Chapter 446
"Grandma, hurry up!"

"I don't want these things anymore, I will buy new ones when I go back to the countryside."

"No, my little Singer, this is left by your grandfather. Both your father and you wore it when you were young. You have been blessed by the gods. In the future, your children will also wear it..."

"Okay, okay, take it, it's really long-winded."

"Brother, I want to take Xinji away."

"We're running away, not on vacation. What's the matter with a dog?"

"Brother, please, please, we're not here, Xinji will definitely starve"

"Take it, take it, it's really... only half an hour at most, let me tell you."

"Singer, the girl you mentioned last time, do you want to inform me?"


"It's from Master Baku's house..."

"That old guy is smarter than anyone else. He might be looking at the wind and seeing if I can get through this test. You don't need to tell me, he knows what to do. If I don't come back, he won't decide on the marriage."

"What a girl, and the caste is right."

"Don't worry mom, don't worry about my marriage, I can marry Kshatriya back for you in the future."

"Don't talk nonsense... It's better to have a 'right family' for marriage, otherwise..."

"Okay, okay, let's walk if we don't walk anymore."

A family of four found a whole house of junk, all of which were bottles and cans that grandma and mother were reluctant to leave behind. Speaking of which, they were all old, and for them, they all had certain feelings and sustenance in them.

The whole family "fleeed" overnight, which can also be described as fleeing. The current situation in New Delhi is not good for him, and this rich area cannot shelter him for too long.

Still safe in the countryside.

The countryside is closed and conservative, but they don’t know about Canaan and players, and they can be protected by the countryside when they return to the countryside. Those radicals and extremists can’t do anything in that extremely xenophobic place.

It was pitch black outside, and the whole city was still immersed in a manic mood. The riots that broke out in various places were constantly broadcast on the TV. On the flashing camera, the slogans of those radicals and extremists seemed to be going to war with the whole world.

They smashed and burned Canaan's signs, and beat the players who came out of human flesh. Singer was terrified, and kept looking out of the window, worried that they would rush in when there was a wind blowing.

It was hard to pack up all the belongings. The truck hired at a high price was already parked outside the villa. Singer’s grandma commanded the servants and workers to carefully move her baby into the truck. After more than two hours of busy work, she finally moved. Finish.

"Go, let's go!"

The car finally started, and Singer sat in the co-pilot, instructing the driver to take a detour, avoid the crowded main street, and run all the way out of the city.

The driver encountered several dangers on the way, and the driver dealt with them vigilantly. Singer happily gave him a reward.

Escaping New Delhi is a near-miss in this blockbuster saga, which consists of driving a dirt road into the countryside at dawn.

"Brother, do we want to immigrate?"

The improvement of living conditions has made Singer less gloomy than before, and has become a lot more cheerful. She also has the energy to make love to her sister she has always loved. Therefore, she is much more courageous. She did not dare to ask Singer like this before. Asking questions.

"Well, we immigrated to start a new life in a better place."

"Better than New Delhi? I feel like I'm living in paradise now."

"What is this? You won't know what heaven is until you go to Huaguo. Compared with the cities there, New Delhi is just a slum.", Singh's position has changed a hundred and eighty degrees, from before Zhonghei has become the current Zhonghei.

"The country of Hua, isn't it the country of America?"

"The country of the United States is no longer good, and now the country of China is the only superpower."

"Wow, but I heard that Huaguo is very bad."

"That's all a lie, Huaguo is very good, especially the people of Huaguo are very friendly, their city is very safe, my little Anba will live there happily, and can go out at night, don't worry about those dirty men Follow... Also, their women have a high status, and they don't need a dowry to marry, on the contrary, they will receive a generous dowry."

The younger sister who was called by her baby name couldn't hide her curiosity while being shy.

What my brother described was like another world.

For her, who has never been within three feet of her mother since she was a child, and has seen only a palm-sized area near the slums, she cannot imagine that there is a bigger and more prosperous place than New Delhi.

It's just that the truck driver's face was a little ugly after hearing Singer's words, and Singer shut up in time to avoid complications.

