This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 436 The news leaked

"here you go!"

The poor monk Aishitai patted Singer on the shoulder and said to the people behind him: "Look at this, look at this awareness of others, what good things do you have, you don't only think about yourself, there is nothing you can do about it Is it cheap?"

"Third brother and the others just can't do it by themselves..."

"Fart!", the poor monk's love teacher was too 'frozen', "Why can't I get the black warrior dungeon that is only level 20? I can't get it now, I can't get it in a few days, I can't get it in a few days, I will do it ruthlessly Get equipment and organize a few reliable teammates, isn’t it enough? The heart of a villain is the heart of a gentleman, and I’m talking about you.”

The people in the gang didn't take it seriously, they were smiling, knowing that the gang leader was just kidding, waiting for news of the negotiations over there.

After hearing this, Singer regretted it even more. What the pig said was good. If you can't brush it now, it doesn't mean you can't in the future. Even if you decide to get some good equipment now, it's either impossible or slow.

Slow down, why didn't I think of it?

It's all the fault of Hushubao, such a big treasure flew away.

Ah, I'm so sorry!

"In order to commend the third brother's contribution, I declare that he will receive a share of the land reclamation proceeds."

"Can he go in and open up wasteland? Level 15 combat power is only a thousand..."

"Even if the land reclamation group does not have him, he will still have a share of the proceeds."

Singer was in a better mood, and gratefully said to Master Pig, "Thank you boss, thank you boss, boss is mighty."


The monk Aishi nodded in satisfaction, and after teasing him, seeing that the atmosphere was just right, he talked about the gang's residence again.

The Canaan Shaolin Temple gang has no resident yet. They used to be high-spirited and only wanted to build a gang in the public service. Now that the national server has issued a series of "bans", building a gang in the public service has to give up many invisible benefits and benefits.

Forget it, forget it, let's build a gang in the national service.

It is not so easy to build a gang in the national service. The gang resident is equivalent to "cracking the ground and dividing the grass". The national conditions are very sensitive to this.

According to the rules of the system, gangs enjoy complete 'sovereignty' over the resident, and all behaviors in the resident, including taxes, are rarely regulated by the national server.It can only be made up through 'regulations', 'notifications', and 'policies' other than system rules, and they are all offline.The players have been dissatisfied for a long time. It is nothing more than the fact that other national servers have not developed yet, otherwise you can see the result of letting them vote with their feet.

The national server is stingy with the location of gangs, but other national servers are generous, but... you know.

It depends on your choice.

Since you want to mix in the national server, you need to make good use of the land reclamation of this dungeon. How can there be so many undead troops in this town where the aborigines migrated? Uncertain and big origin, self-created plot, who said it can't trigger a hidden big plot, isn't the most important point of the resident?

Therefore, upon receiving the news from Singh and Hushubao, all five families of the Shaolin Temple gang were mobilized. New and old players loaded a total of 5 players, none of whom was lost, and all were online.

The vicious players have occupied the magpie's nest, making the aborigines' "relocation place" a mess. The aborigines NPCs are forbidden to go out, and the players guard all the entrances and exits and block off the soil enclosure. …

Ye Qingmei's gang is weaker than Shaolin Temple in strength, but it is also a gang with a large number of old players. It has more people and looks like a small three hundred, but its average combat power, equipment, and level are not as good as Shaolin Temple. It is typical civilian gangs.

The other three teammates fell in love with bitter coffee and were dragged to their gang by Ye Qingmei. Only the handsome man could not agree on the price. The gangs on both sides were fighting for it. It was not for this person, but the news was kept secret and concealed. The longer the better.

One or two hundred descendants stood guard at the entrance of the dungeon, chatting and farting, waiting for the result of the negotiation to help Mrs. Pig and Mrs. Taiai bald head.

The two gangs quarreled for more than an hour, but they still couldn't reach an agreement. Some people in Shaolin Temple got impatient and said that they should just copy the guys.

The poor monk Ai Shitai reprimanded these people, saying that this is not reality, it can kill people and silence them, and it is not good for anyone if the conversation collapses, and chatted with CP privately, saying that they can make appropriate concessions.

The final result of the negotiation is that the Shaolin Temple gang takes 4% of the land reclamation income of the dungeon, but the plot clues behind the dungeon belong to them, and the opposite gang accounts for 6% of the land reclamation income, but gives up the possible plot income.

Both parties were generally satisfied with this result, and after they reached a consensus, they began to quarrel over the quota of the land reclamation group.

Although the land reclamation drops belong to the public and must be distributed collectively, experience, level, reputation, and points are not. The first time each large-scale dungeon land reclamation, the members of the team have great benefits. Don't want to miss it.

