This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 441 Everyone has given you, what else do you want?

Chapter 441 Everyone has given you, what else do you want?
"Let me tell you Xiaoyu, thanks to me, the boss still had one-third of the blood left, and he couldn't move after using his ultimate move. That loneliness is so funny, the thief who fought at 6000, actually hit a MISS in the first hit you Believe it, everyone is desperate, it's me, it's me, it's me, I didn't lose the chain at the critical moment, a set of combos, after all the teammates were controlled by the mind, turned the tide and killed the 38th level golden lord boss How about it, am I good?"

"Great, great, you can do it!"

"I'm not bragging. If you don't believe me, ask Chun Shui and the others."

"I'm in class right now."

"Chunshui and the others are so useless, they used soy sauce all the time, especially that fellow Huaguo Mountain Saint Warrior, who even stabbed me with a dagger, and he was the one who worked hard after chasing me and hacking. At that time, I really wanted to send him back to the city with an arrow. "

"Isn't someone controlled by the mind?"

"To be honest, in the future, we will strengthen the attributes related to spiritual protection and mental resistance. This time, I was reminded of the land reclamation. There are so many high-level battles, and I almost finished playing with one move. It's so dangerous, so dangerous, fortunately I strengthened the necklace yesterday, otherwise it will be wiped out today... The success or failure of a land reclamation depends on a piece of equipment, do you think it is strength or luck?"

"Speaking of which, you want to gamble again, right? What happened on the first floor?"

"One piece of purple clothing, one piece of orange quest clue props, two pieces of top-grade blue, and there are a lot of miscellaneous things left... Ah, yes, there is also a blueprint for alchemy."

"Alchemy blueprint, what blueprint?"

"It seems to be some kind of 'black crystal'."

"I want I want."

"You don't need to say, I have already agreed with the team leader. According to my contribution, this blueprint is more than enough, and I can still compete for a blue top."

"Thanks, I gave up on the competition for the purple outfit."

"That purple piece is only a second-level professional attire, and it's not for me. Forget it, they're almost fighting for their brains, so I won't join in the fun."


"The second floor will probably take a while. I'll give you the blueprint when I come out."


"Go to the experimental class, that's it, bye!"

After finishing the call with his best friend, Du Shiyu put on the goggles, refocused his energy on the five fingers of his right hand, and slowly and carefully dipped them into the dropper in his hand.

The newly prepared solution in the dropper "boils" because of her spiritual power, and the rich magic factor responds - red, blue, purple, yellow, transparent... The magic power of different attributes is like a lively and lovely Du Shiyu's spiritual feeling is surrounded by countless small fish, they gnaw on their fingers, conveying various 'tastes', various 'colors', and the richness contained in these tastes and colors information.

What kind of information is it that can only be understood but not expressed in words.

Anyway, at this moment, Du Shiyu understood the composition of the solution, and a "molecular structure diagram" automatically appeared in his mind. It was a tree-shaped topological structure, and the arrangement was extremely neat.

One drop!
Under the control of her mental power, the dropper is accurate to the milligram level. In the perception of spirit and consciousness, a full drop is actually only a trace, and a weak trace falls from the dropper into the tongs.

The semi-finished products that are almost liquid metal in the tongs pot seem to be infused with souls because of the addition of traces of solution, and a violent, silent, and miraculous reaction occurs in an instant.

The liquid state turns into a gaseous state, and the gaseous state turns into a solid state in an instant, and the solid state begins to compress again, automatically separating the turbid impurities, and burning the impurities...

From the outside, one moment is fire, another moment is electricity, another moment is smoke, and another moment is cloud... Shrouded in the void of three feet above the head of the test bench, Du Shiyu, who is dressed in a high-level mage robe, looks like a mad scientist, full of emotions. With the progress of the experiment, the long black hair flew up for a while, tangled like water plants for a while, and was completely wet and stuck to the scalp for a while.

Her face was also flickering, red and green, and it looked a little frightening.

When the reaction in the tong pot slowed down, another drop came.


Adding the recipe drop by drop, Du Shiyu's mental power and sensory tentacles gradually penetrated into the reaction of the tongs, cheering and dancing with countless magic factors, participating in the reaction with various material particles.

Unknowingly, two hours passed, and finally she successfully obtained a piece of [Primary Enhancing Stone] according to the formula.

I feel more tired than running a marathon.

