Chapter 445
"...Recently, there have been frequent incidents of robbery and fraud targeting Huaguo players. This player is already the 17th victim. Players are also requested to be vigilant and beware of similar fraudulent means to avoid huge losses in terms of personnel and property. loss."

"Haha, this guy deserves it, he deserves it, haha..."

"Do you know this unlucky guy?"

"Too familiar, that ugly guy who is so handsome, haha."

"Ah, it's him?"

"He was killed by us and sent to the foreign server, and then jumped by a fairy in the foreign server. Haha, it's enjoyable and enjoyable. That's what a bitch should end up like."

"This guy is miserable, Maozi is too ruthless."

"He deserves it, let him be so bold, he will be punished by Maomei, haha..."

"That's the best hair girl, can you hold back?"


"Is it true that Maozi's hair girl in the national uniform is real? What kind of game assistant, can't the official collude to cheat?"

"That's not the case. Didn't the announcement of the national server say, 'due to resource constraints, the regulatory measures of the friendly server cannot be put in place in time', and what's more, 'some basic functions and support are still lacking to a certain extent', which led to 'The player went offline in the marching tent and all the game items and props were stolen'”

"Mao Zi's national uniform is not intentional, is it?"

"Such a big national server is aimed at you, a small player? Besides, how many can you cheat? Is the little thing you cheated enough for them to burn for a second?"


"But the announcement of the national server of the United States implies that it is the official behavior of Maozi's national server?"

"They blackmail each other every chance they get, it can't be taken seriously."

"Then... Sister Mao has something to do?"

"Why, do you want to go too?"

"That's the best hairy girl!"

"It's okay to go, but you have to be mentally prepared. There's nothing there, and you can PK all day long... Also, the game assistant is the game assistant, don't be like this idiot who is so handsome x Talking about feelings with others, feelings are a thread , Isn't it because of your money, equipment, level, etc. that people look at you? Just go straight and save yourself from being deceived."

"I haven't made up my mind yet. How about switching to a game membership?"

"I don't know, there must be a lot of inconvenience, and I shouldn't be happy to help the pig."

"Forget it, no matter how good Mei Mao is, she doesn't have the incense of copper coins."

Singer turned off the chat interface of the gang and fell into a dilemma.

The extremely handsome fate was a warning to him.

The battle of the national server seems to have reached the final stage of intense heat. The hard national server can no longer support it. When it comes to vying for game qualifications, it is arrogant, and at this time it ushers in the bitter fruit of a serious shortage of manpower.

Tangtang hardness, the fifth largest economy, with a population of 14 billion, only more than [-] players.

What is the use of this player?

Now it's time to wake up and take some measures that can be called 'crazy'.

The battle of the online national server is about to spread to the offline. Whoever attacks their own national server will fight against them in reality. Protest this today, and send a note tomorrow. It’s either a military exercise or something else, relying on some small actions offline, How could it be possible for others to obediently give up the territory to him?

Seeing that both inside and outside tricks didn't work, they had no choice but to dig deep into their own potential. Hard players like Singer who had transferred to the game began to bear the huge pressure from reality.

This time, one or two officials did not come to 'persuade', but rose to the level of traitors, rapes, and violations of some laws.

Praise for the players who returned to Hardness, verbal criticism of those who refused to return, coupled with the battle of the national server, the huge popularity of the online country and the world trend, almost every Hardness player has a name and surname, well-known, Everyone knows.

Since the day before yesterday, Singh's home has been harassed by extremists, and a petition has been launched online, demanding that their game qualifications be withdrawn.

This made Singer realize that unless he really immigrated, he would have to transfer his game membership back and work hard for the tough national server battle, which would be difficult to pass.

If you immigrate, you can only immigrate to China, but the extremely high door frame and harsh conditions of China's immigration policy are daunting. When you immigrate to other countries, you don't know what to do. When you see an old acquaintance The tragic experience of the handsome man suddenly strengthened his unsteady heart.

Immigrants must immigrate.

"Boss, how is it?"

The office of the Huaguo National Service Online is naturally the City Lord's Mansion.

