Chapter 456
Hu Yang was annoyed when he arrived, and Fang Qinghong followed behind like a dog's leg, trying to be careful all the way but couldn't get her smile back.

Zhu Yuting introduced Jiang He to them, and Hu Yang forced a smile on his face. Seeing that Jiang He was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave, Zhu Yuting asked her what was wrong, and how did Fang Qinghong mess with you.

"Ask him!" Hu Yang glanced at Fang Qinghong in disgust, as if he didn't want to see him.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Fang Qinghong still smiled apologetically.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

" like this..."

Following Fang Qinghong's hesitant and secretive description, Zhu Yuting had to guess what was going on.

The three of them agreed to go to a place each, and they decided to go there after seeing where it was good and if there was a "money way" there.

Anyway, is it a trial, a waste of time is a waste of a day.

Zhu Yuting went to a workshop run by a player, Hu Yang went to work as a part-time worker (the so-called personal customization service project), and Fang Qinghong entered a gang resident and worked as a gardener for someone else's plantation.

A mature gang resident integrates many system functions. The plantation is a production and operation project within the gang. In addition to the considerable output of the plantation itself, it can also provide gang members with mission experience, gang merits, and gang activity. You know, these things are hard indicators for a gang to advance, even if it is not for the materials produced, it is worth investing heavily for these.

This requires special care.

When tourists are not online, they can only be solved by players or expensive system function NPCs. When tourists are online, for the sake of saving and efficiency, it is natural to recruit people to do this piece of 'trivial work' that players are not willing to do. Take on it.

In addition to taking care of the plantation, Fang Qinghong, the temporary gardener, also needs to be responsible for the interaction of the plot.

Specifically, it is to act as a tool person, interact with gang members when they come to do tasks, and complete the plot requirements, that is, just read according to the lines.

For example: Ah, so-and-so, it’s great to see you, I’m too busy to leave now, can you help me with that?Thank you so much, the gang is our common home...

It seems useless, but it is absolutely necessary for systematic narrative.

If they were all like tourists, with big cafeterias and dormitories, there would be no game atmosphere at all.

In any case, content and players will always be the mainstream of Canaan.

This is a rigid requirement of the system, and it is quite interesting to do it. It feels like being an NPC, and the work is not heavy. Besides, it is only a few hours, and nothing can be seen.

The gang is relatively generous, the salary is 10 copper for 50 hours, there are rewards for doing well, players can also tip, and there is a prospect of joining the gang and becoming a "leader".

Originally, Fang Qinghong was thick-skinned and sweet-mouthed, and he soon became acquainted with several players of this gang, and was invited to join their gang channel to chat with players who were doing missions and spawning monsters, and relieved their boredom.

It is all about the experience and feelings of tourists after going online. The players empathize with them. They all talk about how they were when they went online for the first time, and they also tell each other short stories, chatting very happily.

I don't know who it is. When it comes to the topic of whether you can hire a few tourists to help you, many players are interested in it. Some people joked that when the visitor system was first launched, some people said that in the future players It's the nobles on the line, and the tourists are hired workers or something.

This is where it gets crooked.

Players talked about the feasibility of this, and they were surprised to find that the system didn't prohibit it, even the national server didn't have a clear statement about just got out of hand.

When the helper of this gang asked him in private chat (players can private chat with tourists, but tourists can't), is there any good introduction in this regard...

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuting understood.

"One gold, people give one gold a month, I think this kind of good thing must take care of my own people, who knows... She gets anxious when I say it, and doesn't listen to me."

"It's a good thing, it's also a good thing to be someone's servant girl, Xiaomi? Why didn't I call you...huh!"

"What about the maid Xiaomi? It's an assistant, just like an assistant. It's to help others and beat them up."

"Don't think that I don't know the tricks in it, men are not good things, and one of them is an old pervert!"

"Please, this is a game. What can you do in the game? At most, you will be addicted to your mouth. You can deal with it a little bit. If I were a girl, I... one gold, that's one gold!"

"Okay, okay!", Zhu Yuting stopped the quarrel between the two, "Since Hu Yang doesn't want to let it go, Fang Qinghong is also kind, don't quarrel." After finishing speaking, when she turned around and saw Jiang He holding back her laughter, she said helplessly. He lowered the corner of his mouth.

