Chapter 443
After a few seconds, the players of the enemy camp saw that he was the biggest threat, and they all abandoned their opponents and rushed over.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan was a little flustered, he could only walk around, he didn't comprehend moving and casting spells, and his singing was interrupted.

Mendeleev and the others finally knew who was the key to victory and defeat, and returned to help one after another. Shuai Jue Renhuan took the opportunity to instruct them how to line up and move, and protect themselves so as to delay the casting time.

Everyone knows that in small team battles, the mage must not be allowed to cast spells without interference.

The players in the enemy camp were in a hurry, the only thief was killed again, and the ranger's long-range damage was blocked by Mendeleev's human shields, and there was nothing he could do for a while.

Seeing this, their mage began to chant in a hurry, but it was too late.

It can be called the strongest and most perverted skill of the first-level profession—Fireball Technique. After chanting, a red-white ball of light the size of a fist wobbled across the front and flew towards the opponent. Players in the enemy camp dodged and moved , but this skill is soul locking, no matter how they dodge, even if they run out of the range of the spell, they will not be able to escape this attack.

The correct approach should be to disperse and move around, and jump out of the center of the explosion at the moment when the fireball technique explodes, so as to avoid the most powerful direct damage.

But these people don't seem to know, or know, but the operation skills are not in place, and the handsome man doesn't understand. Could it be that their mages don't know how to fireball?

This is a common skill for the public.

The problem lies in the long channeling time of 5 seconds.

Mage players in the international server usually regard this skill as a weak point. In the high-paced, high-intensity, and high-explosion national war battlefield, PK often breaks out. Killing and being killed are commonplace, and even if there is an establishment, it will be broken up soon.

Players usually fight on their own, effective coordination, formation and so on are still groping. Without the protection of teammates, letting mage players stand still for 5 seconds is purely courting death.

This led to the cold reception of [Fireball], the most powerful level-[-] professional skill, which also has something to do with the generally low quality of these players.

The fireball technique exploded in the middle of the gathering of two rangers and a mage, and three white lights flashed out of the high-intensity firelight. Seeing this, the remaining players from the hostile camp dispersed, and the task was easily completed.

Killed 5 people, all of them were instant kills on the spot. The handsome man has the illusion of becoming a master. Judging from experience, it is similar to killing mobs of the same level. Other points, reputation, contributions, etc. are good, but this thing is out of the national server It's useless, the national server is in such a situation again.

"Stop chasing, come back!"

These teammates are really... unspeakable.

The task is to protect the supplies. If the enemy comes to divert the tiger away from the mountain, don't you give it away for nothing? As for the brain, if you grow muscles, you will know PK!

His teammates ran away without a trace, and he returned to the supply team handsomely. He praised the NPC natural team played by Zhenren Maozi for a while, and a little star appeared in the eyes of the rescued girl Maozi.

——Such a script is right!
Shuai Jue Ren Huan pretended to be calm, maintaining the master persona and chatting with Mao Mei.

"Handsome surpasses all human beings... are you really so handsome?", Mei Mao questioned his ID.

Shuai Jue Renhuan couldn't stop complaining about such a self-confessed and simple system translation, and said with a calm face: "The charm of a man comes from his strong strength and rich heart!"

"Wow!", there are more little stars in Maomei's eyes.

Maomei's ID is Christina. It seems that players in the international server like to take this pseudonym. It is said that it can be more integrated into the context and plot of Canaan. Unlike Huaguo players, there are all kinds of weird and nonsensical IDs, and it is true. Some people are unlucky because their ID nicknames are banned, but if you let them have such a name, eight out of ten people will not be happy.

Showing individuality doesn't seem to be a label for Chinese people. In terms of game ID nicknames, online and online are just reversed, which is amazing to say the least.

Christina said that before they finished their inauguration in Xinshoucun, the national server gave them back to Xinshoucun. Because the war broke out in the national server, they were all forced to go to the battlefield before taking office. She was originally at level 6, but now she only has Level 4, and can't find a place to upgrade.

There are many people like her in the national uniform, and all three of her teammates are. It is natural to be flattered to find such a golden thigh.

The handsome and incomparably enjoy their flattery, but never let go of them, until Christina 'inadvertently' revealed that she is the cheerleader of the school football team, and told him that only the most beautiful and hottest Only a girl can take up this position, and Jue Jue Ren Huan finally agreed.

