This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 457 The player is really rich

In a blink of an eye, the visitor has been online for three days.

In the past three days, Zhu Yuting only went offline twice, experiencing what players often say about having a liver explosion.

I also initially figured out Canaan's tourist system, and gradually adapted to the online rhythm.

She usually goes offline at 8:[-] p.m. in real time, takes a rest, washes up, supplements nutrition, exercises her body that is stiff from lying down for a long time, and then sleeps. The rest of the time is online.

The passage of time at one to two made her feel that every day was greatly extended, and she had to spend two days and one night online every time. Physically and psychologically, she was in a period of rapid adjustment, and her biological clock was completely disrupted. up.

It is online today, and it is still late at night online, but the lights are bright everywhere. Players and more tourists are not affected by day and night, and continue the rhythm of the day, games for games, and part-time jobs.

Well, tourists now can only work for others, whether it is for players, national servers, or NPCs, it is impossible to be independent, let alone start a business independently.

The online location is in the inn owned by a smart NPC in the corner of the city. The dormitory in the national uniform was returned by her. It's not that the conditions are bad, but it's too good. It's too extravagant for her, and the rent is too expensive.

This cramped, dark, dilapidated courtyard is far inferior to the national service, but it is cheap, it only costs 5 coppers a day, and you can live with good friends you met online... how good is it?
No wonder!
The body in the game is lying on a large bunk, Populus euphratica 'sleeping' on her left, Jiang He 'sleeping' on her right, crowded with people, a total of a dozen female tourists 'sleeping' on the upper floor, and below are Those men in Fang Qinghong were more crowded, packed like sardines.

Zhu Yuting struggled to sit up, and saw that many people on the left and right had already logged in and left, but the two good friends on the left and right were still like corpses, holding her stiffly, and she didn't know how to move away.

Isn't it a dead body after going offline?

I heard that some tourists are reluctant to pay the rent of 5 coppers per day. Every time they go offline, they go to one place and go online to another place. If they are lucky, they will be picked up by NPC guards in the national service, and thrown into the warehouse like goods, and live in a free house. .Those who are unlucky and treated in various ways are really full of tricks, and they can encounter any embarrassing and miserable situations.

Zhu Yuting didn't have the 'open-mindedness' of these people, so she didn't dare to toss her online body like this, so she could only honestly pay the rent of 5 coppers per day.

After struggling to break free from her good friend's 'iron tongs', she first checked that the clothes on her body showed no signs of being tampered with. After a sigh of relief, she picked up the pillow that the backpack was used as, and took out the shoes from inside. put on.

This backpack cost her 25 copper, and it has system attributes, and no one can open it except her, except of course it was exploded.

All her belongings were stored in it, and if it wasn't for a man living in the house, she would have taken off her clothes and put them in when she went offline.

He jumped out of the bed lightly, and saw that many of the men who were 'sleeping' below also went online and left. He found Fang Qinghong in the crowd, and he didn't know who this guy had offended. Several butts and legs were pressed on him, barely Showed his face.

this person...

I was going to move it for him, but when I thought that he was about to go online, I didn't move.

Open the door and go out to a courtyard similar to a courtyard. They live in the north wing room, the main room is bigger, and there are more people living there. Some online tourists have already cooked in the stove next to the broken well.

Zhu Yuting touched her shriveled stomach. Although she couldn't see the hunger value that only players had, it was estimated that if she was hungry, her mobility would be affected.

Yesterday, tourists were starved to death in the town. Resurrection costs 20 coppers. The benefits of dieting outweigh the losses, and it is better to fill their stomachs as soon as possible.

"Girl, do you want 1 copper and 1 bowl?"

Lei Zao is obviously an old lady, of course it refers to her real age, whether it is scanned online or random, everyone is similar, they are all young people.

This kind of rejuvenation makes most of the very old tourists grateful to Canaan, even if they are treated differently and harshly, they have no complaints. They cherish it more than young people, can endure hardships, and can put down their figures. On the contrary, they are more confused than young people. People are nice.

This aunt can learn to cook by herself. Although the things she makes are suspicious, she is still a 'startup', isn't she?

