This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 437 Stop fighting, let's discuss it!

World Channel: The Canaan Shaolin Temple gang issued a gang hunting order to the player Shuaijuerenhuan.

World Channel: The Soy Sauce Party gang issued a gang hunting order to the player Shuaijuerenhuan.

World Channel: The monk loves the nun and said that from now on, the gang and the player are inseparable, and the members of the gang chase and kill the player until his level drops below level 10.Players outside the guild who kill the player can get the friendliness of the guild and quest item rewards. Relevant quests can be picked up in the Adventurer's Guild.

World Channel: Thirty Buhuo said that from now on, the gang and the player are extremely handsome, and the members of the gang will chase and kill the player until his level drops below level 10.Players outside the guild who kill the player can get the friendliness of the guild and quest item rewards. Relevant quests can be picked up in the Adventurer's Guild.

Regional Channels:

The handsome guy alarmed the middle: Damn, what did my family do to offend two gangs at once, what is the gang killing order?
Canaan know-it-all: It is a new gang item launched by the system, 2 gold coins each, and gang points.

Cute girl who picks her feet: 2 gold, really rich.

****: Gangs are good, you can kill whoever you want, kill to level 10, tsk tsk.

Ten thousand horses galloping: I know what this guy is doing.

Huadu Prodigal Son: What are you doing?

Ten Thousand Horses Galloping: This guy sold a large-scale land reclamation book, still anonymous, the kind that signed a soul contract, and it was hung on the Adventurer's Guild, 2 gold coins each, and the sale is limited to 10.

Cute girl who picks her feet: Damn, 2 gold a piece, sell 10 pieces, isn't it... what book, worth so much money?
Royal Women's Heart Sutra: Ximeng official: I don't know, 20 gold is nothing for the land reclamation rights of large books, and besides, it's not like asking one person to pay 20 gold, 2 gold is a piece of news, it's worth it.

****: Wouldn't the person who bought the news still want to grab it?
Galloping horses: What do you think?

The handsome guy alarmed the center: I'm a good guy, why can't I come across such a good thing, if I don't sell it for 2 gold, 2 silver is fine, I'm almost dying of poverty... a rich woman asks for support.


Singer was terrified watching the world channel and the regional channel. On the gang channel, he was still yelling at the handsome man, and by the way complained about why he didn't sign a soul agreement with him when he gave money to the pig monk and nun.

The monk loves the nun and is furious. The land reclamation is going well. Several gangs rushed in to snatch it. The boss who was alarmed by the chaos was wiped out. It will be an afterthought, such a bastard, who would waste money on him to sign some soul agreement, do you think the public funds are blown by the wind?

The Soy Sauce Party's gang was immediately sluggish, and so many big and famous gangs rushed in all of a sudden, no matter in terms of rank or combat power, they were all younger brothers in every dimension, so what's the matter with them?
This group is complaining to each other in the gang, and if the posture is not good, it will break up.

A good thing, just ruined by a disgusting rat droppings.

What to do now?
The leader of the gang, Baihutang, who presides over the conquest, the blade warrior, has spoken, and asked all the official members and trainee members below level 30 to find this damn handsome man, and kill him when he sees him. As long as he dares to leave the safe zone, kill him once and remember the gang Contribute 20 points, and there will be another reward for helping Master Zhu. …

Go all, everyone must be killed at least once, otherwise, to help Mrs. Pig, you have to take a small notebook to remember, and be careful of being put on small shoes in the future.

The members complained a lot, but they all went for the damn handsome.

This guy obviously took the money, turned around and sold the news again. He really did a good deal. He was so shameless and suddenly became rich... Damn, including the hush money he gave, it was 24 gold all at once. Why is it not me? Woolen cloth.

It seems that the bold are really supported to death, the timid are starved to death, and the humblest people are invincible. The ancients did not deceive me.

Singer also received the task, and teamed up with Hu Shubao to hunt down his former teammate Shuai Jueren.

In the dungeon, more than a dozen gangs crowded thousands of people into the underground cave, and there was no place to stay. Other gangs were also driving people away. The ordinary members left, and the elites stayed behind.

Seeing that a large-scale melee is about to start.

"Chunshui, did you really spend 2 gold to buy the news?" Xia Miaomiao asked on the gang channel.

"I bought it for 2 silver."


