This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 459 Bei Gaoyang's Utopia

When you have mastered the Convergence of Being Consciousness, it is very easy to 'distill' representation out of it.

Just like shells on the beach, dewdrops on lotus leaves, and fruits in ears of wheat.

But who can grasp the convergence of sentient beings consciousness?
The gods count as one, and the abyss counts as one to a certain extent. Other than that, there seems to be only the magic net.

The field of ideology has great power in Canaan, but it cannot be seen or touched, and has extremely high door frames.Even the gods and abyssal demons cannot achieve the comprehensiveness and detail of the magic net, and the gods are far from being able to compare with it in terms of the ability to monitor and collect consciousness and thoughts.

The magic net is a miracle. To the natives of Canaan, it is a genius-like idea. Bei Gaoyang, who has successfully built this system, the seventh, eighth or even nine rings are not so important to him.

It rained all night, and Bei Gaoyang sat in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the mage's tower, watching under the continuous rain, the world he created by himself continued the trajectory of the day without any influence.

Star-like torches, candles, and magic lighting make Punk City a city that never sleeps. Players, tourists, and NPCs like ants are drawn by invisible lines and guided by invisible and huge power. Running wildly on the road to the direction and destination.

There are tens of thousands of roads, but there is only one end point, which is to reach his ideal country.

So, what is Bei Gaoyang's ideal?

Simply to overthrow the order under the rule of the gods, liberate the minds of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and bring them freedom in body and soul?
Do not!
There is no absolute freedom at all, only absolute egoism. Mages naturally tend to be egoists, but Bei Gaoyang has jumped out of this level. The knowledge and experience of the two crystal wall systems give him his own understanding of the world order. Complete set of ideas.

First, there should be no academic barriers, vigorously promote and develop Canaan’s productivity based on mysterious rules, raise the height of civilization, explore the secrets of the entire crystal wall system, and finally surpass the crystal wall system to complete the ultimate detachment.

This requires countless smart brains to discover and climb day and night for this goal, just like the earth.

Second, because of the first goal, it is necessary to improve and enhance the overall quality of Canaanites, including physical quality, psychological quality, spiritual and even spiritual quality.

Only a huge base can continuously produce outstanding geniuses.

It can only improve the nutritional status of the population through the improvement of productivity, and allow knowledge to have an enduring channel of inheritance through popularization of education.

Third, the superior and intelligent brains are at the top, leading the entire civilization to explore and discover truth, and the mediocre brains should play their roles within a benign framework that exists for this common goal, just like the current players and Like tourists, it is necessary to create such a set of rules to accommodate everyone.



Draw an identity label for everyone and every transaction.

Magic Net masters all aspects, and does a good job of centering, coordinating, dispatching and refereeing. Everyone and everything should play their roles within this framework.

Fourth, classes and labels should not be fixed, hereditary should be strictly avoided, and mobility between classes must be ensured so that the population at the bottom has a channel to rise, and the population at the top will always feel the pressure of 'downgrade' , to encourage everyone to work hard.


What would the world order built on this look like?
What will his Utopia end up with?
A spellcaster occupies a dominant position, all kinds of knowledge and skill elites occupy the upper class, and the mediocre masses are at the bottom, bringing all the factors together, rushing towards an unknown goal without distraction?

Is it too idealistic?
6 layers of magic net, it's time to do some preliminary work for this blueprint.

Therefore, the 7-layer magic net should make a template for the "final world order" and further adjust the existing game structure.

Bei Gaoyang inspected the existing game content, and many preparations made in advance have already taken effect.

Du Shiyu carefully peeled off the rotten and smelly skin on the ghoul's head, revealing the bronze-colored hard skull. She picked up an enchanted tool knife with a sharpness of 5, and followed the lines drawn in advance to complete the difficulty. Very tall cut.

Just like a scalpel in reality, she needs to cut open the hard skull without hurting the meaty membrane inside the skull, even the hair-thin blood vessels on the meaty membrane.