"Handsome, let us join the supply team too, please!"

The relationship between the two sides quickly drew closer, and Christina hugged his right arm 'acting like a baby'.

"Okay, I'll tell Mendeleev when he comes back."


The three unemployed poor ghosts cheered for a while, but the NPCs played by real people didn't say anything.

More than half an hour later, Mendeleev and the others came back, all of them were elated, and Shuai Jurenhuan noticed that the equipment on several of them had changed, and pouted.

"Handsome surpasses all human beings... Haha, good guy, you are worthy of this ID!"

Mendeleev's attitude changed drastically, and he patted the handsome shoulder very familiarly.

He had always been lukewarm before, and he was extremely handsome and wanted to slap him in the face all the time. He had a premonition that his attitude would change. At this moment, he felt very comfortable, as if he had eaten ginseng fruit.

"Hmm..." Shuai Jue Renhuan responded lukewarmly.

"Thank you, brother, for participating in our national uniform and fighting for our national uniform!" Mendeleev said quite emotionally.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan took the opportunity to pull the three of Christina into the team to share experience.

"Yes!" Mendeleev spoke very well, and generously pulled the three poor ghosts into the team and shared the task with them.

The request was met, and Shuai Jue Ren Huan intuitively felt that the other party was saving face for him, so he put down his airs a little and started talking and laughing.

Starting again, the atmosphere of the team is completely different.

The status of the first brother of the team was confirmed, and the teammates began to care about all aspects of him. After Shuai Jue Ren Huan showed off his whole body's equipment aura, everyone was fascinated, including the NPCs played by Mao Zizhen.

"I seem to see a pile of moving gold coins!" Mendeleev joked.

Handsome and extremely proud, he was chased here for this equipment, and now it seems that everything is worth it.

With an area of ​​11 to [-] yuan, it takes several days to travel by the No. [-] bus. From the safe area where the mission is accepted to the supply station on the front line, it is hundreds of kilometers.

The scenery along the way is far inferior to the national costume of Huaguo, just like the western medieval mountains and fields on TV. If you are on the road, you are on the road, and you can't even see a goblin touching porcelain.

After a few hours, everyone was tired, and some people wanted to go offline. Mendeleev said that after talking about the safety zone ahead, it was impossible for his teammates to wait for him in this wilderness.

He was so handsome that he was speechless, Maozi's national costume didn't even do this kind of basic functional support, and the degree of poverty was mediocre.

According to news on the Internet, so far, Maozi's operating agency has not only failed to make a profit, but has also burned trillions of rubles in loans.

It is equivalent to hundreds of billions of soft sister coins, less than [-] billion yuan in rice... how much?
It sounds like a lot, but among large and small operating agents, there are not many at all. On the contrary, it is relatively shabby.

The national server is poor, and the players are even poorer. These teammates don't even have a piece of decent equipment, and many of them are still wearing the novice outfits given by the system.

There is no durability, all attributes are lost, and you can only wear ordinary clothes without attributes, degraded like NPC civilians.

When it comes to the poverty of the national service, they don't think much of it. Everyone is the same. This is the so-called inequality if you don't worry about it?

But this guy from the Huaguo national uniform is different, a local tyrant, and his equipment is really enviable.

Shuai Jueren asked them, what fun is there in playing games like this?
Mendeleev said that it will be fine in the future. When the national service is established, Ross will not only have the largest land area offline, but also online.

The pride is palpable.

In fact, they are poor, but their income is still much higher than offline.

Not counting the various benefits brought by the player status, it is said that the current logistical support task that takes several days to do, if the reward is converted into rubles, it also exceeds the salary of the gold collar.

Even a person like Christina who doesn't even have a job, if she converts the copper coins she saved into rubles, she will be a proper little rich woman.

Money, honor, identity, status, etc., as well as the pride and ambition inspired by "the largest country on the line" and "recreating a Ross in the soul" is not difficult to understand.

Christina is very curious about the Huaguo national server. When she was in Xinshou Village, the Huaguo players she had contact with left a deep impression on her. Looking back now, the time in Xinshou Village was really happy.

Every day when you go online, there are endless tasks, and they are all tasks that are easy to complete (compared to now) with generous rewards. There are really copper coins everywhere. You don’t feel much when you have them, and you feel precious after you lose them.