"Haha, according to an acquaintance, no money was spent."

Du Shiyu said: "There must be more than 10 gangs who know about it. It's very lively now."

"I'm talking to several big gangs. With the current lineup, our gang still has a chance."

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior: "Joint vertical alliance?"

"Alliance to clear the field."

The big Lolita, who helps pet cats, waved her small fists: "Cheer up for the pigs!"


While talking, there are more gangs coming after hearing the news, and now no secrets can be kept, lone wolves, big and small families without gangs, adventurer squads, etc... the small aboriginal NPC settlements are crowded It was full, and businessmen with a keen sense of smell also came after hearing the news.

Player peddlers, NPC peddlers, took the opportunity to sell all kinds of war supplies... I don't know if the system is going to make any big moves.

Let's talk about Singer and the others.

"I have friends with that guy!"

Hu Shubao said in the team channel.

"Talk to him privately and see if you can trick him out."

"This guy is not stupid, how could he get out of the safe zone?"

"Try it and it doesn't cost money."

"Then let me try."

Singer seemed unusually silent. This was the first time he had seen a gang killing order. Such a large formation made him terrified, and he was even more afraid that what he had done would be discovered.

Sometimes I am really afraid of what will happen.

World Channel: The player is extremely handsome and said, what's the matter, I posted the news about the adventure union, you are justified in stealing my land reclamation book, right?Who gave your face?The little money given to send the beggar?Kill Lao Tzu to level 10, okay, Lao Tzu is waiting in the safe area of ​​Maple Leaf Town... (word limit, the following content will be omitted)

World Channel: The player is extremely handsome and said, by the way, I tell you these pretentious idiots, I am not doing this alone, there are people who sell it in private, oh, I didn’t find it even if I didn’t find it. Greetings to the two of you who help the whole family, especially the insidious and despicable villains who rob business...

Singer's heart jumped into his throat, and he pretended to be nonchalant.

Alliance Forever Alliance glanced at him, and said to Hu Shubao, "This bastard said there are still people selling news, is it true or not?"

Hu Shubao: "I don't know, it's definitely not me anyway. If I want to sell, I won't notify the gang." …

"Yes, yes!" Singer nodded quickly in agreement.

This clarification is more convincing, and there will be no discussion in the team.

Singer always felt that the alliance's eternal alliance had discovered something, and observed his face carefully, but he didn't find anything wrong.

Until finding an opportunity to put aside other people, the alliance chatted with him privately, "Did you sell the news?"

"No, no!"

"You only have writing on your face, you are a liar!"


"Don't be guilty if you do something bad."

"Boss, I... help!" Singer panicked.

"How did you sell the news? Don't tell me it's the same as that handsome guy... You can't be so stupid, right?"

"No, I'm just the person on the private chat leaderboard. Some people replied to me, and some didn't. I'm anonymous. I only made a few orders and then..."

"How much did you sell?"

"It's less than one gold coin."

"Damn, you still want to make small profits but sell more?"

"I was wrong, boss, must not say it, or I... I can't get along."

"You also know... Ann, you are not the only one who sells news."

"What, what?"

"Helping pigs made a mistake. They didn't call so many people in the first place. This secret is destined to be lost. If I had known earlier, I would never have done this. I would first select the land reclamation group and notify them one by one."

"Is there really anyone else selling news? What about the soul contract?"

"There are ways to bypass it, otherwise?"

"I thought……"

"You will see this kind of thing a lot in the future. There is no real loyalty in the game. It's all real money... The two gangsters don't have much experience."

"then what do I do?"

"If you show yourself so stupidly, no one can save you."

"Thank you boss, thank you boss."

"The blame is on that idiot, you pretend to be a little bit, don't show your feet."


Singer made up his mind, and since then he will act like everyone else as if nothing had happened.

Outside the gate of Maple Leaf Town, players from the Soy Sauce Party and the Shaolin Temple gang blocked the entrance and exit. Across the system guards with big knives, they scolded the handsome guy inside the gate, and a bunch of onlookers pointed and pointed.

It's all: If you have a species, it will kill you to level zero, a despicable villain, you must be a big ugly in reality... such words are not nutritious.

Because greetings to Xiasanlu and the eighteenth generation of parents, relatives and grandparents will be banned by the system and a warning will be given, so the scolding is still considered "civilized".

