This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 449 Tourists Are Coming

Chapter 449 Tourists Are Coming

After logging out, Xie Xiaomeng rushed into the living room in her pajamas, not noticing that there were outsiders there, and poured down a large glass of water, "Huh, I'm so thirsty, Mom..." At this moment, I saw a few relatives Now, there was a half-grown boy who turned his head away from her to avoid suspicion.

She hurriedly covered her open collar, smiled awkwardly, and rushed back to the computer room.

"This damn girl!"

Aunt Xue smiled helplessly, and said to the neighbor who came to visit in the middle of the night, "I'm still waiting for the notice, I will tell you if there is any news."

The relatives also knew that it was inappropriate to disturb others at this time, so they stood up after saying a few polite words, "'s all his father's fault. Hearing that the wind is raining, as soon as he hears about the tourists, he must ask me to come and ask...then That's it, you can't hide any news from us."


After sending the two away, Xie Xiaomeng came out, "What time is it, I don't have any vision."

"Do you still know what time is it?" Aunt Xue hit her angrily, "Xie Xiaomeng, you are getting too much, how long did you say you have been online, huh? You are making progress, and you must have Teacher Wei to treat you, right? ?”

"Don't, don't, Mom, this is a special situation, the last wave of bonuses for the national server expansion pack, earn money."

"That time you were not in a special situation? If you continue like this, you should go back to school. I can't control you. Let your teacher Wei take care of you."

"I know, there will be no next time, and there will never be a next time, Mom~~"

The next door who was hugging my mother acted like a baby, and then fooled it.

"I'm starving to death."

He rushed into the kitchen in a hurry, and devoured the still hot food, "By the way, what did those people do here just now?"

"It's not a matter of asking tourists."

"Oh, I guess it's... this is a sign of trouble, and they are all waiting for the tourists to draw lots, right?"

Aunt Xue was noncommittal, and went back to the bedroom to pack her things.

After eating, Xie Xiaomeng burped, and quietly went to Aunt Xue's room, seeing her sitting on the bedside looking at something, she quietly walked over to look at it.

"Haha, I'm watching pancake Xishi again!"

It is the basic picture album left by Aunt Xue when she was a tourist, and there are screenshots of the games at that time on it.

At that time, it was not as 'convenient' as it is now. The photos above were all taken by others and posted on the Internet. Aunt Xue stood behind a simple trolley without a name and ID. Seven or eight points are similar.

Younger, as young as Xie Xiaomeng now.

Aunt Xue was also very beautiful when she was young.

"Damn girl"

"Mom, have you never thought about finding someone else? You are still so young and so beautiful"

"Nonsense, what do children know?"

"I'm not young anymore, I'm already 17 years old, why don't you know?"

"You won't be in school or in can't fall in love early!"

"No, nothing to look at"

"Xiao Meng, you are still young, so don't imitate me"

"Got it, got it, talking about you, haven't you ever thought about finding someone else? Don't worry about me, I agree with both hands and feet. Dad has been gone for so long, and I have grown up, so you You should have your own life and pursue your own happiness."

"... Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course."

"Then that Uncle Wang, didn't you do your best to keep people from entering?"

"At that time, I was still young and didn't understand anything. I thought you didn't want me."

"You are satisfied if you have this kind-hearted mother. This kind of thing... depends on fate."

"Anyway, you know what I mean, you can figure it out yourself." Xie Xiaomeng suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Aunt Xue's face, "No, Mom, you don't know how to date online, do you?"

Aunt Xue's face immediately turned red, she didn't know whether she was angry or she was hit, she grabbed Xie Xiaomeng's ear and twisted it, and in her screams, scolded her for not being big or small, and then kicked her pushed out.

"...With the end of the expansion pack of the Battle of the National Service and the establishment of the Grand Duchy of Norman, the regional server within the rebel camp has been systematically determined."

"Please take a look, this is the distribution of more than one hundred national servers, almost all of which are concentrated in the south of the game area. The only exceptions are our national servers, the East, and the Fairy Forest."

