This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 453 What Are We Doing?

Ruiao naturally did not.

This is a tourist canteen, full of visitors from other worlds who have just arrived in the precious land, some of them have not fully come out of the 'crazy', and behave like a child with ADHD, touching here and touching there , the slightest movement will startle, it is very noisy.

The canteen is very large and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, but there are only a few windows. The tableware is a common offline style, wooden, obviously hand-polished, and the edges and corners are very rough. The sizes and specifications of the disks cannot be unified.

The line at the window was long, and the tourists were talking excitedly and quietly, slowly moving forward.

I am looking forward to the first meal online, what will it taste like, is it really as bad as the players said?

Zhu Yuting and Hu Yang came earlier, they were at the front of the queue, and it was their turn in a while.

Looking in from the window, I only saw several huge pots like steel-making furnaces, and the NPC chefs and helpers hired by the system were shirtless and sweating profusely.

The big and round chefs 'opened the gate to release the flood', and a suspicious, viscous, greenish paste flowed out of the gate, filling several wooden vats.

When a bucket was full, the four NPC helpers lifted them up with difficulty and put them on the chopping board in front of the window.

"Identity card!"

The NPC aunt who was in charge of distributing meals at the window said, knocking on the spoon.

Zhu Yuting: "Ah... ah, here it is."

The aunt took the card and looked at it, threw it back, poured a spoonful of paste on the dinner plate, and then pushed it to the left.

Zhu Yuting quickly followed to the next window.

The person in charge of distributing the meals at this window is an uncle. I don't know whether it is a real employee or a hired NPC. He put a small wooden bowl filled with water on the plate and pushed it to the last window.

This window added a long, burnt-yellow thing that looked like meat to the dinner plate, "Type A simple set meal, consuming 10 coppers"

Zhu Yuting: "Ah, do you need money? I don't have any."

"Record the accounts first, and make a unified settlement at the end of the month."

"...No, not for free?"

"Do you want to be free?" The guy at the last window who is obviously a real employee asked with a smile, "It's okay if you want to be free, just come to the cafeteria and do a few favors."

"It's not free, it's not free!" Hu Yang followed her and pulled her away, "You are stupid, free things are the most expensive."

Zhu Yuting groaned, and sat down at a simple dining table with Populus euphratica.

"I don't want to eat it!" Hu Yang looked at the so-called 'Class A Simple Set Meal' in front of him, and said hesitantly, "It looks like dark food."

A tourist sitting next to Zhu Yuting leaned over and said, "Isn't it dark cuisine? I heard...the ingredients are all cut from monsters by players."

"Huh?" Hu Yang's eyes widened.

"Like goblins, kobolds, murlocs... Maybe there are zombies, zombie meat."

"Ugh!", Hu Yanggang took a mouthful and spat out upon hearing the words.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Zhu Yuting quickly patted Hu Yang on the back to comfort her, and then gave the man a look: "We can eat what other people can eat. What if we don't eat? Do we starve to death?"

"Hey." The man smiled, turned around and scooped a spoonful of the paste into his mouth.

They all stopped to look at his face.

The man babbled, "It's okay, it's not too bad, it just smells like preservatives."

Hu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Zhu Yuting had already started to eat, she had no choice but to scoop up a spoonful with a heroic look, "You bastard!" She cast a reproachful look at the person next to her.

"Let's get to know each other, Fang Qinghong, how about you?" The man smiled and stretched out his hand.

Zhu Yuting stretched out her hand and shook it lightly, and said a little reservedly, "Zhu Yuting."

"Pulphus euphratica!"

"Even if everyone knows each other."

The food is not too... unpalatable, it is still within the tolerable range, with the bonus of eating online for the first time, even after eating it at the end, it feels a little disgusting and greasy.

The greasy feeling that remains in the mouth and esophagus after eating.

"Don't think I'm scaring you. In fact, many ingredients are 'collected' by players when they spawn monsters. Do you know about collecting? We will probably do this kind of work often in the future, and cooking is the most important thing for tourists. It is the living supplies, logistics support, and most of the tasks are like these.”

"Do you seem to understand?"

"My brother is a player, and I help him make up a lot of things. For Canaan, I am clear."

"Then I will ask you a lot from now on."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, I am from Wucheng, and you are from Linfen. They are all from the same area. Everyone is from the same hometown."

