The gang dungeon brushing gang boss is to include the two kilometers around the gang resident into the mission plot space, which costs a lot, so naturally it cannot be opened casually.

Gang members need to brush up the gang daily routine, gang activity, and gang contributions. These are the most basic. They also need to do special gang tasks, capture or purchase suitable monsters and put them into the egg space, and a huge amount of gang funds and points are needed... ...In a word, only gangs with real strength and spirit can start. Those who don't even have a gang resident, dare not even think about it.

Since the cost of opening is so high, the benefits are naturally very rich.

The first is experience.

Now the old players are generally stuck on the level 38 and 39. If you go forward, you will be 40, and the 4th level is beckoning. Who can bear it?
But now it costs millions of experience to level up, how much does it cost to kill a monster of the same level?Even if you explode your liver every day, brush your experience book until you die, or vomit blood, you will need tens of thousands of them.

Tens of thousands!

Canaan is not an offline game where you move the mouse and tap the keyboard.

The monsters in the gang dungeon are infinite refresh mode, the base experience is 200%, the more people in the team, there will be additional experience bonus, and it will not decay.

Some gangs have to wait until the last moment of the statute of limitations before clearing the level. Unlocking the next stage is to maximize the benefits.

Usually after a dungeon, one or two million experience is still guaranteed, and two or three million is also normal.

The second is equipment.

Experience and equipment are the main theme of the game, enduring for a long time, the gang copy is equivalent to the wasteland, this alone is enough to wipe out all the previous investment.

However, the drop rate has increased, but the quality of the drop is determined by the level of the monsters sent into the egg space. If the gang is lazy and throws all low-level monsters such as slimes, goblins, and skeleton soldiers, then don't worry. If you want the system to be taken advantage of, what you will drop will naturally be equipment of the corresponding level and quality.

The current gang members will be required to wear the [Gang Capture Rope] when they go out on missions, explorations, adventures, and spawning monsters. Non-high-level monsters are not required, and non-elite monsters are not accepted. The members’ contributions and points are calculated and real money is invested. Silver encourages players to take great risks and time to add bricks and tiles to the egg space.

The system is designed in this way, naturally to cultivate players' sense of participation in gang building. The effect is indeed remarkable. Those who quit the gang at every turn are rare. Instead, the binding force and authority of the gang members have greatly increased. The tacit understanding and cooperation between sex and members have also embarked on a virtuous circle track.

A thriving gang must be united, not to mention that there are no disputes, but they can all take a step back.

The third is various props, recipes, materials, etc.

The fourth is gang contribution, points, activity and system reputation.

Level 3 helped 6 to [-] people to make up [-] teams. Du Shiyu and his buddies were naturally helping Zhuyijiangchunshuiliu's team. The ripples that spread out from the main hall spread throughout the city, and were pulled into the mission space together with the surrounding area.

Several NPCs appeared out of nowhere in the hall, and faint commotion came from outside the city, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Shao Bing looked at the countdown on the head of each mission NPC, and hurriedly led several team leaders to go through the plot.

The plot is naturally about training and the great cause of the rebel army. After the end, the first wave of monsters has approached the city gate.

"...Go, warriors, prove your bravery with the blood of the enemy!"

The task of the monster siege stage is very simple, just defend the city. For this instance, the fortifications on the city wall have been upgraded. There is a team of NPC guards patrolling, and the warning whistle has been transmitted into the hall.

woo woo woo woo……

The main hall blew a loud bugle, and four or five hundred players excitedly poured into the functional area, separated outside the city lord's mansion, and went to the four city heads.

As the main force group, Shao Bing didn't go there with his people, and supported the other side when they were surprised, so they came to the gate of the main city.

The head of the 3rd regiment 'Northeast Caress 20' leads people to the top of the city, and the monsters are overwhelming, and the main force is around [-] trolls, ogres, ghouls, etc., mixed with demons The monsters captured on the battlefield include little devils.

