This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 454 We want to start our own business

Chapter 454 We want to start our own business

"How could it be possible for you to be tenants? The national service is going to distribute the land to you this time!" said the online staff of the national service with a smile.

The three of Zhu Yuting said at the same time, "Huh?"

"Land, think about it, this is land, do players have a chance? No, only you have it, what a precious chance, how can we enslave and oppress you? How can there be such a law of enslavement and oppression, are you right? "

"No..." Fang Qinghong, who knows everything, was also shocked, "This is to divide the land into households, isn't it?"

The staff member nodded slightly, "You can also understand it that way."

"Then..." Fang Qinghong looked back at the two companions, already so moved that she almost nodded in agreement.

Or Populus euphratica was more clear-headed, and was not dazed by the whole pie falling from the sky, "So we still have to be farmers, right?"

"Isn't the farmer bad? Let me tell you, my little comrade. You don't want to think like this. Without the hard work of the farmer's uncle, what we eat and drink, counting up to three generations, who is not a farmer, how can we engage in occupational discrimination between urban and rural areas?" What? Everyone just has a different division of labor, and they all serve the people!"

This guy must be an unserious person in reality, but the three of them didn't care about it, and they were all knocked out by this pie.

Anyone who knows a little bit about games knows, what is the most expensive in the game?
Not equipment, not recipes, not any other miscellaneous things, but land.

At least that's the case for the national server.

Land is the hardest to obtain and the most expensive.

There are three situations here.

One is the gang resident, there is nothing to say about this, I didn’t see that most of the gangs in the national uniform are still rented temporarily?Hundreds or thousands of people are so strenuous, let alone individuals?
One is commercial land such as shops and workshops.

This is relatively easy to obtain, at least there are no harsh and cumbersome conditions like gang resident, and there is no hard target of national service points, as long as you have money.

But strictly speaking, commercial land is also a lease, which has a period of use.Besides, the single function of commercial land is far inferior to the freedom of gang resident, the system has many functions, and the ownership is the most clear and thorough.

This is determined by the rules of the system and cannot be changed. Therefore, the gang resident in the national server is so laborious, and a large part of the reason is because of the national conditions.

The land is state-owned, but what about the online land?
A total of more than [-] square kilometers, don't let the public beta start, it will be divided up, it is unfair to the majority of people who have not yet gone online.

The last one is the military rank exchanged for meritorious service (points), and the enfeoffment of the noble's private domain.

Not to mention this, from the conception of the fifth test to the implementation of the sixth test to the present, no player has obtained a noble status above the knighthood. With more money and less money, this door frame alone has reached the present, and no player can cross it.

The public server and the system are so stingy, let alone the national server.

The national server has the right to be knighted, and the system rules also encourage each national server to express their respective authority in the narrative of Canaan.

How to express?

Of course it is divided.

One country serves one duke and earldom, and it doesn't look awkward when you say it, and it can better fit into the background of Canaan's world.

But until now, no national server, including those Pacific island countries, dared to do anything.

It’s not that the law, morality, culture, history, and concepts on the other side of the earth have passed this period long ago, and the access to information is developed. No one in power dares to risk the world’s disgrace to be the first bird, not to mention the slobber and doubts outside, There is enough for them to drink a pot inside of them alone.

Besides, it's not worth it, just for the sake of an online name.

Wouldn't they be without a name?

The last one is nameless, the second one requires a huge amount of money, and it is only limited to the safe area, and the first one doesn't even need to be thought about. Apart from this, I have never heard of other ways to obtain online land.

Now I suddenly tell them that it is free and everyone has it. It is like placing a gold mine in front of you with a bang, and telling you that this thing is yours from now on.

"What do we need to do?" Zhu Yuting asked, "Are there any restrictions?"

"Of course there is"

Hearing this, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, this is right, there is no free lunch in the world.

"First, the land cannot be bought and sold, and the ownership cannot be changed. When necessary, the national service has the right to take it back for other purposes, but it will compensate you for the losses you have suffered.