Du Shiyu used pliers to pick up her first reinforced stone work, full of a sense of accomplishment.

The system gave an A- rating, and the strengthening stone was supposed to be recycled, but she bought it at three times the price.

[Elementary Enhancement Stone] can only strengthen the first-level professional equipment props, and the first-level professional equipment has very few top-quality attributes that can be strengthened, and who will spend effort on the first-level professional equipment?Therefore, this thing is very cheap and can be bought everywhere.

When the server first opened, many old players used it to fool Mengxin, and many Mengxin hated it deeply, and even ruined the reputation of Huaguo players.

"Xiao Yu is so annoying!"

"what happened?"

"Chunshui is going to compete for that secondary professional purple."

"Please help me?"

"I will definitely help him. After ordering your formula, I gave up all the best blue equipment."

"Is the contribution not enough?"

"One piece is enough for the four of us, but the monkey guy also wants it, alas!"

"Uh...are they arguing?"

"Chunshui didn't quarrel with him. Both Truth and I supported Chunshui. That guy got angry, but without his contribution, this piece of equipment couldn't be taken down. He almost contributed."

"Talk to him nicely"

"What are you talking about? This is a purple dress, real gold and silver. If I were him, he would have ideas."

This kind of thing happened a lot, and Du Shiyu was no stranger to it, but it still made her feel embarrassed when it happened to her best friend.

She was eliminated early, and her contribution to land reclamation was minimal, and she couldn't say anything.

For this kind of land reclamation book, the system has introduced a new distribution model-contribution weight.

Each person is given a score according to their actual contribution and role in the land reclamation operation. The level of this score determines the ownership of some of the focus items. Xia Miaomiao's contribution was originally a final decision, but the alchemy formula has been set by default. The battle of pretense requires the combined contributions of the three of Chunshui and the others.

Originally, there was no problem, as long as it was used by that profession, it could be given to whoever it was, but this purple suit is a common ring for all professions, even though it is a second-level professional suit.

Du Shiyu was also in a dilemma. If she gave up the formula, it would be solved by letting her best friend help Chunshui take it down. Even if Huaguoshan had an idea, she couldn't say anything, but...she didn't want to.

Alchemy formulas are extremely rare, and there are no prices on the market. Each copy has an irreplaceable value. I don’t know when the next time the "Black Crystal Formula" will be released. Maybe if you miss it once, you will miss it forever .

In terms of real value, this formula is actually not much lower than the second-level professional purple.

Considering that Chunshui has been silently contributing to everyone, he finally won it for himself. Huaguoshan Saint Warrior is also a good person, and they are very familiar with each other in reality... It's really tangled.

Du Shiyu hesitated several times, and when the words came to his lips, he looked at the alchemy laboratory he was in, and saw that many alchemy apprentices were paying attention, forgetting to eat and sleep... He couldn't say anything about his style.

"Don't worry about it, the meat has not been eaten yet, and my family started fighting first."

"OK then!"

"That's it, I'm done... Will you come to the second floor?"

"not coming."

"I really don't understand, wasteland... Forget it, anyway, I'm here, if you don't come, you can still use this quota to make deals with them. It seems that you can't exchange for some contributions."

"That's it"

This kind of thing is unavoidable in land reclamation. Chunshui and Huaguoshan are not bad, but how many relatives, friends, and best friends have turned against each other because of the uneven distribution of benefits!
But no matter what, it is also a trouble of happiness. Most people can't wait for it, such as Singer.

He didn't have anything to do with land reclamation or something. As a trainee member, he was still a 'group favorite', so the orders of the big pig helper must be carried out to the letter.

In the wild leveling point of No. 7 Forest Farm, 6 kilometers west of Maple Leaf Town, a team of players ran wildly after the forest goblin they found. Seeing that the little goblin was about to escape into the grass, the team of players was in a hurry. A team of players came out and hurriedly shouted for help, missions and so on.

This was ignored by the players, not only letting go of the forest goblin, but also forming a battle formation unkindly.

"Brother, what are you doing, you have admitted the wrong person!"

"Deadly, you are ugly, you think you won't be recognized if you cover your face, obediently die!"


The player at the back of the team saw that the situation was not going well, so he turned around and ran away.

Singer was the first to charge and shouted, "Shaolin Temple seeks revenge, don't get involved if you don't want to do it."

