This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 447 These Bandit Invaders

When will this damn national server war end!

When Singer walked out of the gang's temporary residence, he thought resentfully, if this continues, he will be cornered.

In any case, he is unwilling to turn back. He didn’t hear what the pig said just now. Huaguo Guofu is now eager to throw these hot potatoes back. On the ground, there is a natural family of dwarves, and these players have not brought much actual benefits. Compared with the huge scale and wealth of the national server, the hundreds of thousands of low-level players are really a drop in the bucket, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Because of the existence of the system ban, it cannot be cleared, but there may not be any preferential treatment in the future, and there may be discrimination, work visas and so on, let alone immigration?
The more the national server is like this, the more he is reluctant to leave. Compared with the foreign server, he finds more and more that the current game environment is like heaven.

Sure enough, happiness is all in contrast.

The Alliance Forever Alliance has not been launched yet. He was so impatient that he couldn't find anyone to discuss with him. He barely went to the task to spawn monsters, but he was absent-minded. After completing the daily compulsory courses of the national service daily and gang building tasks, he went offline. up.

It’s not yet dark in the small village in reality, and the three women in the family are still busy cleaning up. There are a large number of malnourished children gathered outside the courtyard, each of them wringing their fingers, biting their mouths, and looking into the door timidly.

Singben was going to drive them away, but... he still took out some candy and spilled it out, not for anything else, but because he might rely on the protection of this small village in the future, and he must get along with their parents in harmony.

The village is very poor, so poor that many people have no clothes and no food.

Most of the villagers did not have their own land, and the land was in the hands of a few wealthy landowners, and that was the result.

Although Singer was born in a slum, there are many opportunities in the city, and he can make a living no matter what. These villagers are all bound to the land and serve as tenant farmers. What do they count on for the little grain dug out of the soil?
As soon as there is a natural or man-made disaster... So the suicide rate of tough farmers remains high. The dignified fifth largest economy cannot feed its people. The gdp has been developing, and the hunger index has been rising. It has the largest malnourished population in the world , but exporting food in large quantities and cheaply.

The poorer the population, the poorer the population, it is called the demographic dividend, but the population without good education and vocational skills training is not a dividend, but a burden.

Singer didn't think of these things, but said it for the insiders, and he used his excuse to talk about it somehow.

At that time, he was quite unconvinced, and even if there was a big hardness, it was only a small problem, but now seeing these mud kids scrambling for candy, he became uncertain.

Damn, what does it matter to me?
Singer threw these messy thoughts out of his mind irritably, and after the inside was cleaned up, he went to visit the house of the largest landlord in the village with gifts.

"no problem!"

The largest landlord actually controls the largest population in the village, and is also the de facto tyrant in the village. Given the tough national conditions, his words are more effective than the law on this one-third of an acre of land.


Of course it was because of these valuable gifts.

"...Isn't that game a conspiracy by the Chinese people?"

"...When will our own game be developed?"

"...When our game is developed, it will definitely surpass that of Huaguo people. The whole world will be shocked by the hardness. You have to have confidence in the hardness, it is so great!"

Hearing these words again, Singer only felt extremely ironic and harsh. Once upon a time, he was also such a person, blindly optimistic, neurotic and arrogant, turning a blind eye to some obvious facts and only willing to see what he intended to see. He only wants to believe what he wants to believe.

Now, such people are all on the opposite side of him, and they are all radical and fanatical, making him afraid.

"Stay for dinner, you're not married yet, are you?"

The landowner called out her granddaughter to welcome her warmly, and Singer dealt with it perfunctorily.

"... Just now, online Navi Mumbai was attacked by a large-scale shameless attack, and fierce battles are still going on on various fronts online."

A piece of urgent news suddenly interrupted on TV stopped Singer and the landlord's family, who were having dinner, from talking and looked at the TV together.

"... Canaan Hardness Company did not explain the reason for the sudden interruption of the live broadcast signal. According to sources, it was to avoid further stabbing in the worst case and triggering a larger riot. In other words, the online new Mumbai is very likely to fall, and subsequently, India is very likely to be 'destroyed' because of this, losing all Internet territory."

"Ding dong!" Singer's spoon fell to the dinner plate.

"...The emergency closed-door meeting in New Delhi has not yet ended, but some professionals have analyzed that offline intervention will not play any role. This is a purely 'commercial behavior' among operating agents, which is in line with Canaan's game Rules. For the sake of huge real interests, the operating agents will not spit out the hardness of the national service they have invaded. If the established facts are caused, it will be irreversible!"

"Why, are we going to be 'destroyed'?"

The big landlord put down the dinner plate and asked seriously.

Singer hesitated to answer.

"...Who will be responsible for the current situation? The Canaan Hardness Company is the first to be involved!"

"...they didn't pay enough attention at the beginning. During the critical period of fighting for the game quota, dereliction of duty, numbness, and bureaucratic style led to a population of 14 billion and the fifth largest economy, but they only won [-]. Thousands of player qualifications."

"The last is corruption. The [-] player qualifications were not allocated to the most suitable people. They were either sold at a high price, embezzled, or obtained opportunistically by some people without morality and sense of responsibility."

"These people were all transferred to other operating agents in the end. Of the [-] players, there were less than [-] players left to guard our online territory... just less than [-]."

Singer felt the eyes of the landowner burn like fire.

"Are you among the traitors mentioned above?"

Singer: "I..."

"Take your filth and get the hell out of my house!"

"It's not what you think, listen to me..."


"You traitor, spy, didn't you hear that we are all about to be 'destroyed'?"

"That's just a game, virtual, not real."

"...Uh, didn't the hardness be invaded?"