In the hatching space, monsters can be 'upgraded', and if they are put in, the little devil will become a big devil, or even a mid-level devil.Putting the big demon in is now the middle demon, or even a high-level demon.

Of course, the appearance of a high-level demon is just luck. At this time, only the figure of the big demon can be seen outside the city, and neither the middle nor the high level can be found.

There are also black knights, death knights, giant tree guards, storm bears, demonized wild monitor lizards, etc., a hodgepodge.

The four- to five-meter-high monster waved its huge tentacles, hitting the protective barrier of the city wall like a battering hammer. Professionals use defensive crossbows, magic cannons, etc. to fight back.

The dark environment of the task space illuminated by the skill tracer of you coming and going, rumbling... The vibrations from the four city walls are like an earthquake, making people unsteady.

Finding the right time, Shao Bing asked the NPC to move the noose, opened a gap in the city gate, and led the highest fighting force in the gang to kill.

As soon as Du Shiyu came out of the city gate, she began to chant the most powerful area-of-effect spell of the third-level profession - [Lightning Forest]. One blue bar, one quarter of physical strength, requires extreme concentration, so you can't be distracted by the situation on the battlefield.

The mages are protected in the middle of the team. As the main output player, Xia Miaomiao has already used a set of combo skills. Energyized arrows are continuously fired from the trembling bowstring, and some arrows instantly appear at the monster's vital points Going up, piercing it, some arrows are divided into two, two into four, four into eight... forming a dense swarm of bees, flying to the highest point and falling from the sky, within the range of the arrow rain, there are continuous explosions. .

The thieves appeared among the bloody monsters, one by one, and they never missed. The paladins and barbarians have rushed into the area where the monsters are most concentrated. Break up and create opportunities for output.

Priests and bards are firefighters on the battlefield. Where there is a danger, their skills will fall there. When the situation is good, they will use their skills to assist output or add various negative states to monsters, dyeing them colorful .

The mages finally finished singing. Du Shiyu's "Lightning Forest" manifested seven or eight fist-sized electric balls in the area where the monsters were most densely populated. ,boom! , flooded like tangled electric snakes, and tons of damage cleared an area at once, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

On the battlefield, lightning, strong winds, hail, acid mist, sea of ​​fire, magma...experience values ​​​​swipe the screen, and you can't even see it. The experience bar at level 39 can squirm forward visible to the naked eye. The battlefield below the city.

So cool!

More than one person yelled on the gang channel. The last time it was so cool was in the Demon Battlefield, and it had been a long time since I experienced it.

However, the skills have to cool down, and the physical strength needs to be recovered. More monsters have already rushed forward. Shao Bing shouted in time: "Retreat...lead the team to retreat under the protection of the city wall."

In gang dungeons, the experience points are all shared, and there is only a difference in the final kill. The experience of grabbing the last blow will be more. Therefore, several thieves players have upgraded before withdrawing.

Many people are secretly envious, and then pay extra attention to grab the last blow, but the more they do this, the more unsatisfactory the effect is, and there are many dangers.

The monsters are infinitely refreshed, and the victory is won if you survive the time required by the mission. The defense facilities of the city wall are indeed solid, and the lost magic stone energy material system will not be compensated.

Shao Bing and others had no good way to manage them. They could only lead the regiment to appear there when there was a danger. Because it was a mobile operation, in terms of gaining experience points, it was not as good as a few regiments who had been guarding the city wall.

In a team, there will always be someone who pays more and gets less. They care too much about the gods and can't be absolutely fair. Fortunately, the people in the team have no complaints, and survived the first stage of the monster siege without any danger.

An hour or so later, as a 30-level stitcher elite fell down, the middle-level demons who were running around and committing crimes showed their prototypes. At this moment, the eyes of the players above and below the city wall were red, and the players on other city walls also gave up their posts. , all sent here.

The tracer of the skill hit the snake monster more than ten meters high like a meteor, and the ants-like players dodged and moved around. With a bang, the snake monster's trident fell from the sky and hit a huge hole in the ground, and a lot of white light brushed up.

