This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 439 Alchemy Apprentice

Chapter 439 Alchemy Apprentice
"What did you do, open up wasteland, and dare to be distracted?"

"I'm looking at a doesn't matter, you guys do it."

"This is land reclamation, big sister."

"I know, it's already come out. You can't let everyone quit, right? Work harder and get my share."

"Wait, I'll ask if I can start over."

"No, she doesn't know us well, forget it, I didn't really want to go at first, so I just found time to do some quizzes."

"Do the questions and do the questions. You know how to do the questions all day long. If you don't know, you think you are preparing for the college entrance examination. Playing games is enough for you."

"I still think this kind of gameplay is interesting. I don't like fighting and killing. Alchemy is suitable for me. I am confident that I can play it well."

"By the way, why didn't you find that you have the potential to do scientific research in reality? When you did experiments, you always skipped class with me."

"You talk a lot, aren't you opening up wasteland? Be careful hanging out."

"Me? Hang? Just kidding, it's not like I haven't done anything more advanced than this. The third floor of the Baldwin family cemetery is almost cleared."

"Understood, you are awesome, the number one master in the gang, and the 22nd ranked ranger in the server."

"I won't tell you, the boss named Orange is a thief, a bit difficult to deal with..."

"Be careful."

After finishing the call with his best friend, Du Shiyu walked out of the resurrection point, seeing the few people who hung out in front were upset, and seeing her coming out, they all asked how the situation was going inside, and what they said meant that they wanted to do it all over again.

Speaking of their strength, they shouldn't be eliminated so quickly. However, they are not lucky. In land reclamation, no matter whether it is high-level or low-level, large or small, there will always be people who are unlucky because they are not familiar with the tricks and routines in the dungeon, isn't it? If you are unlucky, it is his unlucky. Anyway, the whole regiment can successfully open up wasteland without losing a single member. It has never happened.

Du Shiyu asked for it on her own, she wasn't too upset, just come out as soon as she comes out, anyway, her best friend is inside, and if there are good things she can use, she will help to get them.

The biggest benefit of opening up wasteland is naturally the highest drop rate, followed by the broad spectrum of outfits, rare props, life and occupation materials, and recipes.

What is broad spectrum?
That is to say, low-level books may also produce high-level outfits, high-level rare props, and life and occupation materials and formulas.

The latter is what Du Shiyu cares most about.

Speaking of this, Xia Miaomiao's piece of dragon crystal has long been reserved by her, and she will use it to 'practice' only after she passes the assessment of a junior alchemist.

Hehe, using Dragon Crystal to practice hands, the entire game and region server is unique, if you can refine orange equipment, intermediate alchemists will not be able to catch it?
This piece of dragon crystal is exactly the confidence she has to take up a career in life now, and Xia Miaomiao naturally fully supports it.

If the best friend becomes an intermediate alchemist, the benefits will naturally be huge. Money is only one aspect. The "indispensability" of two sisters in one world has reached an important level, and they will be confessed when they go there... In other words, just play Isn't the game a sense of accomplishment?
With so many big water pipes and big bosses spending a lot of money, what kind of game experience is it, isn’t it pursuing something that can’t be pursued in reality?
In the eyes of some players, this is the essence of the game.

Of course, Canaan's experience here is unparalleled. Can the sense of accomplishment obtained by sitting in front of the computer and moving the mouse be compared to what it is now?

After dealing with these unlucky teammates, Du Shiyu took the teleportation to Xinjing, the main city of the national server.

The Alchemist Association here was first established, and the class hours in it are cheaper than those on the public server. In fact, they are all taught by NPCs hired by the system. It is nothing more than the "subsidy" on the national server but not on the public server.

Needless to say, the intention of the national service to do this is clear.

Ordinary players are population, basic resources, and the main source of taxation and operating income. Players like her will be given high-level scarce resources, just like scientists in reality.

The "station" in Xinjing City is under construction imitating the style and layout of Yanjing West Railway Station. From here, we can see the ambition of the offline. next small.

The performance in the game is a bit exaggerated. A station is like a city, and a station surpasses most national servers.

It can be seen that the leopard can be seen in the rich pipe of the national costume.