It's just a wild team. Naturally, this team of players will not stand up for the teammate they just met. Before being drawn into the fighting state, they kicked the guy who escaped, and stepped back in time, indicating that they have nothing to do with them.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan hadn't escaped very far when he was caught up by a thief. During the entanglement, other people also arrived.

Five people went up together, and it didn't take much effort to send him back to the safe zone.

"How many times?"

"Seventh time!"

"Did you have a first-level experience?"

"Haha, this guy has dropped to level 14."


"This is the fate of messing with our Shaolin Temple!"

In the safe area, Shuai Jue Renhuan yelled at the regional channel, and greeted the ancestors, parents and relatives of everyone in the Shaolin Temple Gang in oblique terms. There were many players watching the fun, and some sympathized with him. Wing and fly.

"Brother, I think you can't get along with the national server. How about the international server? With millions of square kilometers, two small gangs can hunt you down to the ends of the earth?"

He was scolding vigorously, and someone had a private chat, and he was so handsome after seeing it, and felt deeply justified.

"Human traffickers?", he asked.

"Don't be so stupid, intermediaries, human resources intermediaries, they are all called headhunters in reality."

"Wow..." He wanted to inquire about the news, but he almost restrained himself from swearing, "The national uniform?"

"That's the one you want to go to, but different national uniforms have different conditions and treatment. You are level 14, you have a title cloak?"

"Gold Medal, Extraordinary!" Shuai Jue Ren Huan lied here. Anyway, if you don't mention the silver medal cloak and gold medal cloak yourself, who can see it. As for being exposed in the future, it will be in the future. .

"Awesome!", this person complimented, "Then you can go anywhere, the conditions of the big national server are average, but the gameplay and experience are not much worse than the national server. The conditions and treatment of the small national server are good, but... Hehe, you are an old bird, you should understand."

"What are the conditions for the North American national server?"

"There is no national war in the North American national server, and it is roughly the same as the national server, except that there is a bit more taxation and a tax refund policy."

"Where's Omon?"

"Oumeng is not as good as Beimi. Their family background should be the worst in the three major national uniforms, and they have ordered many families, and they have changed their orders day and night. They have fought for this and that within themselves, and they have fought for their brains... Relatively not so short of people, They are the least active recruiters.”

"Can you still go there?"

"If you want my recommendation, go to Hardness."

"What, hardness?"

"Hardness's recruiting efforts are very strong. If you go there, you can enjoy super-national treatment. Before level 20, you will be exempted from taxes, free to trade, without any restrictions... The basic rewards for any mission are 3% generous, adventure level +3, reputation points Give 500 points for free to start. This is 500 points, you can figure out how much the 500 points of the national server are worth."

"so good?"

"But the battle over there is also fierce. They are in PK almost every day, and they will lose experience and levels if they are not careful. However, this trouble will eventually pass. There are rumors that the system will soon determine the territory of each national server. End the Civil War."

"Uh... is there anything better?"

"Then there is Maozi. They occupy a large territory and are short of manpower... By the way, do you like it?"

"...that kind of hairy girl?"

"Naturally, she is fair-skinned, beautiful, and long-legged. Can she still be an aunt with a bucket waist?"


"It is absolutely in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese people, and many of them are at the level of harming the country and the people."

"It's boring, it's all fake in the game." Shuai Jue Ren Huan pretended to evade.

"They don't have player identities, they are just recruited by operating agents in the name of online staff. They call it: game assistants. In fact, hehe, you know."

"Could it be that they..."

"No, no, it's just playing around, creating a little ambiguity, is it interesting, just like playing with offline companions"

"Forget it, routines are all routines."

"Listen to me!" The man tried his best to sell: "They are paid, and I heard that it is not high. Considering the economic situation in Maozi, you understand!"

"...guessing and guessing, troublesome, too lazy to waste your brain"

"Forget it, let me just say it, you can choose the game assistant yourself, just like a beauty pageant, although you can't do anything to her, but if you like her, you can still catch her with a little bit of tricks? By the way, you heard that there is no, the national To serve a guy is to give one of their retired gymnastics stars to that, in reality! This is absolutely true, there are photos on the forum, gymnastics, oh, that figure, tsk tsk..."

"...Then Maozi's national uniform, it happens that my house is close to them."



"Then let's meet and sign an agreement..."

"Wait a minute, you haven't said their conditions?"

"Didn't you say it? Didn't you say everything?"

"That's it?"

"Extreme hair girl, everyone has given you, what else do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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