Start a business?

Thinking of the heroic ambition of the day of landing, Zhu Yuting sighed in her heart.

Difficult, it is really difficult, even more difficult than starting a business in reality.

Smiling and rejecting the invitation of the aunt, she waited for the water to be fetched and then stepped forward, and brought up a bucket of water with great difficulty.

The strength of tourists can also be exercised. When Zhu Yuting fetched water for the first time, it was much more strenuous than now. Without player attributes and role templates, there are differences between male and female tourists. This is the first difference. Just in terms of physical strength.

If only I could decide my gender...

Thinking that Populus euphratica or Jiang He might be a man, Zhu Yuting shuddered and decided not to, or else everything would be messed up.

After washing up, Jiang He and Hu Yang also went online.

"Haha, Fang Qinghong is so miserable, he was buried."

Hu Yang gloated and said with a smile.

Zhu Yuting called her the tattered but clean towel, "Will you move it, will nothing happen?"

"No," Jiang He said with a smile, "Didn't you realize that this body is 'restored' every time we go online?"

"That's right!" Zhu Yuting also laughed. The day before yesterday, she was injured as a kitchen helper. This time, the wounds have healed up. It seems that the system still cares about them, not like what the national server said.

The three of them finished the online cleaning with a smile on their face. Fang Qinghong hadn't logged in yet. Hu Yang waited impatiently for him, so he took the two of them out to buy black bread for a copper. dinner.

With well water, the cheapest and most unpalatable thing is not so unpalatable as it used to be.

At this time, the tourists in the courtyard came online one after another. There were less than a hundred people coming in and out, noisy, and they all had young faces, as if they had returned to the campus.

Fang Qinghong also went online. He clutched his painful chest and swore that he would make someone look good.

It seemed that he knew who was targeting him.

Some people have rivers and lakes, there are grievances, and there are struggles.

"What are you doing today?" Hu Yang asked.

"I'm going to screw the screws," Jiang He said, "It looks like a pottery workshop pays well. There are shifts every 5 hours, and there are many people who sign up."

Fang Qinghong: "How much is an hour?"

"5 Bronze"

"It's not bad", Fang Qinghong pursed her lips, obviously disdainful, her words were insincere, "I'm going to help, you don't mind me.", said, picked up Zhu Yuting's leftover bread, hurriedly went out.

"Bangli, gangli, isn't it just to flatter people's stinky feet?" Hu Yang said to his back, "I don't even want to buy a piece of bread, and I take advantage of Xiaoting."

"I can't finish it, it's a waste, don't be so mean," Zhu Yuting persuaded.

"I really envy you!" Hu Yang patted his stomach dejectedly, "This guy is hungry for a few hours, and rebels if he doesn't eat a meal. You are better, you can't finish a piece of black bread, and you can last a day with one meal."

"Haha..." Jiang He was amused by her appearance.

Everyone's online body is different, some people are especially good at eating, and some are especially good at saving, Jiang He and Zhu Yuting happen to be in these two situations.

Zhu Yuting also smiled, picked up her backpack and prepared to go out.

"Are you going there today?"

Jiang He chased to the door and asked.

"Leave me alone, come back tonight."


Leaving the courtyard, I merged with many new tourists, along the winding alleys, passed houses of similar size and regulations, and merged to the nearest main road.

Each town-level safety zone has a cross-shaped main street, and the central location is naturally the square surrounded by the City Lord’s Mansion and the major temples. Because there is no role system, tourists’ enthusiasm for the temples has not been high. One point was not changed until yesterday.

The major temples suddenly offered a variety of jobs with good conditions and benefits to attract and solicit tourists. As long as you listen to their preaching and participate in religious activities, you can get a free lunch. At that time, a large number of Mr. Nan Guo was born, and the belief seems to be in the hands of tourists. This group is expanding wildly, but the quality is worrying.

Among the people in this group, many people wore symbols representing pan-believers. Zhu Yuting was very moved when she heard what they said about the benefits of "worshiping God". Save money on a meal.

The main street was still bustling. Along the way, Zhu Yuting dealt with the accosts of several players, and when she arrived at the central square of the town, someone was already waiting impatiently.

