After a realistic month.

Entering March, the coldest weather has passed, and there is still some residual snow outside the windows under the street lamps. Before dawn, sprinklers and sanitation workers have begun to go to the streets to clean up the mess left by yesterday.

With the hard work of these people, firecrackers, fireworks, festive banners, bits and pieces of streamers and other sundries were gathered into piles, and finally were loaded into the suburbs.

A rubber shoe full of muddy water stepped on a scrap of paper blown up by the wind, and a hand wearing labor protection gloves picked it up. On the scrap of paper was a notice that so-and-so had won the lottery, and only half of it was left. , the other half may still be on the body of the ecstasy.

The sanitation workers carefully wiped off the muddy water on the paper scraps, because the paper has a certain waterproof effect and has not been soaked.

After carefully wiping it clean, she took out a black leather-covered book from her pocket and clipped it in.

In this book, there are many postcards, illustrations and commemorative things like scraps of paper like specimens.

Look carefully, this sanitation worker is not very old, in his [-]s or [-]s, his face is already full of weather.

After the streets and alleys are cleaned up, the genius is shining. The city that has experienced a night of carnival "woke up" relatively late today. It is time to start the day's livelihood, but there are still only a few pedestrians, and even taxis are rare. .

The temperature is only about two or three degrees, and the weather forecast says that today will be the last cold wave, and after that it will be the season of warm spring and flowers blooming.

Winter has passed, but a tail is left.

It wasn't until the sky brightened that this deep inland city woke up from its silence.

Some office workers received a holiday notice, while others did not. The former were naturally overjoyed, while the latter went out full of resentment.

drop by drop...

There were more vehicles on the street, but the number of people waiting at the bus station was far less than usual. A man with a briefcase trotted in, shook off the muddy water on his shoes, turned around and looked at the billboards. The light box that has not been extinguished contains the "How to complete the second tourist identity registration and several items for registration" issued by the city.

"Fuck, when will it be my turn?" He complained softly, rubbing his hands in the cold wind, and checked the time on his phone, "It's almost 8 o'clock."

8 o'clock is a very important time. The 1200 million tourists who have won the lottery are up to the time for identity verification.

1200 million, this is an extremely large number, almost three times the total number of players in Huaguo, enough to fill the 3 square kilometers of online land (later expanded to 12 square kilometers).

That's an FJ province.

Some people have proposed the establishment of the 35th provincial administrative region, but this administrative region is online.

There are so many lucky winners, even this small, unknown inland city has tens of thousands. Canaan is something floating in the clouds, but it is so close at hand, falling on neighbors and neighbors. Pie on a relative or friend.

It's just that it didn't fall on me, Gan!
The bus pulled into the station, and the men with briefcases hurriedly lined up to get on.

There were not many people in the car, and they all watched the car TV.

"...There are still 15 minutes until 8 o'clock. I believe that many people in front of the TV are waiting excitedly, and many people even stay up all night. Professor Liao, in the last 5 minutes, please remind me of the things that should be paid attention to. Bar!"


"I'm not a player, so there's something I need to pay attention to?"

Out of sight and out of mind, the man with the briefcase took out his headphones and put them on, and soon fell asleep.

"Wait a minute, master, wait a moment!"

The bus had just left the station. The driver saw a man chasing after him in the rearview mirror. He didn't pay attention to it, but the man had already grabbed the body of the bus, and he staggered and almost fell under the wheel.

The driver stepped on the brake lightly, opened the car door angrily, and shouted at the panting woman who jumped up, "What are you doing, don't die?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry master, yes, there is something urgent."

"Urgent matter? Hurry up to reincarnate? Get down!"

"sorry Sorry!"

The woman was in her twenties, with plain clothes and a delicate face. She was sweating profusely when she ran, nodding and bowing with tears in her eyes, and she was holding on to the railing tightly, as if she would not go down.

"What are you doing in a daze, swipe your card!"

The driver's bad attitude is justifiable. The woman's behavior just now was very dangerous. If something happened, it would be all his responsibility.

The woman quickly swiped her card, "Master, can't you reach the Canaan Online Affairs Service Center?"



"Get off the bus and change to the 34th loop."