Speaking of this, there are also special helpers in the game to 'swear on behalf of'.

This business is also related to the system ban. You can’t say swear words, and you have to think carefully about cursing words. Just like writing poetry, you need to make detours, metaphors, and be easy to understand. There are also whimsical ideas, which make people's eyes bright and resonate... In short, not everyone can do it, and it is also a technical job.

At this time, someone is going to say, whoever can do it will force you, copy the guy and it's over.

But what if you can't beat it?
There must be a way to vent your anger, right?Otherwise, wouldn't it collapse into internal injuries?
There are also occasions where hands cannot be used, such as now.

The handsome guy can't come out, the players of the two gangs are talking dry, someone shouted, "The scolding, why don't you come?" …

As soon as the words fell, the professional scolding arrived.

I saw a small human rogue player running over from the wild area in a gust of wind, singing three and a half sentences cursing the handsome man while running... Obviously, he had received a business and rushed over from the brick-moving site.

Professionals are different. Players who watched the excitement would only say a few words when they saw the swearing and swearing, and they felt bored. From the angle of insidiousness, it also deduces the appearance of Handsome Jurenhuan in reality, saying how he will be when he is young, what will be like at home, how will his girlfriend be like... The temporary jokes and various stalks come out as soon as he opens his mouth, But it also rhymes very much... It sounds like singing an opera.

The audience applauded and applauded, and the handsome guy had no choice but to jump off the assembly line and hide in the safe zone.

Singer couldn't reach the G-spot of Huaguo players at all. After the system translated, there would be no such thing as rhymes, stalks, and jokes, but he clapped his hands and shouted louder than anyone else.

At this time, the gang war on the dungeon side has already started.

More than a dozen or twenty, I don't know how many players with gang titles and IDs kill together, there are also lone wolves who want to fish in troubled waters, and scattered families who are overwhelmed... Hundreds of players open up wasteland for a copy Quan fights.

Alliance versus alliance, playing the previous alliances, machinations and conspiracies is extremely complicated, and there are also those who act as spies and internal agents to turn against the water temporarily.

True and false, false and true, true strength and false friendship, the complexity is not weaker than Zhen Huan's biography.

However, it does not mean that a certain gang or a certain gang alliance is strong enough to win, it also depends on the unity and determination within the gang.

In a word, it is waste. As long as you are willing to pay the price, you can still win the right to open up wasteland. At least a few quotas and a few percent of the dividends can be guaranteed.

——If you can’t beat it, I’m relying on the head office, right?
There is a feeling that you can kill the whole gang of Lao Tzu back to level 10.

But there are very few such sloppy candies, and it is still a matter of effort and income. When the effort and income gradually become less beautiful, most people will quit in spite of difficulties, and this time is no exception.

Only half an hour after the start of the battle, the number of players on the scene was extremely reduced. Most of them stopped coming after they died once. After all, land reclamation was only the work of a small group of players.

If it really has such determination, it is also a gang with the confidence and strength to get the right to open up wasteland. If they don't have the confidence to join in the fun, then stay cool and stay.

From twenty or thirty, to more than a dozen, to a few gang alliances still insisting on the scene, and the Guards Gang is one of them.

Xia Miaomiao killed a paladin commander of five and six with one arrow, and a mage raised his eyes and summoned his griffin mount. I don't know what it means to summon a flying mount in such a narrow indoor space. Transform into a humanoid bomber?


Raising your hand is a set of [Starchaser Arrows]. The energyized arrows turn into meteors, ignoring the mage player's defensive barriers, avatar dolls and flashes, and appear in the airspace of tens of meters on the left, turning his real body Piercing through, hitting a fatal triple double damage piercing crit.

A big red damage number of -1017 in bold popped up, sending this wealthy mage player back to the city for free.

There was a lot of applause on the gang channel and team channel, and even the two gangs that formed an alliance were applauding again and again. The invincible majesty of the 141st player in the combat power list is undoubtedly evident, dominating the entire battlefield.

The three gang alliances on the opposite side also saw that she was the main output point. It's not that no thieves have touched her before, but Shao Bing arranged for three expert guards and a priest to detect invisibility all the way, so there was no chance.

"No more fights, no more fights, let's discuss it!"

For two hours, there were less than 200 players left, and one of the opponents called a truce.

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