Second, the operation and production on the land must accept the planning and guidance of the national service. Part of the output must be turned over as a tax, part of it will be purchased by the national service uniformly, and some can be purchased freely.

Third, once the land is allocated to you, you must maximize and use it most efficiently. You must devote yourself to operating and producing, so you cannot engage in other industries, nor accept other tourist tasks.


"Stop it, damn it!" Fang Qinghong scolded angrily before he finished listening, "Then he said it's not a tenant, what is it if it's not a tenant? Bonded labor? Slave?"

"It's too much, are we fools? Land can't be bought and sold, ownership can't be changed, and the national service can be taken back at any time. What kind of ... is this private?" Xiaojiao Hu Yang also pointed at the staff angrily and spit, "On the land We still can’t make the decisions about the operation and production, we pay one third of the tax, one third is monopolized by you, and one third is our own. Huang Shiren dare not exploit Yang Bailao like this..."

"We are not allowed to engage in other industries and tourist tasks. This is to tie us to this land and treat us like cows and horses for you," Zhu Yuting added weakly, "It's too much."

"Land, this is land!" The staff also raised their voices, "The player has no chance to want it!"

"Don't players have a chance? Players are managed by the system, you can't be the master!", the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, Fang Qinghong immediately exposed the opponent's words.

"There is no free lunch in the world, how much can you do with land?" I felt that the online staff was just teasing them, and didn't care how they chose, "Think about it, you have assets online, You can build a house on it, start a family and start a business, get married and have a baby, what so many people dream of, how come it is outrageous when you talk about it?"

"Get married and have a baby?" Zhu Yuting was frightened.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, let's find another person to ask." Hu Yang saw that this person was unreliable, maybe he was talking nonsense, and dragged Zhu Yuting to the next window.

This place is the same as the offline tourist service center, but with a different name, it's called 'Huaguo National Service Talent Market in a certain area', and it's mainly aimed at these groups of tourists who just went online.

"It's the same for anyone you look for!"

The unreliable online worker stuck his head out of the window and shouted at their backs.

The windows are densely packed, like a bank or a hospital. There are not many tourists, and there are not many people queuing up at the windows. Most people are still enjoying their first meal online.

"Welcome", an empty window with a girl sitting inside, she is much more reliable than the guy just now, but when I asked her about the land, I got the same answer as the guy just now.

"Land contracting is completely voluntary. If you want to engage in planting and breeding production and management activities, you can participate in skill training in this area for free."

"If you have land, you can't accept the mission?" Hu Yang asked unwillingly.

"Considering that everyone's game time is limited, and in the absence of modern tools..."

"Okay, okay, when we didn't ask... Are there any other tasks?"

"May I ask what industry you want to engage in in the game?"

"What kind of industry, we just want to do tasks to make money", Hu Yang was almost impatient with being tossed about.

"Always have a preliminary plan for the future. Any industry can make money. Tourists have no tasks, only employment."

"Ah!?", the three were dumbfounded.

"Then... what occupations do they have?" Fang Qinghong realized something was wrong.

"You can participate in various training courses, and assign jobs after you have mastered the relevant skills. There is a shortage of people in various parts of the national service, and they are very popular. Food and housing are included, and the benefits are generous."

"Just go to work!" Zhu Yuting said.

"Well, you can also work outside, but you have to obey the overall planning and adjustment of the national service, and you will be assigned some places with good remuneration."

"for example?"

"For example, the player's gang will lack manpower to take care of the production and operation units within the gang, the public rights protection unit of the advanced NPC lacks service and logistics personnel, and the commercial operation activities of the advanced intelligent NPC lack assistants... A certain player's short-term employment what……"

Hu Yang: "Don't talk about it, it's just a part-time job for someone?"

"Uh... it can be understood in this way"

Zhu Yuting: "What else? Is there no one who is more independent?"

Fang Qinghong: "Aren't we asked to collect, mine, sew or forge?"

"That belongs to the player's game content, and tourists don't have the ability to do this..."

"Independence!" Hu Yang interrupted, emphasizing his tone.

