This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 458 Divinity and 'representation'

After the tourists go online, the players really feel a lot more convenient.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the service price. In the past, most of the work that could only be done by players or system NPCs is now undertaken by tourists. This has brought about a straight drop in price and a straight rise in service quality, showing a trend of blooming. The service industry that few people set foot in is full of tourists who are engaged in various channels.

Second, high prices have been effectively suppressed.

The end of the battle of the national server, the increase of tourists, this decrease and increase finally brought a severe setback to the exaggerated exchange rate market. In the end, it failed to break through the 1:300 mark, and plummeted from the highest point of 298 to 201. Many market makers and retail investors who took over orders at high positions suffered heavy losses, and blood flowed into rivers of blood in several major trading markets.

It feels like there are people doing all kinds of business, just like in reality, even being a beggar has competition, in the game, everywhere is overcrowded.

When people are the core elements, the reduction of the price of human resources has driven the vigorous development of all industries, and the number of players is several times that of the players. It is really cheap, and the system and magic net have been given a shot in the arm. There is still a 6-layer magic net that needs to be 'brewed' for a period of time to enter the 'mature' stage ahead of time.

The construction of the 7-layer magic net can begin.

But neither Bei Gaoyang nor Xiao Ai wanted to start the construction of the 7-layer magic net so quickly. First, it was less than 6 months since the 3th test (reality), and the dividends of tens of millions of players and tens of millions of tourists have not been fully digested. , such a large number of "invasions" of earth factors add too much exotic color to the magic net, which involves the penetration of a mysterious rule.

In other words, the compatibility between the magic net and the mysterious rules has been reduced, bringing about high-level and deep-level instability problems. Naturally, there is no problem at the low-end and shallow levels, but when it comes to high-end and deep levels, it is There will be problems with poor operation and incompatibility with the world of Canaan.

It takes time to digest, guide players and tourists to adapt to the atmosphere and rhythm of Canaan, gradually change their concepts, distinguish between online and offline, and it is best to get into the atmosphere of Canaan after going online.

Old players have already experienced this point, and new players and tourists still need time to hone it.

Second, the number of players that is several times larger also brings various problems.

The first one is the heterogeneity of "concentration and definition of all living beings' beliefs".

It's a headache to say.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is that the false gods of the system did not benefit from the soaring population base, but because of the huge influx of distracting thoughts, they diluted the foundation of belief that was hard-won in the player community.

Players in Huaguo are generally practical "believers". Although players in the international server are more likely to integrate into religious cultural narratives, they more or less carry offline religious cultural narratives, and it is equally difficult to convert them. Religious cultures have been formed thousands of years earlier than the earth. No matter in terms of logic or cultural attributes, their teachings do not have any advantages. In terms of attracting believers, they can only rely on the content of the game.

The content of the game is naturally the level, equipment, and combat power.

This becomes too utilitarian.

Developing beliefs among players and tourists is a long-standing and difficult problem. I expected tourists to go online and use quantity to make up for quality, and then I got such a result.

See, both factors involve ideas, software.

And the last one.

Xiao Ai didn't mention it, and the false gods of the system never mentioned it, but Bei Gaoyang knew what they were waiting for.

Before the start of the 6th test, at the "ideological unification conference", he promised that after the 6th test started and stabilized, he would solve the problem of the divinity of the false gods.

Man has humanity, and God naturally has divinity.

Divinity is not power, it is the attribute of gods, it is the first step towards the sacred palace, and it is the beginning of detachment from gods.

Human nature is complex, but divinity is pure. With divinity, it is no longer a false god. Academically, it can be called a divine creature, and popularly, it is a demigod.

Divinity is 'refined' from the concentration and definition of self and sentient beings, and naturally contains a certain 'representation' in the mysterious rules.

What is 'representative'?
It refers to a thing, a phenomenon, an idea, a cognition, a mechanism rule... embodied and refined into a symbol, which can be light, darkness, suffering, or happiness , it can be the sun, it can be the moon, it can be magic, it can be cursed... Divinity naturally contains this kind of 'representation', and becomes the representative of such phenomena, things, ideas and cognitions, etc., so it has certain authority.