The countryside is where my grandma lived before she married into a slum. According to the old man's description, everything is fine, like a paradise, but when he really arrived, Singer frowned.

The car stopped at the entrance of a dilapidated village, and soon it was surrounded by naked children, all skinny, round belly, dark complexion, a few 'respectable people' wearing headscarves were vigilant Standing at the entrance of the village, staring at their family.Behind them, more ragged villagers looked over.

"Karuna, is it Karuna?"

Grandma recognized a person blocking the village entrance.

"You are……"

"I'm Wanaza, Wanaza from the old Sheriff's family."

"It used to be the old carpenter's house..."

"Yes, yes, it's me..."

The alert is lifted.

The meeting of the 'old sisters' naturally has some touching and boring scenes.

Only then did Singer know that her grandmother's family used to be a carpenter.

In the past, occupation and caste were inseparable. Caste stipulated all aspects of a person from birth. There were strict regulations on what caste could and could not do. These regulations used to be the fortress of religious protection, but now they are indeed ancient customs. and tradition.

Although the law abolished caste, caste is still everywhere, especially in this conservative countryside.

But this kind of conservatism is indeed the best protection at this time. After arriving here, Singer finally doesn't have to worry about being pulled out of the house and beaten.

An hour later, Singer bought an unused house belonging to the largest landlord in the village. The truck parked in front of the low, dilapidated gate. Singer, wearing a neat suit, walked out of the yard holding his nose, and saw a villager outside. All of them were smiling and happy, and they all took 'gifts' and went home happily.

"These poor people!"

Singer's grandmother murmured after them.

It's like paying a protection fee.

Little Qian Singer didn't care about this. What made him dissatisfied was the living environment.

Is this place really inhabited?

An old scalper came over, as if complaining about how he was blocking the way, and gave him a sacrifice with its horns.

Singer moved out of the way, and the old scalper rushed in, and with a clatter, pulled down a large pile of cow dung, which just hit his leather shoes.

Ah, damn it, damn it!

Stay in this ghost place for at most two days, at most.

"Clean up quickly, I'm going online!"

"Oh!" Singer's mother hurriedly agreed.

Singh's younger sister seemed to have found her friends. A few dark, timid girls in tattered sari, when they heard their mother calling, they agreed like a deer, waved goodbye to their new friends, and ran away. return.

"Brother, I like this!"

"What is there to like about this ghost place... Hurry up and clean it up!"

"oh oh!"

After his mother and sister cleaned up his computer room, Singer ordered the servants to move the precious game compartment in.

He couldn't wait to get ready to go online, but found that the wires in the house were actually decorations. Fortunately, he had already prepared for it, such a large truck was specially prepared for various accidents.


The rumble of the generator broke the silence of the village. In the chaotic courtyard, Singer lay down in the game cabin regardless of everything, and landed in Canaan.

The online is still in the mine.

Seeing a little candlelight first, someone actually found it in such a remote location?

Singer first checked the mining harvest. The largest backpack was almost full, and it would exceed the load, so he was ready to leave.

"Dude, just came up? How long have you been digging?"

"Four or five hours, it's all worthless rubbish."

"Hey, 10 out of 9 people here said that? Don't worry buddy, I won't steal from you."

Singer smiled, picked up the heavy backpack, and walked out holding the candle.

"I'm serious buddy, if you have a good product, sell it to me, and I will do the task."

"What's the price of obsidian?"

"Really? How many are there? Is there any mica stone?"

"Only two pieces, nothing else, there are a lot of iron ore and copper mines."

"How about Obsidian 2 Silver?"

Singer turned around and left without saying a word.

"Don't, don't, buddy, 5 silver, 5 silver a piece, the price of conscience, the price is also charged outside, you have to recite it yourself."

"I'm happy to carry it."

"...6 silver!"

"make a deal."

After selling two pieces of obsidian to the player who was doing the task, Singer walked out by the light of the candle, and found that the large army had gone deep into these remote mines.

"La la la, la la la, I am a little expert in mining..."

"I have a little donkey that I never ride..."


Although there are many people, the mines are far apart, and howling ghosts and wolves is always the main theme of this environment. If you hear the miner sing and stop singing, or the singing becomes weaker, most likely you have dug something good. .