"It covers an area of ​​12 square kilometers, and it is still in the process of developing slowly."

"Professor Li, if tourists are reopened, how many tourist qualifications can these 12 square kilometers accommodate?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the carrying capacity of the server. As far as the online land area is concerned, if you squeeze a little, 14 billion can be accommodated."

"Haha, Professor Li was joking, I'm afraid Quanmin Online will not be available until after the public beta."

"Even if it's a public beta, it's impossible for everyone to be online..."

"Okay, let's talk about the status of tourists now... How many do you think there will be? This may be the most concerned topic for the audience in front of the TV."

"It's definitely more than when it's all four sides."

"The question is how much?"

"I have to ask Canaan Company about this."

"You are the 'policy advisor' of Canaan Corporation, so can't you tell the audience in front of the TV?"

"Hehe, my policy advisor is just an advisor, and I don't care about it... Okay, no kidding, the re-launch of the tourist status is something that has been brewing since the beginning of the 6th test. A real second world cannot be full of so-called players. It is undeniable that "play" will still be its main theme, but in addition to the main theme, more supplements are needed. Where do these supplements come from? First, it comes from a large number of realistic NPCs with a high degree of freedom. It can be said that they are aboriginal people, and secondly, they are naturally ordinary people from offline."

"These people's main purpose is not 'playing', but just like reality, life and experience... Such nature determines that the number of tourists far exceeds the number of players."

"Is there more than players? Can we understand this?"


"This is really good news, can the server handle it?"

"Visitors consume very little system resources, so there should be no major problems."

"Then, after the end of this World Conference, will the operating agents of various countries launch tourist identities online?"

"It should be, as far as I know, this issue is one of the main topics of the conference."

"It just so happens that the national server has been confirmed... Uh, wait a minute, the size of the national server is different, is it related to the tourist qualifications of each national server?"

"The size of the national service is large, and the upper limit of the number of people it can accommodate is large... This should be easy to understand, right?"

Xie Xiaomeng turned off the TV, turned around to watch, and Aunt Xue just closed the door.

With a snicker, she bounced upstairs and went back to her room to rest.

The next day, online and offline were still hotly discussing the end of the War of the National Servers expansion. There are a total of more than two million kilometers of game maps. Large and small national costumes are divided up, the largest is the Maozi national costume, 20 square kilometers, and the smallest is the hardness national costume, which is just a smiley spot on the map, which is extremely pitiful.

Most of the operating agents are satisfied, because there is a poor ghost of hardness, whether it is internal or external, it is easy to explain, and the hardness depends on the Huaguo national service to avoid being the first Even if he is extremely dissatisfied and unwilling about the end of "destroying the country", he has no choice but to admit it.

The freshly baked Norman Grand Duchy is extremely vast, and the east and south directions of key development can accommodate a huge population. Naturally, the urgently needed population must be replenished as soon as possible.

In the mage tower, Bei Gaoyang finished a long, long meditation, his consciousness was like a bottomless pool of water, and it took a long time for a little ripple to surface.

Lich Nicholas had been waiting outside the door for some time. At a certain moment, he suddenly received some kind of mysterious induction, and immediately knew that the owner of the room was inviting him in.

There was a storm in his heart, and with his knowledge and experience, he didn't know what the... enlightenment he had just received represented.

It is obviously an extremely ordinary door, but it is like an untouchable reflection. It is clearly a reflection, but at this time it is solidified from that kind of untouchable mystery.

He knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened automatically, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about a simple quiet room.

The Lich was extremely cautious, and stood upright after entering, and said: "My lord, the contract has been signed."

"Which one did you choose?" Bei Gaoyang asked.

"God of Light"

"Tirmos?" Bei Gaoyang smiled lightly, "Yes, he has the strongest strength and the hardest fist!"

The lich bowed his head and did not answer.

"So, I am now a follower of Thirmos?"

"Procedurally it is like this."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would have this day... where is the contract?"

The Lich quickly offered it with both hands.