"No, no, it's just a game, just a game."

"Damn it, I really don't understand why we are so serious about a game from Huaguo people. We have a lot of talents, our IT industry is the world's number one, and we have the greatest programmers in the world. We can't develop a game that can compete with Huaguo people. Is it a competitive game?"

Singer: "..."

"Turn off that damn TV, from now on, I don't want to hear anything about this Huaguo game... If you want me to say, Hardness should ban it, yes, just like it did before, are you right? "

"...Yes, yes, you are so right."

What could Singer say but nod wildly?
This meal was frightening, and it was hard to deal with this local snake. When he came out of his house, Singer's legs were weak.

He knew that there was a big event, and it seemed that there was no way to escape this time.

The hard national uniform will be erased from the game map, and people like him are the best scapegoats.

Yes, there is no one more suitable than him.

What to do, this small village can't protect his safety, so he can only leave, leave as soon as possible.

When I got home, I hurriedly went online.

The game time has arrived in the afternoon and near dusk, which is a big deal for the hardness national server, but there is no disturbance at all in the Hua country national server.

The time for the gang family reunion is coming soon, except for those who are too far away to make it back, most of the gang members have returned to the temporary gang resident.

A huge fire was ignited in the center of the resident square. More than a hundred people sat around the fire drinking and chatting. Experience points were given every ten meters, as well as gang activities, contributions, and points.

Using this method to increase the cohesion between the national server and the gang is relatively symptomatic, but only the Huaguo national server has such lavishness, and other national servers don't even need to think about it.

After hearing his predicament, the Alliance Forever Alliance was also very anxious, and suggested that it should try to immigrate to other places first, and then try to find a way to get a work visa later.

Singer also paid attention to this, but his connections in this area are very shallow. Most of the people he knows are Chinese players, and the limited number of hard players are all "traitors" like him. Bodhisattva crossing the river is hard to protect himself.

"Is the situation in the hard national server really that bad?".A person sitting next to him asked.

"...Besieged by seven or eight players from the national server, I don't think it will last long." Singer replied bitterly.

"It's all those national uniforms? So merciless? In reality, I'm afraid we're going to break up our relationship?"

More than that!

Singer wanted to say.

It's just short of real people pk, alas.

Hearing what Singer said about the national uniforms, this man suddenly realized, and said bluntly, no wonder, they are all your enemies. How come your relationship with your neighbors is so bad, and there is no one good?
What Singer could say was a wry smile.

Alliance Forever's Alliance is very enthusiastic. He knows many players in the international server, helped Singer inquire about contacts, and mobilized his cousin, 'Mrs.



"They're the only ones left, and the relationship with you is not bad, and the work visa may be released..."

"Is the third child okay?"

"No problem, no problem!" Singer said quickly, "as long as you can get out of the hardness as soon as possible."

"That's good, I replied to my friend?", Mrs. Pig was very enthusiastic to help, and Singer was very grateful. It was just a small thing for her, but it was a big deal for Singer thing.

It's too dangerous to stay in the hardness any longer.

Subsequent developments were as expected.

Before Maozi's work visa was issued, the small village was "humanized". That night, a large group of radicals from New Delhi blocked the entrance and exit of the village, demanding that the village harden him as a traitor. Rape it out.

At this time, Singer was still online, and it was the big landlord who came forward to mobilize the villagers to drive these people away.

At the same time, the news that the hardness national server is about to be "destroyed" has also made headlines in the media of various countries.

The melon-eating crowd watched the fun, and on Twitter, under the ridicule, ridicule, and jokes from all over the world, many hard-faced Internet celebrities became furious, no matter how hard-spoken they were, they blamed this and that, and they blamed everything. Those who got the roll call sat on a crater that was about to erupt one after another, so they saved themselves one after another.

Next is all kinds of shirk responsibility, all kinds of blame, and all kinds of conspiracy theories, but the spiritual victory method is not easy to use at this time. The national service is about to be destroyed, and the iron facts can't be justified?
The tough players began to bear the pressure, especially the 'traitors' who transferred to other national servers. One counted as one, all of them were "human flesh".

But this time is not the time to pursue responsibility, how can we save the national service, or simply quit, so as not to suffer from such extreme humiliation.

There is a lot of quarrel in the country, and there are many people who support the withdrawal of the national server before it is destroyed. Their fragile and proud "self-esteem" does not allow them to watch the national server go out. It seems that voluntary withdrawal is a way to save face?

Reasonable people criticize this kind of "self-defeating" and "deceitful" views. With the whole world catching up with this trend, doing so is undoubtedly self-exile from the trend of the times.

Since they can't quit, they have to find a way to save it, but... the few operating agents who are occupying the territory of the national service have no intention of letting go at all, no matter how they protest or threaten, it will not work.

"Canaan has Canaan's rules of the game. It is futile for some national servers to try to use offline influence and actions to influence our online actions that conform to the rules of the game and seek reasonable and legitimate interests!"

"Here, we want to advise them that we have major interests and concerns in Canaan, and no threat or persecution can make us give up. What belongs to Canaan should be returned to Canaan. Let them seek solutions to the problem within the framework of the rules of the game. This is the only way, and the only possibility.”

This kind of announcement naturally made the hardness national server explode with anger.

These robbers, invaders!
It really didn't work, so I had to compromise with my old opponent (found by myself) on certain issues.

Canaan's parent company had to consider the consequences of the collapse of the hardness national service, and received a request for help, but after a little weighing, they readily agreed.

"What, participate in the battle of hardness of the national uniform?"

"Do they have money?"

"National service guarantee?"

"Third brother, third child, you can go back to fight now, haha..."

The pressure on Singer finally eased a little, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

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