"But, it's too late!" The woman looked like she was about to cry, "Taxi and online car-hailing take time."

"You won the lottery?" an aunt sitting behind asked with a raised voice.


"It's all time"

"Why did you go early?"

"It's all right now, after the time has passed, it will be regarded as an automatic abandonment"

"Oh, that's too bad."

"Why didn't I have such a good life? Some people don't take it seriously?"

"Does voluntary resignation make the quota vacant?"

"That's what the rules say."

"Then do we have a chance?"

"What are you thinking? Who would be so stupid as to not complete the registration at this time?"

"Can't it be done online?"

"You must go to the service center with a valid certificate and a visa certificate"

"More than that."

"If you don't make such a fuss, don't so many people have nothing to do?"

The emotions of the people in the car were suddenly detonated. There were not many people, and there was a lot of chatter. The girl's tears came down, "My brother lost the lottery notice, and I just found it."

"Sit down!"

The driver said with a straight face.

"Master, help!"

The girl begged.

"Sit down!"

The girl hurriedly sat down in the front seat, and the driver turned the steering wheel violently and turned the wrong way on the road.

"what happened?"

"Is this going to the service center?"

"Is it too late?"

"We're in a hurry too!"

The driver kept a blank face and didn't speak, but drove faster and faster.

The girl quickly stood up and bowed to the people in the carriage, and thanked the driver. The passengers gradually shut up after seeing her.

The car was quiet, save for a bus speeding in the wrong direction on the empty street.

In the service center, the staff in charge of reception yawned, and was about to lock the shutter door when they heard a sudden brake, and then the door was slapped.

"What are you doing? Knock what, are you off work?", the staff member looked at the time on the wall and said impatiently.

"Sorry, I'm here to register."

"It's off work, come back tomorrow."

Tomorrow, today is the final deadline.

The girl outside the door panicked, but the bus driver didn't leave. He kicked on the rolling door and shouted, "How dare you be sloppy about such a big event? Open the door, the time has not come yet!"

The staff counted the second hand on the wall and didn't answer. The hall inside was extremely empty, and the mess left by last night was everywhere. The staff who were packing up to get off work were chatting and laughing.

"Please, please open the door!" The girl begged tearfully.

"This is negligence of government and dereliction of duty. Posting it on the Internet will make you unable to eat and walk around." The driver threatened

The staff had no choice but to open the door with one and a half minutes left, thanking the girl who came in angrily and saying, "Why did you go so early!?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble."

"Household booklet, ID card, lottery notice"

Finally, in the last half minute of the deadline, the registration and taxation and other related registrations were completed. The girl was about to thank some bus drivers, but when she came out, she found that they had already left.

——This is meeting a good person.

The girl walked out of the gate of the service center with infinite gratitude, and smiled sincerely against the cold wind blowing on her face.

When I got home, my parents and the brother who had caused trouble were waiting like years, and when they saw her come back, they seemed to want to ask but dared not.

The girl laughed, "...Fortunately, I met a good man."

"Long live!", the younger brother, who had been under great pressure, threw the pillow to the ceiling, meowing, and the cat, which was lazily taking a nap, was frightened, and rushed out all of a sudden, bringing down the flower pot placed next to the sofa.

Clang for a moment.

"I, I didn't mean to..."

The younger brother was about to apologize in fright, but the parents laughed happily. The girl rubbed the younger brother's head and took out the card obtained from the service center.

In the afternoon, a car delivering helmets for tourists drove into the community, and there was a scene of gongs and drums.

The girl was nervously queuing up with her card. There were more than a hundred lucky people in the community waiting to receive it. All the residents came out to watch the excitement. Those who won the lottery were naturally overjoyed, and those who didn't win the lottery also hoped to be happy.

Next time, next time must hit.

According to the order of the cards, the helmets for the first tourist identity began to be distributed, and the notaries and the civil servants stationed in the city by the Canaan Company supervised the whole process and verified everyone's identity.

Tourist identities cannot be used in conjunction, and whoever wins the lottery will own it. Therefore, the crowd also saw a grandfather in his eighties, tremblingly holding a moped, and the beaming one did not let his family members help him.

