This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 442 This Maozi national uniform is also quite fun

Chapter 442 This Maozi national uniform is also quite fun

The players in the Maozi national server are known for their daring to fight, dare to fight, and dare to fight. Although there are not many players ([-] to [-]), the overall strength is not strong, and they are notoriously poor, but their style is sturdy and domineering Barbaric, if a sentence is wrong, copy guys to start it, and they are very united. If they can't beat them, they will fight in groups. If they can't beat them, they will fight on a larger scale. Don't hold back, until you voluntarily back down.

Beimi and Oumeng national service accused the other party of giving all the quotas to the military and practicing game gambling. Maozi’s national service sternly denied it. The lawsuit between the two parties is still going on. They were wasting their saliva.

How and to whom the players of various operating agents are allocated depends entirely on their self-awareness. The eldest brother, let alone the second brother, is not a good thing.

Therefore, in the late period of the "Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period", when the three major national servers were unable to intervene in the competition for unclaimed blank maps, they forcibly established a larger game territory than the Huaguo national server, causing online and offline excitement. .

In reality, the country has the largest land area, and if it is done online, it will be fine.

I won't go into details about the impact and entanglements caused by this, but only talk about online.

A total of [-] to [-] square kilometers of online territory naturally made Maozi's country rejoice, and celebrated like a festival every day.

The next question comes, how to keep the 'lay down'.

The three major national servers cannot intervene by themselves, but there are ways to intervene indirectly.

Supporting proxies is nothing new.

By supporting the Husky national server, Finnan national server, etc., the intensity of the Maozi national server battle is higher than that of other national servers. It can be called a meat grinder for novice players. The area of ​​the server is uncertain. Today this site belongs to him, and tomorrow this site belongs to me. It is really a changing king's banner at the top of the city. It is forced to mobilize the whole server of Maozi's national server. Battlefield), after a long time, I will definitely not be able to hold on.

How to do.

Online resources are not enough, so we must try our best to provide support offline.

Maomei is one of them.

As we all know, the highest combat power and nuclear weapons online are the old players of Huaguo, especially the high-level players on the leaderboard.

Considering the special "needs" of Huaguo players, especially male players, to strengthen the recruitment in this area in a targeted manner, there is really no psychological burden at all.

What, you can't say that?
So how?
This is the online land!
Nothing less than a real war is going on.

In order to keep the [-] to [-] game maps, Maozi's national server is also fighting, they can't get much game resources themselves, they can only take what they have, use whatever is useful, and don't care about anything else.

Of course, with the system ban in place, they didn't dare to really cross the line. They just played around and created a little gimmick to attract players from Huaguo's national server to join them. Then they looked at his true value and decided whether to use it as cannon fodder or to download it. Capital solicitation.

Unfortunately, Shuai Jue Ren Huan was relegated to the rank of cannon fodder.

A safe area in the hinterland of Maozi's national service.

This safe zone doesn't even have a name or number, because maybe it was captured by people from other national uniforms who fell from the sky that day.

Some people say that this is the hinterland.

The game is different from reality. In reality, the front line does not collapse, and the rear is relatively safe. Only small-scale infiltration and sneak attacks can be carried out. In the game, players have too many ways to bypass the front line and carry out raids on this seemingly safe hinterland. Yes, it is not difficult to conquer it, it just depends on the strength invested by both parties.

The safe zone without a name or number is naturally barren, just a dirt city wall without basic defense facilities, and the few players and merchants in Maozi's national server can't be seen.

As soon as he walked out of the teleportation formation, a real NPC who worked online with Maozi approached him and gave him a mission without saying a word.

What?This is going to the front line?
Where's Maomei? Where's the game assistant?
The staff told him that game assistants are only available after they have proven themselves on the battlefield.

Oh, why didn't you say it when you naturalized?

Shuai Jue Ren Huan was very dissatisfied, but he had already been naturalized, and he had no way to resist the conscript of the national uniform, so he could only admit it while pinching his nose.

There is only one task, which is really simple. It is to participate in escorting some supplies to a safe area on the front line. When the goods arrive safely, his national service contribution will be raised by one level, from militia level 3 to regular army corporal.