"Why did you come?"

"I'm not late..."

"Forget it, come in and take over."


It was the same jewelry shop that once asked for 5 gold to be transferred to her. It was the best time of the day, and the players who had been busy all day were in pairs. They especially liked to visit the stalls of small DIY decorations and pendants. , Zhu Yuting just sat in and accepted the authority of the store, a pair of elf rangers asked on the dialog box of the store if a certain little goldfish pendant was in pairs.

The busy work started, and the player stall owner stared at her worriedly for a while, seeing that she was adept at coping, and all useful information was recorded in the store log according to his instructions, so he left with peace of mind and satisfaction.

——The player is really rich!
After receiving the fourth couple, Zhu Yuting felt emotional.

A useless trinket, exchanged for real currency, can catch up with the top luxury accessories in reality. Some players look very "poor", but in order to please their sweetheart, they often buy it without paying back the price .

Compared with the situation where I have to save even one copper coin of black bread, it is really a world of heaven and earth. It is no wonder that many people are psychologically unbalanced and make all kinds of troubles.

The system and the national service are too harsh on tourists.

Occasionally, when she is free, Zhu Yuting takes off the things on the shelf to look at. The owner of the player will also teach her how to make this kind of gadget when she has time. I thought it was very simple. When I really know how to make it, I realized it was too simple.

The reason is very simple. It is very difficult to make a comb out of nothing by throwing a person into the primitive environment. What's more, the original vision of Canaan is so strange, and the nature of many materials is completely different from reality.

Just like the bone comb she is holding now.

According to common sense, wooden combs should be the easiest to process, and materials can be found everywhere, but this is not the case at all.

Plants in Canaan, without exception, are particularly perishable. As long as there is no magic power involved, some of them will spoil for a shorter time than meat, and they are not suitable for any fine processing.

The shelf life of bones is just the opposite. It can be stored for a long time in a vicious environment, and some of them are materials that can be made into various tools, accessories, and even equipment with attributes.

However, the process of processing bone combs is completely different from reality. It needs to be soaked in a special potion first. This potion does not exist in reality, and the game does not provide it. It is all explored by players over and over again.

After being soaked, the bone becomes like jade, with a pleasant enamel on the surface, and the quality, color and purity of the enamel determine the value of the finished product.

They are all DIY, the same thing, different craftsmanship, some people can only make the most primitive things with extremely low prices, while others can make handicrafts that everyone is vying to buy, and the prices are naturally very different.

From this one, it can be seen that DIY is not so easy. Although reality is used as a reference to realize it, it cannot be done in a realistic way.

Zhu Yuting has an agreement with the owner of the player's shop. When he is busy, he will take care of the business for him. He will pass on this knowledge and skills when he is free.

In his words, the sunset industry will be eliminated by tourists sooner or later, so it is better to realize it at this time.

This person is very shrewd, Zhu Yuting also has her own plan, in the words of the national service staff, it is career planning.

At this time, she was no longer confused, had her own goal to pursue, and began to take a brave first step.

Players come and go, sometimes, intelligent NPCs will also patronize the store, and their appearance often means a large order, which requires someone to be present to receive and negotiate.

Two hours passed by, and the market became even more lively. An NPC merchant from the neutral camp came to Zhu Yuting's shop, and was very interested in one of the convenient fire-making gadgets, intending to place a large order.

In this case, Zhu Yuting got a commission, so she immediately dealt with it with all her energy and care.

In fact, this little thing is a fire sickle, a little thing made of a kind of ore residue called fire obsidian, and after several special treatments, it is combined with extremely flammable wood chips and other sundries.

But it does not require magic power to participate, everyone can use it, and it can be applied in various environments, which endows it with broad application prospects.

Many shops are doing similar things. Zhu Yuting was afraid that this business would run away, so she made the NPC merchant very satisfied with every detail.

I won this order as I wished, and received a deposit for the first batch of goods, which was 1 gold and 20 silver.

Calculating the commission she could get from this order, Zhu Yuting couldn't believe it. The happiness came so suddenly, and she didn't even have the mental preparation to save enough money to start a business.

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