The old parchments, the seals of the evening meeting, the holy emblems of various churches are densely packed, the endorsement of the secular kingship can only be reduced to the last corner, and the signatures of the popes... the back is the contract. terms.

Bei Gaoyang glanced at ten lines, and after reading it, he signed his name on it and left it aside.

—He signed not his real name.

No one asked him to sign his real name, as if everyone knew that it was impossible for him to sign his real name, so he didn't mention it.

On the one hand, this shows that the other party is "extraordinarily tolerant" to him, and on the other hand, it shows that this paper contract is not very binding, and both parties can tear it up at any time without paying much.

But in any case, the de facto Norman Grand Duchy has been established, at least in name, the Church of the Gods and the royal families of various countries have won the final victory.

The coalition forces can naturally disband and go home.

How to get along with the Grand Duchy of Norman next is the most important thing.

In this contract, there are also the so-called "free trade", "mutual recognition" and "unrestricted exchanges" clauses, that is to say, people from all human countries can come to the Grand Duchy of Norman in the future, and the "citizens" of the Grand Duchy can also be tens of thousands of people. Civilize the world without limits.

The map seemed to open up at once, and it was still the entire Western Continent.

In Bei Gaoyang's view, the most important content of this contract may be these few less important clauses.

——'Missing' across the magic net?
He sneered in his heart, said a few words to the Lich as if nothing had happened, and then sent him away.

The door behind him closed, as if the entrance to another world was closed to him, and the spiritual and even mystical induction was cut off, and Nicholas felt a chilling feeling.

——From now on, he has lost all sense of his previous peer, and he needs to re-understand the "mysterious symbol" represented by him, but he has no way to understand it.

Has he been promoted to the 9th ring yet?
Nicholas had no answer.

Do the gods know?
On the road leading to the legend, the last few steps make up for the eyeliner of the gods, not only the human gods, but also many gods who have fallen long ago, and the collapsed gods have been doing it since a long time ago thing.

Restrict or cut off the path of mortal things to the sacred, and avoid the kind of revolution initiated by the bottom that appeared in ancient times.

The gods ascended to the altar with this kind of revolution, overthrowing the brutal rule of the innate demon gods, and then, they unanimously began to restrict the paths they had traveled, for fear that the later ones would follow suit.

The 9th ring has already stood in front of this huge trench, and there is an endless abyss ahead. How difficult it is to cross the past, under normal circumstances, the gods will not allow it.

But maybe the one behind the door is different, maybe the gods will be lenient?
Nicholas left the Mage Tower with such complicated thoughts.

The mage tower no longer has the coordinates of the location, and he immediately appeared in the square of Buck City, seeing many mission NPCs, NPCs playing roles, NPC guards, NPC residents, etc., and more players than them gathered around them At the same time, a large number of interactions are being carried out.

He behind the system, by virtue of this interaction, mixed his will into it, like an invisible hand fiddled with countless threads, and the other end of the thread seemed to involve everything.

Inducting the magic net, it is like the sky, but also like the ubiquitous air, more like the magic power that has been tamed by it... everywhere.

The magic net contains immeasurable energy, just like the vast ocean flowing in the sky, around, the earth, the air, and the magic power. This sea has a unique will to rule. He is like a behemoth, hidden in the deep water Every time he opens his eyes, everything that happens in the sea is invisible, and everything contained in the sea is under his control.

Is this still a thing?

Perhaps, the 8th ring or the 9th ring has long been meaningless to him. Going beyond this pyramid, or even how to cross that natural moat, is what he is thinking about now.

—Maybe, I should connect to the magic net?

Nicholas had this idea more than once.

Only by connecting to the magic net can he integrate into this system and make him feel completely at ease about himself.

But this also means that Nicholas has since lost the ability to fight against him, and everything he has, even his consciousness and soul, will no longer have any secrets for him.

As an archmage and a spellcaster, Nicholas resisted instinctively, but his reason told him that this was a huge ship that had already set sail, and now might be the last chance to board it and sail to the magnificent shore.

How to choose?
The lich was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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