The next moment, the trident returned to the Snake Demon's hand. He laughed strangely and moved upwards. With him as the center, more than a dozen whirlwinds swept out, sweeping the entire battlefield.

The field of vision was confused, a large number of mobs were summoned by him, and the casualties of the members increased greatly.

At this time, the hot-headed players thought of teaming up to cooperate, and their respective team leaders shouted hoarsely, and finally gathered their own troops.

There are six or seven regiments, generally less than half of the staff are reduced, and you come and go around the boss.

"I'm 40 Xiaoyu, haha... Oh, why did you die?"

"... When I was in chaos just now, I was defeated by the boss, the hatred is too high."

"How did they protect the C position, who was it just now..."

"Forget it, this experience is not bad, you fight first, leave me alone."

Du Shiyu sent a copy with a dozen or so unlucky guys, she didn't care, these people were all beating their chests, shouting and complaining on the gang channel, but no one paid any attention to them.

Du Shiyu estimated that it would not be over for a while, so he took out his alchemy handbook and began to review it.

Recently, whenever she has free time, regardless of online or offline, she will immerse herself in her own world like this. Her buddies have complained several times that other people are playing games, but she is being played by games. Does she really regard alchemy as knowledge?Made up, fake, made up, code written by programmers.

The best friend is like this, who can clearly distinguish between online and offline, no matter how many unknown mysteries shrouded in Canaan, never think too much, only believe what you see, hear and experience now, if One day Shihammer, Canaan is not just a game, but a real world, and she will probably just say "Oh, what should I do?"

Perhaps it was because of this that she was able to devote herself to staying in the first echelon.

Du Shiyu can't do it anymore, she prefers to 'think wildly', and through learning alchemy, she already vaguely has the answer to this mystery in her heart.

Alchemy cannot be a code formula written by programmers, nor can it be fabricated and imagined out of thin air by planning. It is too rigorous, just like mathematics.

When I first came into contact with it, I only felt it was mysterious. When I really started to understand it, I realized how systematic and rigorous it is. An important feature of science is that it can be realized repeatedly. The same is true for alchemy, but it has the ability to make beginners confused of randomness.

A thousand people learn alchemy, the same alchemy steps and materials, the results may be very different. In this regard, a thousand people have a thousand perceptions and experiences. It is difficult to define who is right and who is wrong.

Therefore, the experience of the predecessors can only be used as a reference. Alchemists must have their own set of things. Does it sound very rigorous, but why is it said to be a very rigorous subject, just like mathematics?
It is because most beginners and people with little knowledge do not consider the individual as an important constant and variable.

Human beings and alchemy are two important weights on the balance, different people, the things obtained in the process of alchemy are naturally different.

Just as there are no two identical leaves in the world, the human factor is crucial.

No one told her this truth, she figured it out slowly, people who don't know may think that the professors of the association have reservations, but Du Shiyu knows that only what she comprehends is her own, alchemy, oh, it should be mysticism I pay great attention to the factor of being a "human being". Sometimes, nothing changes, but a small change in the factor of being a "human being" can cause a series of chain reactions.

Alchemy begins with 'refining people', that is, to cultivate and analyze oneself.

And this self is not the physical self, which has no meaning, but the thinking self, the spiritual self, and the soul self.

Just ask, will such a discipline be a pile of codes?Was it imagined by a certain planner?
Scientists are the group of people who have the clearest understanding of the world. Similarly, alchemists are also the people who have the most detailed understanding and observations of Canaan. It is precisely because of this that Du Shiyu has lost interest in the progress of mainstream games, because she has passed The bustling phenomenon sees the inner essence.

She would never tell her best friend about these things, even if she told her, it would be meaningless, not only would it not be able to help her, but it would affect her in a bad way.

Everyone in the world is drunk and I am sober alone. This taste and self-awareness of being "sober alone" made her gradually quiet, steady, lonely and... wise.

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