He also asked how Huaguo national service was naturalized.

Mendeleev was very 'angry' when he heard this, which hurt his pride in the Great Ross Game Empire, so he chatted with Christina in private and scolded him a lot.

Shuaijuerenhuan asked other teammates, not to mention, one can imagine what their original national uniform was like if they were able to mix into Maozi's national uniform.

In fact, this is the general situation of most national servers.

The premature outbreak of the national server battle was the main reason, and they pushed the shocking exchange rate soaring to 1:297.

1 copper coin is equal to 297 soft sister coins.

This is not an exaggeration, this is robbery!

The consequence of such an exchange rate is that a huge amount of wealth flows into the pockets of the Huaguo national server and players, harvesting the world's wool strongly, and even the RMB has taken advantage of the opportunity to become the foreign exchange that all operating agents must reserve (in China China’s exchange rate market), its share in international foreign exchange reserves has threatened the hegemony of the rice dollar (7.9%), and the RMB-related copper coin market exchange rate is becoming more and more authoritative.

This is Canaan, and this is the huge influence caused by the first-mover advantages accumulated by the national server in the previous tests.

Not long ago, some Western institutions and think tanks pointed out the fact that the wool was cut at length, which aroused huge repercussions.

Miou took the opportunity to stir up public opinion and forced Huaguo Guofu to make a series of concessions.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan naturally doesn't know how to make concessions. It is still in the stage of verbal war, and the two sides have not yet seen their bayonets.

Every Huaguo player benefits from such an exchange rate. Going out to hunt wild monsters, or doing errand missions, you can get thousands of soft sister coins, and you can’t earn money like this.

Although the rewards for national service missions are getting less and less, the rewards are systematic. Regardless of the exchange rate, the system follows the established rules and treats everyone equally.

Look at this Maozi national uniform again.

In the cultivated land of the civilized world, there are stretches of farmland, and although the legacy infrastructure is primitive, it is much better than the national uniform of Huaguo.

But it even has so few goblins, what are hundreds of thousands of players doing?What do you rely on?

How about the burst rate and what does it matter to them?

There are no wild monsters, no wild areas, resources and production, because the war can't develop, the players are poor, and the national server has no income. It's a vicious circle.

Looking at it this way, the future of Maozi's national service is worrying again.

Chatting and talking, the time passed very quickly, and soon, a morning passed, and the offline time was up, but I couldn't log off, so I had to go to the next safe zone.

When they reached the safe zone, the supply team had to wait for half a day to let everyone go offline and take a rest.

This kind of gameplay is very different from Shuaijurenhuan's cognition. It feels that the rhythm has been slowed down. It seems that a day and a half is nothing to these people, and the same time is enough for Huaguo players to explode their livers and mine, and earn money. The pours are full.

Even with his incomparable insights, he is aware of the huge inequality. That kind of gameplay represents the future of the game, and the Huaguo national server will become like this in the future?Could it be that this is the real second life?
During the half-hour break to recover his strength, Shuai Jue Ren Huan especially hoped to meet a player from the hostile faction who was robbing his way, and his experience bar would not increase, which made him a little flustered.

But there was no such good thing in the subsequent trip.

During the afternoon trip, we encountered more national server players.

The closer to the border battlefield, the more players there are on the national server. People started to come and go on the roads stepped on by various people. The supply team mixed into a larger supply team at dusk, escorted by hundreds of players, It's not so boring anymore.

After nightfall, the torches were lit, and the long line was like a marching army. The magnificence and liveliness of being in a large group dilutes the worries of Shuai Juren, and hooked up with Christina quickly, and the "love" between the two developed Soon, it has been agreed to meet in reality.

But with Christina, it's hard to talk about the game assistant. After calming down, Jue Ren Huan regretted it, and finally decided to wait until he saw Christina's photo.

The small gifts given by "Hua Guo Boyfriend", such as low-level whiteboard equipment, potions, etc., moved Christina very much, and the eagerness of other hairy girls also made her sense of crisis burst, so, the boyfriend went there When you get there, don't forget to declare your sovereignty whenever you have the opportunity.

This made Shuaijue Huanhuan painful and happy, but he hoped to reach the front line as soon as possible.

In other words, what is the front line of the national war like?

Are all rookies pecking at each other?
Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of rookies pecking at each other is also spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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