The ghoul is a very strange creature, between the living and the undead. Not only the research inside the magic net cannot bypass it, but also the mystic research outside the magic net. It also occupies a very important position. Many initial explorations and To verify mystic knowledge, spellcasters all start as ghouls.

It is impossible for Feng Rui 5 to appear on the equipment of the players. The requirements for enchanting it are extremely strict, and it can only be used on this kind of professional research equipment.

The bronze-colored head has a quality and density comparable to fine gold, but under the cutting of the utility knife, it is cut open like tofu. Because of the uneven thickness, Du Shiyu needs to use his own spiritual power to extend to the tip of the knife to obtain the first-hand The touch determines the strength of the hand.

The tool knife carefully and slowly slid along the lines, and after a while, an irregular circular structure was engraved on the skull. She carefully pulled out the tool knife, and picked up a special pliers, which will have the suction cup. Coincident with the cut skull.

Release the suction a little bit, and feel that it has been tightly attached to the skull, and then carefully force the skull to take it off.

The pink, tofu-like tissue was exposed. It was hard to imagine that the brain of a creature like a ghoul was actually pink.

The meat membrane on the surface is more fragile than the egg membrane, and Du Shiyu needs to take out the brain completely without destroying it.

Special tools are essential, most of them are not provided by the Alchemist Guild and mentors, and the apprentices need to invent and create by themselves.

Different tools represent different 'technical routes' and sparks of thinking, and are the unique secrets of each alchemist, demonstrating their unique thinking.

With this gap, it's easy to handle.

Just keep cutting along the edge of it.

Du Shiyu picked up the tool knife and enlarged the gap until the brain tissue was completely exposed.

She put on special gloves, took out the pink brain like tofu brain very carefully and gently, and slowly put it in a special container.

This 3-hour 'manual class' was declared complete.

The completely removed brain needs to be air-dried, then 'quenched', and finally 'soaked' to get the [Ghoul's Brain] which is priced at 50 silver in the system's black shop.

[Ghoul's Brain] is used in the production of many medicines. There are dozens of formulas as the main material and auxiliary materials, ranging from status potions, attribute potions, to instant and delayed recovery potions, which are widely used. The difficulty is high, without the skills and tools of an alchemist, ordinary players can't even think about using the general skill [collection] to obtain it.

As a result, its price is extremely expensive, and the cost of using it has never been reduced, which in turn increases the burden on players.

A tourist hired by the association came in and took away the finished product. Du Shiyu opened his alchemy handbook, studied his homework, and prepared for the graduation exam the day after tomorrow.

In the apprenticeship graduation exam, she only had the last item left - the graduation project.

She needs to design an alchemy method, refine a new substance, and use this to develop a thesis, and introduce the idea, process formula, refining process, final effect, etc. of the substance to the jury of the association in detail.

This is the fundamental reason why it is difficult for alchemy apprentices to graduate.

A new alchemy product?
Du Shiyu rubbed her sore head, helpless.

"Xiaoyu, have you finished class yet, there are activities in the gang"

"Gang Party? No Going"

"It's not warming up, it's opening a gang dungeon"

"Huh? So fast?"

"Well, Chunshui said that the progress bar is full, so I'll be waiting for this for a few days."

"Okay then, I'll come right over."

"hurry up"

After closing the Alchemy Handbook, Du Shiyu put on the non-attribute robe and cloak, tidied up in front of the mirror, and then left the laboratory exclusively for her.

Only the most outstanding apprentices can have an exclusive laboratory on the top floor of the association, free of charge.

Outside is a zigzag-shaped corridor, the middle is hollowed out, and you can directly see the lobby on the first floor. The laboratories are like piano rooms in reality, and the doors are closed. Unless the owner allows, any No one can enter.

The stairs spiraled down, and the people encountered were all silent. The solemn and mysterious air permeating the association has become the standard temperament of every alchemist and apprentice. Anyone who is incompatible with it will be cleared out of this building. Even tourists who can stay have adapted.