"Old man, you are also fashionable at your age? Can you stand it?"

"That's right, just give it to me."

"Master, think about it?"

The crowd made good-natured jokes, but the old man stretched his neck and refuted them one by one, his voice was loud and full of spirit.

The girl is relatively young among the people in the queue. People of this age usually want to be a player, but her parents didn't get it, and she got it, which is also a kind of happy trouble.

The identity of the tourist does not delay the acquisition of the identity of the player. This time the lottery is specially explained, because they are all national servers and not public servers (tourists do not have the right to choose partitions), and the support from top to bottom is very strong. I heard that the provinces and cities are Brewing various online administrative districts, each visitor's card has a group number, and there are free housing and so on, which is better than that of players.

In fact, it is going to follow the offline set, but it is replaced by the system and Canaan's statement.

Tourists are much easier to control than players. At any time, population is the foundation. With talents, everything is possible. How to use such a large number of tourists has not yet formed a clear statement.

But the most important function of tourists is to "live" rather than "play", which has long been determined.

"Zhu Yuting, Zhu Yuting, Shaanxi D10097?"

"Ah, here we come."

"Where's the ID card?"

"Here, here you are!"

"Household booklet, ID card, lottery notice"

Zhu Yuting handed over the bag in her arms again.

The staff began to sort the cardboard boxes behind them. After being irradiated by the instruments held by four or five people, checking and checking, the whole process was videotaped, and the notary staff and the producer, Canaan Company, supervised, before handing over a blue box into her hands.

"Open the box and check it, and sign if there is no problem."

"it is good!"

Zhu Yuting has read a lot of precautions on the Internet. Unpacking and on-the-spot inspection is a very important part of it. Due to the huge number of lotteries won this time, which are widely distributed across the country, it is inevitable that there will be places that cannot be supervised. , using fake tourist helmets to steal tourist identities.

Canaan's central intellectual brain doesn't care about the result of the lottery. A device only recognizes the first person who activates and logs in, so even if this person is finally caught, the identity of the tourist will not be recovered.

Opening the box, Zhu Yuting saw an ice-blue gradient, drop-shaped, and sci-fi helmet. She took a breath excitedly, recalled the steps of online submission, picked up the heavy helmet, and checked its various details on the spot. item function.

Built-in LCD problem.

Semi-backed ergonomic problem.

All relying on the external bionic bone bracket... no problem.

No master problem.

The bluetooth connected mobile phone displays the factory code and anti-counterfeiting problem.

Zhu Yuting finally signed, put the helmet in the box and wrapped it up.


Finally, the notary and Canaan company people congratulated her.

"thanks, thanks!"

Zhu Yuting returned to the family with the box in her arms, and the neighbors looked at the box in her arms enviously.

"Little Zhu, don't hesitate to take this precious lump back. If it's broken or lost, there's no place to cry."

"Starting tomorrow, Xiao Zhu will go to work in another world."

"Old money."

"The one in our family who tinkered with this temple and that incense all day long failed to hit it a few times, and I was so mad."

"I'd better save the luck for the players. Players are more advanced than tourists."

"You can't even hit the tourist, return the player? If you play less, you will die?"

"Wait and see, the 7th test is coming soon."

Zhu Yuting's family escorted Baby Pimple back home and put it in the living room. The four of them stared at it for several minutes, until now they had a sense of reality.

"Parents, don't be dumbfounded, my sister will be online at 8 o'clock in the evening"

"Ah, yes, yes, I'll cook"

"I'm going out to buy something, what does Tingting need to buy?"

Zhu Yuting looked at the time blankly, her mind went blank.

"It's not about entering the examination room. It's better to let my sister eat well, sleep well, and recharge her energy than anything else."

Zhu Yuting said, "Yeah, but I can't sleep."

"Then go take a shower and pack light."


"Let me tell you, sister, don't be nervous, you must remember what to do when you go online... Forget it, I'll check it online, you go take a shower quickly"


Zhu Yuting walked into the bathroom obediently.

"Mom, make the food lighter. Don't make trouble if you have a stomachache. And don't let my sister drink too much water. There is no game room, so everything is inconvenient."

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