The first online meal ended while talking and laughing, and the three of them returned the tableware together. At this time, the cafeteria was already full of tourists, and it was extremely lively as far as the eye could see.

Zhu Yuting whispered, "It's really like a dream."

Fang Qinghong: "Let's go, I have everything in my dream"

Zhu Yuting broke away from his hand: "You..."

Hu Yang: "What shall we do next?"

Zhu Yuting: "Yes, no one arranges it?"

Fang Qinghong: "What do you do? Of course it's to do tasks to make money."

Hu Yang: "Since you know, you can arrange it."

Fang Qinghong: "Wrap me."

Just as the three people outside the cafeteria came out, a player suddenly pushed the door out from the yard of a house. When the two sides met, the dwarf player grinned and walked away.

"To do the task." Fang Qinghong said.

"Shall we go for a stroll in the city?" Hu Yang suggested.

These tourists have been wandering around the living area since they went online, but they passed a bustling street for a short time on the way to the dormitory, and Hu Yang's proposal hit the two of them.

Follow the well-developed alleys to the main city, and get lost after a short walk. There are exactly the same houses everywhere, and it is easy to lose your way.

Or Populus euphratica pointed to the tall spire in the distance, which surpassed all the buildings, and used it as a reference to walk out of the living area where one house was next to another, and merged from the small road behind a shop into the main road in the main city, and came to a lively , Bustling commercial street.

Standing among all kinds of players and NPCs, he heard a sharp whistle. An NPC guard lined up the crowd. Hu Yang, who was unable to dodge in the future, staggered, rushed into a shop behind him, and caught a human thief player.

"Okay, you can do it, let's wait and see later!"

The thieves player was very arrogant, turned around and shouted at the owner of the player who came out after being twisted by the guard.

The owner of the player's store yelled: "Hey, stealing something and stealing a sense of superiority? Come on, I'm afraid of you!?"

"There is a kind!"

"Brothers will recognize this house in the future."

"How dare you provoke our Liangshang gentleman's family!"

"Don't even think about doing business in the future."

"Steal this house, steal everything."


The owner of the player looked at the sudden appearance of so many thieves with an ugly face, twisted his expression a few times, and finally showed a smiling face, catching up with the NPC guards.

The Rogue player was acquitted as Ben voluntarily took on the 'fine' due to the charges dropped by the shop owner.

"Are you awesome, weren't you awesome just now?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, brother speak here"

"I have a task to do, what if I steal something from you, that's how I value you."

"Yes, yes, yes, little brother, I don't know Taishan..."

The two walked into the store chattering, and the players who were watching the excitement outside turned into birds and beasts and scattered.

"No, can you still do it like this?" Hu Yang said, looking at the backs of the thieves players leaving arrogantly.

"The atmosphere of the game has long gone bad." Fang Qinghong, who is well-informed, said, "That's why we are so anxious to let us go online."

"How can we improve the atmosphere when we go online?" Hu Yang didn't understand.

"Let's obey!" Fang Qinghong said, "There is no system on the head, and a contract of sale has been signed. The national service can come as you want."

"It's not fair!" Hu Yang pouted and said, "Is the player superior to others?"

"They are here to play, to play, do you understand, what are we here for?"

Zhu Yuting: "We are here to experience, live...and earn money."

"That's right, the nature is different." Fang Qinghong took the opportunity to grab Zhu Yuting's hand, "Let's go, what's interesting."

"Let's talk about it, what are you doing with your hands and feet?" Hu Yang slapped him off with a slap.

Zhu Yuting had a fever on her face, and Fang Qinghong smiled like nothing happened, "Go over there and have a look, it's lively over there."

If some details are neglected, it feels like being in a huge ancient studio that combines Chinese and Western styles. The architecture is from Huaguo, the equipment and clothing style are from Canaan, the ethnicity is indeed Western fantasy, and the conversation is modern... …

Lively, very lively, dizzyingly lively, there are many shops and vendors, both NPCs and players, transactions, quarrels, conflicts, and movies on the street, you can hear a whistle every once in a while, Some players were thrown into the system prison, and when the three of them walked through the [-]-meter-long street and merged into the center of the city, the square in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion became even more lively.

At a glance, there are all stalls set up by players, with all kinds of signs, as if you are in a lively pedestrian and food court.

