Chapter 45

"I've upgraded, Xiaoyu, I've finally upgraded!"

There was still one hour left before the end of the closed beta test. It was time for Zhang Miao and his big cousin to play the game, and they were already offline. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao finally reached the full level before closing the server.

Xia Miaomiao happily hugged Du Shiyu and jumped up and down, so excited that she carried herself away.

"Quick, quick, go back and log off, be careful of data loss."

"Ah, there are 2 minutes left."

The two rushed to the camp in a hurry. Halfway through, they saw that most of the players had already gone offline. A few scattered players were still gnashing their teeth and making the most of the last time to spawn monsters. The camp was empty, and the NPCs were off duty. After clicking the drill, he let out a long sigh of relief and laughed.

Logging off with peace of mind, and waking up on the bed in the rental house, Du Shiyu first checked the time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

She yawned and went to wash up. When she passed by Xia Miaomiao's room, she knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.


Du Shiyu mumbled and went to the bathroom, washed it briefly, went back to the room, fell on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

After sleeping until dark, I guess the game has been shut down, so I turned on the computer and looked at the official website.

Sure enough, the announcement of the end of the first test has been sent out, and the pre-sale page of the helmet also shows [the qualification draw for the second test...].

It has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't care much about it. She glanced at the forum, and it was all nervous, wishing, and putting candles... The title of the most popular post was horrifying:

[Shocked, there was a new account login on the last day, shady trading? 】

Du Shiyu curled her lips, touched Kong's suffocated stomach, and got up to order a takeaway.

"Miao Miao, do you want to eat dinner?"

"I want to eat barbecue!"

"Grilling you a ghost, how expensive!"

"You've earned so much money, and you're still so stingy...and beer, keep it cold."

"I can't eat you to death!"

After ordering takeaway, there are still a lot of news waiting to be verified in WeChat. When I click on it, most of them are solicited by certain game companies and game studios.

"Xiao Yu, come here quickly."


"come over!"

The best friend's room was in a mess, smelly socks, dirty clothes, and even underwear were thrown away casually. Du Shiyu slapped her nose in disgust and walked to Xia Miaomiao's computer.

"Look, the forum has exploded!"

"Ah, what's going on?"

"Someone posted a picture talking about shady transactions, and a new account is logged in today."


The forum was indeed crashed, and it was full of garbled codes after refreshing it, and it was finally normal after refreshing it again, but it was stuck to death, and I clicked into one with difficulty. It turned out that an angry cloud player was "greeting" the game's official parents and relatives...

"Wow, it's on the trending search."

Xia Miaomiao didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so she quickly opened a webpage.

"Look, even other game forums have fallen."

"...As for?"

Du Shiyu couldn't understand.

"Think about it, what would happen if you paid the money and thought about it day and night hoping that you would win the lottery, and suddenly broke out to operate in the dark?"

Du Shiyu thought about it seriously, "But I have a helmet."

The buddy rolled his eyes, it was really difficult to talk to such a person with low EQ.

Du Shiyu lost interest after watching it for a while, "I'm going to boil water for a bath, how about you?"

"I'll wash after you wash."

Du Shiyu was about to leave when she remembered someone in the game, pushed her best friend and said, "That big cousin is interested in you, what do you think?"

"What do you think? It's just a game."

"Really?" Du Shiyu didn't believe it, and she talked like a buddy in the game, holding her voice, "Oh, it's so disgusting, so scary... Why don't you not be afraid if he's offline, green tea!"

"What's wrong with green tea, I like green tea", the best friend is not ashamed but proud, and proudly puffed up his chest: "This girl is born beautiful, he has eyes for me..."

Du Shiyu looked at the kennel-like room and retreated.

At the same time, Zhang Miao and his eldest cousin also met.

The two have known each other for a long time and have played several games together, but this is the first time they have met offline.

Zhang Miao knew that the other party was fat, but she didn't expect him to be so tall and fat.

"Little Second?"


"Haha...why are you so skinny like a monkey?"

"To each other, to each other, I thought there was a wall in front of me, and I was thinking of a detour. Who knew it was you."

"Ha ha……"

The two of you slap me, and I punch you. When you first meet, it seems like you have known each other for a long time.

The eldest cousin is [-] meters tall. He is fat but very strong. Walking with him, Zhang Miao looks like a little peas.

The two entered the restaurant, sat down in the corner, ordered a table of dishes, and chatted.

After talking about the game for a long time, the eldest cousin smiled and said, "Do you know what happened to Mr. Wang?"

"What's wrong, I almost forgot about this person."

"This guy is unlucky. Every time he enters the game, he will die. All kinds of accidents, accidents, haha... The boss who invested in him withdrew his capital, and the few who hang out with him avoid it. It's a good studio. , it turned yellow before it even opened, do you think it’s funny?”


"Falling to death, being beaten to death by monsters, being struck to death by lightning... all kinds of ways to die, I guess his lucky value is a negative number, haha... called me yesterday, drunk, and yelled at the game official..."

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

"I didn't do anything, you know how to operate normally."

"Then the game official is too stingy, right?"

"So, our game ID is a hidden danger... Well, it's also worrying to say it."

"I heard that the second test can be renamed, and you can pinch your face?"

"The official website didn't say anything, it's all guesswork."


The two drank a glass of wine and ate a few mouthfuls of food before talking about business.

"How about it, have you considered it?"


"Quasi first-tier cities, big companies, high-end apartments, Ruoran and Xiaosha will also go, and Erniu, thank them, I heard that more than [-] players are staying, think about how exciting it is?"

Zhang Miao was also moved by reason. Since she agreed to join the job, it seemed that it was not good to procrastinate, so she nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, the brothers are all gathered together, let's have a big fight together!"

Zhang Miao grinned and clinked a glass with him.

"This day is like a dream..."

The big cousin killed it in one gulp and let out a long sigh.

"Yes, to tell you the truth, I haven't paid my rent for next month."

"Me too. I came from the countryside. My family is poor and I can eat. I moved bricks on the construction site after graduating from high school. You are okay, at least you are a college student."

"College students are farts, 985 is about the same. People from second-rate universities like me are not as popular as you."

"You said, what would we do in the future without this game?"

"What should I do!?" Zhang Miao got drunk and thought about it seriously, "Probably... just lie down, I am not capable, and I can't endure hardships. I may be in my 30s. I just listen to my parents' arrangement and find a random person. I don’t know how many times a woman gets married and lives like this for the rest of her life.”

"It's different now, brother, work hard!", the big cousin slapped Zhang Miao almost to the ground.

Zhang Miao smirked, "Well, do it well."

"Smoke up, looking north on the river...", the eldest cousin was drunk, and sang like a ghost.

"The dragon flag rolls up, the horse neighs, the sword energy is like frost..." Zhang Miao did the same, slapping the table and yelling.

(End of this chapter)

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