This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 452 National Service Contract

There are many offline ways to simulate the scene when Canaan logs in to the game character lobby. The purpose is to let people familiarize themselves with this link that every player must go through in advance. When they really have the opportunity to log in, they will not be in a hurry and save time.

Zhu Yuting also used a lot of software to experience in advance, but she didn't know until she was in the character template selection hall that no training, familiarity and experience could simulate one ten-thousandth of this time.

It is the first time to leave the body and float in a huge and majestic hall in the form of consciousness. This kind of experience is unforgettable for a lifetime, and the impact it brings is subversive.

Fortunately, tourists don't have many choices, and they don't need to choose. The only thing they can choose is the character ID, but there are detailed regulations on the small card of the national server, and they can only use their real names.

I don't know how long it took before she woke up from this subversive shock, entered her real name, and was sucked into the only character template.

The height and appearance of tourists can be obtained randomly or by scanning. This is a huge improvement compared to before, and it is also a proof that the system resources are abundant to a certain extent.

Of course, ordinary people don't know this.

The first ray of sunshine, the first breath, the first touch from the skin... The whole person opened his eyes like an electric shock, and what he saw was a completely strange world.

How else can I say that logging in for the first time is like being reincarnated?

Zhu Yuting screamed like everyone else, touched her whole body like everyone else, and seemed to be in a dream like everyone else.

At this time, dense white light brushed up at the birth point, and the people behind would not give them a buffer time to react, pushing and squeezing them out of the range of the base.

The square that was emptied for tourists to land was crowded with people in a short while. The online staff of the national server anticipated this situation and gave them sufficient time to buffer and adapt.

Zhu Yuting was squeezed to the door without knowing why, and dragged into a small courtyard by an online staff.

"Are you awake, are you awake!?"

There were noisy voices everywhere, and the man was almost shouting in her ear.

Zhu Yuting nodded desperately.

"Okay... one of them woke up here!"

Immediately another person came over and pulled her into the end of a queue, "Registration in line."

"Oh, oh!"

What I hear most these days is queuing registration, both offline and the first thing online.

The staff kept pulling people in, and only started when they were sure. It was like fishing with a net. Those who pulled in were not 'awake', and they were pushed back without saying a word, and they were left to hang around in the square. Screaming and running wildly, when they are tired from shouting and run out of strength, they will naturally stop.

"My God, that's too exaggerated."

"I suspect that I have crossed over"

"Is this reincarnation? Does it count?"

"This level...almost."

"No wonder, no wonder..."

No one will ask why, because everyone knows the unfinished meaning.

At this time, Zhu Yuting's beating heart gradually calmed down, her blurred vision and dizzy head were cleared up, and the environment she was in became much more 'clear'.

The birth point is a large square surrounded by a high wall, and there are many small doors on the wall. Inside the small doors are small courtyards. The small courtyards are offices on the national service line. They are tourists. No players have been seen yet.

The team began to move forward, and the front one entered a small low house. An NPC with the words [National Service Tourist Identity Manager] on his head stood on the steps. Men and women, young and old, with words like [National Service Tourist Identity Registration Tool Man [-]] hurriedly came out.

Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs...

" mighty."

"I feel so ugly."

"Dwarves don't think they're short. They look [-] meters? They're so burly."

"The elves are so beautiful, just like characters in anime."

Even these tool people, one, two, three, four... all have different racial identities. These tourists are all human beings. It’s okay to choose random ones. No matter what they come with, there is still a sense of freshness. Zhu Yuting feels that she has traveled through time. , as if bringing the real body into the game.

Enter one, move a step, the square is still noisy, but the tourists no longer landed, and later found out that it is a safe area allocated according to the actual administrative area, and most of the tourists landed here are from the same city.

——How many safety zones does the country need?

1200 million people, too magical.

"Master, what is registered in it?"

"Just like offline, there are also allocated houses"

"Do you want a daughter-in-law?"