Players like her who are mixed in the public server and whose game membership is in the national server are "unwelcome". Once ordinary players come over, they will be subjected to various "discriminatory treatment" and various routines and disturbances. The purpose is naturally Let them transfer to the national service map as soon as possible.

Naturally, Du Shiyu was not among them. As soon as he walked out of the teleportation formation, the NPC in charge of the real person in charge of the teleportation formation was very enthusiastic, and the welcome speech was the highest level stipulated by the system.

But Du Shiyu didn't dare to say anything to her, for fear of being entangled, it would become a dog's skin plaster, and she couldn't even shake it off.

"Xuewu player, think about it, the commercial real estate here on the national server treats you like this... Oh, wait a minute, why did you leave, what a pity, finally met such a marked player... My bonus !"

Amid such resentment, Du Shiyu fled and left the station in a carriage.

The huge Xinjing City rushed towards us.

But the first impression is not good, it is a big construction site.

Naturally, it is impossible to pursue offline high-efficiency online, and there will be no modern cyberpunk-style future cities. Some only have a strong ancient Chinese style, or the most majestic Qin-Han style.

The palace buildings, the cornices and the magnificent walls...all of them are done to the best of the 'CG' imagination. The real Qin and Han styles may not be like this. Just like the current Hanfu, they are all improved with modern aesthetics.

But judging from the parts that have been built, it is indeed extremely solemn, gorgeous and magnificent, with a strong Chinese culture, history and traditional heritage, reflected in every detail.

The huge sum of money was spent, of course, not for the sake of looking good, but for a deeper purpose.

Cultural influence.

Canaan is an excellent platform and communication channel, and the effect is better than offline [-]-step artworks and themed movie blockbusters. Being in such a city on the national server, players on the international server will not be amazed or envious of it, and then Curious about the history and culture of Huaguo, have a good impression, or even a 'sense of high class'?
This 'sense of luxury' is a good thing.

That is the right to speak about aesthetics, and the consequence of its loss is a few popular offline events, especially in the fashion and art circles.

Du Shiyu naturally didn't expect it to be so far-reaching. She only felt that every time she came to the national server, she would discover something new. The infrastructure madness shifted from offline to online, and demolition and construction were everywhere. She didn't know when it would stop. .

Although the city is still under construction, most of the game features are ready.

The Alchemy Association in the national server is also quaint. Before entering, it is just an archway. People and carriages in the 8 lanes are constantly flowing. Players and NPCs rub shoulders one after another. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t tell them apart.

The difference from last time is that there is an extra type of person.

Aboriginal NPCs.

It neither belongs to the system, nor is it an alliance or a friendly camp, nor is it an opposing camp. It can only barely use the middle ground between the neutral camp and the monster camp.

These people are easy to distinguish, 98% are human beings, everyone is cautious, cramped, fearful, and timid, both adults and children.

There are still a lot of them, and most of them are hired by players and NPCs in the city.

It is worth mentioning that when the game was opened to tourists, some people said that their dream of becoming a nobleman in the game has now come true.

Some players 'hire' these aboriginal NPCs, even buy and sell them, and then let them be their servants, attendants or even servants and maids. The system has no content in this regard, and there is no prohibition in this regard, so it quickly became popular.

The 'evil industry' that was born as a result had a little bit of discussion offline, but it was quickly covered up under the blur of mainstream public opinion.

This in turn leads to a series of problems that impact the relationship between modern morality and the legal system, the most serious of which is pornography.

At present, these problems are still brewing, and there is no time when they can't cover the lid and explode, but Du Shiyu is very uncomfortable, especially seeing a leisurely entertainment player being carried by eight sedan chairs, followed by a series of slaves When I was with the maid.


Contemptuously looking back, Du Shiyu walked into the archway, climbed up the steps as high as a two-story building, and when passing a stone lion as tall as a person, he touched the gemstone in the lion's mouth.

This is a 'tradition' of the Alchemy Association. It is said that it can bring good luck for the day. Du Shiyu would rather believe it or not. He walked into the gate, took a deep breath, and secretly prayed that he could learn something really useful today.

He showed his association sign to the NPC, and was allowed to go up to the third floor.

The rooms on the third floor are classrooms. She chose a classroom that was not full and walked in carefully.

The alchemist who was lecturing was a player with the 'title' of an intermediate alchemist, enough to teach them these apprentices.

