Chapter 440
"I used to believe in the light, but was abandoned by the light!"

"Honesty, bravery, steadfastness, loyalty, and kindness are my motto. I demand myself as a knight and restrain my family. The result is that I am fooled by these beliefs that I insist on. To a terrible fate!"

"Why all this, why!?"

"Be careful, the boss is about to go crazy!"

The 38th-level Dark Templar Kane Joan Coulson is shrouded in a halo of three layers of forbidden magic, immune to physical damage, and immune to negative states. The majestic Hell Flame Beast mount is the head of Godzilla, and the whole body is covered with hard The pitch-black scale armor swooped into the player's formation like a dragon.

Kane Joan Coulson questioned the player angrily, while waving the broadsword in his hand, which was wider than the door panel, and swept across the air, a 360-degree cutting light wave spread out. At the same time, bound jump, teleport, flash, dimension Effects such as anchors come to a place about 50 meters away.

"Paladin, shield wall!!"

The leader shouted in a tune-changed voice, and the paladin players automatically stood in the front without his order. They changed into giant shields with both hands, thrust forward suddenly, and closed their eyes to pray.

The phantoms of the system gods suddenly appeared above their heads, and the shield wall that barely covered their teammates took shape before the light wave struck. Blooming, countless splashes of light cut through the shield wall, like bullet rain fragments, raging in the array behind the player.

Intensive damage values ​​popped up above everyone's heads, and the blood bars of the players dropped thrillingly. Some unlucky ones were hit with critical strike, penetration, and critical damage, and the triple superimposed, and some squishy immediately hated on the spot.

The white light for returning to the city lights up several times, as if the pause button has been pressed, the battlefield resumes its flow.

The strong light dissipated, the shield wall was shattered, and the paladin players gritted their teeth one by one, and all the values ​​dropped wildly.

The skills of priests and bards fell on them immediately. They roared one by one, replaced their shields, and replaced them with various one-handed and two-handed offensive weapons, as if they were treating a father-killing enemy. .

"Now I understand that there are three sets of rules prevailing in this world."

"The first set of rules is to fool, to fool the masses, to brainwash them, to make them tame as lambs.

"The second set of rules is restraint, restraining the elite, and letting them carry false goals, ideals, and missions, and serve the top few people like cattle and horses.

"The third set of rules is the truth. The gods feed on all living beings, the church is an accomplice, the secular crown and crown are just illusions of appeasement, and the authority cast in sand is nothing more than a shape."

"Is this a boss or a chatterbox? There are so many fucking nonsense thieves."

"Why do I feel that he is a little pitiful?"

"You pity him who pity me, pity that I was hanged back, God, it's not fair."

"Haha, yes, let you wave!"

More than [-] people besieged Kane Joan Coulson, the golden lord-level boss who was still immersed in the 'story'.

What is a lord?

Naturally, it is the first layer of 'leadership'.

So, after the aria's soliloquy ended, the boss raised his broad sword in front of his eyebrows, and dozens of white lights fell all around, from which walked out one by one black warriors, black knights, and the purple thunder that had been brushed away. Nader Kai and the Orange Rogue - Shun!

The thief-type boss whose name is only one word, seeing him appearing on the battlefield alive and well, many players complained incessantly.

"The system cheats!"

"Be careful, this guy...ah, he's sneaking."

The priests did not dare to be negligent, and immediately added various detection skills. Those who had Quinster magic ball pets would also summon such pets regardless of their attributes and combat power.

Xia Miaomiao hurriedly took her pet 'Camouflage Butterfly' back to the pet pen, lest the baby would be instantly killed by this 'Snap' when she saw her face.

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, it all happened almost at the same time.

Without command, more than [-] players switched from offense to defense, forming a hedgehog formation, clearing out the mobs first.

The good news is that after the 'little monster' was summoned, Kane and Joan Coulson just kept their swords in the middle of their brows and remained motionless.

"There's a countdown...Damn it, you won't notice it if you don't pay attention."

"The BOSS will end the silent state in 5 minutes. We must clear the mobs within 5 minutes, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"Forbidden, command!"

The command silenced, and the land reclamation team entered the rhythm of hard work again.