The so-called incarnation of light usually refers to the authority possessed by this kind of 'representation'.

The so-called master of light usually refers to the "uniqueness" of this "representation".

The latter is a true god, and the former is a demigod. Only those who are proficient in mystic knowledge can distinguish clearly from these honorific titles, titles and prefixes.

Since the rise of the Twilight Conference, this kind of knowledge has rarely been handed down to the world, and many spellcasters have forgotten it, or even never contacted it.

People in the world take the high gods as 'natural' and 'everything has existed', but they don't know that they are actually just rising stars who have killed the front wave.

Divinity is still extremely selfish and selfish, which is determined by 'representation'. It is either black or white, and no room for ambiguity is allowed. Once the divinity is condensed, no noise can be tolerated within the authority of 'representation' , otherwise, 'representative' does not hold.

Therefore, this is not just a matter of 'divinity', but also involves the fundamental plan of positioning the relationship between Bei Gaoyang, the magic net and the false gods.

Some people would say, why should there be a system god? As the inventor, builder and owner, Bei Gaoyang, wouldn't it be enough for one person to control everything in the magic net?
Bei Gaoyang also wanted to, but he couldn't.

Just as the formation of the magic net 'Abyss' does not depend on his subjective will, the emergence of system gods will also not be changed by his repulsion and resistance.

What is God?
Strictly speaking, it is a kind of sustenance of human nature and a natural need of the spirit and soul. As long as humanity exists, divinity will exist, and as long as thoughts and thinking exist, divinity will definitely be born.

This is one of the core narratives of the occult.

Not to mention Canaan, even the earth whose civilization and vision far exceeds Canaan, has it not also affected the human civilization from the beginning to the present?

Two weeks after the official launch of the tourists, Bei Gaoyang and Xiao Ai finished the inventory, and when Xiao Ai's progress was about to leave, Bei Gaoyang said, "There is one more thing."

Xiao Ai turned around and waited for his order.

Bei Gaoyang tapped the handle of the seat with his fingers, "Where are those people from the civilized world?"

"Swiss national uniform."

"It's pretty fast." Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "What did the system detect?"

"The small actions of the operating agent in private are all within the control of the system. Don't worry, my lord."

"Well, the longing through the magic net!" Bei Gaoyang didn't know whether to mock or sigh, "Ye Gong is such a dragon, if they tear off the veil to see each other, maybe this longing will no longer exist?"

"Both sides have ambitions. Relatively speaking, Canaan's ambitions are bigger, stronger and more direct."

"God, you are always so aggressive and possessive..." He said a cold joke that no one wants to laugh. You have to keep an eye on it, you don’t have to worry about it internally, but be careful of outsiders bypassing the system, after all, the magic net only has 6 layers, and it can’t be completely foolproof in terms of spell level.”


"Also, I heard that there is a lot of trouble on the earth?"

"Yes, the tourists' dissatisfaction is mainly reflected in some basic system support, such as the recovery and release of the character's body on and off the line. Because there is no such support, the tourists have to bear a lot of costs, and they are relatively expensive to the players. Weakness in access to resources, so..."

"What about the opinions of the operating agents?"

"Most of them are unwilling to pay such resources. Of course, if it is a system selling order, they must have the original intention."

"The system can't pay the bill!" Bei Gaoyang said, "Why, tourists don't want the system to intervene, so they want to eat a big pot? Tell them, the real Second Life is like this."


"However, if there are tourists who intend to switch to public servers, similar basic services can still be provided."

Xiao Ai's eyes were strange upon hearing this, and Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, "Try it, the public server also needs to be filled with population, otherwise when will it be developed? Don't wait until then, the national server is thriving, and the public server is still remote and primitive." , it doesn’t look good on the face.”

What is not good-looking, isn't it just to poach the corner of the national uniform?