"Ha ha……"

"Hehe, I think beautifully."

"Next, next!"

The uncle who asked if he would send his daughter-in-law went in. This person was also scanned. Even the bald head and beer belly were brought online. As the first person who registered came out, everyone's hearts gradually settled down.

Some people are better than no one. If no one cares, Zhu Yuting doesn't know what to do now.

"I don't have you on this list, where are you from?"

"Where are you from?"

"The location of the account."

"Ah, Huaqing City, Province K..."

"Wait a minute, how did Huaqing's get here?"

"You ask me, who do I ask, just now I heard that this place is all from LF City?"

"You wait."

During the registration process, various situations continued to arise. It was impossible for such a large-scale landing to be seamless. After waiting for more than two hours, it was Zhu Yuting's turn. At this time, all the small courtyards were crowded with people, and the square There are not many 'lunatics' who are still yelling.

"Zhu Yuting, Zhu Yuting, Unit 127, Building 10, North Hospital of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, No. 1, Huali Street, LF City, ID number: ..., lottery number: ..., tourist ID number: ..., right?"


"If there is no problem, sign... This one, this one, and this one... There will be a system pop-up window, just choose OK and agree."

Zhu Yuting didn't understand anything, so naturally she meant what others said.

The system pops up a window that seems to be asking for permission, there are too many texts to read...

"Very well, it's done. From now on, you will be a part of the national service. This is the dormitory you have assigned to you. If you go out through the side door, someone will take you there. Settle down first when you arrive at the place, familiarize yourself with the environment, and if you are hungry Eat in the cafeteria... go, don't be afraid, it's just like in reality."

Same as in reality?
Zhu Yuting left the spawn point through the side door in a daze. Outside the courtyard, seven or eight tourists and tool man No. 101 were already waiting.

The tool man let her join the team, waited for a few people to come out, and then led them through an alley to the outside of the safe zone.

"Our place is called Hongye Town..."

Zhu Yuting could no longer hear what the tool man was saying.

Oncoming is an antique long street, the street is bustling with bustling shops on both sides, and various signboards are fluttering in the wind.

"Demons and ghosts" wearing various armors, leather armors, robes, and costumes (thieves) come and go, and behind them are pets similar to the cute monsters in "Monster Hunt".

The chubby, fluffy pets jump and jump with people, strongly attracting people's attention.

There were lively cries from the shops on both sides, such as restaurants, taverns, hotels, commercial shops... If these are still true to reality, then what about enchanting, alchemy, refining, strengthening, magic stones, strengthening stones, etc. It's completely out of touch with reality.

A group of them walked in without attracting any attention. At most, some people sighed that there are so many tourists online this time, so they are all busy with their own affairs.

Zhu Yuting and the others seem to have entered the Grand View Garden, and both eyes are not enough to see. Seeing them like this, Tool Man 101 stopped popularizing science, and waited for them to get familiar with the environment first.

The long street is very long, and it takes more than [-] minutes to walk to a fork in the road. There is a building with a tall spire in front of it. In front of the building is a square larger than the birth point, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people. People, the square is surrounded by NPCs with various bold font logos on their heads, wearing armor, wearing robes, old and young, burly like a devil muscle man, dry and skinny like a mummy... a team of all The armed cavalry came oncoming, and the tool man led them to avoid one side.

The pair of knights escorted a group of 'prisoners' who had just been released from the prison, but these prisoners didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all. They acted like no one else, made loud noises, and even bragged and quarreled with passers-by.

"You can learn from them!"

Toolman 101 warned: "They are players, and the system manages them, but you are not."

From the moment it went online, people kept reminding this point, as if players were superior to others, and tourists could handle it casually.

This is indeed the case. The agreement Zhu Yuting and the others signed just now has given complete management authority to the national service. Strictly speaking, they are all the "tool people" of the national server, and they have not much to do with this tool man 101. the difference.

Of course, no one will point it out, and the national server will not be so stupid as to really use them as tools.