The so-called city lord is played by a real person online. In addition to the game functions, there are also some services related to reality that are secretly operated. However, due to the system rules, they cannot be openly listed for business.

There is no other national service 'open' at this point.

Other people's city lords are all players, known as "full freedom", "game income is income", "no development limit", regardless of whether it can be fulfilled, at least his attitude is shown, unlike the national server, this restriction, That sensitive.

Well, don't want your city lord, let's build the head office by ourselves, shall we?
Therefore, the old players who had established gangs in the public server before the 6th test have always refused to come back, and restrictions may be a major reason.

Of course, Singer would not have such troubles. He waited outside the city lord's mansion anxiously like an ant on a hot pot.

When the Alliance Forever Alliance came out, he went forward in three steps instead of two, and couldn't wait to ask: "Boss, how are you?"

"It's a little tricky."


"Speak over there."

The gates of the city lord's mansion come in and out, real online employees, players, hired functional NPCs, intelligent NPCs, aboriginal NPCs, etc., is it really a place to talk about business?

Singer followed the alliance of the eternal alliance to find a tavern opened by a player, sat down in a corner, and began to talk in detail.

"... There is no shortage of players in Huaguo, and it is not realistic to rely on player status to immigrate."

"What should I do?"

"Unless you are indispensable, such as working as an enchanter and alchemist."

"I want to, too, even in my dreams."

"Or high level, high combat."

" I count?"

The League Forever Alliance rolled its eyes: "You don't have any of these, so there's no way, you can only apply for a work visa or something for the gang, in the name of the gang."

"Work visa? Okay, just let me leave the hardness. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

"I told Pig Helper that it should be soon."

"Thank you, thank you boss."

"Family, you're welcome."

Whether it's a work visa or not, Singer's anxiety has eased a bit after leaving the hardness first.

Bangzhu is really easy to talk to, but after listening to a general idea, it means that there is no problem with the work visa, as long as the hardness is there to let people go.

This is precisely what worries Singer the most.

For the rest of the game time, he was out of his mind, and the monster brushing was boring. His teammates thought he was distracted. When they asked the reason, a particularly annoying guy smiled and said: "You guys are very patriotic, why don't you think about it at this time? Contribute to the national uniform, but become a deserter instead?"

What Singer said was no, and no if he didn't answer, he couldn't get out of his breath.

It was the alliance's eternal alliance to smooth things over and diverted from this topic, which eased his embarrassment.

"Don't take it to heart, that guy is a veteran, and he has a stronger sense of honor in this regard." The Alliance Forever Alliance comforted him.

Singer wanted to say that he also had a sense of honor. Back then, he was still famous on the Internet, and he spared no effort to promote the shining point of great hardness... But now, he doesn't even know himself.

I don't want to brush anymore, I don't have the mind, so I simply leave the team to mine.

There are a lot of mineral deposits in the game map of the national server, from the most popular iron and copper mines to the rare magic stones and magic crystal mines. The advanced mines have not yet been opened to the public. Opportunity, you can only go to ordinary mines to try your luck.

This kind of mine also has a chance to produce high-grade ore.

A guy in the gang dug up a [Cloud Essence Stone] the day before yesterday and sold it for more than one gold coin, making Singer envious.

With the increasing number of alchemy and enchanting formulas, and as the players' alchemists and enchanters become more and more skilled, more ores and materials have come into the players' sight, such as [cloud stone], in the 5th test They were all sold as ordinary ore to the black shop of the system, and those who had a few copper coins and a few copper coins were robbed by the system, and lost money.

Many players regretted it with beating their chests, and a very small number of players who had long-term vision and kept corresponding stocks smiled happily. Many people became rich overnight because of this, creating myths that people talked about.

The most indispensable thing in the national service is this kind of "myth". It feels that it is fundamentally different from other national services.

This is also the main reason why Singer is unwilling to leave. He can foresee what will happen once the game membership is transferred back, which cannot be offset by a strong sense of honor.

