This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 450 Arrogance

Thinking runs very slowly, very slowly. In a huge, three-dimensional, and dynamic neural network, it takes a long, long time for the electrical impulse signal to generate an electric spark.

This electric spark was transmitted all the way along the huge and three-dimensional neural network, and in the blink of an eye, it escaped into the vast folds like a cosmic star map, and then fell into dead silence.

I don't know how long it took, countless electric sparks appeared in the boundless folds, the "sky" was bright, and an extremely weird lens, with a 'slow' thinking perspective, began to accelerate.

Accelerate, keep accelerating, accelerate to a critical point, accelerate to an untouchable barrier, and then easily break through.

When the bright light suddenly appeared, Bei Gaoyang heard himself say, "Xiao Ai, let's take stock."


In the living room on the first floor of the Mage Tower, the Angel of Fallen Light curled up on Bei Gaoyang's lap like a precious Persian cat, stroking her smooth back with one hand, all the way down to her trembling wings.

A seemingly thin and thin man leaned on the sofa, his bare chest was covered by his flowery hair.

"The 137 regional national servers have been determined. At present, the areas with the strongest and most stable signals within the coverage of the magic network are covered. The system has the strongest control in these areas. It has penetrated into the 'mechanism' of the 6th ring, reaching the theoretical level. upper limit."

"That's right, it means that the mysterious content below the 6th ring has been analyzed by the magic net, right?"


"It's so fast, is this good news?"


"go on."

"Because the magic net has always maintained...restraint, and did not blindly expand the area, so it did not overly stimulate our enemies. I think they don't fully understand what the magic net can do...more than [-] million players Its thoughts and soul, the support and definition of the magic net make it extremely strong, it has been deeply integrated into the mystic narrative, and has its own mystical attributes."

"Hehe, do you know what the mystical properties of the magic net are?"

"The ubiquitous, omnipotent, all-encompassing, defining and underpinning . . . web of all."

"...You are too optimistic."

"What do adults think?"

"Forget it, don't talk about this, you can continue."

"...Nearly tens of millions of new players in the 6th test have grown up and gradually adapted to the environment of Canaan, and most of them have grown to the point where they can be used..."

Hearing this, the 'lens' seems to lose interest, speeding up the restart, skipping this electric spark that seems to be floating in the air, and plunges headlong into another spark that is flickering in the folds.

"The abyss of the magic net!"

Bei Gaoyang stands on the chaotic 'sea', with the foggy sky as the background, and Xiao Ai is still standing aside "...the collection of the wishes of all beings seems loose and heterogeneous, but it has incredible power. Canaan is ideal , Whoever controls the mind controls everything, the gods are just islands in the ocean of mind...I didn't understand this until now."

"Being able to see these shows that you have made progress, not bad, not bad!", Bei Gaoyang commented with a smile. …

"The significance of the magic net and the game is not in the power displayed on the surface, but in the invisible and intangible... the gathering of the will of all beings, but there is a problem here. These gatherings of the will of all beings are foreign, and the overall narrative of Canaan It is incompatible with the core of mysticism, so it needs to be guided, or transformed."

"I think, this is the main purpose of the game?"

"My lord, from the beginning to the end, you didn't want to subvert the army of the entire Canaan world, but to subvert the thoughts of the Canaan world?"

"Ha ha……"

"Your wisdom really makes..."

"Okay, stop flattering me, let's solve the trouble first."

As soon as the words fell, a huge black shadow emerged from the chaotic seabed. It was so huge, just like the deified Kunpeng in the ancient Hua Kingdom, with countless eyes growing on its back. The eyes are staring curiously at the little human standing on the void.

The next moment, Bei Gaoyang opened his right hand and pressed down.

In an instant, the entire sea was pushed down and a huge depression appeared.

Kunpeng was in pain and struggled, but he couldn't shake the palm that was lightly pressed down, it began to 'bleed', and every drop of blood emitted countless ravings!

Ravings filled the entire 'Abyss'.

"Why, why did I fail to strengthen after seven or eight times, why?"

"Ah, why don't you explode the equipment, why don't you explode the equipment, damn the system, God damn Canaan Company!"