"Go this way!"

If you turn right at the Y-shaped fork, you will leave the bustling 'commercial area' and enter the so-called living area.

The well-developed alleys in all directions are like cobwebs, and the road signs indicate that people can't figure it out. It took more than [-] minutes to walk between low, tall, majestic, or pocket-sized houses. , before coming to play with a large front yard.

【Hongye Town Tourist Dormitory 7】

The plaque at the door made Zhu Yuting a little dazed. She had already chatted with the people she was traveling with along the way. Everyone came from the same area, and the furthest ones were only counties and cities that were very close to each other. Everyone has needs, so they get familiar with it quickly.

"Sister Zhu, we live together."

Said the only female college student named Hu Yang who was younger than her in the team.

"I don't know how to distribute it."

"Is this also in charge? No way."

Entering the yard, I found that there were rows of two-story brick and wood houses, the ancient style often seen in TV dramas, with wooden doors and windows, vermilion paint, blue bricks and tiles, and a ground paved with small gravel.

Clean, tidy, spacious...a place to fall in love with at first sight.

"...Buying a house is a big deal. It's the same online and offline. Many players dream of owning a house in the city, but they either can't afford it or are not qualified to buy it. You are different. Free house allocation, this benefit , Tsk tsk, there will be no such good things in the future."

"Worker...what's your name?"

"We can't tell you names, just call me 101."

"That...why do you give us a room for free? This dormitory will belong to us from now on?"

"You are tourists, yes, you are...citizens, do citizens understand?"

"Isn't it a player?"

"Players are different... Sigh, I won't be able to explain it for a while... You can live in this house forever, it's free, but it doesn't belong to you, you only have the right to use it, not the ownership, understand?"

"Understood, understood."

"Then we can make money, can we move out!?"

"Of course... Wang Daming, you and Mali live in this room."

"Two people live in one room?"

"The inside is a suite... There is no way, there are too many people, the City Lord's Mansion has done its best, please understand more."

The City Lord's Mansion sounds a little weird.

"You can just be the town government."


Zhu Yuting made a request under Hu Yang's instigation, and 101 readily agreed.

"You guys are babes now. I count on you to be online for so many things. I don't have such a good life. I didn't win the lottery, alas."

In the end, Zhu Yuting and Hu Yang were assigned to a room on the second floor, which had a structure of two bedrooms and one living room, but there was no toilet or kitchen.

"I can't believe it. Sister Zhu, pinch me. Are you dreaming? Pinch me."

As soon as the door was closed, there were only two people left. Hu Yang lay down on the solid wooden chair and started yelling.

Zhu Yuting touched this, looked at that, but unfortunately there was no mirror, so she couldn't see this 'reincarnated' body.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"If you don't pinch me, I'll have to pinch you... Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt in reality, you pinch it again"

"I'm really here?"


There is no game window and no digital character templates. This time, the tourists said that it has been "significantly upgraded" and that "the sense of reality has been improved by several orders of magnitude". All of them were deleted, and the pain and so on were adjusted to the lowest allowed by the system, in order to save as much as possible.

The two of you pinch me, and I pinch you. They rolled into a ball laughing and pinching each other.

"very nice!"

Hu Yang lay on the soft couch by the window, "It's really like a dream."

"Aren't we dreaming now?" Zhu Yuting said.

"No, we are soul travelling."


"It's just...well, just treat yourself as a reincarnation, almost."

"Well, it's really like changing into another person."


"I'm going to make a lot of money in the future."

"We are not players, how do we make money?"

"There are many places to make money. I don't understand it now, but you will know it later."


"Have you signed the contract for the national service?"

"Signed, how about you?"

"I signed it too. It's a contract of sale. They are too much, thinking that others are fools."

"A contract of sale?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to go to the official server, the national server is fine... Ah, I'm hungry, let's go to the cafeteria?"

"……it is good."

"The food in the game, I don't know if there is Ruiao, hehe."

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