After buying a full set of miner equipment, he deliberately teleported to the most remote and farthest mine pit. The teleportation fee alone cost 5 silver. The picture shows that there are few players in this place. If there are good things, they should not be dug out yet. .

When I got to the place, I found that there were not many players, and many of them thought the same as him.

Singer: ...

Come here, never go back.

The square at the entrance of the mine is a distribution market. In the past, the energy of the national service could not be scrupled, but now it is not.

This distribution market has also been incorporated into the trading system of the national server, and it is considered a small safe zone. There are real-person taxpayers managing it, but the transactions are still booming.

Various institutions, companies, groups, etc., are much more low-key than in the previous tests, and they hardly publicize their offline signs. Players like Singer who transfer their nationality are almost unimpressed. In fact, the transaction of bulk goods and Circulation is always in their hands, and the stalls for long-term acquisitions of various mines are run by their people in all likelihood.

Singer took a look at the market first, and found that it was not bad, and he was in a better mood.

Walking into the bustling mines, I found that there are more miners than mines, some popular ones with good locations, and many miners are still waiting in line.

He didn't want to join in the excitement, so he kept walking inside.

There are traces left when the mine was cleaned up, the Kobold's mining shovel was rusted everywhere, the altar was destroyed, and so on.

'If you regard Canaan as a real world, then the players are disasters... They are like locusts, wreaking havoc everywhere, destroying the ecological chain everywhere they go...I don’t know how many precious animals, plants, and wisdom Creatures suffer a tragic fate because of them... For them, this is just a game, but for these flesh-and-blood aborigines, it is no less than the worst disaster... Natural disasters, players are natural disasters. '

Singer remembered that when he was offline, he saw an article on Twitter in which a contributor to a well-known animal protection organization wrote a rant, and most of the responses were sarcasm.

Canaan's influence and impact are everywhere, and have penetrated into every aspect of people's lives, and the interests of countless people are related to it.

Online national wars can even affect offline international relations and geopolitics, online price fluctuations and exchange rates, and even influence the development of the world economy!

Canaan is already a giant, even if one day it is discovered that it is a real world, similar articles can only be "groaning without disease", because the interests of too many people have been intertwined with it and cannot be separated.

The further you go, the more remote it becomes. Inside is the habitat of kobold miners. The mine veins have been dug up long ago, and the ruins have been cleaned by countless players, and there are no valuable things for a long time.

Singer did not give up, and continued to walk in. Many forked roads were like a maze. On the map of mines and corridors lit up step by step, he was gradually left alone.

As he walked, he thought about it, worrying about the offline pressure, whether a work visa could solve it.

The hardness of the national service is in jeopardy. The originally small territory is occupied by people today, and part of it will be conquered tomorrow.There are more and more radicals and dangerous people offline. Blame this, blame that, and finally blame them all on those who have changed their game membership.


Why don't you know to blame yourself?

These people feel really unreasonable.

Singer had completely forgotten that he had once been part of the Unreasonable.

The hard work paid off, and in the depths of a tunnel that had never been disturbed by anyone, he really found metal reflections on the cave walls on both sides.


Overjoyed, Singer put down his tools and dug a mine in the most reflective place, and spent the rest of the game time immersed in mining.

When you go down with a shovel, you don’t know what will happen. This kind of unknown feeling is particularly exciting, no worse than exploration and land reclamation.

Some people are addicted to mining. Many players who are not short of this hard-earned money come back to "relax" regularly. In their words, with a shovel down, they can forget all the unpleasant and annoying things, and wait for the squandering Complete physical strength, take inventory of harvest, there is a different kind of satisfaction and joy.

Mining can relax, and Singer has also realized that in the depths of this remote and uninhabited mine, it seems that he is the only one left in the world. With each shovel and shovel, the pressure has been released, and the rest is all about anticipation and hope. pleasure.

All the way down the line.

"...The Varna Heights has fallen, Navi Mumbai is in jeopardy, what are our players doing? What are our national server operators doing? Our..."


Watching the angry crowd outside and the angry anchor on TV, Singer felt his scalp tingle for a while, and all the ease and joy disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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