Damn, are you really playing this shit?
This level 3 militia is the welfare treatment he transferred from the Huaguo national service.

Enjoy a lot of benefits, as well as national service points, the problem is that these benefits are only on paper, as for the national service points, well, that is an extremely serious inflation thing, the consequence of excessive distribution is to become Zimbabwean currency.

Shuaijuerenhuan never thought that in Canaan, online, he could also experience playing garbage mobile games, and when he went online, he would be given a diamond VIP and still have 10 coupons.

It made him cry.

However, his original intention was to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, so let's hang around in Maozi's national server for a while now, if it doesn't work, wait for the cooling time to pass before changing.

Soon, a front-line supply team consisting of real NPCs (system NPCs that cannot be hired) and guarded by a small number of players set off from the safe area. His combat prowess is unsurpassed, far surpassing that of the only player in Maozi's national uniform—the paladin Mendeleev, who is level 14, has no title cape, and takes office with a silver medal.

Needless to say, the other players were all transferred from other national servers, and he was the only Huaguo player. It can be seen that Maomei's trick is not easy to use.

These people are so handsome that they depend on them. They don't bother to ask about their ID combat power. They are all like beggars. They are miserable, and they have never encountered such a miserable situation in the Huaguo national server.

Just look down at Mendeleev, he is a captain, or a sergeant of the regular army, no matter how you say it, he is 3rd level higher than his militiaman, isn't he?

There was no talking all the way, and the atmosphere was weird. Mendeleev had a deep hatred and bitterness, and his brows were twisted into a plain word, which shows that the situation on the front line is not optimistic.

In the low pressure, the small supply team marched along the dilapidated road, not to mention the teleportation. It is said that even the first person in their national uniform, who already has the title of dust, is responding to the call. Use the 11 bus to commute.

As seen along the way, the players did not bring construction, but more thorough destruction.

All resource points and collection points are all white land, not to mention monsters along the way, even monsters have no hair.

If it weren't for the Novice Village who rented the system at the beginning, they wouldn't know how to upgrade it.

You can also see farmland, houses, mines, workshops, noble castles, ruins of small and medium-sized towns destroyed by centaurs. Naturally, there are also aboriginal NPCs, but these populations are systematic and cannot be used.

Along the way, I enjoyed the scenery of Maozi's national costume, and after a while, I became sleepy and made people yawn.

How to upgrade this ghost place?
What's wrong?

"Captain, how do you usually level up?"

Mendeleev glanced at him and said, "Mission."

"Just rely on the experience rewards of the mission?"

"Players who kill the enemy faction also have experience, depending on the opponent's level and strength, the experience is higher if it exceeds yours, and the experience is lower if it is weaker than you."


He was so handsome that he was dumbfounded, how could he still do this?
"A new gameplay from the system?"

"No, it's in the national uniform."

He had nothing else to say except secretly expressing his admiration.

It's truly a fighting nation.

"How many are in our hostile camp?"

“almost all”

"All, all? What do you mean?"

"Bordered on all sides."

"Then how many national uniforms are there on the border with us?"


Super handsome: ...

Without monsters, there is no concept of wild areas. The map is fully lit, which is better than the national server, but without the crucial unknowns, mysteries, treasures, and random events, the charm and gameplay of the game are greatly reduced.

Resource points, mineral deposits and so on can't be used, let alone business. This ghostly place is so poor that even small businesses and hawkers are not rare, but it is really poor to the extreme.

If it weren't for the reality of blood transfusions (receiving copper coins), I'm afraid they can't afford to 'send' their experience. You know, the experience value is also exchanged with money and the system.

No matter what kind of agent it is, they must get resources and money from the system, and they will be treated equally without any arrears.

The system doesn't care whether you bought 'experience' to open the back door for the people you take care of, or as a task reward.

Therefore, there have been a lot of players in Beimi and Oumeng who have been upgraded by rockets. The level and equipment are not bad, that is, the title and cloak are assessed by the system. Only when you get gold, silver and bronze medals can you go to the official server or the national server to exchange them. It is difficult to take a shortcut on this point, so it has not been mentioned generally.

The veteran players in Huaguo disdain this kind of international server players who are rising like a rocket, thinking that they are destroying the game's ecology and blatantly taking away the back door.

