This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 448 The End of the Expansion Pack

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, do you have anything to say about the current high exchange rate? Do you think the exchange rate will break through the crucial psychological barrier of 300 points?"

"The current exchange rate is caused by many reasons. I think this is just a special phenomenon in a special period. After this period passes, the exchange rate should return to a relatively normal level. After all, Canaan has such a large money supply , should be able to easily meet the needs of various national servers and players."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, do you have anything to say about the allegations against Miou's national uniform?"

"It's nonsense, the highest authority of Canaan is not in Huaguo Canaan's parent company, but in the hands of the Central Intellectual Brain. Canaan is a self-deduced, completely realistic world, and offline cannot do anything about the basic online game rules. Intervention, this has been repeatedly proved in the previous tests, and has been recognized by the operators of the national server including Miou. Currency is the core content of the basic rules of the game, and it is not controlled by anyone or any national server. That's S-level authority, and Canaan's parent company doesn't have it, so how can it control it?"

"But Huaguo's national service has the most resources based on the accumulation of the previous few times..."

"What's the matter? Is this a crime? Is it because we have more money and you have less money, so you want to divide the land by local tyrants to equalize it? I'm afraid this is not in line with the values ​​you have been promoting?"

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, what do you think of the hardness of the national server? Will they become the first national server to be 'destroyed' online?"

"No, even in the worst case, it's just a failure to start the server. There are still opportunities in the future."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, what does the Huaguo national service's support for the hardness national service represent? Are the two national services going to form an alliance?"

"No, no, no, we only provide a certain degree of guarantee for the hardness of the national server battle for the sake of the overall situation and for the sake of the hardness players. Note that it is a guarantee. We will not intervene in any competition for the national server, nor will we Will form an alliance with any national server."

"But this kind of guarantee allows Huaguo players to support the Hardness national server without any worries. This is unfair to other national servers that are currently fighting the Hardness national server. Do you think it is right?"

"Let me reiterate that the result of opening a server does not mean anything, but it has a great symbolic meaning. As the parent company and the publisher of Canaan Games, out of overall considerations, we believe that we still guarantee that all operating agents It is most important to provide services for their respective players online. We believe that it is inappropriate to exclude any national server, and it is irresponsible to some players.”

"So, you intervened in the fact that is about to be formed, violated the interests of many national servers, and violated the system ban."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Yu still has something to do, so that's all for today's question."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, when will the seventh test start?"

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, what do you think of the player city that Miou is building? Does Huaguo have a similar plan?"

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, what do you think the post-Canaan era will be like? Will the reality be reduced to a tomb, a dead world maintained by machines?"


"Down with Hua Guo's national uniform, hit the umbrella Canaan's parent company, and refuse to be bullied!"

"Down with Hua Guo's national uniform, hit the umbrella Canaan's parent company, and refuse to be bullied!"

"The Canaan game is a Chinese conspiracy!"


"Everyone, this is Lewis New York's report. The CEO of Canaan's parent company, who is known as the man behind the umbrella company, took a special plane and landed at New York International Airport at 10:[-] this morning to attend a meeting attended by all operating agents... The billionaire who was just selected by Modern Magazine as one of the ten most influential figures of the year held a brief press conference at the airport. He responded bluntly to the hottest issues at the moment. Please see the details below report."

"...There is no doubt that this is another character like ##. He has a strong personality and is outspoken. He has huge power and influence in the world. If he is not in China, he may become the most influential in the world One of the representative figures. Under his leadership, the parent company of Canaan Huaguo has grown into today's behemoth. It is a group with global Tesla attributes. The name of the umbrella is not out of some speculation or worry, but is becoming Reality."

"...Hardness people can breathe a sigh of relief, avoiding the most embarrassing result, but what is the price? I think, when the Hardness national server asked them for help, they must have promised something, you know."

"...Will the hardness national uniform lose its independence from now on? Become a vassal of Huaguo national uniform?"

