This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 46 Deep Blue Game Studio

Chapter 46 Deep Blue Game Studio

Before the hospital bed, Tie Jun handed a USB flash drive to Li Xu's wife and said, "He asked me to tell you that he never gave up... Also, he loves you very much."

Li Xu's wife took the USB flash drive and broke down in tears. She choked up and said thank you, thank you.

Tie Jun said a few words of comfort, looking at the man lying on the hospital bed, he felt it was difficult to connect him with the characters in the game.

"Uncle, have you seen my father?"

Li Xu's daughter is a seven or eight-year-old girl who has just entered the first grade. She raised her head and asked innocently.

Tie Jun touched her cheek and said with a smile, "Yes, your father misses you very much."

"He went to another world?" The little girl lowered her head gloomily, "I heard from my classmates that the other world is death."

"Your father is still alive, and the other world is not a paradise, but...", he felt uncomfortable explaining to the little girl, "Lan Lan, don't make trouble." Fortunately, Li Xu's wife helped him out.

When leaving, the little girl chased him out while no one was paying attention, "Uncle, I know it's Canaan, right? It's a very powerful game... I want to go too, can you help me?"


Even elementary school students know it?
"Gaming helmet, can I use Dad's?"

"It doesn't seem to work..."

"Lan Lan!" Li Xu's wife chased her out.

"This is the background data obtained from Ari. This is the bank account information of that person."

In an office, a "special task force" with a high level of confidentiality is circulating several documents.

Wu Guodong, who was sitting at the chair of the conference table, carefully read the document, took off his reading glasses, and said, "Tell me, what do you think?"

"Should we take some measures to exclude some of the people on this list?" A man with a military temperament suggested, "Many people have questionable identities. If they are selected by them, will the equipment be allowed to flow abroad?"

"This cannot be kept secret." Another young man in a suit said immediately, "It is impossible to control it, and there is no need to control it. If there are three tests, four tests, or even public tests in the future."

"At least for now it's possible."

"This superior has already made a conclusion, so stop arguing." Wu Guodong stopped the two and looked at the others.

"This is a good thing!" A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic flicked the information in his hand, "It shows that he needs funds and what to do with the funds. I think we can start from this aspect."

"Assuming, just assuming, if he is... a guest from afar, he needs funds to show that they have a need for us, and if there is a need, there is a basis for cooperation!"

"Not bad!"

"That's the truth."

"Also, the list is being drawn, how to draw it, and what happens after it is drawn?"

"After drawing, it will be announced naturally, and then... mailed? Like the first time?"

"It's very likely...that is to say, he will show up soon."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

"The only thing to worry about is his special ability."

"Some kind of super power that can influence or even control people's mind?"


"I'm afraid it's more than that. We know too little about him to assume that he can only 'influence people's minds'. This is wishful thinking."

"Is he alone, or a group of people?"

"How did he appear...or, how did he come back?"

"A spaceship?"

"Or, his spaceship is on Earth, or even within our borders?"

There were more and more questions, and the two confidential secretaries recorded them.

"I think it's still like this. First, focus on monitoring in Fuyuan City where he first appeared. Once he is found, anyone who knows his identity and inside information should not contact him. You can contact him through electronic devices and the Internet. How about expressing our goodwill and then deciding what to do next based on the situation?"

"Well, that's the only way."

"I hope we can find him in time."

"Then... what about the family he once knew as relatives?"

"I suggest not to act rashly, it may irritate him."

"OK then!"

The meeting was dissolved, and the participants from various departments left one after another. Wu Guodong took the minutes of the meeting, read them carefully, and signed them for filing.

The [-]-year-old man lit a cigarette, thinking of his grandson who skipped school in Shanghai a few days ago.

This brat begged himself to get him a set of game equipment. He really was not doing his job properly, and he was just playing with things.

From this point, we can also see the influence of this game. Although the popularity has receded, it is artificial. If we continue to test like this in the future... then no one can say.

"Is this where we're going to live?"

After getting out of the car, Zhang Miao looked at a beautiful villa under the shade of a tree, and asked the beautiful secretary beside her in disbelief.

The beautiful secretary said with a smile, "It's all here."

There is not just one villa, but dozens of villas lined up by the sparkling lake. A straight asphalt road leads directly to the highway just off. The villa area also has swimming pools, tennis courts, ferries, fishing and other venues. And the facilities, apart from them, are as quiet as a paradise.

"plz follow me."

The beautiful secretary led the way, and Zhang Miao and her eldest cousin dragged each other to salute, and walked towards a small and elegant office building like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

There is a lawn in front of the office building, and there is a stone tablet erected. The large characters in the artistic style are flying and phoenixes are written: Deep Blue Game.

"Canaan-related projects are not easy to approve, Mr. Wang asked me to tell you, first use the name of the studio..."

Zhang Miao walked into the office building in a daze, and saw company employees, white-collar workers, cleaners, security guards, and even chefs...all saying hello to the two of them, greeting them with smiles, as if welcoming some important person.

"As for, as for?"

Zhang Miao asked her eldest cousin in a low voice.

A calm and calm elder cousin was also shocked. This kind of situation made him very uncomfortable. The [-]-meter-old man didn't know how to move his hands and feet.

Seeing that he was not as good as herself, Zhang Miao curled her lips.

The next step was the entry procedures. After the completion, she was led by the beautiful secretary, got on a tram, and headed for a villa.

"A newcomer is here, a newcomer is here!"

"Damn it, it's the big cousin!"

"This grandson is so tall and strong!?"

"Who is that next to you!?"

"Xiaoer, the first potion master."

"It turned out to be that lucky guy!"

As soon as I approached, I heard ghosts screaming inside. Several big men were lying on the guardrail of the second floor, some were carrying wine bottles, some were holding game consoles, some were shirtless, and some were whistling at the beautiful secretary...

Zhang Miao and the big cousin felt relieved all of a sudden.

Wang Chaoyang also came out from the first floor, with a slovenly look like a college student, he opened his arms from afar, laughed and said, "Welcome, welcome to the team, Xiao Er and Big Cousin!"

Such a boss...

Zhang Miao felt good in her heart, she just felt warm.

Damn it, he deserves to be a capitalist and we are part-time workers, the difference is not even a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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