But the lobby on the first floor is very lively. There is an endless stream of players and NPCs who come here to handle various businesses. There are long queues of people in front of hundreds of circular windows. Even the most arrogant players will be honest when they come here. Some, afraid of offending the Alchemists Guild.

Wearing the three-leaf apprentice cloak, along the way, Du Shiyu received a lot of probing eyes. Not surprisingly, she dealt with many life professional players who came up to strike up a conversation and make friends.

Leaving the building, standing on the steps outside, the rain had not stopped, a female tourist waiting under the eaves of the opposite street rushed out in a hurry and gave her an umbrella.

"Thank are..."

"Hello, hello, I'm Zhu Yuting, just call me Xiao Zhu."

"Is this umbrella newly made by that guy?"

"Well, let me deliver the first finished product, and let me hear your opinion."

Du Shiyu opened the umbrella and felt it went smoothly, then looked at its material and workmanship, "It's very fine, he made it by himself?"

"I recruited a few real craftsmen and wasted a lot of time on materials and tools. Fortunately, I made it."

"Who painted the picture above"

"it's me"

"Very good, ink painting, have you learned it?"

"Well, I learned it specially"

“Good painting”

"Thank you"

Du Shiyu walked down the steps holding an umbrella, and Zhu Yuting followed her in the rain. The umbrella was not big. Afraid of Du Shiyu's embarrassment, she put her backpack on her head and did not leave with the cheek.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"I think……"

"You...start your own business, right?"

"You... how do you know?"

Du Shiyu smiled very gently: "Otherwise, nine out of ten people who come to me are looking for the purchase channel. If you still help others, you naturally don't need to follow me."

"is it okay?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to customize some handicraft production tools, which are sharp, durable, and solid, and can be used by tourists... Only alchemists can do these."

"No problem, come see me again in two days."

"Great, thank you...don't worry about the money, I will get it all together."

Du Shiyu smiled, waved her hand, and merged into the flow of people under the rain.

Zhu Yuting stood there for a while, until she was completely out of sight, and then happily waved her fist.

Today, she mustered up her courage and did not expect it to go so smoothly. This is meeting a good person. Whether it is the owner of the player who hired her, or the alchemist player, they are all surprisingly easy to talk to.

With the production tools and materials available in the Alchemist Guild, you can start your own business plan.

It's been almost a month, and it's really not easy.

On the other side, Du Shiyu rushed back to the gang resident by teleportation. In the main hall, everyone was present. It was the first time to open a gang dungeon and brush the gang boss. Everyone was very excited. They were discussing in groups of three and five.

Speaking of the gang dungeon, it is one of the most important functions of the gang resident. The public server is provided by the system, and it adopts the mode of simulating monster siege.

Three levels of difficulty, Normal, Hard and Nightmare.

There is no need to think about nightmares, but you can challenge the difficulties.

"Xiao Yu, this way."

The best friends are the center there, and the surroundings are crowded with people. Almost all Gao Zhan in the gang are in her small circle, and no one else can get in.

Someone got up to give her a seat, Du Shiyu said thank you, and sat down quietly to listen to them.

"...Speaking of it, I have a share of the credit? Most of the monsters in the dungeon were caught by me and the pig in the city of Demon Realm. You have to keep your eyes open, there may be mounts and pet babies in it , don’t kill them all at once, haha.”

"Didn't you buy it from the devil player farmer?"

"I don't want to spend money on helping pigs, and most of them are caught."

"You really have time."

"No way, it's too stingy to help pigs"

"Look, Xiao Yu, I did it for you."

The buddy took out a horse card and gave it to Du Shiyu. Du Shiyu looked at the carved griffin pattern on it and asked, "Griffin? Where did you come from?"

"Do you remember the land reclamation book?"


"Cleared the level, I snatched this and gave it to you, and I will give you the recipe later"

"That's great, I'm worrying about my graduation project."

"Alchemist, humanoid money printing machine?"

"Are you kidding me? What else happened?"

"I'll talk about this later, spring water is here."

While speaking, a river of spring water walked into the main hall with great vigor.

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