"Very likely, we have to be vigilant against this possibility, and we have to remind our national server that online game rules can be interpreted in multiple ways. When the time comes, we decisively intervene.”

"Is there a system ban?"

"Hua Guo people are also bound by the system ban."

"They have money, don't they? Just a guarantee and an announcement can turn the hardness of the national server from danger to safety."


More than a month after Canaan truly started to globalize, the World Metaverse Conference was held in the not-so-sensitive iconic building of the World Trade Center. At this time, the agenda that had been determined long ago was unknown to anyone in advance. Such a drastic change in just over a month.

The Canaan storm has truly swept the world, and even closed and conservative places have begun to be affected and infiltrated by it. Even if a player does not have an area, it has begun to be affected by it in every aspect of life.

It is so unstoppable, once the gate is released, it will be like a flood, no longer restricted by any person or force, and willfully exert and infiltrate its huge influence and vitality, making everyone who loves it and hates it People are 'obsessed' with it.

A battle of national servers has caused tremendous changes in the offline international situation and geopolitics. A single exchange rate affects and influences the economic development of every country and region in the world. Now, no one or any organization can ignore it , to block it out.

"An important agenda of this meeting is to determine the final result of the national service battle"

"Yes, everything follows the rules of the game."

"7 tests? It's too early to tell."


"Of course, we will discuss the prospects of the 7th test...Tourists? This will be a key discussion at this conference. The system has delegated authority to various national servers, but... well, the meeting time is up, please make room , Let it go."

It is clear at a glance in this conference building that the "mixed" ones in the national server are good, and the "mixed" ones are miserable.

The good ones are all high-spirited, the more miserable ones are serious and unsmiling, as if everyone owes him money. Reporters and media from various countries comment on him, and every representative who enters the venue will give some explanations about their national uniforms and evaluation.

Almost all major media platforms around the world are tracking this grand event, among which, a key word - tourists, has aroused infinite reverie and expectation.

Online, Hardness National Service, Navi Mumbai.

In a town the size of a small town, Xie Xiaomeng and his teammates came back after chasing down a small group of enemies, talking and laughing all the way about the gains of the trip, especially for players who killed the enemy faction in the battle of the national server can also gain experience This is particularly satisfying.

"It's equivalent to a leveling book!"

A dwarf paladin teammate said with a smile on his face.

"It's really easy to brush!"

Another elf ranger gesticulated with a bow and arrow, his eyebrows beaming, "Take a kid, and the experience value will refresh the screen."

"It's poor!" said the third human bard teammate. "Poor is like a beggar."

The last barbarian teammate said, "If they weren't poor, they wouldn't be so easy to farm, right?"

The teammates all laughed.

Along the way, I met such happy Huaguo players. The old and new players all felt like returning to Novice Village. They all knew the dishes of the players in the international server, but the dishes were unexpected for this sake. Of course, there were many operations, Their awareness is very good and excellent, but they have only been in contact with the game for a short time after all, and they have not been able to improve their level, experience, skills, etc., and the poor ones do not even have a decent piece of equipment. Naturally, they are easily defeated by Huaguo players. .

On the city wall of Navi Mumbai, Singh was talking to an NPC played by a real person.

"...I've wanted to come back a long time ago, but...that's not the point, you know, this time I brought our entire gang to help fight, you can check it out, the Shaolin Temple gang is deeply influenced by our hardness culture Gang, Shaolin Temple."

"A gang of Buddhist beliefs?"


"Remember, the hard cultural soft power has a deep influence on Huaguo players, which can be seen from their gang names and game IDs... This is a promotional draft sent offline."

"I understand, I understand!" Singer nodded repeatedly.

"A famous scholar in Huaguo said that hardness has controlled and dominated Huaguo culturally for more than two thousand years without a single soldier. This is the influence of hardness."


"so be it."

"My business..."

"I will let the propaganda department pay attention, but you still have to switch back to the national server as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, I will as soon as possible."