We have already fought against each other, and even this orange-named 'Shun' has a trick to deal with it. The difficulty is that it only takes 5 minutes, and the 'little monster' must be dealt with within 5 minutes, otherwise there is a high probability that the group will be wiped out.

Conservative tactics are no longer available, and the system forces players to give up their best defensive counterattacks and play 'injury-for-injury' counterattacks.

This will test the quality of each player.

"A group of three!"

The command spoke very quickly and divided 33 people into 11 combat teams. The hedgehog formation seemed to be separated, but they did not disperse. Support, treatment, and output were still in the safest positions. Those with strong survivability are on top.

A rogue player with Ling Jue level 37 and combat strength of [-] caught up with Shun, but was immediately thrown off by him.

"I can't catch it!"

Another thief with more than 5000 combat power intercepted him halfway, but was also used as a background board by the BOSS who was so chic.


Don't, don't let this guy rush in, otherwise it will be a flurry of nonsense, and you won't care about any cooperation.

In times of crisis, the conductor naturally handed over the heavy responsibility to the number one expert.

Xia Miaomiao didn't say a word, her mental acumen as high as 50 points locked onto an air distortion invisible to the naked eye. With a cunning posture of front and back, left and right, she bypassed the hard-skinned front row and went straight to the front row. Come from the back row.

The energyized arrow was kept in his hand, his eyes were slightly squinted, and his figure was as motionless as a statue, ignoring everything around him.

Shun also sensed it, and did not dare to enter her range for a long time. Another purple named Leonard wanted to rush over to cooperate and interfere with Xia Miaomiao's lock, but was firmly blocked by the front row.

The mobs kept falling, no experience, no falling, the players gritted their teeth, and moved forward quietly when they couldn't see the time.

"Sapling, this can't work!"

The conductor found that time was standing on Shun's side and reminded him in time.

Only then did Xia Miaomiao move, and with a simple step, the only displacement technique of the ranger third-level profession was activated, and her figure blurred, turning into countless light spots like dandelion seeds. Like sweeping in every direction.

Immediately, he lost his perception of her position, which is fatal to thieves. This intelligent orange-named BOSS was quick to see an opportunity, and immediately sneaked back to dodge.

But it's too late.

A flower seed fell, and Xia Miaomiao's figure immediately appeared in this direction, and was already within range in an instant, and the energized arrow was launched immediately.

There is an afterimage of the hand that pulls the bowstring, [Meteor Arrow] + [Deadly Arrow] + [Lianzhu Shooting], the ranger's combo skill is not a template provided by the system, but countless exercises, perseverance and sweat , the unique skill that belonged to her, Xia Miaomiao, was only discovered.

The Meteor Arrow has been charged for one second, the Killing Arrow has been charged for two seconds, and the Lianzhu Shot has been charged for 2 seconds, but she compressed the three skills' accumulation time to less than one second.

First there was a shooting star, then an unpretentious piercing, and finally 10 arrows in a line traced... Shun was beaten stiff like this, and stood on the way to sneak.

"Fuck you, awesome!"

"It's awesome, combo skills!"

"Ranger combo? The barbarian wants to die!"

"I haven't been judged successful since the 5th test until now, so I'll cross you!"

"...a small tube of blood went down."

"Come up, the hatred is full!"

"The hatred of humanoid farts!"

"Forbidden, forbidden!"

Xia Miaomiao drew her bow triumphantly and retreated, giving up her position to the melee physics class.

Immediately, he became stiff after being hit. The players were amazed and complained.

The mage can be called a humanoid bomber, and the effect of full output can be called terrifying, explosion, freezing, puncture, electrotherapy, poison, fire... all of them come together, and within 2 seconds of stalemate, the instant blood tank is emptied 3 tubes, plus melee physics, the red blood was exposed in the last level.

He reversed the situation with one shot and created an excellent opportunity for his teammates. This is Gao Wan's ability. Seven or eight thousand battles are really amazing.

The later thief-type orange-named BOSS never made waves again, and was stared at by Xia Miaomiao the whole time. With a player like her with high perception, high explosiveness, and high agility, it was just right to restrain... Finally, at a little over three minutes later, he suffered hatred on the spot.

The strongest one died, and the remaining "little monsters" naturally felt a lot easier.

With Ziming's Leonard falling to the ground under the siege of the barbarians and paladins, with half a minute left in the clock, the players turned their guns and focused on Kane Joan, regardless of the mobs that had not been cleaned up Coulson.