"I want to become stronger, I want revenge, I want to kill you scumbags and drop to level 0!"

"No, don't grab my boss!"

"Money, money, haha, a lot of money, how much is this in RMB?"

"The bullshit system gods are all fake, only fools believe it."

"It's said that this is an alien game, what about aliens, ET, come out and meet!"

"For the sake of the national uniform, everyone rush!"

"I'm an old player in the second test. When I was playing Canaan, you guys were still playing keyboard warriors on the Internet. It's been 5 years in Hedong and [-] years in Hexi. fair!"

"End this rubbish game early, shit!"

"Hey, let me tell you, the bulk of the game's materials are in our hands, the exchange rate? Haha, that's just a game we made. When all the pigs and sheep fall into the trap, look at how we harvest it, wow haha ..."

"Canaan is related to the fundamental interests of the country and the nation, and it is related to... Comrades can't treat it like a game!"

"This is war, this is..."

The demiplane developed by the whole system is filled with ravings, and has a strong ability to assimilate emotions. Even Xiao Ai can't resist it. The manifested form seems to be washed away by the torrent of disordered data, so that it is a little unstable.

But Bei Gaoyang remained motionless, and the vain hand slowly pressed down one by one, the depression in the sea became bigger and bigger, the huge 'Kunpeng' finally disintegrated, the billions of ravings were compressed, and finally returned to colorful The sea water returns to chaos.

"It is necessary to layer it up, my lord."

Xiao Ai slowed down and suggested: "The red ones are with the red ones, the green ones, the blue ones, and the purple ones... Only by doing this can the time for it to take shape be delayed." …

"Why delay?" Bei Gaoyang asked back.


"Add a gameplay called 'Fighting Demons'. Starting from the fifth level, it will be randomly refreshed on the game map at a fixed time, allowing players to purify and overcome their own distracting thoughts."

"……All right."

"Everything has pros and cons, including you and me. As long as the magic net exists, there will be shadows. You can't escape, you can only deal with it head-on."

"I doubt the offline network..."

"Okay, let's not talk about that here."


The thinking is still running slowly, and the 'lens' is like a fish jumping out of the water, leaving without hesitation the message presented by this spark.

"Ah, let me see, let me see, isn't this the freshly baked Norman Grand Duke?"

The abyss The sky is full of rust, and on the endless battlefield, two pitch-black battle lines are like two giant pythons entangled with each other. Behind one battle line, the flames of the abyss that spew out from the cracks herald Bane's mania and anger , his body attached and outlined by the flames leaned forward slightly, with his huge head lowered, he came to a relatively small cloaked figure.

The cloaked man lifted his hood, revealing Bei Gaoyang's expressionless face.

He looked around and said, "Instead of mocking your allies, you should spend more time on the frontal battlefield."

"Allies!" Bahn's voice raised an octave, and it sounded like Mulei was roaring, "Who? Is it you or His Excellency the Grand Duke of Norman?"

"You know it's just a matter of profit."

"I don't know, I smell conspiracy."

"whatever you think."

"Aha, you think we are doomed to defeat, right? Even if we lose, we can still divide part of the plane..."

"Draw the river to rule, or linger on!"


"It's rare to see you when you are anxious."

"Don't think that we are incapable of dealing with you, arrogant mortal, you are just a slightly stronger ant."

"Really? Then I might not be needed here? Bye, farewell!"

"...Please stay, Your Excellency the Grand Duke!"

A lich blocked the way forward, he bowed to Bei Gaoyang, Bane also fell silent, the silhouette of a huge body silently disappeared into the flames of the abyss, and disappeared.

"Haha, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face?"

Naturally, the Lich didn't know what was red and what was bad, but he didn't ask, but said coldly and mechanically, "Master Ballero asked me to tell you that they used to make you relax your vigilance in this way, and then ten thousand A way to nail your soul to the Wall of the Unbelievers and burn it for eternity to the end of the universe."

Bei Gaoyang replied with a smile, "Please tell Mr. Bayero, I will be careful."

"Well, our covenant counts, right?"