On the other side, Xie Xiaomeng and her teammates walked into the gate of Navi Mumbai, and a group of beggar-like players in national uniforms surrounded them.

Set up friendship, get close, and some even beg regardless of face.


Singer was complaining that the real npc came down the steps. Seeing this, the man pulled out his whip and jumped into the pile of hard players, whipping and cursing, treating the players like slaves.

Xie Xiaomeng and other Huaguo players were stunned, they had never met such an NPC before.

There are only more than [-] players, shouldn't the identities of players be rare? Why doesn't it seem to be the case?

There are also NPCs in the national server, even if they are real people, they should act according to the rules of the game. Even if they want to punish some players, they should deduct their reputation and points. I have never seen such a thing.

Singer hid his face and walked away, for fear of being seen by acquaintances and asking what happened.

"Very well, your task has been completed very well!"

This npc chased away the players from the national server, and proudly came to Xie Xiaomeng and the others, raised his chin and recited the lines, "This is your reward!"

The system prompts that no one in Xie Xiaomeng has won the task reward of 5 copper coins.

It's a joke to say this reward, but the national server guarantees that there is another reward that can be received from the national server NPC.

Huaguo players chatted and laughed, but no one took this Indian boss played by a real person seriously.

"For the next task, I ask you to conquer here, and here, and drive these damned invaders back to their hometown!"

To issue a task on the hard national server, you still need to go to the national server NPC to confirm it.

Xie Xiaomeng didn't get entangled with this real npc who felt despised, and went to the national service npc place talking and laughing.

"...We can't allow some of the rebels to lose organizational and logistical support. Amon, you have to remember that our internal strife is only temporary, and it's the Lord's purpose to train you. Don't put the cart before the horse."

NPCs on the national server are much more reliable. No matter what the situation is, they strictly follow the world background and narrative style of Canaan, "So, our purpose is to keep Navi Mumbai, not to help them attack and occupy other rebel territories... The national server for this mission does not provide a guarantee."

Well, there is no guarantee for fools to go.

On both sides of the road, on the right side of the national service NPPC station, there is a cross street in the city, and the central intersection is a square, where all the temples of the system gods are concentrated.

Xie Xiaomeng finished all NPPC tasks, only two or three tasks were guaranteed by the national server, and the same was true for other teammates.

"It looks like it's almost over."

A teammate said unsatisfactorily, "Why don't we go play again?"

"Forget it, it's just the reward for the hardness of the national server."

"I also have experience in killing people, and things explode."

"Come on, I'm not interested in abusing vegetables... How about you, Amon?"

Xie Xiaomeng said: "I'm ready to go back. My mother is a tourist, and she is in an offline meeting. I want to accompany her to wait for news."

"It's good for tourists to go online!" said the captain, the barbarian. "Everything is expensive now. If tourists go online, at least the prices can be lowered."

"It's not a big deal. If you want to say that some things are still authentically made by tourists, such as drinks and food, the players are still dark, especially the players of life and leisure. It is a good thing for tourists to compete with them online."

"That's it, let's swipe to disband at the end."

The hardness national server is preserved, but there is only such a lonely 'city' left. On the city wall, a character who is a high-ranking official of hardness came online to inspect the situation of the national war. The boss of the online Canaan Hardness said, "Can these players stay and work for Hardness?"

Canaan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Mr. Mott has agreed to a special allocation, 1000 billion RMB, you..."

Before he finished speaking, a system announcement suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

[System announcement: The base camp of the rebel army has reached an agreement with the coalition forces of the human nations, the territory of the Grand Duchy of Norman has been confirmed, and the head of the army, His Excellency Ramsfield the Great Magician, has become the first Grand Duke of Norman. 】

[System Announcement: The national server battle drama is over, and the borders of each regional server are based on the currently occupied game map, and there will be no changes for the time being. 】

This isn't the Fourth Calamity

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