The gang channels became chaotic like this, one by one began to post their own combat power, record, powerful equipment, etc. These were not enough, and they only talked about their own operation, consciousness, command ability, coordination ability, etc. In short, veteran players are everyone Fighting to be the first, the newcomers can only secretly envy.

There are also Mengxin who are not open-eyed, begging for a lead, begging for a place in the wasteland reclamation group... But no one cares, the voice is loud, and they are banned by the management, including the group's favorite cute girls.

Just kidding, this is real money.

Many people quarreled with red faces and thick necks, and some turned their faces. At this time, the authority of helping pigs is no longer useful. In order to appease everyone, the poor monk loves the teacher, talking about this and that, and persuading them to work one by one. Get the starting lineup out.

That is him.

The middle-level enchanter, this golden signboard with golden letters, the whole gang can be said to be gathered by this signboard.

The old player in the gang has never asked him to customize equipment, and many elders outside the gang call him brothers, not all of them are contacts built by intermediate enchanters.

Among the old players, the Shaolin Temple gang can only rank in the middle and lower reaches. There is not a single figure on the list of combat power.

The player's prestige is a bit funny, but it is actually benefits and benefits. If there is no benefit, you are the first in the list. Do you think I will dump you?

The starting lineup here has come out, but the opposite side has a difficult delivery.

The opponent's helper is not an intermediate enchanter, but an old player with an upper-middle level of combat power. RMB fighters and big water hoses are not counted. Naturally, it is difficult to make this starting lineup.

"Boss, it would be funny if the other party breaks up. Haha..." …

"Crow mouth, what good is it for us?"

"That's all I said."

"By the way, what's going on with that handsome guy? This newcomer has a very high price. Isn't he willing to get him a share?"

"It's settled, give him 10 gold as a hush money."

"Damn it, 10 gold?"

"We only give 4 gold, which will be paid out of the gang's public funds."

"Fuck, why can't I catch up with such a good thing?"

"Okay, why are there so many ink stains?"

"I feel that the help pig over there is so pitiful?"

"Haha, kinda..."

Soy Sauce Party gang gang Zhu Thirty Buhuo, if you listen to the discussion here, you must agree very much.

All the gang members are grandpas, only his mother is the grandson, everyone has to be coaxed, everyone has to serve, mother, whoever likes to do this gang of pigs will do it, I will quit, idiot.

But these are all angry words. There are still many advantages to being a gangster. First of all, the first point is that it is not prestige. After all, it is also a gangster. How much is a gang establishment order worth?Offline, just as a helper, no matter what kind of helper he is, no matter how much money he has, he dares to lend him. If you change someone, even Gao Zhan can try?
But most of the time, especially this kind of time, the status of helping pigs is really a drag.

After finally negotiating with the other party, the meat is already on the plate, how to share and how to eat, but everyone is rushing to be the first to avoid falling behind.

The consequences of not giving in to anyone forced him to use rigid indicators—level, combat power, and gang contribution—to determine the starting lineup.

The result of this was that everyone was dissatisfied, everyone was full of complaints, and two of them quit the gang on the spot.

It is naturally impossible to withdraw from the gang, even if it is withdrawn, it cannot be at this juncture.

Good words and bad words don’t work, Thirty Buhuo has no choice but to speak harshly, whoever wants to quit the gang and tell the story of land reclamation will be hunted down by the whole gang, and whoever is killed will drop to level 10.

The deterrence of himself and the gang was not enough, so he had to pull Monk Ai Nun to endorse.

There were hundreds of old players from the two gangs who swore and swore to quit the gang, or had some other tricks before they stopped.

But the harmonious and friendly atmosphere in the gang has disappeared, which may be fatal to a civilian gang.

But there is no telling.

These days, two-legged toads are hard to find, but there are plenty of two-legged players.Youdao is an iron-clad gang, as long as you are not a core creation member, you will leave if you leave, and you can't recruit again.

But the secret of opening up wasteland must be kept.

Therefore, each member of the two gangs signed a soul contract.

This soul contract is a new function introduced by the system. It is used to restrain the behavior of players who are more and more inclined to the "chaotic camp". Speaking of the camp mode launched in the 6th test, the general "composition" of the players is not good. If you go by Canaan's standard , the players of the bright and good camp will be even rarer than the giant pandas, but there will be a lot of neutral chaotic and neutral evil players, which greatly violates Bei Gaoyang's original intention, and can't restrain the major operating agents.