On the booth, there are people present and some people not present. A simple container is symbolically placed under the pocket-sized signboard representing the function of the booth. Customers don’t need to contact the shopkeeper, they can “click on” the signboard with their consciousness locked, and then a Goods sold and bought at the stall.

At least a thousand stalls are arranged like a grid of parking spaces. Each grid is only two meters long and one meter wide, with a pedestrian passage in the middle. It is roughly estimated that it is no less than a thousand.

Populus euphratica: "Wow, it's spectacular!"

Fang Qinghong said, "It's like a garbage online game, haha... so kind."

Zhu Yuting has already 'clicked' on the signboard of the nearest booth, and looked at it curiously.

Sincere purchase:

[Mica Ore]: The purchase price is 2 silver and 50 copper.I want to sell/contact the owner

[Cloud Essence Stone]: Purchase price: 1 silver and 10 copper coins.I want to sell/contact the owner

[Obsidian]: Purchase price: 3 silver.I want to sell/contact the owner

[Mithril Rough Stone]: Purchase price: 5 silver.I want to sell/contact the owner

[Fine gold rough stone]: purchase price: 11 silver.I want to sell/contact the owner


[Flame Bird Tail Feather]: Purchase price: 30 silver.I want to sell/contact the owner

[Black Piranha Nectar]: Purchase price: 50 silver.I want to sell/contact the owner


[Kobold's mutant fangs and fangs]: The purchase price is 5 copper.I want to sell/contact the owner

[Tree Demon Mu Xin]: Purchase price: 3 copper.I want to sell/contact the owner


no Prof for sale:

['Heaven Forgive Who' Mica Concoction Enchanting Solution (Level 2), Efficacy: Probability of appearing Spirit and Soul Protection 1 Effects, Probability of Appearance: Heart of the Earth Defender (Active), Probability of Appearance: Earth Elemental Protection Barrier (Passive), price: 20 gold and [-] silver]

【‘雪舞飞语’的精炼黑曜精铁原胚(一级),主材料功效:概率打造一级职业蓝、二级、三级职业绿、四级职业白色品质的装备道具。辅材料功效:根据主材料的相性,概率出现坚固、低需、主属性力量 (1-3),体质 (0-1)的附加属性。售价:2金22银。】

"Wow, that's a lot of money!"

Before Zhu Yuting finished reading, Hu Yang looked at the purchase and sale prices, and stars appeared in his eyes, but Fang Qinghong said, "Don't read, these things are not for us."

"What's wrong? Isn't mining and collection just for tourists?" Hu Yang called.

"Mining? Do you have physical strength?" Fang Qinghong asked back, "Can you drink physical strength potions? Do you have general mining skills? And...does the national server let you dig?"

Hu Yang held back his mouth.

"Without physical strength, how many times can you swing a hoe? Without mining and gathering skills, you have to rely on your own eyesight, experience, and luck. Besides, what to do if you encounter monsters, what to do if NPCs and players rob you, and we don't have free resurrections The number of times, one death is 20 silver, and you can only die three times a day, if you exceed the number of times, you will really belch, which means you will lose your tourist qualifications."

"Then what can we do?" Zhu Yuting asked.

"Here, look over there!"

Among the bustling pedestrians, there are some players and NPCs carrying all kinds of accessories, eating, and drinking. Because the traffic is very high, every business is very good, and they are stopped by stall owners and players on both sides from time to time.

"And over there!"

Fang Qinghong pointed to a job recruitment booth diagonally ahead. The signboard said that a certain workshop recruits workers with piece rate wages, both long-term and short-term workers. There is a quota indicator for joining the big gang, don't miss it when you pass by.

Several tourists have already asked in front of the booth.

"Let's go, don't look at it, we signed the contract of selling ourselves, and we have to work for the national service first."

"But what can we do?"

"We can do a lot, and you will know later."

"Then why don't you go shopping?"

"Next time, there will be opportunities in the future."

"They won't let us turn screws, will they? I won't."

"You think too much, how can there be a screw for you to turn, there is a high probability that it is farming."


"Are we going online to be their tenants?"

"What do you think?"

"I won't do it."

"Neither do I."

On the issue of not being a tenant, Zhu Yuting and Populus Hu Yang were highly consistent. Fang Qinghong smiled and said: "You guys are so high, you must stick to it later, don't be fooled by others and forget everything."

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