The lich changed his voice, and it suddenly came from the lord of several layers of abyss, the devil Lord Bayero.

"Of course", Bei Gaoyang replied as if he hadn't noticed.

"I need you to appear on the frontal battlefield as soon as possible, and share the pressure for this idiot, Bahn."

"I will."

"Then I will wait for your good news, Holy Duke of Norman." …

Bayero left after speaking mockingly, Bei Gaoyang bowed slightly, turned and walked into the light door that left the abyss.

The superficial acceleration happened again, and the 'camera' carried the traces of thinking that were running very slowly, just like a train moving at high speed, finding the next stop.

World Story——The ceremony of the Grand Duke of Norman's conferment has reached the middle stage, and countless players from various national servers gathered in Punk City on the public server.

The gate of Punk City has been newly decorated, and a red carpet leads directly into the city. On behalf of the Pope, the Cardinal Archbishop of the Holy See led delegations from various churches and several envoys sent by the royal family to watch the ceremony, walking on the red carpet with a smile on his face. superior.

"They..." The Cardinal who came to entrust the Norman Duke and baptized him said in a low voice and hesitantly, "they look at us strangely."

"The souls summoned from another world, a group of lambs who are still lost, need the Lord's mercy to save... Your Majesty!" said the accompanying white-robed monk, two pairs of folded wings were hidden under his robe.

"You're right," the cardinal said, and then he didn't care about the players' eyes.

"Hoho, a humanoid monster of more than 100 levels, Caiming, a world-class big boss, hoho!"

"Will it explode the artifact?"

"Look at the old man at the top of the row, I bet, any piece of his body that he just rolled off is a magic weapon."

"Nonsense, the Cardinal, that is the Cardinal... Well, what is the Cardinal?"

"Higher than the Cardinal? Fully responsible for one aspect of church affairs?"

"Never mind him, just watch the show."

"The experience given by the public server is high, it would be great if you can start doing it later."

"It's beautiful to think, it's so simple to give you the artifact?"

"I dare say that the guy at the top of the combat power rankings will definitely not be able to hold back one of his fingers."

"Isn't that nonsense? There's such a big difference in levels. I think we'll have to wait until at least seventy or eighty levels."

"When is the [-]th or [-]th level? Is it a public beta? Now it takes millions of experience to upgrade to a level."

"Public beta? I don't know if the 7th beta will be deleted or not."

"It's impossible to delete the file, and the 6th test didn't delete it."

"The 6th test was not deleted because there is no international server. Now it is different. If you don't delete it, people may make trouble."

"What the fuck, a bunch of pinkeye guys"

"Stop talking, it's started, it's started!"

The city lord's mansion was also decorated with lights and festoons, all traces of the false gods of the system on the square were removed, and the gates of all the temples were closed.

Standing on the steps, Bei Gaoyang dressed up, watching the bright Holy See's mission from far to near with a half-smile.

There are huge crowds of players, even on the roof. There is no prohibition in the system, and everyone is eating melons while watching the show. This should be a solemn and grand occasion, but there is no solemnity or sacredness.

This Cardinal of the Bright Holy See is an old acquaintance. A few years ago, he presided over the arrest and pursuit of the 'Thousand Hands'. At that time, what did he say about Bei Gaoyang?Can not remember.

Anyway, it was the most venomous evaluation, with the hatred of wanting to scratch the skin and cramp.

But now, the old man is smiling, watching Bei Gaoyang walk down the steps with a look of relief, just like watching a successful son and nephew.

"Son, it's a pleasure to see you on this occasion."

"Me too, my dear Godfather!"

"The eyes of the Lord are upon you, upon this place, upon your people."

"My pleasure."

"let us start?"

"Okay, my lord godfather."

Seeing the system prompt, many players were disappointed and complained why they didn't fight, they were still waiting for the magic weapon to explode.

The missionary group, a bishop of the Church of the Mother of the Earth, finally discovered what had been making him uneasy and uncomfortable.

It's not the aura of undead that fills here, let alone the magic effect (magic net) everywhere, but... arrogance!


The arrogance that permeates everywhere, penetrates the bone marrow, and emanates from the depths of the soul, is incurable!

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