"Or, you... How about you go, you are more beautiful than someone... Ah, pretend I didn't say it, pretend I didn't say it!"

Zhu Yuting wiped her hands nonchalantly, "Are we going back to the dormitory or just strolling around? Are you guys going offline?"

It's only been online for five or six hours (reality), and it's not time to go offline, which means I have to spend a night online.

I don’t know how other places in the national uniform are. At least this small Hongye Town has the bustling and bustling scene that is no less than offline. It has to be the high-rise buildings and the traffic under the neon lights, but the combination of Chinese and Western, reality and magic under the style of the Middle Ages. Intertwined exotic features.

More players, more tourists, more aborigines, NPCs gathered in the main urban areas, torches, lanterns, candles, torches, constant magic aura on the city walls and temples... the same thing It composes a rich and colorful picture scroll that makes people amazed and addicted.

Qingming River Picture!
Zhu Yuting suddenly felt this way.

They were all young people, and their temperament came and went quickly. After visiting a few street vendors, the four of them started talking and laughing.

"Wow, there are still people who buy kites?"

In front of a player's booth, Hu Yang pointed to the miniature sketch representing the kite hanging on the horse, and couldn't wait to click on it.

The player stall owner was a few tourists, lazy and too lazy to answer.

[DIY kites of the lords of Fenghuo Opera, quality: none, note: only for picking up girls. 】

"There are such props in the game?" Hu Yang said in surprise.

"You don't even know this? These are called decorations, and they don't have system attributes." Fang Qinghong said.

"Then can we do it?" Zhu Yuting glanced at its price, as if she had discovered some business opportunity, her eyes lit up.

"It's possible," Jiang He said, "There must be materials, but this thing doesn't have much technical threshold, and it won't be worth much if more people make it in the future."

"Yes", Zhu Yuting was a little discouraged when she thought that this was indeed the case.

As for the 1200 million tourists, Maple Leaf Town alone doesn't know how many, it seems a bit overcrowded at this time.

Tourists and players can be easily distinguished. The IDs of tourists cannot be hidden, and they are not so weird. The IDs of players can be hidden. They look and wear different things. The IDs of NPCs are constant and cannot be hidden. They use colors to identify camps. , status, and hostility.

It feels like everyone has been transformed into a distinct class online, which is clear at a glance, but it cannot be seen in reality, and one can only experience it by oneself.

There are a lot of stalls selling DIY gadgets at night, and the meaning of "play" and "leisure" is particularly obvious. Some sell kites, some sell clothing, and some sell accessories...all are DIY products without attributes, and the price is relatively expensive .

Since they want to start a business, this is obviously the direction of starting a business. After Zhu Yuting and the others went shopping for a few times, they all felt that it is not difficult to do this. The big deal is to find someone to learn from and practice in reality.

"You want to do it too?"

A player who set up a stall listened to their discussion, and interjected, "Why don't you just transfer my stall to you? Including the whole set of tools, I made it with hard work, and the grocery store doesn't have to sell it."

Zhu Yuting and the others looked at each other, Hu Yang asked: "Why did you transfer it to us when you did a good job?"

"Didn't you guys come here?" The player was honest, "Sunset property, change hands as soon as possible, so as not to fall into your hands"

I didn't understand this at first, but after thinking about it, it's not like that.

The time cost of tourists is different from the time cost of players. Tourists can concentrate on doing it, but players can only do it as a side job, otherwise it will not be worth the loss.

With so many players going online, they will definitely swarm into the sideline business that the players are concurrently operating. For those with little technical content, the price will drop drastically, and they will soon be unable to compete. Rather than being kicked out of the market at that time, it is better to do it as soon as possible. Close hand.

This stall is selling handmade DIY jewelry.

Feather, bone ornaments, metal... all kinds, dazzling, and the workmanship is comparable to small workshops online and offline. It is not so easy to do this with your own hands. It must have taken a lot of time to make practise.

Girls, they are naturally interested in this kind of things, and the clothing and accessories industry will never go out of fashion.

Although the system props and equipment are good, they can't fully satisfy the players' pursuit of beauty, innovation, and individuality. Accessories without attributes can make up for these aspects very well.