"I don't recommend that you..."

"Forget it, forget it, let's go!"

Fang Qinghong understood that the taste was coming, and they couldn't get what they wanted here.

The national service is too harsh on tourists, this is to use them as cheap labor.

Isn't this the same as offline?
Don't they come online to be migrant workers?

The three of them left the so-called 'talent market' in great disappointment. It really was a 'talent market'.

Tourists have no tasks to do. I don't know if it's just the national server or the system has been newly changed.

What about Game of Life?

It doesn't matter what they do.

Is there such a big difference between tourists and players?

I came outside dejectedly, and watched a large group of tourists come here with friends and friends, happily, all of them were full of longing, looking forward to starting their wonderful second life.

"Bah!" Fang Qinghong spat fiercely, "It's like this offline, and I want to be like this online, there's no way, they're dreaming."

"What should we do?" Zhu Yuting was at a loss.

I thought I was just like a player, just follow the mission, but now I realized that I was thinking too much.

Tourists have no tasks at all, or in other words, no tasks that they understand. Once they suddenly lose this guidance, they don't know what to do.

Looking at the vast world of the game again, I feel quite at a loss as to what to do.

"We start our own business!" Hu Yang said surprisingly.

Zhu Yuting: "Ah!?"

"What kind of part-time job, what kind of farmer, can't we do it ourselves?" Hu Yang became more and more excited as he said it, and the more he said, he became more determined: "We will go to part-time job first, save money and then start a business. Anyway, we are providing services for players. Players' money It’s also the best way to make money, so let’s find out what they need most, or what they can’t or don’t care about, so why don’t we just do it?”

"Yes!" Fang Qinghong looked at Hu Yang with admiration, "The time cost of players is much higher than ours. What they don't like doesn't mean that they can't do it. Now there is a shortage of people everywhere. When I first came, I saw a lot of people. All places are recruiting people, we can completely throw away the national service, do it ourselves, and go to the fucking overall arrangement."

"This... can it work?" Zhu Yuting asked in an uncertain tone.

"We are online, what are you afraid of, put on a thicker skin, and do what you want to make money."

Hu Yang kept nodding: "Yeah."

Zhu Yuting: "Then... what are we going to do now?"

"Jack work!"

"Come on, I just saw that many places are recruiting people."

The three of them swept away their former depression and regained their fighting spirit. They left the talent center and were surrounded by people of all colors before they could reach the commercial street outside.

These people are all players. They asked Zhu Yuting and the three of them whether they would do missions. After hearing that they knew that tourists did not have a mission system, they immediately changed their tone and asked them if they needed work. Afterwards, they began to sell hard .

There are plantation gardeners, craft apprentices, chefs, cleaners, 'front desk after-sales', business 'leveling', marketing and tool people recruited by gang families.

There are workshops that recruit miscellaneous, reception, finance, accounting, logistics services, and "screw-making on the production line".

There are people who recruit various talent positions for players, NPC shops, and commercial firms. There is no limit to who can come, as long as they are people.

There are also personal customization services provided by intermediaries and human resources (erdao dealers), such as playing with you, training, chatting, helping, looking at stalls, assisting in mining and collection... Anyway, everything is available.

"... Come to us. They are all big gangs with outstanding reputation, gang resident, broad career prospects, and good benefits."

"...Listen to my sister, don't go to the player, the player is picky, or the NPC is generous, and the NPC doesn't have as many bullshit things as the player, you just take it as a task, just play the character strategy game."

"...It's better to be a workshop. If you have a chance to get in touch with alchemy and enchantment, think about it, this is alchemy enchantment. As the saying goes, you can learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well and travel the world without fear. Alchemy and enchantment is mathematics, physics and chemistry. How much?" Players have no chance."

"...Don't listen to them. Going to them is like going to work in reality. Eating food is under the control of others. Why? Is it because you are tourists? Or accept the 'personal customization business'" Okay, freedom , Independent, short, flat and fast, the most beneficial accumulation in the early stage, and free development is not restricted. "

(End of this chapter)

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