This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 455 Sweatshop

Chapter 455 Sweatshop

The hype was so hype, the three of them didn't know how to choose, so they discussed it and went to a place one by one, anyway, it was a 'trial', so we should first find out the situation before we talk.

A workshop opened by a certain life professional player.

As soon as Zhu Yuting walked into the narrow, low, damp, and dark factory shed, she was overwhelmed by the pungent smell inside. The "intermediary" who brought her here was afraid that she would retreat, so he quickly said that there were aboriginal NPCs outside. You are doing the work, and the environment inside is good.

More than a dozen tourists who came to "trial" entered the factory shed curiously and cautiously, and saw aboriginal NPCs in ragged clothes sitting on the mountain of ore piles, beating those large, hard rocks with a small hammer. The ore, the larger ore is crushed, and then transported to the human-driven conveyor belt.

The ore that has undergone preliminary processing and sorting on the conveyor belt will enter a large cleaning pool in the middle to wash off the mud and other debris on the ore. Four or five aboriginal NPCs stand in the misunderstanding and pungent cleaning pool and wash the heavy The ore was picked up, and the baskets were neatly arranged.

"Don't worry, you will definitely not be asked to do such unskilled work... This way, this way."

There is almost no place to step down inside, there are black ore everywhere, and the damp water vapor soaks the ground, and it will be muddy when you step on it.

A dozen frowning tourists covered their mouths and noses, and entered the next 'workshop' through the cleaned ore basket.

The inside is much smaller than the outside, and there are not as many people outside.

It is similar to the large workbenches in a garment factory. In front of each workbench stands a lazy, yawning, hard-working player. The ore is piled up under the workbench, and the players randomly pick up one, and then go to What liquid to brush on it.

A small brush and a table are just to brush the ore that has been initially processed and cleaned, which is a very simple job.

The players saw a group of tourists coming in, and one of them scolded: "Damn, I guess Xie Laokou's movements will be fast, I didn't expect this bastard's movements to be so fast."

As soon as the words fell, a chubby fat man came out from the innermost workshop, "I don't need you here anymore, get out of here!"

"I don't want to do it anymore!", a player threw the small brush in his hand, and shouted regardless of the solution bottle being poured.

"How about the working hours? Is the task considered completed?" Another player called out.

The fat player gasped heavily, with a pained look on his face, "It's done, it's all done, get out, please come here, it's like inviting a bunch of uncles."


The players dismissed it, happily settled the task in advance, left the station with a smile, and went to the NPC to settle the rewards and rewards.

When one of the players passed by Zhu Yuting, he whistled viciously and reached out to touch her face.

Zhu Yuting was startled, and backed away.

"Old girl, do you want to be a life secretary with 10 silver a month?"

Zhu Yuting: "You..."

"Ah, this guy is sexually harassing tourists, have you seen it, have you seen it?" Fatty Xie Laokou shouted behind him.

The players who hadn't left looked at each other, and shouted in unison with smirks, "Who, where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Zhu Yuting was angry: "You...why are you doing this?"

"Don't pay attention to these scumbags!" The agency stood in front of Zhu Yuting and warned, "I'm starting a video!"

"It's boring!", the person looked at Zhu Yuting again, "It's still pleasing to the eye when scanned by a real person, don't worry that the reality is a dinosaur... Old girl, think about me, my ID is Jade Face Xiaofeilong Thirteen, here , there is another thirteen behind, don’t remember it wrong.”

Intermediary: "Hurry up and get out!"

"I said buddy, what are you working so hard for?"


"This is a sweatshop, you are pushing people into the pit of fire!"

"Tourists are willing to do this place."

"Aren't tourists human? They are all from Huaguo, so it's a shame to cheat others like this."

"Xie Laokou, Xie Laokou called for nothing?"


The players were chattering all over the place, and the workshop master and level 13 life professional player 'Curved Little Xie' turned black with anger, but there was no way to shut them up.

After all these players had left, the agent said to the tourists, "These people are bastards, graduated with bronze medals, and they are all guys with high eyesight and low abilities. Don't listen to their nonsense. Thank you boss for being nice."

"Yes, yes, yes," the crooked little Xie hurried up to reassure people, "I work here, the work is very easy, the wages are paid on a piece basis, a lunch is included, and the wages are settled daily, and there will be no arrears."

Tourists, you look at me, I look at you, and then look at this simple and primitive working environment, and stay silent.