But fortunately, there are not many such players, and the operating agents dare not do it blatantly, and have not yet caused a rebound from their own players.

Walking along the potholed path for more than ten minutes, there are deserted farmland and fields on both sides, and bones can be seen everywhere, human, centaur, relics of battlefields, and some scavengers screaming. The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there is no human habitation for thousands of miles. This is the scene described.

After walking for so long, I haven't even met a goblin!

He had a premonition that the days ahead would be difficult, Shuai Jue Ren Huan was filled with pain, Mei Mao's game assistant hadn't seen her yet, she was going to be imprisoned here, why bother.

I just complained that there was not even a single hair, but I was greeted with a 'surprise' in a blink of an eye.

Passing through a sparse grove, several national server players suddenly ran down from the side hillside, followed by national server players from the hostile camp staring at the red names and IDs chasing.

The national service system reminds that when encountering a surprise attack by the enemy's infiltrated team, Shuai Jue Renhuan and his teammates are required to protect the supplies so that no mistakes can be made and repel the incoming enemy.

Secretly shouted unlucky, the handsome man was really shocked-experience, points, contributions, and treasures didn't come here?

As the pride of a Chinese player, the number one expert in the team is still Faye. He thought that Mendeleev's first action was to organize a formation with him as the core of the output and equip it to face the enemy. He did not expect this The guy just shouted, picked up his white ax and rushed up.

The other teammates also looked like ghosts, and they had no such awareness of what kind of formation to cooperate with.

He was dumbfounded by a mage, he didn't go up, and he didn't go up.

There was already a fight ahead, so there was no room for hesitation, so I could only bite the bullet and picked up the green staff I just bought, threw a [Inferior Long-range Physical Damage Defense Reduction] level-[-] professional skill BUFF on me, and approached the battlefield cautiously .

Said Maomei, isn't Maomei here?
The national server player who escaped has an elf ranger hair girl, blessed with halo, obviously no different from ordinary elf players, she is extremely handsome, but she still imagined her bulging and backward appearance in reality, so she shouted, an almost Instant [Mage's Hand] pinched the thieves of the enemy camp chasing after him.


Why is this hairy girl not even level 5?

But it's okay, hey!
He is the best at being a hero. Before the thief player could break free, he tore a first-level professional scroll [Ice Spear Technique] from his sleeve. The ice spear that fell from the sky assassinated the thief, instantly killed him, and returned to the city in a white light. .

I rely on!

So crispy?
Have you encountered this in the national server?
It was too late to feel sorry for wasting the scroll worth 20 silver, and the handsome man began to chant, which is naturally the most powerful 【Fireball】

But the stunning appearance just now also attracted the attention of the enemy players, and another thief sneaked behind him, and before he finished singing, he activated [Backstab].

Shuai Jue Renhuan noticed when the dagger touched his body, but his agility was not as good as others, so he couldn't dodge it, so he had to fight hard.

I thought that even if I didn't die, I would be seriously injured. Under the thief's strongest skill, there was a slight pain, and a painless -31 appeared.
Haha ...

Such a weakling, you deserve to be an assassin.

Turning around is the chanted fireball technique, blasting the thief to pieces, mosaics flying everywhere, even if he is accidentally injured by the skill.

Another second!
It turns out that this is the rush of the second person! ?
The handsome man seemed to see Mao Mei's adoring eyes, and his vest felt hot, as if sensing her gaze, his body suddenly stood upright, and he looked calmly at the battlefield ahead.

Mendeleev and the other teammates were a bunch of trash. It was a scene of rookies pecking at each other, and the application of skills was extremely basic. After watching it, his confidence was greatly increased.

After singing [Acid Rain Technique] for two seconds without any interference, he pointed at the place where the enemies gathered, and corrosive acid rain fell from the sky. rise.

The opponent also has mages, but their chanting time is longer than that of Shuaijuerenhuan. There is no equipment reduction, no spell-casting specialization blessing, they are all younger brothers, they are all younger brothers!

Receive a series of reminders such as experience, merit, reputation, points, etc., pick up the trash dagger dropped by the thieves, and sweep away the previous decadence.

Wow haha……

This Maozi national costume is also quite fun!
(End of this chapter)

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