What is being talked about is: 14 derivative reactions between elemental particles and inert substance molecules in a complex magical environment.

The more I study alchemy, the more I feel that it is a comprehensive discipline that is logically rigorous, self-contained, widely used, and involves almost every aspect of the game.

Alchemy is just a general term, and the main research is a series of phenomena and regular new substance formations produced by the combination of various elements of magic power and various substances and non-materials in nature.

Subjects such as offline materials science, chemistry and physics are combined, and even a little bit of mathematical logic is added.

In contrast, another major subject—enchanting, is like a comprehensive subject that combines biology, bionics, engineering technology design and application, precision machining and manufacturing.

Neither of them is purely theoretical research, but more inclined to practical application, integrating learning and research, and the actual effect of application is the only criterion for judging, so it is very down-to-earth.

It's actually quite interesting to learn, but it violates and conflicts with the inherent connection and common sense offline, and requires long-term psychological construction before you can get involved.

This guy has a good talk.

She is a teacher and she is a student, Du Shiyu is very dissatisfied with this situation, thinking back then, she was still the first enchanter during the first test.

Listening to lectures and taking notes are more serious than when I took the postgraduate entrance examination.

"This apprentice, is there anything you don't understand?"

The player professor called Du Shiyu's name, and blinked at her on the podium.

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, Ling Jue's title and the cloak of strengthening +4, and her high-level mage outfit made her stand out from the crowd in the classroom.

"Come on, don't be shy!"

Du Shiyu was helpless, "No, thank you Professor"

"Is Xuewu Feiyu right? Now that you understand everything, let's come up and explain how to solve this problem."

The other party made it clear that they were molesting, and Du Shiyu had no choice. The occasion of this kind of lecture is actually a plot, and the performance in the plot needs to be graded. Doing the questions is one aspect, and 'class performance' is another aspect. In the end, they all point to the final assessment- graduate.

The entry level of an alchemist is harsh, and the graduation is even more demanding. It doesn't mean that you can refine the corresponding things according to the formula.

A qualified alchemist requires at least knowing what it is and why it is, and also having his own research methods, unique insights, and the direction of specialization that distinguishes others.

More than 2000 million players are online, and there are [-] alchemists and enchanters combined. Although there are many apprentices, graduation is indeed a big hurdle. Du Shiyu didn't dare to waste "class points" casually, so she had to stand on the podium.

"Wow, this person must be level 40."

"Crap, the highest level is only 42, and there are no 40 above level 100."

"Look at her equipment, I bet there are at least two purple outfits."

"One at most, staff, not equipped."

"Professor, can you let this apprentice show the aura of the equipment, which will help us strengthen the use and understanding of the professional direction?"

"Good idea!", the professor player snapped his fingers, interrupting Du Shiyu's bumpy narration, "Did you hear that, apprentice Xuewu Feiyu?"

——I really want to PK this damned pervert!
This guy just had an excuse to eat his own tofu!
It's been a long time since Du Shiyu was treated like this, no matter how good her temper is, she'll be furious.

Want to see, that's good, satisfy you!

Equipped with a purple staff and turned on the aura of the equipment, the whole classroom was rendered with dark blue and deep purple aura.


Amidst the exclamation, the professor player was also deeply surprised, only then did he realize that he had offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and hurriedly made amends.

"That's right. Apprentice Xuewu Feiyu spoke very well and clearly. It seems that he really understood it...Evaluation: A+"

Amid all the looking up gazes, Du Shiyu returned to her seat, and this time she stared fiercely at the guy on the podium who was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Bah, he's still a bullying coward.

"Boss, I'm sorry, offended, offended, haha..."

The end of the get out of class is the end of the plot, and the professor and the player find Du Shiyu to mend their relationship.

Du Shiyu: ...

The next class is an experimental class, refining a crystal potion that will be widely used in low-level magic circles.


In this way, the career of an alchemy apprentice is both boring and interesting. If you really immerse yourself in the ocean of mystic knowledge and believe in it from your heart, time will pass quickly, otherwise, it will be like a year.

Du Shiyu couldn't feel the passage of time at all, until his best friend sent a private message, the land reclamation group was progressing smoothly, and the first floor was about to be taken down.

(End of this chapter)

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