It's all systematic. Isn't the national service and public service all on the plate?
This reason is hard to believe.

Xiao Ai didn't make it clear, but nodded in agreement.

With her as the de facto 'central brain', there are many loopholes in the so-called national service tourist contract. It is not difficult to dig this corner, and it can also make it impossible for the operating agent to find faults.

"One Last Thing"

Xiao Ai seemed to know what the last thing was.

Since the 6th test, the false gods of the system, including her, have been waiting for a long time, waiting to wonder whether he is going to renege.


I don't have it yet.

Bei Gaoyang sighed in his heart, of course, he doesn't want any divinity, if he must, it must be the magic net.

He will consider this aspect only if the magic net condenses 'uniqueness', otherwise the loss outweighs the gain.

Gaining divinity does not come without a price.

In the process of pure and cohesive detachment, many things will be discarded and evolved into a completely new self, and he is not ready for this now.

Divinity is divinity, after all, it is what I promised.

"You go down and let them prepare. The magic net will send over the condensed 'representative' soon."


Finally, when this day came, Xiao Ai didn't relax, but felt rather heavy.

Bei Gaoyang's eyes also became complicated, "Xiao Ai, you are different from them, I don't think you need to be so anxious, there will be better time and opportunities in the should think about it carefully."

"Is my representation the personification of guardianship, recordkeeping, and impartiality?"


"The others... haven't changed much?"

"Except for the individual ones, such as the sun and the moon, it is too difficult to condense representation, so we temporarily use morning light and moonlight instead."

Even Canaan doesn’t have a god of the sun and the moon. It can be seen that the bigger the representation, the better. It also depends on whether you have such a big head and can wear such a big hat.

The cohesion of divinity is 'the smaller the topic, the better', the simpler the directivity, the easier it is.

When the false gods of the system just woke up, Bei Gaoyang buried this pit in it no matter how they defined themselves.

If you are blindly greedy and long-term, don't complain about the difficult road ahead. The representative is given to you. If you can't stand up by yourself, who do you blame?

In contrast, Xiao Ai is much easier. It was because of this consideration that Bei Gaoyang changed her from the goddess of magic to the current guardian, record and fairness. This topic has become smaller, and the problem is naturally easier to solve up.

If Xiao Ai wants to condense her divinity, the chance of success should be very high, but Bei Gaoyang doesn't want to give up this very handy butler and assistant, so he persuades him tactfully.

"After condensing the there any difference from now?"

"There are many differences. For example, I have to call them them. I have to give proper respect and keep a proper distance. When it comes to representative authority, I can't easily question it. Otherwise, it will be tantamount to denying their divinity. , It’s like an insult to personality, even worse than the most vicious insult to personality, that is to force them to go to the opposite of me.”


"Divinity is the absolute self, extremely pure and cohesive, and only in this way can we be called 'God'!" Bei Gaoyang sighed and said: "In the authority contained in representation, the only supremacy is their pursuit. , is also a 'fact'."

"Then... the relationship with the system and the magic net."

Bei Gaoyang took a deep look at Xiao Ai, "6 layers of magic net, tens of millions of players, tens of millions of tourists, the collection, imagination, recognition and definition of all living beings can condense the divinity needed, but there is a premise , that is under the magic net, the higher the upper limit of the magic net, the higher their upper limit... I hope they will not get lost when they condense their divinity, otherwise... they can only be cleaned up, this is useless way."

Xiao Ai shuddered when she heard the words. The first Forest Goddess, Mishus, had precedents. No one would doubt that Bei Gaoyang had such abilities.

"Is it so dangerous?" Xiao Ai muttered to herself.

"So you have to be cautious, be prepared, think everything through before you take this step. You should know that there is no turning back after this step. I... don't want to lose you."

But if it really comes to that point, there is no way out - Bei Gaoyang added in his heart.

"Let me think about it!"

"Okay... tell them, the representative will be delivered immediately, and the rest will depend on their own willpower and luck."

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