It is said that a movie that Huaguo is showing is about mining in the game. The box office is said to be pretty good. Are there real miners and players in the scene?
The atmosphere of the game in Huaguo is good. I also heard that Miguo and Omeng are building a "new smart city for players". Maybe they want to compete with Huaguo in terms of game atmosphere?

Hardness is such a disappointment in comparison, there are too many brainless, stupid, self-righteous guys.

With these thoughts in mind, Singer left the mine and sold all the ore to the organization outside, earning around 20 silver per trip.

20 silver!
Less than 10 hours of game revenue.

Several million rupees, robbing a bank is not so fast, the fool only returned to the national server.

Of course, the net income is not so much. Mining shovels, marching tents, stamina potions, and game time are all costs. Two obsidian are not always available, and if deducted, it will be less than ten silver.

"Brother, come find me when you have the goods, I will give you the best price"


"You are going to walk back...don't, there are a few bad boys on the way to rob. They only pick out absenteeism like you who bought ore. It's better to take the teleporter."

"Near the main city, so arrogant?"

"Hey, the national service has tightened money recently, it's hard to earn money, and they have started doing business without capital... If this continues, they will all go to the foreign service"

Singer wanted to say that it was because they didn't know what foreign clothes were like, and when they went out, they were guaranteed to cry and clamor to come back.

People have already reminded him, so Singer had no choice but to save the small money for the transfer.

Teleport back to Xinhai City (against the demon capital), this border city located on the front line of the Fairy Forest is the location where the gang focuses on investigations. There are a large number of players who go to the forest to explore, and most of them believe in the system's forest goddess.

Competing for the forest to compete for the basic plate, Singer understood it this way, the systematic Forest Goddess Church has the strongest sense of presence in this city, and their priests, priests, and bishops are everywhere to promote and agitate, and the national uniform can't control it.

The Shaolin Temple gang is unremarkable among a large number of gangs planning to build gangs here. It only rents a large compound in a small alley near the west gate of the city. The backbone of the gang has exclusive rooms, and ordinary members and trainee members do not have such a Good thing.

Worried about the work visa, but the alliance forever is not online, he himself is not willing to go to help the pig, every time he goes, he feels uncomfortable, help the pig monk Ai Shitai and some other people, lack of the eternal alliance of the alliance That kind of sincerity.

That doesn't mean they have any bad intentions, it's just that... Anyway, Singer was uncomfortable at first, and got used to it now, until they didn't do it maliciously, most of the time it was just teasing.

"Third Brother!"

The guards at the door greeted the crowd lazily and let Singer in.

There are not many people in the temporary gang resident, and those who have time are busy with their own affairs. Whoever has free time to stay in the gang, that is, when the gang meets at 7:[-] p.m. every day, can 'warm up and drink', have continuous experience and Gang contribution leader, most members will come back.

This 'warming and drinking' is said to be copied from the offline games of the national server, and most of the experience comes from the national server, which is one of the few benefits of the national server gang.

It's not the time to 'warm up and drink', only some managers and helpers are there. The monk likes to wash his hair and see him come in. He slaps his head, "Your brother, you came just in time. I have something to tell you."

"Boss, is it about a work visa?"

"Well, I thought it was very simple... who knows..."

"What's the matter? It won't fail the approval, right? It shouldn't be!"

"It really shouldn't be, isn't it that other national costumes are messing with us!" Monk Ai nun scolded: "A bunch of pink eyes, and being poor, can't see us living a good life."

This Singer knows that it is the story of "how the national uniform grabs the world's wool", but what does it matter to him?

"Other national servers ask us not to poach their corners. We don't want to continue to fight for the hundreds of thousands of players who are naturalized on international servers, so we agree."

"Ah!?" Singer was dumbfounded, "No, boss, I won't be sent back, will I?"

"You don't have to worry about this, even Canaan Company can't do it. Players have the right to choose and change the game area server freely, and the operating agent can't violate it."

"That's fine, that's fine."

"But it's impossible to get this work visa, you'd better figure it out on your own."

(End of this chapter)

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