In view of this, a patch such as [Soul Contract] was applied, the purpose of which is to forcefully insert order and trustworthy factors into the player's behavior. As for the effect, it is a matter of opinion.

But this function is indeed convenient for many players. At least in terms of binding force, there is no need to "human flesh" and "real person PK". The two parties discuss the content of the contract and agree on the rights and responsibilities of both parties. The agreed punishment measures are implemented, and the system is the arbitrator, which is convenient and efficient. …

After signing the soul contract, everyone stopped, and the people on the starting lineup touched each other. It was obvious that the Shaolin Temple side was much higher.

"Grass, can this kind of thing be used as management?"

"It's still the head of the White Tiger Hall?"

"Hall Master Baihu fought, right? That should be Gao Zhan over there?"

"Gao Zhan with less than 2000 combat power? It's ridiculous."

"1900 is fine, but you are only 1800"

"I'm just a soy saucer, but he's a manager."

"Haha, soy sauce, you are a good match with that side, and everyone over there is soy sauce."

"Fuck off, wait until that day when I become Gao Zhan and hit you in the face."

"Then I'll wait, haha..."

There are 50 people in the big group and 35 people in the small group. The starting lineup first forms a large group, with 25 people on one side. Open the copy through the mechanism and find that everyone can enter.

"What's going on? How big is this dungeon, can a group of 50 people enter?"

"Is there no limit?"

"If there is no limit, it will be bad, and the income will not be high."

"Try it, try it."

"Open up wasteland, open up wasteland."

"Go offline to watch the live broadcast."

"Go, go."

Nothing happened to Singer after that.

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty, I couldn't tell what was in his heart. On this occasion, his "group favorite" had no status at all, even if he found the copy.

Regret, the heart of regret is hurting, it hurts so much.

When other people go offline to watch the live broadcast of land reclamation, he can't even watch it in terms of hardness. Staying online is suffering, and he doesn't know what to do.

Hu Shubao was also not included in the land reclamation group, but he didn't worry about gains and losses like Singer, so he seemed very happy?

"Bangzhu can't treat us badly, Ann, Bangzhu is an intermediate enchanter, an enchanter, he can be called a money printing machine for people's hearts, can he lie to little people like us?"

He is content and happy. The problem is, Singer doesn't want to be a small man, but also wants to be a big man.

There are also many people waiting outside the dungeon, dreaming of being a substitute.

Singer can't be relied on. These core members are all old players. Their combat power and level are several blocks away from him. They are just making fun of them. Not in the mood at all.

Ten minutes after the land reclamation group went down, news came that everything went well.

In their majestic black warriors, in the land reclamation group, they just chop vegetables and cut melons. Ten of them can be used together, and the battle can be solved in less than 10 minutes at a time. The rate is also good and so on, and so on.

The more Singer listened, the more regretful he became, and the heart of resentment came up.

Why, why!
"Sapling, is the sapling here? If you see it, call back immediately!"

Xia Miaomiao was taking a halftime break in a large raid, and the 52 mutated giant storm demon bear boss was like the stitcher on the abyssal battlefield, serving as a ferocious background in a sea of ​​rolling flames.

The group is full of Gao Zhan. It has been three days since I fought this boss. The group has been destroyed more than a dozen times, and the experience has dropped by one level. Today, I will take it down.

At this time, Zhu Shaobing came over to have a private chat, his tone was very urgent, Xia Miaomiao knew he didn't want to talk to him, but he had to. …

"As for the group book, I don't have time for national war PK or something."

"No, it's a wasteland book."

"Open up wasteland? It won't be a book of a few levels or a dozen, right?"

"The first floor is the 20th-level black warrior, how about it?"

"Level 20 book?" Xia Miaomiao became a little interested, "Did you find it?"

"No, someone is selling news. I ask if you have time. If so, let's try it?"

"wait a minute!"

Xia Miaomiao chatted privately with her buddies in the same regiment, and Du Shiyu also received a text message from Shao Bing, a little unsure of paying attention.

"If you go out, all previous efforts will be wasted."

"The land reclamation book, this is not land reclamation."

"Opening up wasteland is gambling."

"I want to try it."

"But how do you tell people?"

"Wait, I'll come."

Xia Miaomiao chatted privately with the group leader, and it was settled after a while.

"What did you say? He didn't curse? It's a miracle!"

"I said my relatives are here, and the game room is all red, you have to take care of me..."

"……You're really gross!"

"Haha, I lied to you, the head of the group has also received the news, and they are talking about it."

"The news spread so fast?"

"Go back, hurry up, this is land reclamation, we must win it no matter what, even if the gang can't win it, we have to get mixed into the land reclamation group."


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