Chapter 444
On the border between Maozi National Service and Fengnan National Service, the endless bonfires can't be seen at a glance. The extremely low and extremely low clouds make the sky seem to be within reach. The flat terrain makes the scenes of the national war scene majestic and spectacular. People who are new to the noble land will inexplicably feel a kind of excitement, a kind of nervousness before the battle, and naturally feel a different kind of excitement.

Many Maozi national server players don't even have 5 copper system camping tents, and the national server doesn't provide 'offline record and seamless transmission' services, so they can only ask their friends to take care of their characters after offline. Because the role cannot be recycled by the system, it cannot guarantee that the status is full when going online.

Such a situation should be said to be closer to reality. Didn’t Canaan claim to be good at establishing a real second world for human beings?Congratulations, this goal has been achieved ahead of schedule.

Most of the time, authenticity does not represent convenience, nor is it guaranteed to be popular. At least the players in the national server of Maozi have complained about this, and the operators of the national server have also repeatedly assured that the next step will focus on solving this problem. There is a high probability that this promise will not be fulfilled.

At least it will be impossible until the national service battle is over and the territory of each operating agent is determined.

It took 3 days (game time) before the extremely handsome supply team arrived at the front line of the mission. Mendeleev took them to find a real NPC to hand over, and by the way settled and evaluated everyone's performance in the mission, and then issued rewards based on this performance.

It is said that it is very troublesome. The background needs to query everyone’s data. There is a big gap between the upper limit and the lower limit of rewards. The Huaguo national server is not so troublesome. What tasks and rewards are all decided. Only advanced missions or plot needs can be evaluated. Flexible settlement and reward mechanisms are implemented, and ordinary missions are not so troublesome.

The resources of the Maozi national service are tight, and the manpower (reality) is relatively not so short, so we have to use human resources to try to save every copper coin.

At the handover place, Shuai Jue Ren Huan finally met the "Game Assistant" he had been obsessed with.

He performed very well in this mission, and his evaluation was the highest among his teammates. The points and contribution points he gave were enough to be promoted to a corporal in the regular army. In addition, the few 'thieves' he encountered on the road were quite rewarding, so he was promoted to a sergeant. No problem, it is enough to be qualified to choose a game assistant.

The game assistants are concentrated in a place similar to a barracks, Yingying Yanyan, but there is no systematic professional role template, only a generic NPC template, all men are the same, and all women are the same, you can't tell if you are tall, short, fat, thin, or have beautiful skin. We can rely on voice and introduction of the staff.

Ah, this, this... This is very different from what I imagined.

Can't the real appearance and figure be scanned in?
The staff replied that it would require 'modeling' and it would cost a fee, get the idea.

Only players from the international server who are lieutenant officers or even above the school officer level have such high-level 'services', and the quality of each game assistant is very high.

After all, do you still want me to work hard for you?

Christina knew that 'Blue Friend' was picking a game assistant. She was curious at first, but then she became 'jealous'. It took her a dozen silver coins to 'coax it', and reluctantly accepted that 'my game assistant is your game assistant' , 'It's easy to do anything with an assistant', 'Don't worry, no one can take away your real girlfriend', but does she really believe it?There is a question mark here.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan dreamed of the happiness of all people, and also made many friends in the national uniform.

Mendeleev called a lot of people, and everyone had fun in a tavern that was pretended to be a tent. Although the bar girl played by a real person couldn't see the figure, she had a sweet voice and drank the worst bitter ale. The sour and astringent taste complements the current environment.

Torches provide lighting, and there are wooden seats with burrs, orcs with green faces and fangs, elves with delicate features, human paladins with a stinky suit, and dwarf barbarians whose beards are stuck into dreadlocks with grease... Everyone is talking about it. , A sentence is wrong, copy the guy to start it, ping-ping-ping fights, the hairy player military police (mission) rushing in like a tank, take away the unlucky ghosts who have not died, and then restore order, and a few cups of yellow soup After pouring it down, it will revert to its old state, and then it will start again and again.

This is the ecology of Maozi's national uniform. It is not as fancy as Huaguo's national uniform. The style is rough, direct, and barbaric. Cheap bitter ale has replaced the role of vodka, which reflects a part of the national character.

