inferiority, because he has seen too many hard players like this. Isn't there a saying that the less you have, the more you emphasize it. It can be seen that this guy must be ugly in reality.

The third teammate ID is Falling in Love with Bitter Coffee, an elf priest who believes in the goddess of life and harvest, Tias.Singer observed and guessed that both Hushubao and Shuaijuerenhuan had a little interest in her, which might be the reason why they got together.

The fourth teammate is a passer-by, and he was the one who discovered the mechanism when the temporary mission team was together. What is rare is that he did not keep it to himself after discovering such an important secret, but told his teammates... But it is hard to say that he will not regret it now, maybe At that time, I didn't think much about it, or I didn't know that the benefits hidden below were so great.

This person's id is Ye Qingmei. After the system translation, Singer also thinks this name is very beautiful. Human thief, level 14, equipment and operational awareness are all passable, at least better than Singer. Of course, Singer will not admit it of.

After the five people got to know each other again, their relationship became much closer. After discussing in a low voice for a while, they started their journey of eating alone.

On the steps down from the stone platform, there are only two black warriors cruising. It is worth noticing that there are two ghost-like monsters patrolling with them. The priest fell in love with bitter coffee and first detected the ghosts. It's the type that would startle the entire layer of monsters as soon as it's disturbed. It's just the usual possession, manipulation and soul attack monsters.

Halfway down the steps, the thief Ye Qingmei went down and led a black warrior away, and then Singer, a human sandbag, rushed up to meet the last remaining roaring black warrior.

The elite monster at level 20, of course, couldn't stand it with his small body, but fortunately, he fell in love with bitter coffee, and with the red medicine and sun water he drank with pain in his heart, Singer finally went up and down in the blood tank. During the stimulation, he held on and held back the monster's hatred.

The teammates at the back were relieved when they saw this. Without the bard, many buffs would not be added. If you are right with this kind of elite monster whose level exceeds four or five, don't look at it. The result is really uncertain.

As for ghost mobs, everyone's mental resistance is enough, let them go in and out of your body, except for the 'frozen' shivering every time, losing a little blood volume, and adding a little negative state, but it can be tolerated .

The black warrior's two-handed long sword slashed at Singer's green bronze shield, and a series of sparks flew out. Singer, who was nearly 2 meters tall, bent down. , can only use [Ice Ray] and other low-movement first-level professional skills.

Faye's shot is different, [Ice Ray] pierces the layer of black mist on the surface of the black warrior, hits a three-digit damage value, and also has the side effect of freezing for 2 seconds, Ranger Hu Shubao took the opportunity to shoot the strongest single [Penetrating Arrow] for body attack.


The first-level professional skills are worthless, and you can use points to get them from point merchants. Each of them has almost 8 skill slots full. There are still many players who temporarily forget old skills and learn new skills according to the needs of tasks and battlefields. , before the battle to decide the strategy and tactics, far more flexible than the previous few tests.

The level 20 elite monsters were not given in vain. They had resisted the two severe injuries of Mages and Rangers, and there were still two-thirds of the blood gauge left.

Singer fought very hard. Every time he blocked a blow, his figure had to be knocked back several steps. The durability of the bronze shield was shattered, and the two-handed sword of the black warrior was like a hammer. Noise, the concussion injury alone is enough for him to drink a pot. If he is hit directly, he, a level 15 barbarian, will probably have to drink his hatred on the spot.

The ability of the black warrior is more than powerful physical damage. When the blood bar drops by one-third, he starts to summon mobs.

When the two-handed sword was inserted into the stone slab below him, several bumps appeared on the ground immediately. Three or four zombies and seven or eight skeleton shooters wobbled out from the ground. The group fight immediately turned into a melee. The pressure increased.

"Clear the mobs first!?"

"Don't worry about mobs, take your place, take your place!"

"I... I'm about to die!" Singer's blood gauge dropped to only one centimeter in a thrilling position, and the love of bitter coffee that was entangled by mobs sent his skills to him, thrillingly When the health value was pulled back, he was concentrated fire by the skeleton archer, and the blood volume just added dropped violently.

"No way, the mob's attack is too high!", he shouted in a pitch-shifted voice.

"Clear the mobs first, clear the mobs first!"

"Long range, skeleton shooter!"

The battle strategy was adjusted in time, and Singer took the black warrior around to make room and time for his teammates to clean up the mobs.

The mobs have a high attack, but the skin is crispy, and the skeleton shooter's movements are stiff, so it's easy to clean up.

Ranger Hu Shubao shot at him, resisted the damage several times, and cleaned up the shooters one by one. When the last one died, a pile of coins burst out.

"Could it be a dungeon for making money?" Shuaijuerenhuan exclaimed.

"No experience, no mobs!" Hu Shubao also shouted.

"Fuck you, hurry up!" Ye Qingmei, the thief leading a black warrior alone, screamed in the team channel. He didn't speak, and the four people almost forgot about him, only then remembered that there was another one.