Moreover, if the jewelry is well done, it is possible to enter the related industries of enchanting and alchemy. Doing preliminary processing and parts for enchanters and alchemists is a business with unlimited money.

Several people are very excited, but...

"But...we have no money!" Hu Yang said.

"It's okay, I can owe it first, but you have to promise me a few conditions." The player stall owner didn't seem to be joking.

Who would miss such a good thing?
The four of them immediately became nervous and serious, "What conditions, you say."

"First, sign the soul contract."

"Soul contract?" Zhu Yuting asked.

The player stall owner gave them an overview of what a soul contract is, and Zhu Yuting and the others nodded repeatedly, since they didn't intend to renege on their debt anyway.

"Second, interest is charged."

This requirement is understood and not excessive.

"How much is the interest?"

"[-]% monthly interest rate"

"Ah, usury!"

"What about the third?"

"Third, I still have some orders that I don't want to make. You must ensure that they are completed in full and in sufficient quantities."

"What order and how much?"

"About [-] points, there are casual people, players, and long-term orders from gang families. I only pay a deposit, and the deposit can be transferred to you."

"Any more?"


"Let's discuss it"

The four of them had no intention of going shopping, and did not dare to go far, so they discussed in the corner behind the booth.

Fang Qinghong wasn't very interested. Boys? It's understandable. The three girls, Zhu Yuting, were most interested in making these small handicrafts, followed by Populus euphratica. Jiang He had doubts about such a high interest rate and subsequent orders. , and finally discuss it, and make plans after seeing how the stall owner asks for a price.

"5 gold"


"5 gold, why don't you grab it?"

The four of them exploded as soon as they heard it. This is an unbearable astronomical figure. All the money they have on them is not even 1 silver.

And 20% monthly interest, oh my god.

This is even more exaggerated than the mortgage car loan.

The player stall owner didn't talk much, he just shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking to them.

Fang Qinghong: "Let's go, 5 gold, he himself said that the sunset industry, when will it be earned?"

"The interest rate is too high", Zhu Yuting also regrets.

"Actually, we don't need him, we can do it ourselves, 5 gold, why not grab it?"

"But we don't have tools, all the tools are made by himself, and there are no sources of materials..."

"Listen to his nonsense, as long as you give money, what can't be done? Go away..."

After such an interruption, the interest of the four people weakened a lot, and they barely went crazy for dozens of minutes before returning to the dormitory with a lot of worries.

Jianghe lives in the collective dormitory 3, which is not far from this courtyard. The living area, especially the area where there are many tourists and NPC natives, is not as lively as the place where players gather. It feels very similar to reality, but it is the ancient and primitive one. kind.

"Why do I feel that there is nothing wrong with us? It's the same as now?" After entering the door, Hu Yang went to his bed and said dejectedly, "It's not going well for you and us today. I work as a long-term worker, and the money I earn is not enough to live here for one night. I go to run errands for others, either to see people's faces, or to feel looked down upon by all kinds of people, calling me around..."

Fang Qinghong said very blindly, "My side is not bad."

"Of course not bad!" Hu Yang sat up and stared at him fiercely, "You are like-minded."

Jiang He said, "It's right not to adapt. Our expectations are too high. Tourists are tourists. You can't change it. You can only eat leftovers that players don't eat."

Zhu Yuting was still thinking about the sale of the booth, and the 5 gold didn't seem to be that important to her. I have to say, this is very different from her in reality.

"What should I do in the future!" Hu Yang covered his head with the quilt in frustration.

"Let's take it step by step, what to do to make money... we'll talk about it at the end of the month," Fang Qinghong said indifferently.

"At the end of the month, the national service will settle accounts with us, right? 20 coppers a night, ah, can I check out!", Hu Yang sat up for the second time and yelled.

"Where do you live after you check out?" Fang Qinghong said, "It doesn't matter to players, they will be taken back by the system as soon as they go offline. We don't have that."

"Sleeping on the street, anyway, 20 coppers a night is too expensive"

Fang Qinghong: "It's a dead body? Don't be ridiculous when you are thrown out."

Hu Yang grabbed his hair: "This is not okay, and that is not okay, being a tourist is too aggrieved!"

"It is forcing us to work for them as long-term workers!" Fang Qinghong said.

(End of this chapter)

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