The handsome eyes followed a girl's waist and buttocks, and when she turned around, she saw Christina gnashing her teeth, enduring the nine-yin white bone claws and causing -1-2 damage, and raised her glass as if nothing had happened. I don't know what the ID is The dwarf barbarian gulped it down in two gulps, wiped his mouth, and couldn't help looking at Bamei's thigh.

"Handsome, welcome to our big family, cheers!"

"Handsome, let's form a team tomorrow and have a good time!"

"Handsome, we will be brothers from now on, tired of logging?"

"Handsome, why don't you build a family, and everyone will support you."

"Handsome, grow bigger and stronger in the future, and create greater glories!"

The decision to transfer to Maozi's national service was too correct. I would rather be a chicken head than a queen. The Huaguo national service has such treatment. If you are lucky, you can play the role of a fan. Most of the time, it is the background board. that one.

That him.

"No need to say, they are all brothers!"

When it was over, I had already called brothers and shoulders with friends I didn't know. This is no different from the national uniform. When the mood and atmosphere are up, it's easy to talk about anything.

But he is sober in his heart, knowing that he can't take it seriously, socializing and entertaining, that's all.

"Honey, when are you going offline?"

Christina asked charmingly.

"Why, do you want to see what your husband looks like in real life?"

"You haven't been offline for three days, I'm worried that your body won't be able to bear it." Christina has the potential to be a good wife and mother.

It is said that Maomei is better than domestic girls in this respect?

Handsome is very useful, "Where is the safe zone?"

Going offline in the safe zone is a basic awareness of prevention. Otherwise, Maozi's national server cannot provide "logging and offline records and seamless transmission". What should I do if someone picks up a corpse?
"The safe zone is offline!"

"But I made an appointment with someone to watch the sunrise."

"Watching the sunrise?"

"Yes, it's beautiful, look over there!"

The continuous campfires are scattered around a hill, and a soaring torch is burning on the hill, like a lighthouse, and many players are reveling and having parties on it.

This is also how it is played in the game. It has to be said that Maozi's national server has gone farther than Huaguo's national server in terms of "real second life".

——They are all poor, and they are so handsome that they complain in their hearts.

"Next time, the online time is too long this time, besides, we still have to meet offline, hehe."

"Hate it, vomit next time!"


"The safe zone is over there, but you have to report to the sergeant major."

"Go, go, report to the police."

The safety zone is a bit bigger, compared to the number of players here, there is still a queue for offline, can you believe it?
Looking at the number of people queuing up, Shuai Jue Ren Huan was a little discouraged, why don't you go offline in the marching tent?
"It's so troublesome!" Christina waited impatiently, "Why don't you go offline outside, hee hee, I want to see your real appearance earlier, isn't it so... handsome?"

Shuai Jue Ren Huan felt guilty when he heard the words, and said again, the charm of a man is inside, such as strong strength and self-confidence... But he is determined to pay attention, and must log off in the safe zone.

The two waited for more than half an hour before entering the narrow safety zone. The Sergeant Major NPC played by a real person accepted his request and stipulated the latest time to go online-this is the mission!
Even the online time is treated as a task, which is the national server that treats players like livestock.

As the national war enters the later stage, the system may determine the territory of each country's national server at any time, and the operating agents dare not relax for a moment, for fear that the last moment's paralysis will let the opponent take advantage of the loopholes, and players will take turns to go offline The system, the players in their own country can say, it is really difficult to restrain those who are transferred from the international server like Shuaijuerenhuan, so they put a hook on the task.

"Honey, let's see you offline, hee hee!"

"My home is in HLJ, and you are on the other side of the river. It's only worth meeting real people that day!"

"Damn it, don't think I don't know what you're up to...I need to see if I'm really that handsome."

"...I still need to see if you are really the cheerleader."

Handsome and extremely inhuman, he had his heart broken. Anyway, there is a game assistant behind him, so if he is not satisfied with this, he can change it. Can he become a strict wife if he finds a hairy girl?

In a small farmyard in reality, unshaven Wang Dongsheng woke up in the game cabin, and before he had time to take off his helmet, he was pulled into a dark and sweet sleep.