"Try it first, try it first, thank you boss for teaching them how to do it."

"Okay, everyone, stand closer, and I will demonstrate on one side. It's very simple."

Zhu Yuting and the others followed the crooked Xie to a workbench hesitantly.

The crooked little Xie picked up a pitch-black ore the size of a fist, held it up and shook it, "...choose such a big ore, and do this again", then picked up a small brush, and put a small brush next to it, filled with a light green solution. The bottle was dipped, and finally carefully brushed on the ore, " be evenly brushed, to every place..."

After brushing an ore, the surface has already been dyed with a little green fluorescent light. The curved little Xie put the painted ore on the pile of ore in a wooden box, "OK, you're done."

The intermediary tried hard to add: "How about it, let's keep it simple, you don't need to worry about the rest, just such a process... 2 coppers per hour, 30 qualified workpieces are required... 10 hours per shift, more than 300 per shift. For piece counting, start counting from 301 pieces, and 5 pieces is one copper...Isn’t it, thank you boss?”


"What do you guys say? Don't rush to sign the agreement, how about trying a class first?"

Seeing that everyone else nodded, Zhu Yuting followed hesitantly.

"Okay, then I have nothing to do. I wish you all success in your work. Thank you boss, I will leave it to you."

"Thank you"

"It's easy to say, easy to say... I have something to do, let's go first."

"Slow down, slow down!"

In this way, Zhu Yuting started her first part-time job online.

This job is indeed simple, but it's not without requirements. She doesn't know what this solution is. Xie Laokou is very precious, and he has repeatedly told him not to waste it. At the beginning, he was worried and watched the whole process. Only then was I satisfied and went back to the innermost workshop with my hands behind my back.

I don't know what the workshop inside is for, it's smoky, but the fireworks can't come out, it's blocked by the air wall at the entrance, which is the same as the water surface.

Zhu Yuting brushed a few pieces and finished one in two minutes on average, mainly because it took time to pick the right ore.

The ores that were sent were large and small, and some that were not cleaned enough. These could not be processed, and they were all put aside to be sent back for reprocessing.

In the first hour, only 24 qualified workpieces were completed, and after proficiency, 28, 29, 30... At most, there were only 32, and it couldn't be faster.

It seems that Xie Laokou has already researched it thoroughly, and it is not so easy to get extra piece rewards.

2 coppers per hour, 10 coppers per 20 hours, 10 hours in the game is only equivalent to 5 hours in reality, according to the current exchange rate, the salary of 1 coppers per hour is more than 4 soft sister coins.

It's not that I don't know, it's a shock.

Daily income over [-] ah?

But when I think about it, I spent 10 copper for my first online meal, or credit, and how much is it in RMB?

Dare to work and only eat two meals a day?
In this way, this salary is pitifully low, almost like sending a beggar.

There are often people on the Internet who say that you can’t think about offline when you’re online. What you’re talking about is the exchange rate. If you always convert it like this, your mentality will be unbalanced. You should only think about it when you consider changing money to offline or krypton gold to online. it's the best.

There are shifts every 10 hours, but within two or three hours, Zhu Yuting finds it too boring. If I only do this when I go online in the future, what is the difference from offline?
She is like this, let alone others.

Tourists start to distract, desert and speak in a low voice, resulting in decreased efficiency, lower yield, wasted materials and so on.

The boss's little Xie came out once, cheered them up loudly, and praised Zhu Yuting for her relatively good performance. The effect was there, but it didn't last long, and everyone reverted to their old ways.

Affected by these poor students, Zhu Yuting's work also slowed down. After a tourist girl took the initiative to strike up a conversation, she started chatting with her.

"...It seems that our accommodation is also charged, but it's just an account!"

Zhu Yuting: "Huh?"

"Each person per day and each bed is 25 copper, and it will be settled at the end of the month, based on the time in the game."

"Why? I thought it was free."

"How is it possible? In the game, there is no charge for air, everything has a price, and it all costs money."

"Then we..."

"So I can't do this job. I regretted it as soon as he said the hourly salary... Forget it, I didn't sign the contract anyway, so I just took it as an experience of life."

The girl is not very old, so it's rare for her to be so Buddhist.

Zhu Yuting didn't know the situation of Hu Yang and Fang Qinghong, and recalled the ambition of "starting a business" a few hours ago, only then did she realize that something was wrong.