"What did I see?"

"That is the field of my hometown. The golden ears of wheat are dancing with the wind. My hand caresses me, and I walk from the edge of the field to the deepest part of the golden yellow."

"Who is that, that is my little princess, she is running out of the castle, is she here to welcome me home?"

"She was riding that rouge pony, her laughter was like a ringing bell, and Natasha, the maid, was chasing after her. They were really like fawns."

"The smoke of the castle is light blue, like the smoke and dust covering the battlefield. Floyd's roaring face flashed in front of my eyes. He was so angry. He was asking me why, why I fell, why I broke my vow to protect knightly code."

"What's wrong, my little princess, I'm your father, it's me, it's really me, how can you let your arrow point at me, no, no."

"My little princess, my 'little sapling', did you hear that?"

I didn't think it before, the BOSS was foolishly nagging at the damage of the player's fire, and the blood bar dropped sharply visible to the naked eye.

But following the last sentence: My little princess, my so-and-so... After that, all the attacks stopped, the players' eyes were bewildered, and their consciousness fell into a trance.

In a trance, I was in a golden wave of wheat, riding a group of rouge-colored ponies, and standing not far away was a man who looked extremely friendly but also revealed a little strangeness.

"It's me, I'm back, the one who loves you, the one who loves you, the father who intends to give everything for you."

The system prompts that it is being affected by [Powerful Group Suggestion], falling into a state of being bewitched, deepening, deepening...

Only players with high enough mental attributes feel that something is wrong, drowsy, sleepy.

Xia Miaomiao felt a bit like a ghost pressing the bed. She realized it, but couldn't break free.

"My little princess, who are you?"


Many players started to speak involuntarily. What was horrifying was that what they said was not their own voice, but a little girl's.

Xia Miaomiao also opened her mouth to answer, but she felt that the 'ghost pressing bed' was loosened by her struggling in the depths of her consciousness, and the words came to her mouth and were stopped in the middle by her resistance.

"Very good, my little princess, I am your father, now, I order you to kill them!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Miaomiao felt her consciousness loosen, and she 'woke up' suddenly, just in time to see an elf ranger turn his bow and arrow and aim at herself.


It's wrong to swear, it's detrimental to the character design of a youthful, invincible, high-playing genius girl, Xia Miaomiao ran away, turned around and saw a dagger stabbed by a thief teammate.

Most of the teammates are betraying the water, and the few like her are fleeing in embarrassment.

Looking at the boss again, there is only one blood tank left, smiling like a kind father.

"Sapling, come here!"

The rebellious teammates are not soft-hearted when they kill their own people. Xia Miaomiao managed to escape behind a paladin teammate during the siege of four or five people. She was about to ask what to do when she thought about it If you ask about destroying people's design, just don't say a word, and wait for others to ask.

Only six teammates were not hit, and looking at the system prompts, it turned out that it was because of high mental resistance that they were immune to group mind control at the last moment.

"What should I do? Do you still want to fight?"

Someone asked what Xia Miaomiao wanted to ask.


The head of the land reclamation group said through gritted teeth.

"how to spell!?"

More than [-] rebellious teammates besieged, everyone fled desperately, what to fight?

"Saplings, loneliness, two single-target damage is the highest, like this, like this..."

The leader talked about his plan.

The plan is very simple, that is, he will bring the thick-skinned paladins and barbarians away to lure away his betrayal teammates, and Xia Miaomiao and an assassin named Lonely will launch the final attack on the boss. If the group is destroyed, it's a big deal to do it all over again.

This time I was caught off guard, I didn't expect the boss's last big move to be this kind of dirty trick, if I have preparedness, I won't do it next time.

Xia Miaomiao didn't have time to express her opinion on this plan, the head of the group had already rushed up with people.

With so many players and teammates in the monoclonal antibody, it must be suicide. The little time gained is a gamble, so there is little possibility of hope.

Entering stealth in loneliness, Xia Miaomiao used her displacement skills to escape from the battle group again. On the way to run towards the boss, she accidentally discovered that the boss... seems to be unable to move?

This discovery made Xia Miaomiao hopeful.


How can a level 20 book be so complicated!
(End of this chapter)

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