I slept for more than five hours during this sleep, and when I woke up I was full of energy, and I couldn't tell that I had exploded my liver for a day and two nights.

"Mom, I'm so hungry!"

"The food is heating up in the pot."


Wang Dongsheng, who has been eating at home since he graduated from university, yawned and went downstairs. On the stairs, he ran into his younger sister who just came back from school. The younger sister rolled her eyes when she saw him, "Brother, did you notice how good your image is?"

Wang Dongsheng, who only wore a big trouser bottom and a body of ribs, smiled, rubbed his sister's meatball head, and went into the kitchen to gobble it up.

"Brother, give me some money!"

"No money again? I only gave you [-] last time"

"I changed to Aiku13, and went to the river with my friends to play for a few days."

"If I find out that you are hanging out with those little girls again, see if I don't beat you to death."

"Got it, got it, long-winded."

"Save some money, your brother and I play games very hard."

"Seeing how happy you are, let me tell you some sad news for free."

"What news?"

"The lover of your dreams, your first love, is getting married the day after tomorrow."


"Sad? I know the wedding hotel."

"I'm so sad, I can't find what kind of woman I want? I'll bring you a hairy girl back in a few days."

"Maomei? You can't be that kind of Maomei? Brother, you are disgusting."

"Think about it. He is also a player, and he is also the cheerleader of the college football team. He is as beautiful as that skater."

"Karba, Kamila Valieva."

"Yes, Kamila Valieva, just as much."

"……just you?"

Wang Dongsheng, who was confused by the bad news about his first love and the lover of his dreams, wanted to prove himself in front of his own sister.

He stopped eating, took his sister into the computer room, sat in front of the computer, climbed over the wall to the external network, and after some operations, opened the details page of Christina on Twitter.


On the details page, a flower-season Maomei has picturesque eyebrows, holding a blooming rose in her hands. The photos are very beautiful. Below are some color photos of her life and cheerleading at school. It is really close-up and long-distance. There are no blind spots in all directions. ……Perfect.

"Brother, drool!"


"Her, your girlfriend in the game?"


"Brother, don't be fooled, how could such a beautiful Maomei fall in love with you... Are you bragging that you are handsome again?"

"Get out, get out, get out, I don't have time to talk to you."

"Brother, pretty women can lie, you have to be careful."

Brutally pushed his sister out, closed the door, and rubbed his hands excitedly to go back to the computer. Looking at Christina's photo, he fell in love with him more and more, just feeling a little guilty about himself in the mirror.

In the mirror, he really couldn't match Shuai, and was even an eyesore.

In this era of looking at faces, Wang Dongsheng has suffered a lot from this aspect since he was a child. Under such circumstances, his character will generally develop in two directions. One is to become inferior and unconfident, and the other is 'Perverted', perverted out of 'social arrogance'.

Unfortunately, he belongs to the second type, so he has become a joke in the eyes of classmates, friends, and buddies.

Fuck it, you're all pistachios in your family.

Wang Dongsheng, who has a clear heart, can only pretend to be open-minded and confused, using such a powerful disguise to cover up his wounded heart.

Appearance is an eternal pain in his heart, although he has repeatedly emphasized that the most important thing for a man is connotation, and he longs for a beauty who can discover his inner beauty and is not so vulgar.

Attention, it's a beauty.

Of course, Maomei is better, hehe...


Unexpectedly, after the video call was connected, he didn't care at all, and greeted him enthusiastically with a little shyness and curiosity, and soon found the feeling in the game, flirting with him.

How can Wang Dongsheng, who has never had a complete relationship, survive this?

In the next few days of game time, quickly fell.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan, who fell in love, promised his girlfriend to watch the sunrise. After watching it in the game, he also had to watch it in reality. That’s right, Christina, whose real name is Sofia Sherkedova, was going to run with him. The relationship between the two is like a rocket, and in just a few days they have reached the point where they are talking about marriage.


The second day after watching the sunrise, Shuai Jue Ren Huan was naked and screamed in the marching tent, "What's going on, Sophia!"

——This is someone touching the corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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