"Tourists are so pitiful, they have nothing, no task system, they can't even use instant messaging, friend world channel, can't add friends, and they don't have a mobile phone, it feels like they've gone back to ancient times. You can only rely on yelling, you can only rely on walking for transportation, and you can only use shaking to keep warm, haha...", the girl said, making herself laugh, "But it is also very interesting, these are extra, saying that Second Life is not at all Too much, and...everyone's time and lifespan have been extended, haven't they?"

"Hmm," Zhu Yuting also laughed.

"I think this is the biggest charm of online. Even if we are starving and cold, we should cherish it, because it is picked for nothing, a gift from God."

Zhu Yuting's affection for her sister has greatly increased, "My name is Zhu Yuting, from Linfen"

"Jiang He, like you, from your district?"

“Pingan District Huali Street”

"Me too, what a coincidence"

"I'm from the North Campus of the CDC dormitory, what about you?"

"I'm from Jinjing Garden, District 10, Longtan Village. Neighbor, I can see your building No. [-] from my home."

"I live in Building 10"

"Then I can see you every day, maybe I have already met you."

“What a coincidence”


The two hated meeting each other late, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became, and the work in hand naturally slowed down.

By the time the boss's crooked Xiao Xie came out, there was no one to praise him, everyone was not 'up to standard', and there was a serious waste of materials.

"You guys, you've let me down so much. I don't cherish such a good job. Go out and inquire. Where can I find a job with an hourly salary of more than [-] RMB..."

Zhu Yuting stuck out the tip of her tongue, and Jiang He whispered, "Don't listen to him fooling around, we are just cheap labor, and even dogs with this salary can't do it."

"Well, this guy is a black-hearted capitalist offline." Zhu Yuting nodded her head.

"It's not certain, life and leisure players... capitalists have big water pipes online, so they won't be mixed up like this."

"I think he's doing okay? Such a big workshop, it's considered a fixed asset, it should be very rare in the game."

"It also depends on the situation..."

How about the speed at which the environment changes people?

Looking at these tourists who don't take the boss seriously, don't they look a little like the players who drove away before?
The crooked little Xie's face darkened as he talked, and finally he could only shout that he couldn't meet the piecework standard, and he couldn't get paid when the working hours were up... so he calmed down.

Jiang He: "Go to work, let this black-hearted capitalist exploit us for a while, hehe"

Zhu Yuting suppressed a smile and nodded.

After 10 hours, it was almost dark after finishing the work. I ate a lunch from the "black-hearted capitalist" in the middle, and there was only a dark bread-like thing. It was so unpalatable. Many people almost vomited when they ate up.

"...Class A simple set meal? What is that? National service canteen? You eat this kind of food outside... I don't think you have adjusted it yet. Think this is offline? Do you want me to prepare a full banquet for you? Even the players You can eat it all, why can’t you eat it? If you think it’s unpalatable, go buy it yourself, taverns, restaurants, green stir-fries, and blue delicacies are all available, how can you afford it?”

Perhaps because he saw that no one would stay after the 10-hour trial, the 'Xie Laokou' from Baodao tore off his hypocritical mask, sneered at the tourists, and lost all the kindness and easy-going talk he had before.

"Eat, don't chew, you'll die if you're hungry." Jiang He didn't quarrel with the unscrupulous factory owner, but closed his eyes and swallowed a mouthful of 'black bread', trying to keep giving himself comfort, it was hard work.


Zhu Yuting stuffed it into her mouth with heroic determination, she didn't dare to let her tongue touch it, she swallowed desperately, rolling her eyes.

Only then did I realize how extravagant (relatively speaking) the simple set meal of Class A for 10 coppers is.

After 10 hours, no one has completed the piecework standard, so they can only work overtime.

Xie Laokou stood there with a sneer, not seeming to be accommodating, everyone had to finish all the work in order not to work for nothing for 10 hours.

Finally, after receiving a salary of 20 coppers, he walked out of the workshop. It was completely dark, and Hongye Town under the night was even more lively than during the day.

Players and tourists are bustling, everywhere, busy and noisy.

"It's so lively and spectacular!" Jiang He said.

"Yeah, it's like making a movie"

Jiang He couldn't help laughing and said, "How can there be such a big scene in a movie...Let's go, let's go to your dormitory to have a look."

"I have to wait for two friends"

"Then let's wait together."


(End of this chapter)

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