One is so strenuous, and the two are still alive.

The four of them didn't dare to delay any longer, Singer bit the bullet and resisted the damage from the black warrior's knife, and slashed back with an axe, exchanging injuries for injuries.

The priest pulled his health bar back, and the mage's missile and the ranger's [charged arrow] took away one-third of the blood of the black warrior.

Seeing that the monster's health bar was about to bottom out, the black mist around the black warrior boiled.

"Be careful to release your skills."

The housekeeping skill of the black warrior is [Death Cloud Surrounding]. It is surrounded by death clouds, and its attributes and attacks will not only skyrocket, but also slowly recover from its own injuries.

And if the player is stained with the smelly and pungent death cloud, the attributes will be lost, and a series of negative states will be added, such as curse, stiffness, slowness, paralysis, and continuous damage increase of the toxin... Singer was caught off guard and was infected. The barbarians at level 15 turned into soft-legged shrimps, and were almost killed by the black warrior.


When the tank stopped cooking, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The consequence of being unable to hold back the damage is that the priest fell in love with bitter coffee and took over the heavy responsibility of fighting monsters. The black warrior hated this "old six" who replenished blood for the opponent in the back.


Is it going to be wiped out?
This is only one black warrior, I don't know how many there are here, so you still eat alone?Do you eat shit?
Singer was almost desperate, but what made his eyes shine was that he fell in love with bitter coffee and resisted it.

Her agility doesn't seem to be low, at least not much different from that of the Black Warrior, so she can dodge the damage twice. Secondly, her physique is also very good, and her blood is thick. .

The blood bar of falling in love with bitter coffee fluctuates up and down, reaching the end for a while, and pulling it back for a while. Everyone is thrilled to see it. Hu Shubao scolds Singer and tells him to go up quickly. Tiao is only halfway, gritted his teeth and rescued the love of bitter coffee.

Once the priest is out of the monster's attack range, his backhand is a big move.

Facts have proved that without this, the group will be wiped out.

Black Samurai's ultimate move was cast almost simultaneously.

It is the two-handed sword that is rounded, and the light blade that is released 360 degrees to cut, group damage, Hu Shubao and Shuai Jue Renhuan are caught off guard, and they are almost instantly killed.

The priest's group boosting skills arrived just in time, pulling them back from the brink of returning to the city for free. It was Singer, who was lucky and had a blood boosting crit, and stayed at the scene!


The handsome man was so frightened that he swears.


Singer, who was leaning against the shield and bearing the heavy blow from the monster, shouted with veins on his face.

"Here we come, Ground Spear!"


Singer also gritted his teeth and launched a charge. When he got close, he used a set of [combo attack], and he didn't consider defense. The death of the undead monsters meant that they were wiped out.

The last third of blood!


The black warrior finally fell, the two-handed sword burst out, a pile of copper coins, several groups of red and blue and stamina potions.

Singer had never been so tired before, and he wished he could lie down for a while, but there was another monster who was being pulled by the thief teammate, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Physique Potion!"

"I do not have!"

"Did not bring!"

"On the ground, I rely on it!"

The authority of the captain was transferred to Lian Shang Kuo Coffee. This time, thanks to this shy girl who doesn't talk much, she was also decisive, picking up the potion on the ground and distributing it.

Singer took out the stamina potion from his backpack and poured it down. He pulled back half of his bottomed out stamina and felt that he had strength again. Then he roared and rushed towards the black warrior who was chasing and killing the bandit's teammates.

Another thrilling gang fight.

There are two black warriors in total, and it took five people more than an hour to finish brushing, each of them was as tired as a dead dog.

Looking at the caves on the first floor again, there are so many black warriors wandering there, talking alone, seems a little overwhelmed?

"I said... Let's start a group? Let's help..." Hu Shubao just raised his head, and the handsome guy stood up and shouted: "Stop, don't talk about the rest, even if I am full, I have to eat first. "

Singer secretly agreed, how much experience, equipment and copper coins this is, no matter how hard and tiring it is, it is unforgivable to tell it before others find out.

"Coffee, Lao Ye, this is a god-given opportunity. I will never have such an opportunity again in the future. Open up wasteland, this is it!" Shuai Juren Huan hurriedly sought the support of others.

"I... I don't even know who to call it," said Shyly in Love with Bitter Coffee, "Let's brush slowly?"

"When will this be posted?" Ye Qingmei, who also belongs to another gang, tended to call out, "Someone might find out, and we'll have nothing by then."

Such 2 vs 2, everyone is looking at Singh.

Singer knew that this decision was not easy to make. In the future, when the people in the gang knew about it, they would have their own ideas. They said that the alliance would always be with them.

But...he couldn't bear it.

Hu Shubao chatted with him privately, "The gang will not treat us badly."

Singer had no choice but to nod, "Okay!", and then stood beside Hu Shubao and Ye Qingmei.

"Damn it!", the handsome guy really wanted to pk with the three of them.

This isn't the Fourth Calamity

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